Infrastructure Engineering - Research Publications

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    Organising land information for sustainable land administration
    Bennett, R ; Wallace, J ; Williamson, I (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2008-01)
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    Spatially Enabling Land Administration: Drivers, Initiatives and Future Directions for Australia
    Wallace, JW ; MARWICK, B ; Bennett, RMB ; Rajabifard, AR ; Williamson, IPW ; TAMBUWALA, N ; POTTS, K ; AGUNBIADE, M ; Rajabifard, A ; Crompvoets, J ; Kalantari, M ; Kok, B (Leuven University Press, 2010)
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    Cadastral futures: building a new vision for the nature and role of cadastres
    Bennet, Rohan ; Rjabifard, Abbas ; Kalantari, Mohsen ; WALLACE, JUDE ; WILLIAMSON, IAN (FIG Congress 2010, 2010)
    Over the last thirty years spatial information technologies and sustainability theory drove the creation of new visions, models and roles for the cadastre. Concepts including multi purpose cadastres, Cadastre 2014, and sustainable land administration radically altered understandings of the cadastre and its potential. Many of these concepts continue to be relevant in the contemporary context; however, like all disciplines, cadastral science must continue to look to the future to remain relevant. This paper begins this process and aims to provide preliminary insights into the characteristics and potential role of future cadastres. A qualitative research design based upon an exploratory case study underpins the research. Factors including globalisation, population urbanization, good governance, climate-change response, environmental management, 3D visualization/analysis technologies, wireless sensor networks, standardization, and interoperability are found to be driving developments in the cadastral domain. Consequently, six design elements of future cadastre emerge: Survey-Accurate Cadastres, Object-Oriented Cadastres, 3D/4D Cadastres, Real-Time Cadastres, Global Cadastres, and Organic Cadastres. Together, these elements provide a preliminary vision for the role and nature of future cadastres: the elements can be seen as likely characteristics of future cadastres. Collaborative research, potentially through the FIG framework, would enable further development of these design elements and would assist in defining the nature and role of future cadastral systems.
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    A toolbox for mapping and managing new interests over land
    BENNETT, ROHAN ; WALLACE, JUDE ; Williamson, Ian Philip ( 2008)
    The drive for sustainable development has led governments to create new interests over land. The role of cadastral and registration systems in the mapping and management of these new interests is unclear. Whilst these systems have always played an important role in the administration of land parcels and ownership, the new land interests are increasingly being mapped and managed elsewhere. As a result administrative inefficiencies and transaction complexities are growing. Existing cadastral and registration systems have the capacity to improve the situation; however, a guiding framework for their inclusion is needed. This paper introduces a framework of principles that articulate the roles of cadastres and registration systems in the management of new land interests. Importantly the framework is holistic and reflects other components essential to good land administration. These include the roles of land policy, legislation, flexible tenures, institutions, spatial data infrastructures and capacity building. The principles will systematize the management of land interests across different jurisdictions.