Infrastructure Engineering - Research Publications

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    Bar News salutes a true friend to the profession
    Park, M. M. ( 2007)
    Litigious clients are a boon to the legal profession.
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    Groundhog day, ..., again! [Review of the book Geographic information science: mastering the legal issues]
    Park, M. M. ( 2006)
    The disappointed reviewer concludes that this text is no better than the previous text by the author (also reviewed by the reviewer seven years ago in the Law Institute Journal). This latter book is much less expensive than the earlier one that carried a RRP of $215...Reviewer.
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    A uniform approach to boundary location discrepancies: promoting and proscribing the reform of the land title register
    Park, M. M. ; Williamson, I. P. ( 2001)
    Adverse possession of part parcels permits the variation, rectification, and re-adjustmentof boundaries with boundary definition being essential to parcel-based spatial data sets.Adverse possession and part parcel adverse possession address (and provide a possiblesolution to) two distinct problems by providing a single solution. It is suggested thatutilizing adverse possession as a solution to boundary location discrepancy isinappropriate.Also, if a national cadastre is to become a reality, a basic requirement is a unifiednational law regarding land ownership. In turn this will require a unified approach to theissue of adverse possession of registered title land and particularly adverse possession ofpart of a land parcel. The authors view this issue as a major obstacle in achieving aunified national cadastral survey practice. This fundamental distinction requiresresolution as a necessary step towards a unified approach ultimately leading to anintegrated national cadastre.In this paper the authors analyse recent changes and current proposals for reform andoffer the conclusion that reluctance to change is but a small obstacle to reform. Howeverthis optimistic conclusion is offset by misgivings with regard to the manner with whichreforms are accomplished.
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    Poorly defined boundaries of a nebulous frontier
    Park, M. M. ( 1999-06)
    The disappointed reviewer concludes that this text, one of the fewcovering GIS and law, does not live up to its promise and certainly doesnot justify the price asked. The recommendation is for intendingpurchasers to consider competing texts or await the publication of asecond edition that has not been deprived of the care that a book on thisimportant subject matter deserves.