Melbourne School of Population and Global Health - Research Publications

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    Community suicide prevention networks: A literature scoping review
    Williamson, M ; Schlichthorst, M ; Jordan, H ; Too, LS ; Pirkis, J ; Reifels, L ( 2019-05-10)
    Suicide is a significant concern for the Australian population, claiming the lives of 3128 men and women in 2017. Wesley Mission, through its Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Networks program (Wesley LifeForce program) has been working with the community to support the development of local community suicide prevention networks since 2007. Wesley Mission defines a network as ‘A union of people and organisations, working together to change the outcome relating to a specific problem.’ Networks are further described as being community based and as being ‘for the people, by the people’. In this report, we refer to this notion as ‘community led’. While the aims and objectives of each network vary, reflecting the unique identity of each community, there is a common thread: a focus on interagency cooperation and raising community awareness. Wesley LifeForce network functions typically include activities that seek to: • identify and bring together community participants with an interest or responsibility in suicide prevention, mental health issues and/or mental health promotion • facilitate the exchange of information • co-ordinate suicide prevention activities to maximise impact • encourage sharing of skills and learning • raise community awareness of suicide risk and protective factors and help create pathways
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    Evaluation of the Lifeline ‘Pause.Call.Be Heard’ Campaign in the Rail Environment: Final Report
    Reifels, L ; Too, L ; Ross, A ; Reavley, N ; Pirkis, J ( 2018-12-19)
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    Evaluation of the Lifeline “Pause, Call, Be Heard” Campaign: Interim Survey Report
    Too, LS ; Reifels, L ; Ross, A ; Reavley, N ; Pirkis, J ( 2018-06-18)