Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Principal leadership and accountability
    Smith, Gregory Peter ( 2000)
    This thesis focuses on Primary School Principal leadership and accountability within the restructured Government education system. It proposes a model of accountability that incorporates the many influences that impact on the leadership role of the Principal in the Primary School. The study includes a critical review of international and Australian literature in relation to leadership and accountability in schools, as well as the analysis of data collected from fifteen Primary School Principals. The literature review draws together the two components of leadership and accountability within the role of. the Primary School Principal. A critical analysis and discussion of data collected from focus groups and interviews in a holistic phemonological study of fifteen Primary School Principals in the Northern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne examines how leadership and accountability influence their role. The thesis proposes a model of accountability that takes into account the influences that are placed upon Principals and makes recommendations for further study.
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    A cross-age comparative investigation of students' attitudes towards computers as a tool to support learning in years 7-12 science classes
    Waddington, Carolyn ( 2000)
    This thesis documents a cross-age comparative investigation of students' attitudes towards computers as a tool to support learning in Years 7 - 12 science classes. The study was set at the secondary school campus of an independent girls' school in Victoria. The secondary school is broken into three relatively autonomous groups, the Junior Secondary School (JSS), the Middle School (MS) and the Senior School (SS). Data was collected by a survey administered to 1215 students in Years 7 -12 science classes. Results of the survey were analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Bonferonni analyses. This study aimed to investigate the ways computers are used in science classes. Word processing and the internet were the most common computer uses across the school. A comparison of students in JSS, MS and SS's preferred frequency of use of computers in science classes was undertaken. JSS students preferred to use their computers more frequently in science classes when compared to MS and SS students. An investigation of the uses of computers in science classes that students found beneficial to their learning of science concepts was undertaken and compared across the three school groups. Students' attitudes towards computers as tools to support learning in the science classroom was investigated. The majority of students in all school groups felt the computer was a beneficial support for learning when completing assignment work and was a beneficial tool for presentation. However, it depended on the number of years of computer experience in science classes as to whether students felt the computer was of benefit to their learning of theory or practical work. Aspects of computer use at school in general, that students liked or disliked was determined. The stage of the curriculum that students were currently in, was the major determinant for the students' attitudes towards the use of computers as a support for learning.
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    What happens to liberal arts graduates? : an examination of their preparation for and experiences of the labour market
    Waugh, Toni ( 2000)
    This study investigates the career progress of graduates from a liberal arts degree over an extended period of time. It explores the employment preparation undertaken by these graduates or provided through their education, their early labour market experiences, and the extent to which they develop satisfactory careers. This information is significant because of the continuing pressure on universities to improve the employability of graduates to meet workforce demands, and an increasing 'supply of graduates who expect positive outcomes as a result of their tertiary education. The report provides useful information to arts students so they can make informed decisions about preparing for post-university work and their career development. The data collected may also contribute in different ways to the practices of Arts faculties and employers of graduates. The study found that a considerable proportion of arts graduates experienced uncertainty and a less than straightforward transition to post-university employment. Not all of the graduates believed that the arts degree had assisted them in securing work, however, many were happy they had studied the course. Whilst approximately seventy per cent eventually attained higher level positions, twenty per cent remained in lower level work. Further study was the main source of career development. No differences were found between males and females regarding occupational attainment although males earned higher salaries. In comparison with other studies, arts graduates in the present study were more likely to be in non-graduate work than graduates from other fields.
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    Through a glass, darkly : a case study
    Milte, Elizabeth Anne ( 2000)
    This study describes, explores and explains a case which occurred in an Australian State primary school, when permission was withdrawn for a research project which sought to survey parents' perceptions of the school. This occurred three weeks after all questionnaires had been distributed, by hand through the school, to every family in the school. The research project was the work of the Deputy Principal, the author of this thesis, who is also known as the researcher and the participant observer. The case is then rewritten, scenarios are constructed and leadership behaviours are described within the Structural, Human Resource, Political and Symbolic frames set forth by Bolman and Deal. A fifth frame, an Ethical frame, as proposed by Starratt, is also applied to the case. These frames comprise most leadership theory and each provides the base for a scenario in which the researcher may more clearly pose a question, a curious phenomenon or a problematic issue. Through the creation of scenarios the researcher was able to understand complex interactions, tacit processes and often hidden beliefs and values within organisations. Each frame generates a different set of strategies. In this way knowledge is gained and potential futures are posited, leading to a sharpened awareness of the forces acting on leaders. The thesis is underpinned by the belief that a conscious and reflective review of, and inquiry into, one's actions as a leader through the creation of scenarios will assist the development of an ethical and pragmatic personal theory of organisation. It is an aim of this thesis to demonstrate that where a case is recreated within the five ideal frames possible futures are evoked, creating an environment for wise decision making and enhanced leadership behaviour.
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    An investigation of change through one school's involvement in the early literacy research project
    Maine, Jane Lorraine ( 2000)
    This study closely monitored one small rural school's involvement in the Early Literacy Research Project (ELRP) in order to ascertain the critical players in effecting sustained change. The literature endorses the sustainability of change within systems if it is embodied within an effective design. The ELRP used the Hill & Crevola (1997) Whole-School Design for Effective Schooling as a framework for implementing changes in literacy teaching practice. This thesis investigated, through the collection of evidence, both quantitative and qualitative, the implementation of a structured classroom literacy program set within a design model, that predicted improved literacy outcomes. This study focused on three of the nine elements within the design model, namely the multi-dimensional approach to professional development, the professional learning team as a critical vehicle in maintaining the momentum of change and the impact of changed literacy teaching on improved student literacy outcomes. This thesis identified the structures, processes and people that combined to effect sustained change. This small case study produced a substantial quantity of research data that included interviews, reflective journals, observation and surveys. Importantly, this case study used the quantitative student performance data collated as part of the ELRP to support the finding of improved student literacy outcomes. The outcome of the investigation conducted within the context of a school literacy program, supports the proposition that successful and effective change recognises the multi-dimensional characteristics of organisational change management. This study used the nine dimensions of the Hill & Crevola whole-school design as a framework for discussing the change processes observed.
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    How do shared values assist individuals interpret the emerging global issues confronting each law firm?
    Stonehouse, Lachlan K. W ( 2000)
    This research aims to identify the key shared values of three different law firms. Case studies are employed to research how factors such as globalisation, technological advancements and firm structure may impact upon the individual and their perception of their firm. There are many issues faced by law firms. Several caused by the inherent structures. The partnership is a collection of skilled lawyers who expect a financial return. Lawyers also have needs which may be in conflict with the goals of the partnership. To satisfy and retain lawyers, firms need to understand the impact structures and global changes are making, reward appropriately and communicate more effectively. There is a constant challenge to keep a positive balance between being profitable and developing shared values which are consistent to support all partners and staff. Values are critical in maintaining a positive work environment.
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    My place Tempatku : a search for meaning, a cross cultural study that investigates the ways in which children in Australia and Indonesia reveal their ideas and feelings about places of significance in their lives
    Stephens, Margaret Vair ( 2000)
    The study aimed to investigate ways in which groups of primary aged children in Australia and Indonesia responded to the metaphor My Place Tempatku, developed their ideas, and presented these using a range of visual art media and written stories. It grew out of the researcher's experiences and reflections as an art teacher, an artist in schools and a teacher educator. The study was designed with a travelling exhibition in mind and this intention was clearly communicated to all participants. It encouraged dialogue between the participants and the researcher with a particular focus on the art work and written stories as vehicles for communication within a cultural context. The researcher sought, at all times, to exclude from the study notions of racism or superiority. As such, the basis of the My Place Tempatku study was never intended to be a comparison of the techniques of drawings, the teaching methodologies nor of one curriculum to another. Rather, the study sought to document and so illuminate the emic views of the participants, the children in schools in Victoria and Bali and the views of the researcher as this particular study progressed. The instrumental case study is presented in a narrative style designed to evoke key features of the stages of the project and provide engaging interpretative accounts from the participants' perspectives. The My Place Tempatku study reveals that when children in a cross cultural context are engaged in art making that is relevant, challenging, expressive and personal, their imagery and final art work generate intense levels of interest for other children and their communities. The informal exhibition emerged as a significant phase and as the cultural exchange agent, facilitating observation and direct interpretation by children and teachers. In this cross cultural context the art work and bi-lingual translated written stories, served as vehicles for communication and exchange, substituting for face-to-face interrelationships. The children demonstrated shifts in their thinking and levels of understanding as a consequence of their observation and prolonged engagement with the exhibition My Place Tempatku
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    Absenteeism amongst international students
    McCracken, Rowena M ( 2000)
    International students are a significant factor in contemporary Australian education. However, despite the good efforts of the many stakeholders, a number of these students do not succeed. One major element common among many who fail is absenteeism. While there have been attempts to remedy the problem, most have not succeeded. One reason for this has been the lack of information sought on how students viewed their own experience and behaviour. The present study attempts to redress this lack by investigating the views and experience of a group of long-term absentee students from Indonesia and Thailand who were enrolled in a Diploma of Business at a private commercial provider of TAFE. The findings reveal a habit of absenteeism in the majority of participants which preceded their entry to Australia. Indeed, this pattern was not infrequently the catalyst for parents to send the student abroad in the hope that it would develop self-reliance and ensure academic achievement. In reality, the move not only did little to change old habits, but actually exacerbated feelings of low self esteem which, coupled with the loneliness and difficulties with study in a foreign city, tended to turn participants more and more to socialising with compatriot groups, increasing their alienation from local society and study, even to the point of turning to substance abuse. The study concludes that, as with all students with social difficulties, help in developing the attitude and skills needed to engender self-esteem and self-reliance, as well as open and frequent communication between students, parents, support staff and significant peers, are essential if any improvement is to be made in the situation.
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    An examination of multicultural perspectives in art education, and their contribution to a just, tolerant and creative society
    Manger, Lee ( 2000)
    Contemporary art curriculum guidelines in Australia, both at national and state levels, state that study in the Arts must gives students access to the cultural diversity in their immediate community and the broader Australian and international context. As well, the principles of gender equity and equal opportunity for students from all ethnic, socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds have been incorporated. These statements appear to reflect multicultural perspectives, in promoting an equitable, harmonious, and innovative society (Stuhr, 1991; Sleeter and Grant, 1991). However, critics such as Rizvi (1994) contend that these directives are seldom reflected in the art program in most schools. In this thesis, I have examined the potential of art education to implement these aims, and assumptions regarding the desirability of this outcome. To this end, I have investigated the ideas that underpin this kind of multicultural awareness. These theories direct their focus towards democratic teaching methods, and recommend an art curriculum and teaching practices which encourage students to become active social critics through the arts. To this end, I discuss ways in which teachers and students might explore and analyse the ways in which the arts affect attitudes and relationships of power, and the contributions to be made by a study of Australia's diversity. 1 have also compared the proposals of the many educational theorists whose ideas have been explored with those in the CSF for the Arts. To assist this evaluation, I have also conducted a small field research study in a number of secondary schools in the south-eastern metropolitan area of Melbourne, to establish whether the art teachers interviewed understood and implemented the aims of multiculturalism. On the basis of this comparison, proposals have been outlined for a focus on social justice and appreciation of difference.
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    Programme influences on the lifestyle and accommodation choices of older adults experiencing sensory loss
    Matinga, Jilane B. ( 2000)
    This thesis is a study of approximately thirty older adults who all experienced age-related sensory loss, in particular, vision impairment and varying degrees of hearing impairment. They were drawn from three different residential settings in Melbourne, where service delivery is provided and administered, by the Vision Australia Foundation. The overarching aim of the study was to determine why participants made the choices they had, to live where and as they did. The study used a qualitative approach, through semi-structured interviews, to elicit responses from participants. These responses formed the basis upon which to evaluate the rehabilitation programmes that are offered, to enable the best use, by the participants, of their remaining vision and to promote independence. Responses noted from the interviews were collated and placed in a grid, according to the residential setting from which they had been collected. The data were reduced further, to identify similarities or differences, followed by the analysis. The findings of this study have shown that, following diagnosis of severe vision impairment and early intervention in the form of rehabilitative training, people based in their own homes preferred to remain there, especially if they had continuing access to local services, as well as telephone links to similarly-affected people. Those who moved into residential services, whether independent living units or hostel-type accommodation, did so for security reasons and proximity to professional services. Some had never attended rehabilitation programmes due to a lack of information, therefore had not made a fully informed decision about how they were to live. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that if people with age-related vision, and possibly hearing loss, are taught skills that assist them to make the most of their remaining vision before it becomes too difficult or dangerous, they are able to remain in their own homes and enjoy a more fulfilling life than that of people who become resigned to moving into a more restrictive environment.