Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Women leaders in Catholic schools : the experience of principals
    Noseda, Mary ( 1993)
    The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of women who were "successful" within the Catholic school system - twelve lay women prinicipals. It aimed to correlate their experience with that of women at management level in large organisations in general and schools in particular, as explored in current literature. Qualitative investigation techniques were used to investigate the experience of these twelve women principals of Catholic secondary schools in Melbourne in 1991. This type of research is necessarily limited in that the story of their experience is told only through their own eyes. However, their professional and personal' experiences which have been integral to their career development were discussed freely by them in interviews, and these interviews collated and the resulting themes and patterns then included in this study. The findings indicate that this group of women have enjoyed a unique set of personal and professional circumstances which have enabled them to overcome the difficulties normally faced by women in trying to advance their careers. This research also suggests further investigation would be advantageous in ascertaining the best ways to redress the gender imbalance amongst principals of secondary schools.
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    An education to prayer: the establishment and development of a parochial school in the Catholic parish of St. Brendan's Flemington, Melbourne. 1887 -1947
    Kauzlaric, Lydia S. ( 1990)
    �� the present system of Catholic Education in Australia developed not from any predetermined plan but as a result of the conflicting forces in educational development in the nineteenth century and the circumstances of the times." In the latter half of the nineteenth century �conflicting forces� and �the circumstances of the times� resulted in the establishing, in 1887, of a Catholic primary school in the inner Melbourne suburb of Flemington. (From Introduction)