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    Understanding the perceptions of primary school and early childhood teachers about the inclusion of children with special needs in regular classrooms
    Suppiah, Sukuna D ( 2003)
    Today, many regular schools in the State of Victoria provide inclusive education programs. Educating children with and without disabilities is linked with upholding the rights of all children regardless of their class, culture, gender or developmental abilities. This study was aimed at exploring perceptions of early childhood and primary school teachers about the inclusion of children with special needs from six independent schools located in metropolitan Victoria. Data were analysed and compared to identify if there were differences in teachers' attitudes in relation to beliefs and values, feasibility of implementing inclusive programs in regular classrooms and their confidence to carry out inclusive practices. Findings indicated that all participants in the study were very positive about the philosophy of including children with disabilities in regular classrooms. Several factors were identified as major contributors to the positive perceptions of teachers. Data also revealed that teachers had many concerns regarding the implementation of inclusion in their regular classrooms. The findings of this study had implications for best practice to improve the implementation of inclusive programs in regular classrooms.
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    Mentoring as a model for developing teacher confidence in the use of interactive whiteboards
    Speed, Madeleine M ( 2008)
    This project aimed to capture, analyse and explore the complexity involved when teachers begin to integrate the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) into their pedagogy and daily classroom practice. Utilising a case study approach, this paper follows the experiences of four teachers involved in an Information Communication Technology (ICT) mentoring program designed to develop confidence in the use of IWBs. The qualitative research design describes the individualised learning and pedagogical development that can be encouraged in a mentoring relationship. The case studies of the four teachers and the school principal illustrate the general challenges that teachers and schools are presented with when IWBs are installed in classrooms and promoted as successful in improving teaching and learning. The project found that from the first day of using an IWB, a teacher will over time adapt and alter their pedagogy to make the best use of the technology. It is this required shift in pedagogy which demands a carefully planned and individually tailored professional development approach such as mentoring. Forward planning and special consideration of the teacher support needed is essential in order to encourage teachers to adopt IWBs into their daily routine. This paper shares a successful approach to developing teaching confidence in the use of IWBs in the hope that other schools will benefit from these stories.
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    Transforming professional development goals
    Richards, Michael J ( 1996)
    The overall purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of goals as understood by the participants involved in the various stages of implementation of a professional development program, and the ways in which the goals were transformed as the program was implemented. In this thesis, "stage" is used in the sense of sequence, rather than development. The participants in the study were members of each of four stages of implementation of a professional development program, designed to support curricular reform, for teachers of mathematics. The development and implementation of the program were categorised into four stages. These can be identified with the actions of the participants: program initiators; program developers; workshop presenters and the teachers who would ultimately implement classroom content described in the program. The investigation involved description and analysis of the language used by the participants and how it communicated the character of their understanding of the goals. It is assumed that a participant's awareness of the goals influences the way the program is implemented. Data were collected from a range of documents used in the program, during interviews, via questionnaires and through observations of training sessions. For each stage of implementation, the main goals were summarised. Of particular interest was the way in which the goals were changed; as evidenced by the changes in meaning of key words and phrases. These changes were evident with respect to several key groupings into which the goals were classified by the researcher. The choice of words and phrases by participants at each stage revealed the nature of their goals. It was found that the goals of the initiators were usually to do with the altering of teacher practice. The developers' goals, while also concerned with altering teacher practice, were less directed. The goals as understood by the presenters were to do with promotion of a change in attitude in teachers (rather than practice), while the teachers' understanding of the goals were to do with relating the proposed change to their practice. In general participants at each stage had an understanding of the goals of the program that made sense to them, were achievable, and conformed to their perceived role in the program. For a given grouping of goals, there was a great diversity of both key words and phrases, and in meaning of goals as they were articulated at each stage. At times there was little change in the words used, and yet a large corresponding change in meaning. For other key groupings there was a great change in the words and phrases, with little alteration in the essence of the goal. Overall the character of the changes in goals, as understood by the participants at each stage of the professional development program, related to their perspective according to their role. This emergent character appears to be able to be generalised to all professional development programs This point of view ranges from that of a policy perspective, where policy solicits a change in teacher practice, to a practice perspective where the adaption of policy is sought in order to tie it with existing practice. The implications of this study are discussed concerning the effect that the transforming of goals in curriculum initiatives and professional development programs might have on the success of implementing changed teacher practice.
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    The history of the development of specialist teaching training programmes for teachers of migrant children, 1947-1973
    Todd, Brian Martin ( 1983)
    Information concerning the development of specialist teacher training programmes for teachers of migrant children is fragmentary, being scattered through some 130 published and unpublished documents. The aim of this thesis has been to present, with some degree of order and continuity, that information in a single volume. The resulting compilation is largely descriptive, though some analysis and interpretation could not be avoided. To supplement and to substantiate some of the data collated from the numerous documents, the experiences of a number of teachers who have taught significant proportions of migrant children between 1947 and 1973 have been related. Some of these experiences were gathered by means of a questionnaire which was completed by teachers who had responded to advertisements placed by the writer in The Sun (August 4, 1983) and The Age (August 15, 1983). The advertisements are included as Appendix A.1, and the questionnaire as Appendix A.2. Other experiences were gathered by means of personal interviews with a number of teachers. A full list of all persons from whom information was gathered appears as Appendix A.3. The paper concentrates on the development of specialist teacher training programmes within the Federal and State education systems, with only brief mention of developments within the Catholic education system. Such concentration is not intended to reflect a view that efforts made by the Catholic Church towards the problems of migrant children are insignificant. Indeed, the Catholic schools bore a very substantial share of the influx of migrant children and faced immense educational difficulties as a result, yet they succeeded in making as good a job as possible under the circumstances. Because the history of developments within the Catholic education system is a considerable area on its own, and because much material in that area has already been documented by Carmel O'Dwyer (Responses of Government and Catholic Educational Authorities to the influx of migrants, 1950-1960, with special reference to the experience of a selected group of schools conducted by the Victorian Sisters of Mercy),1 Michael Elliot (Migrant Education in Fitzroy, 1965-1975),2 and Denis Moore (The initial response to the migrant presence in four inner suburban Christian Brothers' schools as revealed in the inspectors' reports and other available sources),3 those developments are not included in this history. The population elements to which the discussion refers to as 'migrants' are those people from 'non-English speaking' origin, excluding Aboriginals. 1. Unpublished Master of Education Thesis, University of Melbourne, 1977. 2. Unpublished Master of Education Thesis, University of Melbourne, 1977. 3. Unpublished Master of Education Thesis, University of Melbourne, 1981. The introductory chapter briefly outlines the Federal Government's immediate steps to provide some training for teachers of adult migrants, and serves to highlight the official indifference outlined by Chapters II, III and IV, to the needs of training for teachers of migrant children until the late sixties when short in-service training courses were introduced. Chapter V traces the history of these short courses. Chapter VI presents the development of in-service teacher training under the Child Migrant Education Programme, the development of some tertiary courses leading to awards, and the development of pre-service courses, all of which take place in the emerging notion of 'multiculturalism'. The initial assumption levelled at teachers of migrant children was that no special training in migrant education was necessary because no special effort was necessary to teach migrant children. If teachers were kindly and understanding, and approached the problem with good sense, migrant children in their care would be rapidly assimilated. Requests for specialist help were made as early as 1954, but a general lack of appreciation of the problem by administrators ensured that these requests were unheeded. The contents of the Haines Report and the Dovey Report in the late fifties vindicated the belief that teachers of migrants did not require special training. The Dovey Report in particular lulled disquiet about the problems of migrant school children, for the four years immediately following its release witnessed only a few ad hoc and unco-ordinated attempts to draw attention to the need for teacher training. By the mid-sixties, however, a number of changes in educational thought were responsible for some new developments in migrant education. It became a public issue, and a number of surveys highlighted its needs. The result was the introduction in Victoria in 1968 of some short in-service teacher training courses. The inadequacies of these courses were soon felt. A survey conducted in New South Wales in 1969 prompted the Commonwealth Government to assume responsibility for the development, management and financial control of child migrant education. Financial assistance was provided to cover the cost of special training courses for teachers, in the method of teaching English as a foreign language. These four-week courses were introduced in 1970. At the same time, and in the setting of a developing notion of multicultural education, the first specialized teacher training course in migrant education to be offered by an Australian tertiary institution was developed. This course led to the award of the Diploma of Migrant Teaching, and commenced at Armidale Teachers' College in 1973. By the end of 1973, some other tertiary institutions were developing graduate and pre-service courses. The history of the development of specialist teacher training programmes obviously does not end in 1973. That year was chosen as the cut-off date for this history for two reasons. Firstly it was, as stated previously, the year in which the first specialized course was offered by an Australian tertiary institution. Secondly, by 1973 the stage was set, in terms of an awareness of the urgent need for pre-service and in-service teacher training,, for the developments that were to take place from 1973 to the present time.4 4. Cf. L. Sislov, Conceptions of Bilingual Education; the contexts in which conceptions emerge and certain practical pedagogical initiations emerging therefrom in Australia and other countries. Unpublished Master of Education Thesis, University of Melbourne, 1982, Chapters 9 and 10.
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    Specific strategies that can be applied to teach reading in English as a second language to children from different home language backgrounds in Uganda
    Kaggwa, Deborah N. ( 2005)
    The study examined the literature review about strategies that can be applied to teach reading in English to second language learners. Three `training' videos, containing model lessons for teaching English to students in Australia whose first language is not English, were also analyzed to provide an in-depth picture of how some strategies are executed in the classroom context. The aim of the study was to explore and identify particular strategies that can be applied to teach reading in English to children who acquire English as a second language in Uganda. Qualitative exploratory research was conducted to explore the strategies that can be applied to teach reading in English to children from different home language backgrounds in Uganda. Content analysis technique was established to collect data from videotaped model lessons for teaching English to students in Australia whose first language is not English. Using an observation framework, the data was collected and analysed in reference to: strategies carried out in the classroom contexts, teacher's role in language instruction and literacy activities in which learners were involved. The findings suggested particular strategies for teaching reading in English to second language learners with more emphasis on getting meaning out of text. Further, the teacher's role in language instruction was recognised to be vital in teaching reading in English to bilingual students. The results also showed that second language learners effectively learnt to read in English in language contexts that encourage peer-peer and teacher-learner interactions. The study concluded with a discussion of the results and their implications to the teaching of English as a second language to bilingual children in Uganda.
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    Perceptions of teacher evaluation in Pakistan: a case study from Peshawar District
    Hussain, Wahid ( 2008)
    Profound changes are taking place in education including teacher evaluation and teacher effectiveness over the past few years. This signifies a paradigm shift from the traditional to more sophisticated `state of the art' approaches to teacher evaluation. Central to the debate on teacher evaluation have been the purposes it serves and the criteria against which teachers are evaluated. While review of the evaluation literature indicated widespread agreement on the importance of teacher evaluation, there was little convergence of views on the appropriate criteria and processes. To gain an understanding of the purposes, procedures and criteria of teacher evaluation, the study adopted a qualitative, case study approach. Interviews were conducted with secondary school teachers and principals in Peshawar district of the North West Frontier Province in Pakistan. A total of forty interviews were conducted, twenty five with teachers and fifteen with school principals in the case study district of Peshawar. The data analysis produced several key findings. First, the thesis reveals that teacher evaluation in schools in Peshawar is overwhelmingly used for accountability (summative) rather than formative purposes. Second, teachers are evaluated against generic criteria not based on any empirical research. Third, the processes adopted are messy and unstructured. Fourth, evaluation is not linked to career structure. Fifth, teacher pay has been linked to evaluation which is based on student outcomes. From these findings, an integrated model of teacher evaluation was developed. Although the study's findings are based on a single district, in a particular context, these are likely to be of use to school teachers, principals, educational researchers and policy makers in various contexts. It will contribute to the scarce discourse on teacher evaluation issues in Pakistan.
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    The relationship between teacher professional development and the ability to teach academically gifted children: a multiple case study
    Ehall, Lisanne S. K. ( 2000)
    The launch of the Bright Futures policy and Australia's gifted education history suggest a need to study Victorian gifted teacher professional development outcomes. The literature implicates the utility of professional development in building identification skills, instructional expertise and positive attitudes towards gifted children. A few studies in gifted education also converge with the general literature to suggest the provision of environmental support together with professional development. There is a dearth however, of accompanying research and theoretical models in gifted education relevant to professional development outcomes. Research in general education has located a new paradigm combining both aspects of professional development and environmental support. In this study the same paradigm was used to examine the results of professional development under the Bright Futures policy. Reflective of the policy's lack of structure in implementing professional development, there were variations in outcomes. It also was found that unsuccessful outcomes often were linked to elements of professional development and/ or environmental support which tell short of the paradigm's recommendations. Similarly, successful cases closely reflected the paradigm's recommendations for professional development and environmental support. The overall findings would therefore support the adoption of the study's paradigm in gifted education. The application of findings as applied to research and future professional development practice are also discussed.
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    Teachers & curriculum: personal mythopoesis and the practical in pedagogy
    Bradbeer, James M. ( 1996)
    This study explores the dynamic between the person of the teacher and work with curriculum. The person is taken to be constituted in narratives. I have, accordingly, utilised a language of myth in order to speak of personhood. Myth is the collective or individual operation of imagination whereby experience is able to be intensely owned. It is this operation of mind that I relate to the ways in which curriculum might be experienced. At issue in this process is the capacity of the person of the teacher to illuminate curriculum material, or to make curriculum a living experience for students. Though my focus is imaginational and mythic, I seek to show - through an intimate study of the inner worlds of six teachers at one school site - that it is at this impalpable level that 'the practical' in pedagogy becomes most significant as a curriculum consideration. By linking the subtle work of imagination to the 'practical intelligence' access is gained to the significance and meaning of personal agency and, in particular, the nature of critique in teacher work with curriculum. This introduces to the familiar theory/practice dichotomy that pervades curriculum thinking, and which tends to disempower the teacher voice, a new and incommensurable perspective. The practical emphasis, by being linked to the personal imaginational work of teachers, breaks out of an encapsulation within the classroom and the profession. Knowledge, represented in microcosm in the curriculum, is shown, via this reconceptualisation of the practical, in its living dimensionality. The imperatives of this living aspect of curriculum experience, identified in source, process, operation, and direction, stand against the different imperatives of instrumental conceptions of curriculum.
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    Payment by results as an innovation in Victorian education: with particular reference to the period 1868-1878
    Blyth, Paul Edward ( 1978)
    From 1863 to 1905 Victoria paid its teachers under the system of "payment by results". This system had been introduced in England by the Revised Code of 1862 and a version of it was adopted by the Victorian Board of Education in 1863. The essence of the system was that portion of a teacher's salary became directly dependent on the performance of his students in examinations. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that the system of payment by results was an unjust system based on unsound principles and that it encouraged teachers to concentrate too much of their efforts on the teaching for "results". The outcome was an excess of mechanical teaching, of "cram" and of rote learning. The system was unsound in principle because it was not based on any proven theory of pedagogy, but was introduced in order to satisfy a desire for economy and efficiency. It was unjust because it was based on an unfounded lack of trust in Victoria's elementary school teachers - as evidenced by the results regulations and, indeed, by the whole concept of payment for "results". We will see that built into the results formula were various punitive clauses which operated to penalise teachers unfairly for factors over which they had little or no control. Furthermore, under this system teachers were to become the only servants of the State whose livelihood depended, to a certain extent, on the "results" they produced. With the Education Act of 1872, the Education Department of Victoria came into existence - replacing the old Board of Education - and it inherited, and continued to apply, the system of payment by results. Under the new Minister of Public Instruction, the Education Department continued to support the principle of payment for "results". However, from 1873 to 1878 - as evidenced by a study of the Minister's and Inspectors' reports to Parliament - we see emerging a greater willingness on the part of the Department to concede that there was a good deal of merit in the complaints of teachers, and some important concessions were made accordingly. In 1877, Charles Henry Pearson was appointed to conduct a one-man Royal Commission into education in Victoria and, while Pearson found certain faults with the system of payment by results, he still believed that it was correct in its principle and should be retained in order to ensure a continued diligent effort on the part of the teachers. Pearson did, however, make some important proposals. He recommended that less of a teacher's income should be dependent on the "results", and he favoured doing away with the punitive regulations relating to age and attendance. These proposals would, he believed, eliminate many of the problems relating to mechanical teaching, to "cram" and to rote learning. His proposals, however, were not put into effect, and we see that, while certain amendments were made to the results regulations, and various proposals put forward for its modification, the essential nature of the system of payment by results remained unchanged throughout the life of the Board of Education - and for the first six years of Departmental control.