Faculty of Education - Theses

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    What are the blockers/facilitators for a science coordinator to integrate datalogging into science teaching
    Weller, Jacolyn ( 2002)
    This project investigates a coeducational Secondary College Science Department that decided to introduce datalogging as a teaching tool. Datalogging is the electronic recording of data during an experiment using sensor probes. Decisions concerning the introduction of datalogging involved the science teaching staff, the laboratory technician and the Science Coordinator, all stakeholders in this process. This investigation was developed with the hindsight of a Literature Review, which provided the advice of others' experiences and catalogues the introduction in a case study format. Action research strategies were invoked through a series of focus interview questions, which provide a 'snap-shot' of the perceptions. From here a collaborative Change Management strategy of introducing datalogging into science teaching was produced. The factors that inhibited or prevented the use of datalogging in teaching were considered to be 'blockers'. Through interview questions the teachers and the laboratory technician were asked what they felt blocked their use of datalogging. The time required to become comfortable, familiar, confident and experiment with the equipment arose as the major concern for all teachers prior to using datalogging in science teaching, while the laboratory technician had more physical impediments. The technology capable participants did not encounter major hindrances. There was a constant limitation of equipment due to its expense, which was a factor accepted by all and where innovation in teaching style was required to overcome this impediment. However, all felt that visual 'memory-jogs' of the availability and uses of the equipment would encourage use. The factors that contributed to datalogging use were the 'facilitators'. These included a well rounded, informative and ongoing professional development strategy involving all staff members sharing knowledge combined with a laboratory technician who was conversant with the equipment, constantly promoting and encouraging usage and aiding the process. Throughout the project constant active problem solving emerged as a strategy by teachers whenever a 'blocker' was suggested. The advantage of collegial sharing through professional development was also recognised by staff and thought to integrate well when developing technology as a teaching tool. The process overall was time intensive due to lack of time in the working week when people are at different stages in embracing change and technology. Consequently whatever was learnt by individuals was regarded as worth sharing professionally.
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    Computer-assisted instruction, for elementary school mathematics
    Mclean, Roderick J ( 1985)
    In the 1960s, many educational researchers in the U.S. were attracted to the instructional potential of the computer. In the late 1970s, some of this potential had begun to be realized, as schools gained computing facilities consisting mainly of lower-cost micro-computers. This instructional medium has relatively recently begun to find its way into Australian schools and those of other western countries. Although there are many ways computers may be used to assist the teaching/ learning process, the available educational software tends to consist largely of what is referred to as C.A.I. This is probably the result of the majority of software being of U.S. origin, and of early developmental emphasis placed on this type of program. Programs of this type attempt to perform the function of the teacher by direct instruction of students or examination of their knowledge of a usually elementary topic. (Preferable usage regards the computer as a tool which enables the student to explore or carry out other useful tasks related to learning.) This investigation represents an early attempt at examining the effectiveness and feasibility of this type of instructional computer use in a Victorian primary school. It includes a description of the modes of computerized instruction and learning, together with claimed advantages and perceived drawbacks attaching to this practice. A survey of the use of computers in western countries is included, together with an examination of some of the early C.A.I. research conducted in the U.S. The practical component of the investigation involved the development of a C.A.I. program for the teaching of addition of vulgar fractions. This was subsequently tested with 19 Grade Five children at an independent primary school. The children were tested on the topic before and after exposure to the program, and also received a questionnaire on their attitudes and perceptions. The results were analysed by comparing the performances and responses of children of differing mathematical abilities (measured by prior administration of an achievement test). The program appeared to be only moderately effective. This could have. been because of deficiencies in the program and/or the shortage of student exposure. The effectiveness appeared to be greater for students of "medium" ability. Use of the computer on the other hand proved to be highly motivational to all of the children. There seemed to be some evidence that children of higher ability found the experience easier and more enjoyable, and that some children exhibited somewhat immature perceptions of the computer and of their own computer-related behaviour. The report includes criticisms of the program as tested and recommendations for improvement. Finally, recommendations are included for further research, as well as for any intending educational computer users and programmers. Note: In keeping with the investigational topic, the computer was utilized in the preparation of the report in two ways:- (i) A computerized search of the ERIC educational data base was conducted, to locate reports dealing with C.A.I. in elementary school mathematics. (ii) After experiencing a number of difficulties with typists, the report was produced by the investigator himself, using the WORDSTAR word-processing program. It should be pointed out that the investigator is, at best, a "two-finger" typist! Use of this method of report preparation, although consuming considerable time, is thoroughly recommended to other research students.
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    Computer education curricula for secondary schools
    Jones, Anthony John (1940-) ( 1983)
    Educationally the nineteen eighties may well be remembered as the decade in which computers were introduced, in a planned and co-ordinated fashion, into the primary and secondary schools of Victoria. Throughout this thesis it is argued that while the planning and co-ordination have begun, they are a long way from being educationally satisfactory or effective. In particular, the need for the development of a broad curriculum to cater for the teaching and learning of Computer Education throughout the years of secondary schooling is examined, and a course proposal outlined. The concept of "curriculum" is discussed. A number of definitions are cited, and several traditional and current curriculum models are examined in the light of what might best suit Computer Education. Because Computer Education is a new subject, its introduction into the education system must be considered on a school-wide basis, rather than simply as a separate entity at one level such as year twelve. The arguments being put forward by the protagonists of course development within individual schools, as opposed to centralised development and dissemination, are examined and ultimately rejected for the introduction of Computer Education. One important aspect of curriculum development concerns the relationship that exists between the subject matter to be learned and the pedagogical methods to be used. It is now generally accepted that content, sequences and methods will vary according to the stage of development or educational maturity, of the learner. However many teachers are unaware of the differences that may exist between the logical development of a subject and the development that is most appropriate for the secondary school student. This is evidenced by the many text books and curricula that plunge, almost from the very beginning, into teaching the novice student how to write a computer program. Other problems, both existing and potential, that Computer Education curriculum developers must apply themselves to include the un-necessary duplication of content between Computer Education and other subjects, the advisability of integrating Computer Education into existing subjects for at least the first three years of secondary schooling, and the difficulty of obtaining suitable hardware and software at a realistic cost to schools. The curriculum proposal contained in this thesis considers the years from upper primary to the completion of secondary schooling, and assumes that some authority, for example VISE, would have ultimate control over the content at year twelve level. In the early years of secondary schooling the emphasis would be on students using prepared programs for tutoring, simulation, exploration and recreation. During this period every student would learn to use a computer in a variety of modes and in several subject areas. Programming would be taught when and if the need arose, unless students elected to take a Computer Science subject at year eleven level or later. Finally, the problems relating to the training of teachers are investigated. To prepare every teacher for the introduction of computers into secondary schools, considerable changes must be made immediately to existing preservice courses for both primary and secondary teachers. As well, the method and content and duration of inservice activities would need to be rethought, redesigned and given a much higher priority than at present.
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    Computers in education: computer literacy
    Coombs, Arthur E. ( 1983)
    In general, overseas countries are at a more advanced stage in the implementation of policies on the uses of computers-in-education than are the educational authorities within Australia. Within Australia, the respective Education Departments of Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia have developed policies and strategies, and implemented computer education within schools. Schools in other States and Territories have introduced some computer education courses in an ad hoc approach, since up to the time of writing no definite policy statements had been issued by their respective Education Departments. It has been endeavoured in this thesis to survey a number of overseas countries in order to observe their policies and strategies in the implementation of computers-in-education, paying particular attention to the concept of computer literacy, and its perceived importance. Having carried out this overseas survey, and knowing the present position within the Australian States and Territories, the specific focus of this study is to answer the following basic questions : 1. What is the best strategy (in the light of experiences both overseas and interstate) for Victoria to adopt in introducing computers-into-education in order to increase the level of computer literacy of its participants? 2. What specific problems are likely to be encountered and how may they be overcome? Two major areas of concern that have become evident and need to be addressed are the :- (i) computer literacy of teachers and (ii) production and dissemination of educationally-sound software. The final chapter of the thesis attempts to offer some solutions to the above and makes recommendations.
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    Using computers in grade two: a case study of two teachers
    Ching, Sandra J. ( 2001)
    The purpose of this study is to examine how a small group of Grade Two teachers are using computer technology with children in their classes. Computer technology has become a major focus as well as an integral part of teaching and learning within the Primary School. However, current studies into how teachers of junior primary grades are using computers in the classroom are scarce with the emphasis of research tending to be more concerned with the effects on the students. This study is based upon a series of interviews and observation sessions in which the participants reflected upon their beliefs about computer technology and its place within a junior primary classroom. The study identifies that teachers are aware of the importance of exposing their students to computer technology and are attempting to meaningfully embed the use of computers into the curriculum by planning activities that are relevant to the learning that is taking place within the classroom. It also identifies, however, that such use of computers is heavily dependent on the individual teacher. There is a need for a professional development program to be implemented that will assist the teachers to use computers to supplement and extend their students learning experiences.
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    Middle-managers and machines: the impact of information and communication technology on teachers in positions of leadership
    Broadbent, David R. ( 2001)
    The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) continues to increase in schools. While much of the focus has been on its use in the classroom (teaching and learning), the use of ICT for vigil administrative and managerial functions within schools has received little attention. Teachers in Positions of Leadership (POLs) Year-Level Coordinators (YLCs) and Heads of Curriculum Departments (HODs) - have been using ICT for many years but rarely is this use studied. This research has started to address that anomaly. Over a period of six months, the uses of ICT by 24 POLs at a Melbourne Catholic secondary school were studied. The focus was on their ICT use in their POL duties, and their attitudes towards and perceptions of ICT. The study involved both an extensive questionnaire, and indepth interviews of six POLs to ensure detailed understanding of their use of ICT. While there were many different uses of ICT identified, usage was led by a small group of enthusiastic teachers. Others made more limited use. Major factors affecting the variety of use were different levels of access to software and hardware (particularly access to email and the Internet), different levels of Professional Development, and POLs' personal perceptions of the efficiency and effectiveness of using ICT in their work.
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    Problem solving in physics: an information processing approach to the solution of kinematics problems
    Blackburne, Graham L. ( 1987)
    Many high school students experience difficulty in solving problems in physics that require only elementary mathematical skills. This study describes the evaluation of a computer aided instruction (CAI) package developed to instruct students to solve numerical problems in introductory kinematics. This package (Blackburne, 1986) was based on an information processing strategy using five equations of motion which allow the use of one routine to solve any of these problems. The evaluation was carried out in the context of a Year 10 science course. Three methods were investigated. Two of these methods were based on the information processing strategy. One of these was the CAI method, and the other, a classroom adaption of the computer method. The third method was a traditional classroom approach as outlined in most common physics texts that use three equations of motion. Results showed that the method made the difference, not the medium of the computer. Both the information processing methods yielded significantly fewer errors than the traditional method. An analysis of the kinds of errors made revealed that the most significant difference occurred in the selection of the correct rule to solve the problem then, to a lesser extent, the correct interpretation of the question and extraction of the relevant data.