Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Focus on form in a Thai university English course
    Muangkaew, Chanida ( 2006)
    This thesis reports on an investigation about the application of new pedagogy to the teaching of English grammar to the first year English major students in a Rajabhat University in Bangkok, Thailand. This study sought to explore the effectiveness of an indirect explicit instruction approach on improving students' motivation and attitudes towards learning English grammar. This study was conducted in a normal grammar classroom of thirty three students for sixteen two-hour weekly sessions. Kemmis and McTaggart's (1988) action research cycle method was adopted, involving two cycles of teaching-learning activity. Each cycle was regulated into steps of developing a unit of work, implementing an instruction for six weekly two-hour sessions, observing and reflecting. The data obtained consisted of teacher/researcher's journal, students diaries and interviews and students' self-assessment questionnaires. The teacher's journal provided information about how students were responsive to the new teaching approach whereas students reflected on their new learning experiences in their diaries. Moreover, self-assessment questionnaires using a 5-point Likert scale were employed to obtain a clearer picture on students' attitudes, activities provided and their perceived improvement in learning English grammar. The results of this study reveal that indirect explicit grammar instruction had a great impact on students' motivation and attitudes. Effective learning atmosphere and cooperative learning led to significant changes of students' learning behaviours. Students showed their eagerness to participate in the learning process. They became more self-confident and expressed their willingness to take risks in learning in the language classroom. It could be argued that students' attitudes had improved and they, therefore, were motivated to learn English grammar. However, the students' grammatical knowledge had not significantly developed since the study was undertaken over a short period of time. The study proposes some factors that the teachers should carefully take into consideration in adapting indirect explicit approach to their teaching. Of greater significance were contributions made by the study regarding the advantages of developing own instructional materials that respond to the learners' needs over commercial materials and the value of employing action research to investigate problems arising from teaching practice. Finally, it is suggested that a longitudinal study is worth trying in order to establish the applicability of the indirect explicit approach in teaching English grammar in EFL contexts.
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    An evaluation of quality assurance implementation at a higher education institution in Bangkok
    Yoosub, Bubpha ( 2005)
    This study aimed to investigate the implementation of Quality Assurance (OA) regarding two compulsory English courses in a Rajabhat University in Bangkok. Quality of these courses is considered to be crucial because they are required for the completion of all undergraduate degrees in every program of study in the Rajabhat. The study intended particularly, to examine the level of success of QA implementation in order to recommend improvements to the implementation process. The study employed a qualitative case study of the institution to reveal factors affecting QA implementation and to construct an improved QA management model for such courses. Document analysis and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The participants of the research were purposively selected according to their levels of participation in the QA program, namely, policy makers, transmitters of the policy and implementers. Miles & Huberman-style grids were employed to facilitate data analysis and then Fullan's theory of change was used as a framework for discussion of the findings. Analysis revealed that QA was thought to be needed but the level of success of the QA implementation was rather low at the course level due to a lack of efficient communication between the systems level and implementers on the ground. Consequently, teaching staff's knowledge and understanding of the QA operation was inadequate. However, strengths of the program included availability of financial and physical supports, i.e. multi-media teaching materials, IT infrastructure and provision of professional development. Perhaps the most important strength was the awareness and willingness of lecturers to implement QA during routine teaching. Nevertheless, IT literacy, teamwork skills and explicit systematic QA implementation documents were inadequate. Overall, this study has demonstrated a limited level of success regarding QA implementation in this Thai context due to various factors. Therefore, recommendations for improvement are presented and a QA model for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) is proposed.
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    What happens to liberal arts graduates? : an examination of their preparation for and experiences of the labour market
    Waugh, Toni ( 2000)
    This study investigates the career progress of graduates from a liberal arts degree over an extended period of time. It explores the employment preparation undertaken by these graduates or provided through their education, their early labour market experiences, and the extent to which they develop satisfactory careers. This information is significant because of the continuing pressure on universities to improve the employability of graduates to meet workforce demands, and an increasing 'supply of graduates who expect positive outcomes as a result of their tertiary education. The report provides useful information to arts students so they can make informed decisions about preparing for post-university work and their career development. The data collected may also contribute in different ways to the practices of Arts faculties and employers of graduates. The study found that a considerable proportion of arts graduates experienced uncertainty and a less than straightforward transition to post-university employment. Not all of the graduates believed that the arts degree had assisted them in securing work, however, many were happy they had studied the course. Whilst approximately seventy per cent eventually attained higher level positions, twenty per cent remained in lower level work. Further study was the main source of career development. No differences were found between males and females regarding occupational attainment although males earned higher salaries. In comparison with other studies, arts graduates in the present study were more likely to be in non-graduate work than graduates from other fields.
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    Critical language awareness and academic writing skills in English for overseas post-graduate engineering students
    Stewart, Laurel J ( 2002)
    This research project examines the problems associated with bringing overseas post-graduate students to a satisfactory level of competence in Engineering Academic Writing in English. Having acknowledged that the teaching of more and more English grammar does not resolve the problem completely, this research project explores the possibility that an intervention program, based on a Critical Language Awareness approach, offers a promising alternative. By bringing to the students' conscious level aspects of their writer identity, which include issues of experience, status and power relations, their interests, values and beliefs, their voice(s), practices and ownership of their writing and issues of accommodation or resistance to change, it is shown that there is limited but promising evidence that student writing can be brought to a satisfactory level. However, as cultural norms are embedded deeply, change cannot be brought about readily.
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    Issues of curriculum transition from secondary to tertiary drama education
    Mustafa, David R ( 2005)
    This case study aims to explore issues of curriculum transition for those students moving from secondary to tertiary study in drama and theatre studies. Its purpose is to examine the relationship between first year tertiary drama and theatre studies courses and VCE Drama/Theatre Studies, and whether these tertiary courses are meeting the needs of those students who have this particular VCE study as their foundation. As a means of investigating this issue, a group of first year tertiary students was selected as participants after they had enrolled in the unit Body, Text and Performance offered by the School of Creative Arts at the University of Melbourne through the Theatre Studies stream. Other participants included the coordinating lecturer, as well as the tutors delivering the practical component of the curriculum. This qualitative study seeks to examine the nature of this unit through the responses and attitudes of both students and staff. As a secondary drama teacher, VCAA Examiner and Auditor, the researcher has witnessed directly the marked improvement in senior drama education since the introduction of VCE in 1991. This study seeks to ascertain to what extent tertiary courses have responded to these changes in the VCE and whether curriculum at this level is informed by students' previous experiences, knowledge and learning from their secondary senior schooling.
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    Concept of spoken English
    Cui, Xia ( 2007)
    The study presented here examines the concept of spoken English held by tertiary teachers of English as a Foreign Language in China. The objective was to discover this knowledge so as to inform the design of professional development programs aiming to raise the standards of spoken English teaching in order to meet new government policy objectives. A college in South China was chosen as the research site and 17 EFL teachers participated in the study. Data were collected through the teachers' written responses to samples of spoken English, answers to a questionnaire, and focus group discussions. The findings of the study provide a 'map', showing both the range and the focus of how the teachers conceive of the features of spoken English across its different domains, and the gaps between these concepts of spoken English and those in contemporary theories. Although a wide range of features covering all domains of spoken English are included by the teachers as a group, most of them focus more on the features of formal accuracy and fluency than on those in the domain of sociolinguistic and strategic language use. The findings also suggest a number of reasons for this imbalance. These include practical constraints, such as the national examination guides and big class size, and the teachers' lack of confidence and knowledge in certain domains of spoken language use. Considered in light of current theories of language teaching, these findings show the knowledge, beliefs and assumptions of a representative group of teachers which can be used to guide the design of on-going professional development programs for such teachers in the area of spoken English pedagogy.
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    An examination of the role of the Bridging into sciences program within the Victorian TAFE sector
    Thompson, David C ( 2002)
    The intention of this study was to examine and describe the role of the Bridging Into Sciences (BIS) program, a course of study conducted within the Victorian TAFE educational sector. BIS was originally developed in 1985, as a means of providing basic grounding in biology and chemistry for mature-age students seeking entry into health science-related university courses. Since that time, it has undergone several curriculum additions and changes, TAFE re-accreditations and was now taught a four different Victorian TAFE institutes. The updated BIS program was designed to form a link between unemployment and academia, providing a suitable entry point for individuals without suitable academic background. Like the old course, the new BIS version was intended to provide learners with vital underpinning theoretical knowledge and practical skills in both mathematics and the sciences, facilitating articulation into courses of science-orientated study, at a higher level of sophistication. However, unlike the old course, the new BIS program proposed to offer learners multiple exit points, and hence, multiple academic destinations. But was the new BIS program version fulfilling its intended aims, philosophies and intentions ? What sort of students undertook BIS studies ? Was the program able to provide multiple exit point for those successfully completing it ? Were students able to successfully undertake the BIS program and fulfil their specific academic goals ? If so, in which courses of study were they able to articulate into ? Were all students successful in completing BIS ? If not, why not ? Were the aims and philosophies of those teaching in the program consistent with those of the course designers ? Could the program be improved ? If so, how ? Overall, was a true and accurate 'picture' of the role of the Bridging Into Sciences program within the TAFE sector ? A desire to address these questions and formulate true and accurate insight of how BIS was operating, provided the impetus for, and aim of, this study. To achieve this aim, data from all four TAFE institutes was sought. To establish a 'rich and thick' understanding of how the program was operating, both qualitative and quantitative data collection methodologies were employed. Data was collected from three different sources - curriculum documents, ex-students and teaching staff members, via three different methods. First, relevant curriculum materials were collected and carefully examined. This established the program content, as well as overall aims and philosophies. Second, a questionnaire was designed, trialled and mailed to a select group of ex-BIS students - those having been enrolled in 1997. The mail out survey was to gather demographic information, as well as solicit opinions about their BIS experiences, from a cohort of individuals comprising of those who had successfully completed the program, and those who had not. In doing so, a 'snap-shot' of BIS, from a student prospective, would be obtained. Raw data generated was subsequently analysed using the SPSS computer software. Third, a number of teachers instructing in the BIS program, were interviewed in 'face-to-face' fashion. Teacher responses were tape recorded during interview and were later transcribed and analysed. The findings of the study revealed that in 1997, the BIS program was undertaken by students who were typically Australian-born, English-speaking females, aged somewhere between mid twenties to thirties and had at least one child. Members of the group were also likely to have completed at upper secondary school and were specifically involved with the BIS program to gain entry into either a TAFE or university course. Although almost 70% of BIS students were successful in completing at least one module, financial difficulties and seeking employment were the two main reasons for individuals having to discontinue their BIS studies. Of those successfully completing the program, almost two-thirds were found to be engaged in some form of post-BIS academic endeavor. BIS teachers were found to be a group of highly experienced professionals, averaging almost five years of involvement in the program. It was their collective belief that whilst the program was providing students with vital underpinning theoretical knowledge and practical skills, it also developed self-confidence and personal empowerment. In doing so, it was able to prepare students for studies at higher levels, both from theoretical and practical perspectives. Collectively, they agreed that the overall program was successful in achieving its aims, philosophies and objectives.
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    Hawthorn Leadership Assessment Centre : a case study of assessors' perceptions
    Mitchell, Paul W ( 2001)
    The implementation of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Assessment Centre at Hawthorn Leadership Assessment Centre (HLAC) is a part of The University of Melbourne s post-graduate syllabus. At the completion of an assessment centre assessors were interviewed. Their perceptions indicate that H LAC is an effective professional development activity for participants and assessors alike. This finding emerged through the implementation of a semi structured interview schedule. The study also found that assessors believed a more culturally relevant model reflective of local practice be explored or incorporated into the franchised NASSP model.
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    The effectiveness of EAP writing conferences
    Wang, Xiang ( 2006)
    Teacher-student writing conferences are widely adopted in EAP composition pedagogy, but, to date, there is little research that has examined their effectiveness. This qualitative case study investigates in what ways conferences are effective in improving EAP students' writing. The participants in this study were three advanced EAP students and their teacher at an English language centre in Melbourne. The major data sources included tapes and transcripts of the interviews with each participant, copies of students' first drafts, tapes and transcripts of the conferences on their first drafts, and copies of their subsequent drafts. The findings suggest that EAP conferences may be effective in three ways: (a) improving students' understanding of the teacher's responses, (b) maintaining students' confidence about their writing and motivating them to revise their drafts, and (c) assisting students to revise their drafts. There is evidence that a successful conference does not necessarily lead to successful subsequent revisions as the final product may be affected by the student's writing abilities, language proficiency, and topic knowledge. The study also indicates that it is critical for teachers to tailor the feedback for the students' concerns and their developmental stages of EAP writing.
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    Making connections from the classroom to professional context : using problem-based learning to enhance engineering education
    Roberts, Pamela ( 2000)
    Problem-based learning (PBL) is presented as an educational reform that is particularly relevant for professional education programs. This study investigated the use of PBL to enhance the quality of students' learning in Professional Skills, a first year engineering subject at Swinburne University of Technology. The major aims for Professional Skills are to develop students' communication skills and to provide them with an introduction to the engineering profession. PBL was selected because of the use of a professional context to demonstrate the relevance of learning and the approach to developing students' abilities for self-directed and life-long learning. PBL requires different understandings and approaches to teaching and learning than are typical of existing practices in engineering education. An action research method was used to guide the development of curriculum and teaching practices because of the role of action research in providing support for teachers to improve their educational understandings and practices. The study examines two action research cycles of curriculum development, teaching and learning during 1995. Qualitative research methods were used to investigate teachers' and students' experiences of teaching and learning to inform the progressive curriculum improvement and evaluation. The findings from the study provide insight into both the characteristics of PBL that enhance the quality of students' learning and strategies that contribute to an on-going process of supporting change and improvement in curriculum and teaching practices. Students identified four thematic issues that were central to their motivation and engagement in learning. These issues were: being able to see the relevance of their learning to their future careers, collaborative learning in class and their project teams, their opportunities for active involvement and input into learning decisions, and a supportive learning environment in which they received guidance and feedback on their progress. Teaching and learning in the PBL curriculum was a new and challenging experience for both engineering teachers and students. The collaborative action research process assisted teachers to develop the skills and confidence to utilise new approaches to teaching and learning. The relevance of these findings to achieving the cultural change advocated by the 1996 Review of Engineering Education (lEAust 1996) is examined.