Faculty of Education - Theses

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    The attitudes and concerns of Catholic parish primary school principals and teachers toward the integration of students with disabilities into regular schools
    Riley, Elizabeth A ( 1997)
    This study was undertaken to identify' and compare the attitudes of Catholic Parish Primary School principals and teachers toward the integration of students with disabilities. The study also investigated variations in attitude toward integration for sub-groups of the principals and teachers. In addition, this study ascertained the concerns these educators have about the implementation of integration in their schools. A three part questionnaire was used to collect the data. It consisted of items relating to the background characteristics of the respondents and their schools, a modified version of the Attitude Toward Mainstreaming Scale (Berryman & Neal, 1980) and an open ended question eliciting educators' concerns about integration. Fifty five principals and 145 full time classroom teachers in the Northern Area of the Archdiocese of Melbourne responded to the questionnaire. T-tests were employed to compare the attitudes of the principals and teachers toward integration., Thematic analysis was used to examine the concerns of educators. Several major findings emerged from the study. Principals were found to hold more positive attitudes toward integration than classroom teachers. Principals were also significantly more positive than teachers toward the integration of students with severe disabilities. Younger principals held significantly more positive attitudes toward integration than older principals. No significant differences were identified for sub groups of the teacher sample. Similarity existed between the two groups of educators in terms of their expressed major concerns about integration. Lack of school based support personnel, funding and training, in that order, were recorded most frequently by both groups of educators.
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    English teachers as readers, readers as English teachers : how are English teachers' attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about reading reflected in their teaching?
    McGie, Jennifer ( 1998)
    This study is focussed on classroom reading events, the encounters with texts in secondary English classrooms involving teachers and students. More specifically, it explores the discourses about reading and the schema or framework for reading English teachers bring to their classroom and how these shape what reading means in that classroom. I focus on three secondary school English teachers as readers and as teachers of reading and seek to identify how their attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about reading is, or isn't, reflected in their teaching. This research, constructed within a case study design, is informed by the writings of postructuralist and critical social theorists, shaped by the work of Dan Zancanella and influenced by Wendy Morgan's ideas of a 'default mode' - the position to which teachers 'return' when not constrained into other modes of operation. Data was collected through a series of semi-structured interviews with the teacher participants; participant-as-observer classroom observation; small group semi-structured interviews with students; and the collection of classroom handouts and students' products. The teacher participants were interviewed about their attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about reading and about teaching texts. They were asked to read and then to teach a particular short story with their Year 10 English class. This study reveals that each of these teachers read the text very differently and constructed very different classroom activities. The idea of a 'default mode' (Morgan, 1995) suggests that each teacher has a particular schema for reading which provides a way for these teachers to make sense of reading and working with particular texts in their classrooms. The research concludes that the classroom reading event - how the text was read and what the students did with the text - was shaped by these English teachers' schemata for reading and the discourses about reading in which they function as teachers and readers. In reading and working with texts in particular ways, these teachers create and position their student readers and frame what reading comes to mean in their secondary English classroom. These insights have implications for English teachers and their students, for curriculum organisation, for student management structures, for pre-service teacher education and training and for Professional Development.
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    The paradox of silence and heterosexism : the impact of secondary schools on the construction of male homosexualities
    Telford, David James ( 1997)
    The heterocentric discourses in schools have marginalized male homosexual students through approaches in the academic and hidden curricula and in pedagogical practices. The multiple discourses in schools have viewed a student's construction of their sexuality and gender as oppositional categories. These approaches have not positively contributed to divergent expressions of homosexuality and of alternative masculinities because schools have failed to view the relational nature of identity construction and its policing through heterosexist discourses. Extracts from five participants in the case studies illustrate the silence experienced by homosexual students through the academic curricula and the paradox of hyper-sexualization in schools. Discipline and support procedures implemented to combat heterosexist attitudes have not been effective, as the multiple discourses have created a vacuum of silence filled with heterosexist violence.
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    Perceptions of students and young working adults on their experience learning the English language: case studies in Singapore
    Khng Soltani, Irene ( 2007)
    The standard of English in Singapore has been a recurring issue of debate for the last 30 years. This study seeks to understand the language situation in Singapore through the perceptions of six students and young working adults describing their experience learning English in Singapore. The study proposes another perspective to examining the language situation - the language situation is a phenomenon. Two factors are integral in this phenomenon: the distinctive development in the English language worldwide with the appearance of the English variants, the New Englishes, at the macrolevel and the acquisition of English in the multilingual society of Singapore at the microlevel. This study set out to explore this using a phenomenological approach. It involved in-depth interviews with participants who would have been affected by language instruction and policy decisions of the last 20 years. These interviews provide participants' "lived" experiences. While the study looked at how English was acquired in a multilingual setting, Singlish, or Singapore English, was referred to consistently by the participants as a language used frequently in informal settings. Findings indicate that Singlish, which is often considered as the poorer form of these variations, is regarded as a language of its own with contributions from the variety of languages which represent the major ethnic groups in Singapore. Singlish has also been seen as an identity marker.
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    Successful leaders in successful schools: a case study of a government primary school principal in Victoria, Australia
    Hardy, Richard ( 2006)
    The research examined the leadership behaviour exhibited by a principal of a successful school. It used a single case study of a successful primary school based in Victoria, Australia, using qualitative analysis involving structured open-ended interviews from the multiple perspectives of the principal, teachers, non-teaching staff, parents and students. This research ensured that teachers, other school staff, parents and students were able to comment and thus verify and add to the statements the principal made. The research continued work carried out by Day, Harris and Hadfield. It has contributed an Australian perspective to an international research project on this issue, the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP). The research found it was the principal who made a major contribution to the improvement of the school. Over his tenure as principal, and through his vision, dedication and passion, the principal improved the learning outcomes for all students at his school. He not only improved the academic nature of the school but created a safe and nurturing environment that encouraged the children to want to go to school and to succeed. The research reinforced a lot of what past research has suggested is required for a leader to make an impact or improve the situation in a school. He shared and articulated a clear vision that the staff made their own. The principal, being the main leader, and through empowering others, had made important contributions to student learning. He had mastered a core set of basic leadership practices, was and made everyone accountable for their results and performance, and sought and provided constant feedback. He was a spokesman and role model and defender of social equity and fairness. The research found that most of these qualities the principal displayed appeared to stem from the character of the man - his moral and ethical stance and his commitment to the principles of equity and social justice. His leadership style had extended beyond just transformational leadership to be better described as a highly political, value-led contingency model of transformational leadership. This research contributes to identifying the characteristics and skills that are necessary to create and maintain a successful school and to informing professional development programs for current and future principals.
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    An ethnographic analysis and survey of specific attitudes of physical education teachers
    Gilbert, Keith ( 1984)
    Stage One utilizes an ethnographic approach by researching four teachers of physical education who graduated from Melbourne University in 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1975. Case studies were written on the four subjects. The teachers differed in their attitudes towards students with the more experienced teachers who were married and had children displaying a more caring and concerned disposition towards their pupils. It was evident that throughout his career a physical education teacher will display varying degrees of enthusiasm for his work, with the experienced teachers in this study being more enthusiastic. In addition they did not rely on strong disciplinary methods and had gradually moved away from a basic survival and control tendency which was a characteristic of the less experienced teacher. Generally, the more experienced teacher had greater job satisfaction than his less experienced counterpart. Ideas, principles, and hypotheses were generated from the ethnographic work in stage one and were used to formulate the traditional research attempted in stage two of this study. Thirty-six teachers of physical education from Education Department Secondary Schools within Victoria responded to the survey (85 percent response vote) which sought information concerning teacher attitudes, teacher enthusiasm and teacher reactions to particular issues central to their function as teachers of physical education. Data from the questionnaires was computed by the use of the Statistical Package for Social Science (Nie et al 1975). Analysis of the questionnaires involved the following statistics; mean, standard deviation, percentage, t-test and Pearson r correlation coefficients. The results revealed that the experienced physical education teacher who is married and has children will display a different set of attitudes towards the children whom he teaches than the less experienced, unmarried teacher of physical education. The enthusiasm level of teachers of physical education for their work varied greatly throughout their career. However, all teachers of physical education appear to follow the same pattern of changes in levels of enthusiasm, with subjects showing increased enthusiasm in early and late years of teaching and a drop in the level off enthusiasm in mid-career. This drop in the level of enthusiasm in mid-career seems due mainly to an increased emphasis by the teacher to his personal and family commitments.
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    Perceptions of how year 8 boys in an ethno-centric inner suburban Australian school configure their masculine identities within their school setting
    Garas, Dimitrios ( 2008)
    The purpose for this study is to explore how Year 8 boys in an ethno-centric community school located in suburban Melbourne are `configuring' (Connell, 2000) their ideas about masculinity and to consider the evolving processes and influences informing these gendered identity configurations. A qualitative case study approach was deemed appropriate for addressing the aim of the study and a feminist, poststructuralist perspective was used to frame the research process. Consistent with this perspective was the need to honor the boys' voices. The data collection methods included focus-group discussions over a six-week period with two groups of Year 8 boys. A questionnaire survey was conducted prior to the focus-groups to inform and shape the discussion questions. In the third focus-group, the boys were asked to bring in a personal artifact or totem with which they identified their ideals of being a man. The finding of the study revealed that masculine identity is a highly socialized construct (Davies, 1993) transmitted through male Discourses (Gee, 2004) and resonated with Martins' claim that boys negotiate their masculine configurations (1999) within themselves and between themselves in endless processes of becoming (Walkerdine, 1990). Boys were often fluid in their configurations, with their positionings changing over the focus-group discussions. The configuring of the boys' ideas about their masculinity was mediated by a strong connection to their ethnic heritage that was linked with the past rather than with the present. The boys were strongly opposed towards any signs of effeminacy which they associated with a loss of power and prestige among their peer group - any association with homosexuality being perceived as a threat to their masculinity. The artifacts chosen by the boys as representative of being a male were guarded fiercely and generally it was agreed that these were not to be touched or exposed in a casual manner. Totems such as computer-action programmes, guns and For Him Magazines (FMHs) were forwarded as a means for talking their masculinity into existence - essentialising it. Recommendations that emerged from the study include: the need for more opportunities for boys to talk more openly amongst themselves; to access the thinking and experiences about what it means to be a male in their wider community, and to embed in the curriculum opportunities for boys to challenge stereotypes and to acknowledge that gender identity matters.