Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Leadership and success in educational reform in Thailand
    Moungprasert, Suwamarn ( 2004)
    This thesis presents the results of a study to examine the relationship between leadership and success in educational reform in Rajabhat Institutes in Thailand. A strong emphasis was placed on the effects of leadership, reflecting both 'eastern' and 'western' perspectives and successful educational reform. The study employed a mixed method design in which both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analysed to answer a research question: 'How do presidents influence the achievement of successful educational reform in Rajabhat Institutes in Thailand?' The two types of data were collected independently. Quantitative data were gathered by questionnaire administered to 492 staff (308 females; 184 males) from three Rajabhat Institutes located in Bangkok, Thailand, who were nominated for their success in educational reform. Qualitative data derived from semi-structured interviews with the three presidents and a small selection of staff who were nominated by the presidents. Observations and analysis of secondary data were also employed. Some interesting findings emerged from the quantitative data analysis. As far as direct effects are concerned, results showed that a service-oriented leadership style, reflecting a "western" perspective had a strong direct effect on educational reform in Thailand. Dhamma-oriented leadership style reflecting an "eastern" approach had a negative direct effect on educational reform. However, dhamma-oriented leadership had a positive but indirect effect mediated by servant leadership. The findings from interviews were consistent with results derived from quantitative data. The study revealed that the combination of the two leadership approaches (dhamma-oriented and servant leadership) were used by the presidents of the three Rajabhat Institutes as instruments for successful educational reform. The findings have implications for practice in making educational reform a reality in similar settings in Thailand. First, leaders should focus on ensuring meaning in the work and be responsive to the needs of subordinates. They should be visionary and serve the well-being of others through their goals and work to accomplish the agreed-upon vision. Second, productive institutions require trust so that cooperation may emerge. In the Thai context, trust has been created by the moral behaviour of leaders. This moral behaviour can add value through mutual understanding, creating a process for the achievement of educational reform in Thailand. It is concluded that both approaches to leadership were important factors in achieving success in educational reform in Thailand.
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    Implementation of recommended language teaching methods in Rajabhat primary schools : Thai teachers' perceptions of the new basic curriculum
    Thitivesa, Duangkamol ( 2008)
    This study is concerned with primary education reform at schools attached to Rajabhat Universities. A set of twelve language teaching approaches (methods) is suggested in the Thai Teacher Handbook for Foreign Language Teachers, as part of the reform in language teaching and learning at primary level. The approaches aim to develop the ability of language use for communication. Rajabhat schools are in the ideal position for the change implementation, due to schools' location on university campuses and administrative structures under the universities. The aim of the study was to probe the teachers' understanding and practice of the new approaches. Two research questions guided the study: 1 To what degree the teachers comprehend the suggested language teaching methods? 2 What are the teachers' perceptions of how they implement the suggested language teaching methods in classrooms? A mixed research method was employed to answer these questions. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The two data sets are brought together by comparing and contrasting the findings, providing triangulation to enrich result interpretation. Data analysis reveals that the teachers have incorporated the suggested language teaching approaches and methods into classroom activities. They are willing to learn how the suggested approaches could be transformed into activities. However, activities students engaged in appeared to emphasize coverage of linguistic elements of target language and analysis of grammatical relationships of the elements. The emphasis on linguistics, rather than development of the ability to relate language form for functional use, derives from unclear understanding of the proposed approaches. Study findings provide evidence that knowledge and skill development for the usage of the methodological concepts of the suggested approaches could lead to the sustained change in language teaching and learning.
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    Approaching the undiscussable : investigating learning in an educational policy making organisation
    Stafford, Bronwyn Ann ( 2004)
    This study investigates the learning culture in the Professional Support & Curriculum Directorate, part of the policy-making section of the New South Wales Department of Education in Australia. It is based on the premise that organisations learn through the collaborative efforts of the staff who work in them. This learning results from an alignment of two theories: the 'espoused' and the 'enacted'. The 'espoused' theory represents the organisation's intent and usually resides in written documents. The 'enacted' theory is demonstrated through the organisation's practice. When these theories fail to align, the organisation's capacity to learn becomes inhibited. The gap between these two theories is 'undiscussable'. It creates tensions that the organisation does not discuss. The participants in this study were staff members located in the Professional Support & Curriculum Directorate. They included administrative and support staff as well educators and the Directorate's leaders. Data were gathered from these staff members using a survey and interviews. By comparing and contrasting their perceptions and experiences of the Directorate's 'espoused' and 'enacted' theories, the study describes the nature of the Directorate's learning culture and its effect on the staff. A model for learning in organisations, derived from the literature, provided the theoretical frame for this investigation. The study identified that the respondents experienced tension in their practice because their 'espoused' theories did not align with the Directorate's 'enacted' theories. This tension represented four 'undiscussables' or processes that hindered its learning: absence of trust, treating knowledge as a product, harmful 'knowledge-power' relationships and a 'failure' to examine critically the educational and socio-political assumptions on which its work was based. The study concludes with a description of the type of learning organisation that the Professional Support & Curriculum Directorate could become if it discussed these undiscussables constructively.
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    Mandated curriculum change, the Victorian experience : the impact of the VCE on the practice, tools, and beliefs of teachers in three schools
    Weir, Judith Ann ( 1998)
    This study aimed to explore the extent to which the externally mandated curriculum change - the VCE - had resulted in change in teacher practice, use of tools and beliefs. The study intended to discover if, as in other experiences of mandated curriculum reform, beliefs in the imposed system would follow a change in practice. This was done by the use of both quantitative and qualitative means. Teachers of the VCE in three schools were surveyed in this study. it was not the intention of the study to comment on the VCE itself, but on the way teachers believe it is best serving the cohort of students with whom they work. As the literature would suggest is true for mandated curriculum reforms, teachers in this study demonstrated change in many aspects of practice and the adoption of new tools. However, there are a number of aspects of the VCE which teachers believe are not serving the best interests of all students. Teachers in this study viewed positively those aspects of the VCE that allowed them the flexibility to cater adequately for all students. Those aspects of the VCE which posed difficulties were those that restricted the ability of teachers to cater adequately for all students.
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    Bringing children to school, bringing schools to children : partnerships and perceptions of change in ethnic minority education in Vietnam
    Molyneux, Paul ( 1998)
    This research study examines the nature of curriculum development and change currently taking place in the area of ethnic minority education in Vietnam. The Multigrade and Bilingual Education Project, a UNICEF and World Bank funded initiative administered by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training. aims to provide Universal Primary Education for children from Vietnam's 53 ethnic minority groups. Teacher training, the professional development of teachers, and the design of specialised curriculum for use in Multigrade schools are major funding priorities. Since 1991, the Multigrade and Bilingual Education Project has vastly increased ethnic minority children's school participation rates, has expanded its scope country wide, and has committed extensive resources towards the professional upgrading of teachers. Through the development of a series of teacher training modules, the Project has devised pedagogical structures for the introduction of localised curriculum. and appropriate methodology and resources for the teaching of ethnic minority language and culture. It has also actively encouraged a renovation of teaching methods to incorporate active learning and mixed ability grouping within Multigrade classrooms. These changes are a significant departure from past practices, and have been undertaken using collaborative structures not previously explored in the Vietnamese educational context. Given that these curriculum initiatives mark a distinct departure from the hitherto highly centralised and teacher-centred Vietnamese National Curriculum, deeper investigation of this phenomenon is needed. This research focuses on perceptions of educational change, as observed by a broad range of key players in the Multigrade and Bilingual Education Project. The researcher, experienced in teaching in multicultural settings in Melbourne, became interested in exploring the innovative nature of this Project when he was contracted by UNICEF to assist with the development of teacher development modules in Vietnam in 1995 and 1996. The research study draws on data gathered through surveys. document analysis and semi-structured interviews, and explores factors perceived as assisting or impeding the provision of a quality education to Vietnam's ethnic minority children. The nature of partnerships in fostering educational change, how this can be achieved in difficult circumstances, and the role of outside facilitators in this process are also examined.
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    Change management for teachers in the restructuring of Victorian education
    Richardson, Judith E ( 1995)
    The subject of this thesis is change management for teachers in the restructuring of Victorian education. The introduction outlines the restructuring policies for Victorian education and consequent changes in the past decade. Chapter One, the Literature Review, looks at some of the literature written about policies, the nature of change, the place of values and vision in the change process, professional development, leadership and the devolution of power and resourcing. This literature forms the basis for the questionnaire asked of D.S.E. participants to obtain data. Chapter Two, methodology, discusses the nature and implementation methods and questions for collection of data from personnel. Chapter Three states the findings of the data collected from the questions asked of D.S.E. personnel. Chapter Four consists of an analysis and discussion of the findings referred to in Chapter Three in light of the literature discussed in Chapter One. Chapter Five is a discussion of conclusions drawn in light of the Literature Review, questionnaire responses and the analysis of these. Overall, the thesis concludes that given the time frame of the restructuring implementation, resourcing for Professional Development, planning and implementation needs to be reassessed.
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    A nationwide educational knowledge and information system for China : is it likely to be adopted?
    Ping, Sun ( 2000)
    The researcher contrived a new strategy for the dissemination of educational knowledge -- a conceptual model of an Educational Knowledge and Information System (EKIS), based on a literature review. The focus of the research is to find out that whether, and under what conditions, the EKIS is likely to be adopted in China. The researcher interviewed some Chinese educational policy-makers to elicit their opinions on the EKIS model and on the possibility of the EMS development. The respondents perceived the EMS as a useful system, because it would have the potential to solve some of the current information problems. Their attitudes towards the EKIS development are positive, but with caution. The findings show consistency with the literature on innovation adoption. The importance of human factors in an innovation process is explicitly reflected in the findings. The respondents also indicated some elements that could hinder the adoption, development and utilisation of the EKIS in the setting of China, such as the influence of information policies, the impacts of educators' existing information dissemination and access conventions, and the lack of coordination among different government departments.
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    Leadership and successful implementation of change in Thailand
    Pinthapataya, Supatta ( 2003)
    The research aimed to investigate how leaders behaved and were perceived by their staff to behave during a period of successful change. More specifically the study examined the work of leaders who acted strategically, namely, the presidents of Rajabhat Institutes in Bangkok, when a new policy, Mass Education, was introduced and successfully implemented. The methodology used for this study was the qualitative approach. The study focused on the strategic leadership of the Presidents of two Rajabhat Institutes and used a semi-structured interview method and documentary review to collect data. The participants were the Presidents of the two Rajabhat Institutes, six administrative staff and six teachers from each Institute. Five elements of strategic leadership were used as a framework for analysis. The discussion of the findings was aided by a conceptual framework of strategic leadership, educational change and Thai culture. The findings revealed that the Presidents achieved success in the implementation of change through their actions, as classified according to the five elements in a framework of strategic leadership. It is apparent that both Presidents were very much concerned about global knowledge. Their knowledge of global and local trends gained them the trust of their colleagues. During their term as Presidents, they planned for the Institutes to enter into partnerships with international universities, with the aim of benchmarking on an international scale. Their vision was reflected in changes at the Institutes. The Presidents and their leadership teams collaborated as the key agents of change. In sharing knowledge and encouraging others, both Presidents performed the role of knowledge generators, mostly through communication in both formal and informal ways, which they considered their forte. The Presidents selected ways, appropriate for their own organisations, to share knowledge. Along with knowledge and support, the Presidents supported teachers by making resources available and by providing incentives for good work. In establishing structure, setting priorities and being key sources of expertise, the Presidents achieved their vision by aligning structures with plans and the tasks to be performed. They served as good models of hard work, dependability, and forthright action. This study revealed little about the long-term plans, which were flexible due to insufficient budgets. They effectively managed the annual governmental budgets of their Institutes to provide resources to support teachers and students. In ensuring the attention of the organisation's community was focused on important change, the Presidents worked hard to support the national reform agenda and to build human resources for community development. Their ability to provide knowledge through information technology was an appropriate way to serve the country in the implementation of the Mass Education policy. Strategic intent was apparent in the framework of the plan in its attempt to achieve desired outcomes. Strategic planning in the use of information technology contributed to achieving the goal. The use of advanced technology in learning and teaching enabled the Institutes to provide a wide range of curricula for the communities they served. The strong emphasis on community development led to cooperation between Institutes and the community. In monitoring and reviewing the implementation of policy, the Presidents informally and indirectly evaluated the programs. The purpose of evaluation was to improve the learning and teaching processes. The Presidents gave rewards and incentives to the teachers for good performance. The study revealed that the successful change that resulted from their strong strategic leadership was influenced by Thai values and Buddhist culture. The study showed that the Presidents were aware of the values and the culture of the people they were working with. Self-concept and self-esteem as well as ego-self are important when considering change. Senior status and hierarchical chain of respect are also important. The values of bun-khun (pay back) and krengjai (deference) were used on many occasions to ensure cooperation. The personal preference for "true-good-friend" (Kalayanamitr) also played a major role. The Presidents' ability to encourage staff to commit to change also reflected personal preference. In regard to Buddhist culture, the study revealed that both Presidents observed four aspects of Dhamma-oriented leadership: Wisdom Power, Effort Power, Faultlessness Power and Kindliness Power. In addition, the Buddhist culture of a middle way, and a harmonious and peaceful life led to avoidance of problems or confrontation. Persuasive talk, or looking for the next person to do the task, was the choice. Recommendations are offered for improving the practice of strategic leadership and for the conduct of research in the Thai setting.
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    A study of the market orientation and marketing management in Rajabhat institutes in Thailand
    Nitimanop, Parichart ( 2005)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the market orientation and marketing management of the administrators of four Rajabhat Institutes in Thailand, and also the style of leadership they employed in order to bring about effective change, arising from the establishment of a new Education Act, in their institutes. A case study method was used in order to determine how administrators of Rajabhat Institutes employ market-centred leadership to make effective change in marketing and how, in practice, administrators of Rajabhat Institutes implement their marketing concepts. A modified version of Drysdale's (2001) model of market-centred leadership was employed. This involved a consideration of two dimensions: market orientation and marketing management. The case studies revealed that, in the implementation of marketing concepts, the administrators demonstrated varying levels of responding to, and valuing, the importance of market-centred leadership which, in turn, invoked a various degrees of attitude change on the part of administrators. The extent of attitude to change on the part of institutes and administrators within each institute was graded as either high, medium or low. Variation between institutions indicated one Rajabhat Institute was high, two Rajabhat Institutes were medium and one Rajabhat Institute was low. For the administrators within these institutes: all Presidents were rated high; senior administrators varied between high (one), medium (two) and low (one). This suggests that a high level of responding and valuing of market-centred leadership is required if major educational reform is to be successfully implemented.