Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Egan's stage theory : an exploratory study of its use in the analysis of science textbooks
    Valmadre, Christopher Charles ( 1985)
    Kieran Egan (1979) has challenged educationists to consider the need for a Theory of Development which is specifically Educational. Such a need is discussed and examined in the context of science teaching. Egan's Theory was applied to the selection of science text material for a group of eleven and twelve year old students. The students' responses to the materials were compared with Egan's descriptions of certain developmental stages, particularly of his Romantic Stage. The author concluded that Egan's theoretical proposition assisted in interpeting certain student behaviour and preferences. Possible classroom uses of Egan's theory are discussed, implications for text usage and design are outlined, and some areas of research are suggested.
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    Computer education curricula for secondary schools
    Jones, Anthony John (1940-) ( 1983)
    Educationally the nineteen eighties may well be remembered as the decade in which computers were introduced, in a planned and co-ordinated fashion, into the primary and secondary schools of Victoria. Throughout this thesis it is argued that while the planning and co-ordination have begun, they are a long way from being educationally satisfactory or effective. In particular, the need for the development of a broad curriculum to cater for the teaching and learning of Computer Education throughout the years of secondary schooling is examined, and a course proposal outlined. The concept of "curriculum" is discussed. A number of definitions are cited, and several traditional and current curriculum models are examined in the light of what might best suit Computer Education. Because Computer Education is a new subject, its introduction into the education system must be considered on a school-wide basis, rather than simply as a separate entity at one level such as year twelve. The arguments being put forward by the protagonists of course development within individual schools, as opposed to centralised development and dissemination, are examined and ultimately rejected for the introduction of Computer Education. One important aspect of curriculum development concerns the relationship that exists between the subject matter to be learned and the pedagogical methods to be used. It is now generally accepted that content, sequences and methods will vary according to the stage of development or educational maturity, of the learner. However many teachers are unaware of the differences that may exist between the logical development of a subject and the development that is most appropriate for the secondary school student. This is evidenced by the many text books and curricula that plunge, almost from the very beginning, into teaching the novice student how to write a computer program. Other problems, both existing and potential, that Computer Education curriculum developers must apply themselves to include the un-necessary duplication of content between Computer Education and other subjects, the advisability of integrating Computer Education into existing subjects for at least the first three years of secondary schooling, and the difficulty of obtaining suitable hardware and software at a realistic cost to schools. The curriculum proposal contained in this thesis considers the years from upper primary to the completion of secondary schooling, and assumes that some authority, for example VISE, would have ultimate control over the content at year twelve level. In the early years of secondary schooling the emphasis would be on students using prepared programs for tutoring, simulation, exploration and recreation. During this period every student would learn to use a computer in a variety of modes and in several subject areas. Programming would be taught when and if the need arose, unless students elected to take a Computer Science subject at year eleven level or later. Finally, the problems relating to the training of teachers are investigated. To prepare every teacher for the introduction of computers into secondary schools, considerable changes must be made immediately to existing preservice courses for both primary and secondary teachers. As well, the method and content and duration of inservice activities would need to be rethought, redesigned and given a much higher priority than at present.
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    Social ideologies in two sets of multicultural curricular materials
    Hampel, Bill ( 1980)
    The large increase in the non-British proportion of Australia's population since 1945 has created a demand for greater recognition in schools of cultural difference and a re-affirmation of the goal of equality of educational opportunity. Marxist theories of ideology, hegemony and the State are employed to examine whether 'multicultural' curricular materials which are ostensibly advocating a critical appraisal of the society and subscription to these pluralist goals, are not soliciting support for dominant ideologies. The thesis questions whether they are not acting to reproduce the social order to the detriment of the ethnic minorities they are purporting to serve. The first of the two sets of curricular materials examined, Ethnic Australia, develops a Eurocentric view of exploration and inter-ethnic relations favourable to the needs of .capitalist economic growth. Its criticism of prejudice is unrelenting, but it does not extend it to an adequate analysis of the social conditions which might have generated discrimination and conflict. In its presentation of Italian and Greek cultures, it highlights and reinforces those attitudes and behaviours which are most conducive to an acceptance of competitive individualism under capitalism. The materials entitled Australia : A Multicultural Society, show the benefit of widespread consultation with educators and ethnic groups. They offer a view of culture and a picture of the material circumstances of Greeks and other migrants in Australia which accords with the most recent and carefully conducted research. In delivering a sustained attack on the inadequate provision for migrants in this country, they expose children' to a variety of ideological perspectives gleaned from the media, ethnic communities and the peer culture. Reservations are expressed about the capacity of materials with a liberal reformist ideology to develop in school students a critical awareness of the more intractable social structural barriers to the achievement of social equality and acceptance of cultural difference. Finally, there is brief discussion of the problems of construction and dissemination of critical curricular materials in a publicly funded educational system.
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    Transition from primary to secondary school maths retention
    Griffin, Joseph ( 1985)
    In the last decade, a great deal of educational interest has centred on the transition of secondary pupils into post-secondary education or the workforce. This research project undertook an examination of the transition of primary pupils from their current school to be relocated in a nearby secondary school. The basic question addressed by the study was : Does a primary student transferring to a nearby secondary school suffer significant reduction in his mathematical skills within the first two weeks in the new school ? The testing was completed by using a twenty item mathematics test and administered to pupils in year 5 and year 6 in the primary schools in December. The same test was again given the same pupils, now in year 6 and year 7, in the February of the following year. It was because of the potential bias of items being relatively more difficult for the younger group, that the Rasch latent trait model was used to calibrate sample free item difficulties for the two groups of students. Items in the test were then given an estimate of their difficulties and each pupil was given an ability estimate depending on the total number of successful items on the test. It was with these ability estimates that the major questions of this study were examined. The study used a three way analysis of covariance to determine if a significant set back in mathematics skills had occurred during the transition. The major factors were the different year groups, sex differences and schools. Consideration was also taken for the ethnic population in the study. The results suggest a reduction in mathematical skills in the first two weeks in high school, and that this applies equally for male and female students. However an interactive influence can occur due to school differences.
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    Uses made of students' writing: implications in terms of language and learning
    Cosgriff, Russell Owen ( 1980)
    Students in our schools do a great deal of writing - writing has always been regarded highly in our educational system. We, as teachers, are responsible for giving our students most of the writing that they do and, because of this, we need to answer some pertinent questions: e.g. Do we know why we give our students the writing? Are we aware of where writing fits in the overall learning process of our students? Is what we are actually doing in the classroom with respect to our students' writing the same as what we think we are doing? This study is concerned with questions such as these in order to determine what is current practice, and to critically discuss such practice in terms of its impact on the learning success of students. The relationship between thought and language is intricate, but there is evidence that these have different genetic roots and develop differently; at certain stages, their curves of development meet. Word meanings may be. viewed as the overlap of thought and speech, and it is through word meanings that there is transition from thought to words. Written language requires a higher level of abstraction than spoken language. There is a reliance on formal meanings of words, and more words are needed than with speech, due to the absence of a communicating partner whose knowledge of the current subject can be pre-supposed. The communication is meant for a person who is not present or who may even be imaginary; motives for written language differ from those for spoken language. Different types of language can be discerned. James Britton categorized language as being transactional, expressive or poetic, where the purpose of the language differs in each case. Language closest to the students' everyday speech is expressive, yet there is evidence the predominant language demanded of secondary school students is transactional, and this demand increases as the student moves up the school. If language plays, a central role in students' learning, what are the consequences of this? There is also evidence that, as the student moves through the secondary school, the teacher is seen increasingly as almost the sole audience for the writing. What impact does this have? What then, are the uses made of students' writing? Why do teachers set it? How do they mark it? What uses are made of it by teachers after they have marked it and handed it back? Two research reports are considered in detail which focus on such issues in order to determine what is happening across the curriculum at about middle secondary school level. The first, by Douglas Barnes and Denis Shemilt, made use of an open questionnaire. Factor analysis was employed to establish patterns. Replies were seen as falling on a dimension which was called the Transmission-Interpretation dimension. The researchers further hypothesized by extrapolating from teachers' attitudes to writing in order to reconstruct their attitudes to knowledge and learning. The second research report resulted from a survey conducted by the present writer. A closed questionnaire was circulated to teachers of middle secondary level in twelve schools and the replies were factor analyzed. Two factors were discussed in detail; for both factors, there was evidence that patterns in responses closely matched the pattern obtained by the Barnes-Shemilt study. Having obtained some knowledge of language types expected or demanded, audiences provided for students' writing and the uses made of the written work, the implications in terms of language and learning are discussed.
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    A strategy for the development of internal audit education in Australia
    Cooper, Barry J. ( 1985)
    My interest in internal audit education first developed when I was given the responsibility for developing and conducting the Graduate Diploma in Internal Auditing which commenced at RMIT in 1981. Since then, I have had many opportunities to meet internal audit practitioners, to seek their views and to reflect on the needs of, and developments in, internal audit in Australia. My observations gave me the impetus to undertake, with a colleague, a major research survey of internal audit in Australia. This survey, recently published under the title, "A Profile of Internal Audit in Australia", has been a major influence in developing my thoughts on this thesis topic. In attempting to devise a strategy for internal audit education in Australia, it is necessary to review the whole field of internal audit in terms of its nature, professionalism, past experience, the various influences affecting internal audit education and a possible educational framework. In this respect, this thesis aims to be a comprehensive document. However where possible, supportive detail has been incorporated into Appendices rather than the main body of the thesis. I am hopeful this thesis will provide a framework for those organisations and individuals who can provide the leadership and resources to implement effective internal audit education in Australia.
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    Geography in Victorian government schools, 1900-1950
    Bryant, R. J. L. ( 1983)
    Geography has a long tradition as a component of the teaching programs of both the elementary and secondary schools of Britain and her former colonies. Research has shown this to be the case in nineteenth century Victoria, where Geography was seen as an important subject. The subject was taught in the Victorian secondary schools which developed in the twentieth century. This has been substantiated by French who claims that by the end of the nineteenth century 'no group of secondary schools gave an education markedly different from that given in the generality of schools, and this included Geography very traditionally.' The thesis traces the history of the teaching of Geography in government elementary and secondary schools in the period 1900-1950. 1950 was chosen as the end of the study period because an established tradition, which existed during the previous fifty years, was drawing to its end. Major changes in teaching programs occurred in elementary schools in 1954 and in secondary schools in 1956. These changes altered what had existed until the 1950s, and for this reason the period under discussion constitutes a reasonably unified whole. Initial research indicated that a wealth of material on Geography in Australian schools was available and this resulted in the decision to discuss only the government schools of Victoria. Within these government schools, the years from Preparatory through to grade ten have been considered. Certain areas have been excluded from the research in order to keep the thesis within the stated limits. One of the notable exclusions is discussion of the assessment of students. Teacher education is another area which has been largely excluded. Much material exists on both of these areas. (From Introduction)
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    Senior school chemistry in Victoria: syllabus prescription and pressure for change
    Blance, Annette Rose ( 1984)
    A few key ideas have dominated the senior school chemistry syllabuses in Victoria. Despite pressures for change, and disclaimers to the contrary at various times, the Victorian course developers have shown a constant commitment to chemistry as an academic discipline, to the exclusion of most if not all of the societal, cultural, historical and economic aspects of the subject. In this thesis, an understanding of present courses in terms of past practice has been sought through a study of the ideas which have influenced syllabus design at various times. Some purchase on the exercise of change in school syllabuses, on the possibilities and limits to change, was obtained, although no prediction of future directions could be attempted. At the outset a decision was taken to concentrate the investigation on materials published principally for the direction of teachers whose task it was to prepare their classes for an externally set and assessed examination in chemistry. Thus, in this thesis, attention has focussed on the expressed intentions of the course developers in Victoria, as outlined in syllabuses, Course of Study and Scope of Course statements, and commentary in Circulars to Schools. Data extracted from these documents was supplemented with material from the recommended textbooks and Reports of Examiners. The former provided an extended coverage of material prescribed in the syllabuses, offering more insight into teaching sequence and depth than could, at this remove, be fairly inferred from syllabus documents alone. Commentary in the Reports of Examiners revealed more of the expectations of examiners and course developers than was apparent from the syllabuses alone. The correctives suggested by the examiners for a range of perceived shortcomings gave an indication of what was seen at various times as appropriate in schools courses. The examination papers themselves were not analyzed except for a few specific items. Although examinations have without doubt served to direct and limit teaching practice, this has not been their primary function. Selection of content, and methods of teaching specific items of content, and trends in course changes, were compared with contemporary practice in England and the United States. Chemistry method textbooks proved useful here as those available were spread approximately evenly across the whole of the period of the survey. Journal articles, except for those few which reported historical material, tended to be concentrated in the latter quarter of the century, 1955 to 1980, thus affording a much better coverage of ideas extant during that period than was the case for the earlier years. The syllabus in action, in terms of classroom practice, facilities and management, was not considered as part of this study. These factors assumed significance only in so far as they imposed limitations on the course developers. Those decisions taken revealed, in the syllabus but more so in commentary documents, the rationalization of an idealized conception of the discipline of chemistry into a form fit for school use. The view taken in this thesis was neither strictly historical nor chronological. No attempt was made to fully document the development of chemistry as a school level subject in this state. Past practice, and current overseas practice, were used rather to construct a context in which the most recent course changes in Victoria could be explained. In commenting on syllabus change, it has proved easier to identify past shortcomings than to point to a direction for the future. Trends, even though well established, can be and have been reversed. An aim shared by course developers in different countries is susceptible to quite disparate interpretations, resulting in courses with little in common. Further, as this research has been limited to publicly expressed intentions in official documents, it allowed only indirect reflection on purposes and reasons for decisions. A study complementary to this thesis in which particular periods were dealt with in greater detail, could examine the hopes and frustrations of those individuals who assumed the responsibility for the development of school level chemistry courses in Victoria. From both sorts of consideration of the studies a society chooses to impose on its children, some insight into the nature of that society and its culture could be gained.
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    Effects of inquiry and expository experimental treatments upon student achievement in geography
    Berry, Robin Vernon ( 1983)
    The experimental study investigated the effects upon students' Inquiry Skills achievement scores of firstly, exposure to 'a set of geography resource materials; secondly, the application of three different experimental treatments; and thirdly, the students' sex. The sample used in the experimental study consisted of 404 Year 10 geography students in nine Melbourne high schools. Classes in each school were randomly assigned to either a control group which had no exposure to any of the resource materials or to one of three experimental treatments, namely an expository treatment, a teacher controlled inquiry treatment and a student controlled inquiry treatment. Half the students in the' sample completed an Inquiry Skills pretest so that statistical adjustments could be made for prior inquiry skills aptitude. All students completed a posttest after the completion of a four week geography unit of work. A series of multivariate analyses of variance and univariate analyses of covariance were undertaken to test seven research hypotheses. The major findings of the study were firstly that students exposed to the geography resource materials performed significantly better (p< .05) than the control group; secondly, no significant differences (p< .05) were observed between the three experimental treatments or between male and female students in these experimental treatments; and thirdly, that students in the experimental treatment group experienced a training effect on the Data Gathering element of the Inquiry Skills test as a consequence of completing a pretest.
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    Personal knowledge and the teaching of literature
    Beavis, Cathy ( 1981)
    The study explores the place of pupils' personal response in the teaching of literature. The same short story was taught by a different teacher to each of four year-eight classes. The classes were taped, the students' written work was collected and the teachers were interviewed about a number of issues relating to English teaching and the development of personal response. The teachers' comments and practice were juxtaposed against central tenets of Michael Polanyi's thought, with a view to identifying the degree to which his account of "personal knowledge" accorded with intuitive practice of good teachers. His ideas were found to have considerable relevance to the teaching of literature. In an effort to relate classroom strategies to pupils' personal responses, Roy Thomas' adaptation of Eisner's objectives, and his own notion of a "teaching point" were employed as a framework for comparison. While these tools of analysis proved ultimately inadequate in accounting for all the elements contributing to such engagement, they did make possible the identification of a number of important features of classroom practice. The study closes with some general observations about strategies, attitudes, values and beliefs, likely to result in a deeper awareness of the text and in a personal engagement with it.