Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Parent professional partnerships in IEP development : a case study of a MAPS process
    Morgan, Philippa Teresa ( 2007)
    The practices, language and behaviours which professionals adopt when they meet with parents prior to Individual Education Program (IEP) planning may have a significant effect on the attitudes and capabilities families bring to the educational setting. During this case study the adult family members of a child with additional needs were observed as they addressed the developmental and programming needs of their child by participating in the McGill Action Planning System (MAPS) and a subsequent Program Support Group (PSG) meeting. Themes indicating attitudes or perceptions that empowered the family towards continued participation in collaborative teams for IEP development emerged in the observational data and were defined through the methods of informant diaries and semi-structured interviews. Less dominant quantitative methods were used to verify that the participant's ongoing attitudes towards parent professional collaboration corroborated with the final themes of flexibility, unification, satisfaction and function.
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    Students, computers and learning : a conversation with the cognitive apprentices and their learning tools
    Marshallsea, Colin ( 1998)
    Wertsch (1991) asserts the mind "extends beyond the skin", that is, it is socially distributed and is a function of activity involving cultural tools. From this perspective the mind is unlimited in the sense that it is developed and inseparable from tools of mediation of which the computer is a corporeal thing that extends out into the material world. The computer as a means of mediation can be invisible yet powerfully influential in shaping thought and communication.. In this small-scale case study in an academic independent school a representative focus group of year 9 students suggests to the Author, their school's computer specialist, that their teachers are not to be providing mediated learning with computers. The students who are the metaphoric "cognitive apprentices" feel the school as an institution has not 'grasped the idea.' Bryson and De Castell (1994, 215) observed that " ... the divisive playing field of educational technology is populated by various teams who are telling altogether different 'true stories,' each having different settings, characters and plots ..." The new age believers and the non believers were not listening to the users. Hargreaves (1996) offered a parallel critical assessment, after Plummer (1983) and Wood (1991), of the use of "voice" in contemporary educational research. He stressed the need for active participant voices outside conventional conversations, from different contexts, different positions and particularly the marginalised. In both educational practice and research, student's voice has frequently been considered " a nuisance; literal noise in the instructional system" (Cazden 1986, 448). However, if teachers and schools as agents of parents and society are to embrace computers as cognitive tools, and accept them into the educational context as a means to gaining one or more educational ends, then there is need to research the voices of the cognitive apprentices on their learning with computers. The collaborative nature of the ethnographic research was grounded in the mutual regard of the researcher and the practitioners (students) as change agents in their own school. Central to the research was the development and exploration of a clue structure to understand how student practitioners saw computers being used in their classrooms. The initial core questionnaire asked the students to position their opinion of the school's , and their teachers' use of computers in the provision of the curriculum on a continuum between; "Are computers instructional tools used by teachers to impart knowledge to you", or, "Are computers used as cognitive tools to afford students' opportunities to construct representations of their knowledge and understandings of the concepts being taught ?
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    Influences on the academic progress of males in a TAFE business course : a case-study approach
    Pitt, Heather R ( 1998)
    This study is concerned with the academic achievement of young Post-VCE male students undertaking the TAFE Associate Diploma of Business (Marketing) at Swinburne University of Technology's Hawthorn Campus. All had failed to secure a university place. The research sheds light on the influences that contribute to an apparent lack of achievement among these young men while in TAFE. Specifically, it identifies, as significant, inflated expectations of their academic ability, threatened identities as successful learners, the socio-cultural construction of masculinity in their predominantly middle-class secondary schools, and their perceptions that TAFE is best suited to tradesmen. These many influences on academic outcomes can be drawn into two interrelated themes concerning socio-cultural constructions of hegemonic masculinity within their secondary schools, and how this generates a particular view of what it is to be a successful male learner. Thus conditions are established under which these young males have a tendency to over-estimate their academic ability, leading to unrealistic course choices at the end of VCE, which then positioned them for failure. Their inability to secure a university place was, for many, a point of rupture, presenting a threat to their identity, both as a successful learner and as a successful young man. In an effort to protect their 'threatened identities' they sought out a TAFE business course at a multi-sectoral institution to disguise their student status. However, once enrolled in this course they came to realise that their preconceptions of TAFE were unfounded, the classes were not peopled with tradesmen, and the standard was more professional and 'harder' than they had anticipated. This together with the realisation that many other students were similar to themselves, allowed them to maintain their identity as successful learners and ultimately provided them with the opportunity to articulate into a degree course or secure a valued 'white collar' position.
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    Through a glass, darkly : a case study
    Milte, Elizabeth Anne ( 2000)
    This study describes, explores and explains a case which occurred in an Australian State primary school, when permission was withdrawn for a research project which sought to survey parents' perceptions of the school. This occurred three weeks after all questionnaires had been distributed, by hand through the school, to every family in the school. The research project was the work of the Deputy Principal, the author of this thesis, who is also known as the researcher and the participant observer. The case is then rewritten, scenarios are constructed and leadership behaviours are described within the Structural, Human Resource, Political and Symbolic frames set forth by Bolman and Deal. A fifth frame, an Ethical frame, as proposed by Starratt, is also applied to the case. These frames comprise most leadership theory and each provides the base for a scenario in which the researcher may more clearly pose a question, a curious phenomenon or a problematic issue. Through the creation of scenarios the researcher was able to understand complex interactions, tacit processes and often hidden beliefs and values within organisations. Each frame generates a different set of strategies. In this way knowledge is gained and potential futures are posited, leading to a sharpened awareness of the forces acting on leaders. The thesis is underpinned by the belief that a conscious and reflective review of, and inquiry into, one's actions as a leader through the creation of scenarios will assist the development of an ethical and pragmatic personal theory of organisation. It is an aim of this thesis to demonstrate that where a case is recreated within the five ideal frames possible futures are evoked, creating an environment for wise decision making and enhanced leadership behaviour.
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    A single case study : a study of integration -involving one child, her family and the preschool
    Short, Jan M. S. Rothwell ( 1995)
    This single case study was undertaken to provide increased understanding of the processes of integration for parents, professionals and a wider audience engaged in early childhood services. It was undertaken also to enable key players in policy formulation and service development to reflect on the detailed information the case study reveals, and its relationship to integration theory, as a way of identifying some guidelines for good practice. This case study follows one family through its involvement in the preschool education of one family member - a five year old girl who has been diagnosed as having severe autism. The single case study has enabled: (i) An indepth, interpretive view of the processes of integration as they occur in one early childhood setting. (ii) An opportunity to highlight issues which should be considered in the development of services for families who have a preschool age child with developmental delay or disability. The case study illuminates the historical and theoretical background of integration. From the interaction of program theory of integration with the actual, a concept map, (McClintock 1990); (Chen 1990), has been developed which: (i) identifies the links between the two; (ii) defines the players and processes; and (iii) proposes desirable outcomes. From the analysis and interpretation of this illuminative case study some recommended practice principles and guidelines have been developed. While the notion of competing discourses has become increasingly apparent as this study progressed, no attempt has been made to analyse them in detail. It is necessary only to be aware that the competing discourses reflect opposing cultures. While proponents of two of the opposing cultures would probably insist they regard integration as an outcome, one culture is reflected in inclusion in mainstream education services from the beginning. Proponents of the second culture would regard initial involvement with a segregated, specialist and intensive education program as the way to attain full integration eventually in mainstream education services. There may even be a third culture, the proponents of which would believe some children should be educated only in segregated, specialist services. Proponents of this culture are likely to include both professionals from the field and others from the wider community. Awareness of the implications of the conflicting discourses is, however, an important element in the formulation of principles and guidelines for recommended practice. The issues highlighted from the case study significantly contributed to the development of some principles for recommended practice and some guidelines for practice which support these principles.
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    A long distance call on hold : managers' perceptions of organisational learning in a telecommunications organisation
    O'Connor, Peter ( 2002)
    This qualitative study aims to understanding better, managers' perceptions of organisational learning in a field-based department, within a telecommunications organisation. The research provides adult educators with insights into managers' perceptions of how learning is diffused throughout an organisation and the impact on the learning process. Seven team managers within a telecommunications organisation participated in semi-structured interviews exploring to what extent they perceived organisational learning as a significant workplace experience for them. The theoretical basis for the interviews included areas of individual and collective learning, factors affecting organisational learning, the role of organisational memory, and roles in the process of collective learning. Conclusions from the study may assist educators and others in designing more effective organisational learning programs.
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    Mentoring as a model for developing teacher confidence in the use of interactive whiteboards
    Speed, Madeleine M ( 2008)
    This project aimed to capture, analyse and explore the complexity involved when teachers begin to integrate the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) into their pedagogy and daily classroom practice. Utilising a case study approach, this paper follows the experiences of four teachers involved in an Information Communication Technology (ICT) mentoring program designed to develop confidence in the use of IWBs. The qualitative research design describes the individualised learning and pedagogical development that can be encouraged in a mentoring relationship. The case studies of the four teachers and the school principal illustrate the general challenges that teachers and schools are presented with when IWBs are installed in classrooms and promoted as successful in improving teaching and learning. The project found that from the first day of using an IWB, a teacher will over time adapt and alter their pedagogy to make the best use of the technology. It is this required shift in pedagogy which demands a carefully planned and individually tailored professional development approach such as mentoring. Forward planning and special consideration of the teacher support needed is essential in order to encourage teachers to adopt IWBs into their daily routine. This paper shares a successful approach to developing teaching confidence in the use of IWBs in the hope that other schools will benefit from these stories.
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    Ghost stories : an ethnographic journey
    Wiles, Peter John ( 1998)
    This is an ethnographic study of a school theatre project, 'Ghost Stories'. The study explores what the role and nature of extra curricular theatre is in an independent boys' school. The concept of 'school theatre' is defined as an aesthetically rich, extra curricular event. The study argues that a teacher of 'school theatre' creates learning experiences for students that empower and challenge the politically or economically sanctioned educational culture. The value of school theatre, the role of the teacher, the development of students' artistic and personal skills and the relationship between school theatre and the dramatic heritage is investigated. The study argues that a believable, trustworthy account of the school theatre event needs to incorporate the variety of participant voices. The report is written in the form of a narrative and is told by the drama teacher responsible for the performance project, a male and female student, a teacher assisting in the performance project and a senior member of the administration. The narrative traces the participants' motives in becoming involved in the 'Ghost Stories' performance project, the various perceptions of the value of student devised performance texts, the conflicts within this educational context, culminating in the final night's presentation ceremony. The 'Ghost Stories' performance event challenges the conduct of teaching and learning in this educational context. The study contends that a teacher of 'school theatre is engaged in 'critical pedagogy'.
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    Vertical grouping of year 9 and 10 classes and the resultant classroom dynamics : a case study
    Sullivan, Stacey G. A ( 1996)
    The research questions on which this study are based are to do with issues about whether students at different ages can successfully study and learn together in the same class. The particular ages under examination in this study are those corresponding to Year 9 and 10 students. These students were studied to determine if they belonged to separate groups. The adolescent and social psychology literature explored suggested that the two year levels contained individuals of widely differing developmental levels and thus the research was designed to see how the vertical grouping (composite) of Year 9 and I0 classes effected the learning of the students. Via a Case Study design it was found that the internal interactions between individuals within single year level classes were different to those found in the composite class. (n the Year 9 class studied the students tended to only work with a select group of their friends whereas in the Year 10 class the students seemed to form an united and congenial group. The composite class was found to be composed of two distinct sub groups, a Year 9 group and a Year 10 group, each reflecting the characteristic interactions of their particular year level. Group work was used as a method of facilitating the communication between the two year levels in the composite class. This methodology did produce some positive results with increased communication between the two sub-groups at the completion of the research. During the research it was noted that group work has to be carefully structured and monitored if it is to have positive results. Webb (1982a) found that if students in groups ask questions and do not receive answers then this structure in fact can be detrimental, to their achievement. The effect of non-responsive communication within small group work could be further studied to ensure that this method of promoting cooperation in composite classes is effective.
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    A case-study examination of the concept of open access education
    McAllister, Grace Lydia ( 1982)
    The purpose of this study is to explore means whereby some of the problems currently and commonly encountered by teachers engaged in the teaching and learning processes of secondary education may be eased. This is done by means of an examination of the concept of open access education. As the outcome of a literature review, a definition delineating the ideal is projected. Three schools accepting the philosophical underpinnings of the concept of open access education are investigated and compared with this definition. Criteria are then proposed for the open access education concept to be encompassed within the current system of secondary education in Victoria. From the practice is developed the theory. The examination of the schools accepting the concept of open access education disclosed improved efficiency in teaching and learning due to such factors as:providing the means to cater for individual needs at required levels, decreased stress for teachers and students, a positive motivation and high morale. From the theory engendered through this practice, new practice may be generated.