Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Focus on form in a Thai university English course
    Muangkaew, Chanida ( 2006)
    This thesis reports on an investigation about the application of new pedagogy to the teaching of English grammar to the first year English major students in a Rajabhat University in Bangkok, Thailand. This study sought to explore the effectiveness of an indirect explicit instruction approach on improving students' motivation and attitudes towards learning English grammar. This study was conducted in a normal grammar classroom of thirty three students for sixteen two-hour weekly sessions. Kemmis and McTaggart's (1988) action research cycle method was adopted, involving two cycles of teaching-learning activity. Each cycle was regulated into steps of developing a unit of work, implementing an instruction for six weekly two-hour sessions, observing and reflecting. The data obtained consisted of teacher/researcher's journal, students diaries and interviews and students' self-assessment questionnaires. The teacher's journal provided information about how students were responsive to the new teaching approach whereas students reflected on their new learning experiences in their diaries. Moreover, self-assessment questionnaires using a 5-point Likert scale were employed to obtain a clearer picture on students' attitudes, activities provided and their perceived improvement in learning English grammar. The results of this study reveal that indirect explicit grammar instruction had a great impact on students' motivation and attitudes. Effective learning atmosphere and cooperative learning led to significant changes of students' learning behaviours. Students showed their eagerness to participate in the learning process. They became more self-confident and expressed their willingness to take risks in learning in the language classroom. It could be argued that students' attitudes had improved and they, therefore, were motivated to learn English grammar. However, the students' grammatical knowledge had not significantly developed since the study was undertaken over a short period of time. The study proposes some factors that the teachers should carefully take into consideration in adapting indirect explicit approach to their teaching. Of greater significance were contributions made by the study regarding the advantages of developing own instructional materials that respond to the learners' needs over commercial materials and the value of employing action research to investigate problems arising from teaching practice. Finally, it is suggested that a longitudinal study is worth trying in order to establish the applicability of the indirect explicit approach in teaching English grammar in EFL contexts.
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    An evaluation of quality assurance implementation at a higher education institution in Bangkok
    Yoosub, Bubpha ( 2005)
    This study aimed to investigate the implementation of Quality Assurance (OA) regarding two compulsory English courses in a Rajabhat University in Bangkok. Quality of these courses is considered to be crucial because they are required for the completion of all undergraduate degrees in every program of study in the Rajabhat. The study intended particularly, to examine the level of success of QA implementation in order to recommend improvements to the implementation process. The study employed a qualitative case study of the institution to reveal factors affecting QA implementation and to construct an improved QA management model for such courses. Document analysis and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The participants of the research were purposively selected according to their levels of participation in the QA program, namely, policy makers, transmitters of the policy and implementers. Miles & Huberman-style grids were employed to facilitate data analysis and then Fullan's theory of change was used as a framework for discussion of the findings. Analysis revealed that QA was thought to be needed but the level of success of the QA implementation was rather low at the course level due to a lack of efficient communication between the systems level and implementers on the ground. Consequently, teaching staff's knowledge and understanding of the QA operation was inadequate. However, strengths of the program included availability of financial and physical supports, i.e. multi-media teaching materials, IT infrastructure and provision of professional development. Perhaps the most important strength was the awareness and willingness of lecturers to implement QA during routine teaching. Nevertheless, IT literacy, teamwork skills and explicit systematic QA implementation documents were inadequate. Overall, this study has demonstrated a limited level of success regarding QA implementation in this Thai context due to various factors. Therefore, recommendations for improvement are presented and a QA model for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) is proposed.
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    Implementation of recommended language teaching methods in Rajabhat primary schools : Thai teachers' perceptions of the new basic curriculum
    Thitivesa, Duangkamol ( 2008)
    This study is concerned with primary education reform at schools attached to Rajabhat Universities. A set of twelve language teaching approaches (methods) is suggested in the Thai Teacher Handbook for Foreign Language Teachers, as part of the reform in language teaching and learning at primary level. The approaches aim to develop the ability of language use for communication. Rajabhat schools are in the ideal position for the change implementation, due to schools' location on university campuses and administrative structures under the universities. The aim of the study was to probe the teachers' understanding and practice of the new approaches. Two research questions guided the study: 1 To what degree the teachers comprehend the suggested language teaching methods? 2 What are the teachers' perceptions of how they implement the suggested language teaching methods in classrooms? A mixed research method was employed to answer these questions. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The two data sets are brought together by comparing and contrasting the findings, providing triangulation to enrich result interpretation. Data analysis reveals that the teachers have incorporated the suggested language teaching approaches and methods into classroom activities. They are willing to learn how the suggested approaches could be transformed into activities. However, activities students engaged in appeared to emphasize coverage of linguistic elements of target language and analysis of grammatical relationships of the elements. The emphasis on linguistics, rather than development of the ability to relate language form for functional use, derives from unclear understanding of the proposed approaches. Study findings provide evidence that knowledge and skill development for the usage of the methodological concepts of the suggested approaches could lead to the sustained change in language teaching and learning.
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    Communicative activities for developing English speaking proficiency in Thailand
    Klankrit, Prayong ( 2005)
    This study investigated the effectiveness of the two communicative activities, Information-gap and Role-play, in developing students' speaking proficiency in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. It also provides an understanding of the dynamics of the learning process in the language classroom which resulted in students' progress in speaking. The study comprises a piece of reflective practice in the teacher-researcher's own practice, drawing on an integrated set of qualitative methods to gather data from all involved. This study was conducted in a normal language classroom of thirty-eight students in Thailand, and nine participants were targetted: 3 High, 3 Medium and 3 Low, based on language proficiency levels. Three research questions guided the study: (1) Can Thai students be assisted to use communicative activities, Information-gap and Role-play so as to overcome their weaknesses in speaking English?, (2) What most assists in the creation of meaningful situations?, and (3) What assists with the breaking down of affective barriers to participating in the two communicative activities? Data were gathered from four sources: Speaking Tests as Pretest and. Posttest, student diaries, teacher's journal and ethnographic interviews. The Speaking Test . used as both Pretest and Posttest was analysed by using mean, standard deviation and t-test Dependent measures to test the difference in students' English speaking proficiency between before and after the two communicative activities program. Results of this study reveal that using the two communicative activities, as an: innovative program had a significant impact on improving EFL students' speaking proficiency. Meaningful situations were established using pairwork and group work, both important features of Communicative Language Teaching in the language classroom. This novel classroom organisation created a positive atmosphere,. reducing affective barriers to language learning. Moreover, the dynamic classroom initiated a cycle of student progress in the language learning process which formed the basis of their progress in speaking English competently. Quantitative and qualitative data mutually supported the positive conclusions of the study. Based on the findings, recommendations have been provided for teachers in arranging the EFL speaking classroom. The Information-gap and the Role-play, are highly recommended as effective methods in the improvement of students' speaking proficiency. Additionally, this study attempts to conceptually establish a hierarchy in the relationship of these two activities that will be the most effective for assisting EFL learners in Thailand, at least, to achieve proficiency in spoken English. This study also proposes key factors that teachers must take into account in their attempt to achieve the goal of successfully teaching speaking skills in large EFL classrooms. In particular, it suggests - that when teaching materials designed for the two named activities are introduced to EFL teachers at all levels of education in Thailand, they may achieve success. There is a great deal the teacher must and can do to bring about success in this field. These include designing the materials carefully and arranging the classroom in new and challenging ways, ways which are, nonetheless, compatible with the realities of modern Thailand. Most particularly the teacher must be able to support the learners in their initial endeavours, as they begin to work in very different ways to those they have been used to, within themselves about their own spoken English; in how they work with their friends and classmates; and, especially, in how they relate and work with their teacher. Encouraging them to get through the challenges this offers by taking the time to consciously reflect on what is going on, was shown to be one way this could be done successfully.
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    Creating useful knowledge: a case study of policy development in e-learning at Chulalongkorn University Language Institute
    Kajornboon, Annabel Bhamani ( 2004)
    This study develops and analyses a process related to online policy development in E-learning at Chulalongkorn University Language Institute. The study involved three identifiable phases. Firstly, phase one involved the preparation of a synthesis paper. It was designed to develop an evidence-based policy. This paper was developed from interviews of online experts as well as from a synthesis of related literature. In addition, change strategies and English language teaching approaches were explored. From the aforementioned, a list of benchmarks of best practice was compiled. Phase two involved the development of a policy. paper. It was designed to tailor a policy to meet the needs of Chulalongkorn University Language Institute, the organization and the staff that were responsible for implementing it. The benchmark findings from phase one were used as the basis for developing guidelines for the policy paper. The policy paper was also. designed to assist in gaining the commitment of administrators towards implementing the policy. In order to gain this commitment, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute , administrators were interviewed to find how they would implement the phase one benchmarks. Phase three involved the linkage of policy and implementation. It addressed the implementation of the policy in the teaching and learning managed by Chulalongkorn University Language Institute teaching staff. Chulalongkorn University Language Institute ajarns who had been involved in developing online courses were interviewed. One experienced ajarn was selected for an in-depth interview to probe the extent to which the benchmarks had been applied in existing Chulalongkorn University Language Institute online courses. The thesis describes and analyses an-innovatory process, a way to initiate and implement � policy in an organization. This,innovatory process provides a `rational' way of initiating policy in an organization. As a means of providing advice to those interested in effective policy development, the thesis provides a critical reflection on the process.
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    An investigation of language learning strategies in a Thai learning and teaching context
    Kaewkong, Pittayatorn ( 2004)
    This study investigates the language learning strategy (LLS) use of 118 Thai student teachers as well as that of 10 teacher educators and explores the influence of various factors on the student teachers' strategy use. The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) developed by Oxford (1990), was used to identify patterns of strategy use of student teachers and teacher educators. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted aiming at bringing out an in-depth explanation of student teachers' strategy use, and most importantly some information on their perceptions of the impact of various factors on their strategy choices. The major findings were that the reported frequency of strategy use by student teachers was moderate overall, while their teacher educators reported using strategies at a high level. However, student teachers and their teacher educators shared similar patterns in strategy use, whereby meta-cognitive, social and compensation categories appeared to be popular among both groups. It was also found that apart from English proficiency, the use of LLSs was also related closely to the learner's beliefs and motivation and a variety of important variables, such as teaching methods,. assessment systems, and curriculum materials. These findings provide evidence that Thai student teachers need to further develop language learning strategies, especially cognitive and memory strategies, to facilitate their learning. There is an urgent need for strategy training in Thai teacher education in order to encourage Thai student teachers to develop necessary learning strategies or learning tools, which are highly significant in successful language learning in this fast changing world. These student teachers are agents of change in schools. With a better knowledge of language learning strategies, these young teachers are in a position to bring about a change in English education in Thailand, and thus help the Thai government to implement its education policies more successfully.
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    The impact of content-based instruction on the teaching of English to first-year students of a provincial secondary school in Thailand
    Areesamarn, Yamela ( 2008)
    English as an international language has been recognized as important to Thailand's economic development. Because of the persistent problems in English education in Thai school, particularly students' inadequate use of English to communicate orally and the need for a capacity to use English professionally and for higher education, significant reform of the learning/teaching process in schools is needed. Because of the gap between the theoretical teaching pedagogy and its applicability in real school contexts, many Thai teachers of English find it hard to adopt the CLT approach promoted. by the Ministry of Education. In addition, as the register of English taught in school is typically an everyday one, college students find it hard to de�l with their specialized academic English. It seems necessary that academic English be promoted at lower educational levels. Content-based instruction (CBI) is proposed as a form of teaching English communicatively and an opportunity for young Thai students to access to academic English. A science-based CBI course implemented for a group of highly motivated M l students at a provincial secondary school in Thailand enabled. the action researcher team to gain an understanding of CBI and its applicability in the research context. The course syllabus emphasized the use of the students' background knowledge in both science and English, and the science content helped the students to interact meaningfully. Consequently, the students' academic English oral skills improved as the analysis of the data gained from the research participants' reflections and the classroom discourse revealed, and as measured by the attitudinal questionnaire and the interview test. It is recommended that an action research process be initiated to help Thai teachers overcome the challenges of implementing a science-based CBI course, and that a science-based CBI course be distinctively recognized and promoted by the Ministry of Education as a means to advance learning/teaching English communicatively and therefore to boost its education reform policy.
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    The effectiveness of Web-based language learning: a case study of web-based instruction for a foundation English course at one Rajabhat Institute in Thailand
    Anchaleewittayakul, Wanida ( 2005)
    This study investigates the impact of one instance of Web-based instruction on students' reading skills and their motivation for self-regulated learning. Due to the problem of mass teaching in the Foundation English subject, one Rajabhat Institute in Thailand was selected as the context of the study. Four Web-based lessons for this subject were developed based on a theory of L2 reading and Web-based instruction. Ten students were purposefully selected based on the information provided on a background questionnaire. Their learning behaviours while participating in the Web-based lessons were video recorded. Stimulated-recall interviews were employed in order to ask students to clarify their salient behaviours. A second questionnaire was used after students had finished studying in order to obtain information about their perceptions of the Web-based lessons. Grabe's (1991) notion of five component skills and knowledge areas in reading was used to analyse students' reading processes. The major findings of this study are that students' linguistic competence and background knowledge appear to play a significant role in L2 reading comprehension. However, in the context of Web-based reading, students' attention to studying within the learning supporting aspects of instructional design also has an impact on their understanding. In the observed process of self-study with Web-based instruction, students used metacognitive knowledge to monitor their comprehension and non-comprehension. This included awareness of using strategies to make sense of what they learned and deal with any problems of comprehension failure. These findings provide evidence that instructional design is the most important aspect in developing Web-based instruction. This study shows that a well-organised design with the features that support students' understanding and content that is relevant to their particular fields enhances both comprehension and motivation to learn. For students with a teacher-directed background, providing a similar kind of instructional support increases their confidence to be self-regulated learners. The significance of these findings in relation to the solution of the problem of mass teaching at the Rajabhat Institute in this study, is that Web-based instruction should be integrated with videoconference teaching. This integration not only facilitates students' understanding of the lesson content but also familiarises them with the on-line learning environment. Preparing students to be e-learners is one of the promising ways to promote lifelong learning, the main aim of educational reform in Thailand.