Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Early childhood teachers beliefs and knowledge on preschool retention
    Betschart, Petra ( 2019)
    This study examined early childhood teachers’ beliefs and knowledge on children’s school readiness and preschool retention. The study collected questionnaires and interview data from early childhood teachers in mainstream, Montessori and Steiner preschool programmes on children’s school readiness and preschool retention, in an attempt to understand current retention beliefs, knowledge and practices of particular educational philosophies. Results indicate that teachers regardless of their educational philosophy believe that preschool retention is appropriate for children considered socially and emotionally immature. Beliefs were based on teaching experiences rather than research results. This study has important implications for teacher education and policy makers in addressing the discrepancy between teachers’ beliefs and practice, and current research on the effectiveness of retention.
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    Problematising the present: the historical contribution of consultancy to early childhood education in Australia: 1960-1985
    BROWNE, KIM ( 2017)
    Consultative approaches in Victorian state funded kindergartens operate presently as the Preschool Field Officer (PSFO) program. Described as a service delivery model (DET, 2015a), the PSFO program is designed to ‘ensure that early childhood teachers and educators continually improve their capacity to provide young children who have additional needs with the experiences and opportunities that promote their learning and development, and enable then to participate meaningfully in the program’ (DET, 2015a, p. 8). Contemporary documents detailing the PSFO program have been recently revised within the context of shifts and reforms to early childhood education in Australia. The provision of early childhood education has arguably changed since the Council of Australian Governments (COAG, 2009) endorsed ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia’ (EYLF), the first national framework in Australia. Providing guidance to all practitioners working in early childhood education, including PSFOs, principles, practices and outcomes are framed within a model of collaboration with children, families and educators. Significantly, the EYLF advocates for practitioners to view children as competent learners (DEEWR, 2009). Currently, Victorian early childhood programs operate under both the national EYLF and the Victorian Early Years Learning Development Framework (VEYLDF), the Victorian State Government document introduced in 2009. This document guides early childhood professionals to work with children from birth to eight years through a focus on outcomes, practice principles and transitions. Positioned within these curriculum documents, early childhood educators’ practices thread between early years’ programs and also the school-based Victorian Curriculum and transition to school frameworks. Underpinned by Foucault's genealogical approach (1977) and ethnography, this study critically examines written and visual documents, by examining and rendering visible complex processes and discursive shifts from the 1960 – 1985 timeframe. Texts selected for examination included contemporary and past Victorian State Government documents and visual images authorised by the National Union of Australian University Students (Roper, 1971). By interpreting the complex processes and changes over this timeframe, an opportunity presents to understand by attempting to make meaning of what might be now known about contemporary consultative services operating in Victorian kindergartens. The findings in this study indicate that in contemporary times discourses of governmentality dominate consultative practices, compelling PSFOs to enact ‘techniques and procedures for directing human behaviour’ (Foucault, 1997, p. 81), in a myriad of complex and contradictory manners. Juxtaposed with practices in the past, I argue that (inter)relating multiple discourses have historically dominated early childhood education. Discourses include: health with supervision, additional needs education with developmentalism, and community organisations with welfare and arguably remain deeply embedded in contemporary consultative practices, forming part of current governing agendas. What may be missing is that children and families are often swept up in the governmentality of consultancy, both historically and currently. Under the guise of collaborative partnerships and capacity building, where children and families are viewed as capable and listened to, it may be argued that consultative practices appear inclusive of the voice of children and families. However, while it appears that this is a shift away from a deficit-based approach, it emerged through the analysis of the data that a lack of transparency and authenticity pervades in these relations. In contemporary times the PSFO program as a consultative body, has come to be an authoritative entity in preschools. Revealing discourses is one means to problematise what may be (un)known about claims which prevail as truth and the authority accorded to circulating privileged agendas and productive moments, but also points to times which are rendered silent. Examining power-knowledge relations producing dominant discourses can rupture certain truth claims and open possibilities to reconstruct new ways to conceive consultative practices in kindergartens and also for a reconceptualisation of ‘understanding of how to do things differently’ (Ailwood, 2004, p. 30).
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    The Transition Learning and Development Statement: multiple readings and kaleidoscopic possibilities
    Lam, Claudine Jane ( 2014)
    In Australia in 2009, the early childhood profession witnessed the debut of “Belonging, being and becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia” (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, (DEEWR), 2009). For early childhood educators in Victoria, this was followed by the concurrent introduction of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, (DEECD), 2009a) and the Transition Learning and Development Statement (TLDS). The introduction of the TLDS was informed by international literature that recognises the significance of transition for children, families and educators (Dockett & Perry, 1999; Early, Pianta & Cox, 1999; Margetts, 2002; Dunlop & Fabian, 2007 & Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY), 2013). This signalled a renewed emphasis on transition within a Victorian context. The purpose of this research was to explore how the TLDS has been used to fulfil the intended dual purpose of making transition to primary school smoother for children and creating a shared professional language and relationship between early childhood and primary school educators. Accordingly, this thesis draws on in-depth interviews with early childhood and primary school educators to explore how they understand and engage with the TLDS. The subsequent data analysis revealed that early childhood and primary school educators operated within shared dominant discourses and that this promoted the building of mutual professional relationships. Post-structural understandings of knowledge, truth and power were drawn on to elucidate this data in two ways. Firstly, through the positioning of the TLDS as a mechanism of power, the dominant discourses of children, families and educators that circulate throughout the TLDS were investigated. Secondly, the privileging of the TLDS as the single, mandated transition practice within the state of Victoria, Australia was also interrogated. Lastly, Foucauldian concepts were drawn upon to illuminate that power is ever shifting and can elicit multiple readings and a kaleidoscope of possibilities for how transition to school can be understood and enacted.
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    Creating a giant cubbyhouse of learning: the evolution of a school building with innovative learning spaces for young children
    Anderson, Kim Marie ( 2003)
    The purpose of this thesis is to tell the story of the creation of an Early Learning Centre and Preparatory School for Wesley College, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. This thesis examines the key elements that led to the evolution of an educational brief of immense creativity in school building design. This particular school building has become a benchmark learning environment for the Early Years of Schooling in Australia. The story began with an idea in 1985, and ends when the school was officially opened by the Victorian Governor, Hon. Richard E. McGarvie A.C., on the 24th March 1996. Wesley College Preparatory School (Prahran Campus) is a model of what is possible when educators and architects make decisions collaboratively, using sound educational theory and ideas from educators after prolonged engagement in observing children learn and play.
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    Primary school practices in relation to children's transition to school
    THOMASSON, HELEN ( 2010)
    The importance of comprehensive transition programs is increasingly being recognised. This exploratory study was designed to identify the transition practices and needs of primary schools across Victoria in metropolitan and non-metropolitan locations; and from government and non-government educational sectors. Staff from 155 schools completed a questionnaire involving multiple choice and open-ended response formats. Schools reported providing a wide range and number of activities to support children and their families during the transition to school. Variation across geographical locations and educational sectors were found, with some activities being more likely to be provided depending on whether schools: were located in a metropolitan or non-metropolitan area; or, belonged to the government or non-government educational sector. Of concern, were findings highlighting the relatively few numbers of schools specifically catering for children and families from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds (for example, single parent, low socio-economic status, immigrant and, families with language backgrounds other than English) or, engaging in transition activities with child care centres. The need for schools to consider the needs of these groups of children and families is recommended. Teachers raised a number of concerns in relation to the transition to school and provided suggestions for improving the transition to school experience for children and their families. For example, specific ideas included: joint administrative responsibility for schools and prior to school settings; greater resources and release time for transition activities; more formalised and uniform information sharing processes/protocols, including the development of an assessment tool to capture relevant information on children’s prior learning and development; aligning curricula; developing clusters/networks; providing joint professional development/training; and, parenting support. Further research to investigate the types and use of transition activities employed by parents, prior to school setting staff, communities, and the influence of these activities on children’s adjustment to school is recommended.
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    'Education as democracy' in early childhood
    Anick, J. A. ( 2009)
    ‘Education as democracy’ is based upon a belief that children have the right to equity in their educational experiences. To honour this right, those who implement this educational philosophy use democratic values and practices to democratise the process and content of education. Although advocates cite a number of benefits for both individual children and the school community, there is a lack of empirical research on this topic, especially in the field of early childhood education. This qualitative study contributes to filling this gap by examining four Australian kindergarten teachers’ beliefs, knowledge, practices, influences, and challenges about implementing this philosophy in their classrooms. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, direct classroom observations, and document analysis. The participants were considered one cohort, and across-case analysis and triangulation of the three data sources uncovered common themes and patterns in the data. Findings suggest that there are both similarities and variations among the participants’ beliefs, knowledge, and practices, as well as among the influences and challenges they have experienced. Identified similarities include the participants’ levels of motivation, categories of teacher practice, types of influencing factors, and the presence of challenges. Conversely, the participants showed variation regarding their beliefs and knowledge, the use of some specific classroom practices, and selected influences and challenges. This study makes a significant contribution to the current knowledge base due to its clarification of how this democratic educational philosophy can be practically implemented in early childhood classrooms, and its implications for early childhood practice and policy. Regarding the initial training of early childhood teachers, the findings suggest that professional benefits may occur if training programs explicitly introduced this philosophy to trainees. Additionally, the findings imply that early childhood policies that enhance supporting conditions and lessen challenges experienced by teachers implementing ‘education as democracy’ can have positive benefits for all teachers.