Infrastructure Engineering - Research Publications

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    What Will Motivate Local Governments to Share Spatial Information?
    MCDOUGALL, K ; Rajabifard, A ; WILLIAMSON, IP (Spatial Sciences Institute, 2005)
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    Snapshot of SDI Development in Australia: Models, Partnerships and Lead Agencies Advancing Implementation
    Warnest, M. ; Rajabifard, A. ; Williamson, I. P. ( 2002)
    Australia is entering a new era for spatial data infrastructure (SDI) demonstrated by the unification of prime sectors of the spatial information industry and a renewed Government focus on spatial information. A spatial information stock take is required to review progress to date and evaluate current directions. SDI is deemed essential for the provision of services to support modern society's information needs and can be considered in the same manner as other public service infrastructure such as roads and utilities.This paper will evaluate progress since the release of ANZLIC's (1996) model for a SDI for Australia and New Zealand, identify the agencies driving SDI in Australia and will highlight key initiatives contributing to the ASDI development. Selected countries with advanced National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) programs will also be discussed in relation to developments of the SDI model within Australia. The paper contributes to research conducted by the Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration at the University of Melbourne on SDI and to a new project being undertaken to develop a methodology to map the complex nature of the institutional arrangements and partnerships that support NSDI with particular focus on the ASDI.
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    Local and State-based Collaboration: The Key to Unlocking the Potential of SDI
    WARNEST, MS ; MCDOUGALL, K ; RAJABIFARD, A ; WILLIAMSON, IP (The Institution of Surveyors Australia, 2003)
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    Building the spatial data infrastructure through data sharing: measuring progress within Australian local and state government jurisdictions
    MCDOUGALL, KEVIN ; RAJABIFARD, ABBAS ; Williamson, Ian Philip ( 2007)
    In the past decade efforts to develop spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) have migrated from the initial “top-down” national approaches to “bottom-up” and cross jurisdictional efforts at the sub-national level. Although national SDI developments are fundamental to building the SDI culture and policy, it is sub-national and local SDI development that will deliver the immediate benefits to citizens and the community. In countries which have highly decentralised federations of states such as Australia, United States and Canada, the challenge is how to co-ordinate the literally thousands of often small local government jurisdictions which are important contributors to state and local SDIs. In recent years, a number of co-operative spatial data sharing partnerships between local and state government have emerged in Australia. These partnerships are relatively new initiatives that have been established to facilitate more effective sharing of spatial data between organisations, but also as a mechanism to contribute to SDI development. To maximise the benefits from these partnerships it is essential to understand the factors that contribute to their successful operation and sustainability. This paper investigates these collaborative arrangements and examines the motivations, mechanisms and frameworks for data sharing between local and state governments.
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    A mixed method approach for evaluating spatial data sharing partnerships for Spatial Data Infrastructure development
    MCDOUGALL, KEVIN ; RAJABIFARD, ABBAS ; Williamson, Ian Philip (ESRI Press, Redlands, California., 2007)
    In recent years interjurisdictional partnerships have emerged as an importantmechanism for establishing an environment conducive to data sharing and hencethe facilitation of SDI development. However, unless the partnership arrangementsare carefully designed and managed to meet the business objectives of eachpartner, it is unlikely that they will be successful or sustainable in the longer term.The purpose of this paper is to focus on the methodological approaches and relevantissues for researching these new data sharing partnerships and their relationshipsto SDI development. This paper proposes a research methodology forinvestigating both the organisational context of data sharing partnerships andthe factors that contribute to the success of interjurisdictional data sharing initiatives.The paper examines past research and theory in spatial data sharingand examines the characteristics of a number of existing data sharing modelsand frameworks. The use of a mixed-method approach to evaluate local-stategovernment partnerships in Australia is described. Finally, the validationof the mixed-method approach and its generalisation to other SDI and datasharing initiatives is discussed.