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    Equifinality and Flux Mapping: A New Approach to Model Evaluation and Process Representation Under Uncertainty
    Khatami, S ; Peel, MC ; Peterson, TJ ; Western, AW (AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2019-11)
    Abstract Uncertainty analysis is an integral part of any scientific modeling, particularly within the domain of hydrological sciences given the various types and sources of uncertainty. At the center of uncertainty rests the concept of equifinality, that is, reaching a given endpoint (finality) through different pathways. The operational definition of equifinality in hydrological modeling is that various model structures and/or parameter sets (i.e., equal pathways) are equally capable of reproducing a similar (not necessarily identical) hydrological outcome (i.e., finality). Here we argue that there is more to model equifinality than model structures/parameters, that is, other model components can give rise to model equifinality and/or could be used to explore equifinality within model space. We identified six facets of model equifinality, namely, model structure, parameters, performance metrics, initial and boundary conditions, inputs, and internal fluxes. Focusing on model internal fluxes, we developed a methodology called flux mapping that has fundamental implications in understanding and evaluating model process representation within the paradigm of multiple working hypotheses. To illustrate this, we examine the equifinality of runoff fluxes of a conceptual rainfall‐runoff model for a number of different Australian catchments. We demonstrate how flux maps can give new insights into the model behavior that cannot be captured by conventional model evaluation methods. We discuss the advantages of flux space, as a subspace of the model space not usually examined, over parameter space. We further discuss the utility of flux mapping in hypothesis generation and testing, extendable to any field of scientific modeling of open complex systems under uncertainty.
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    Statistical Interpolation of Groundwater Hydrographs
    Peterson, TJ ; Western, AW (AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2018-07)
    Abstract Groundwater observation bores are often monitored irregularly and infrequently. The resulting groundwater hydrographs are consequently less informative for understanding groundwater level trends, seasonality, flow directions, drawdown, and recovery. This paper presents an approach to temporally interpolate a groundwater hydrograph that has an irregular observation frequency to daily time steps. The approach combines nonlinear transfer function noise modeling with temporal kriging of the model residuals to produce an interpolated hydrograph that honors all water level observations input to the modeling and accounts for meteorological forcing between the observations. The reliability of the approach was evaluated using six observation bores having extended periods of daily data and by resampling them to six observation frequencies ranging from weekly to annually. The analysis showed that for weekly to monthly resampled data, >90% of the observed daily variability can be simulated at four of six bores. The performance declined with observation step size, as expected, but even at a biannual time step the error corrected interpolation can explain >70% of the variance at three of six bores. Additionally, an application shows that (1) the probability of a water level depth being exceeded can be estimated from quarterly resampled data and (2) the median annual water level range can be estimated from monthly resampled data. Supplementing less frequent observations with 6 and 12 months of daily data was also examined, with the addition of a 12‐month period significantly improving interpolation results at three of the four analyzed bores. The approach has been incorporated into theHydroSighttoolboxhttp://peterson‐tim‐
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    Equifinality and process-based modelling
    Khatami, S ; Peel, M ; Peterson, T ; Western, A (American Geophysical Union, 2018-11-26)
    Equifinality is understood as one of the fundamental difficulties in the study of open complex systems, including catchment hydrology. A review of the hydrologic literature reveals that the term equifinality has been widely used, but in many cases inconsistently and without coherent recognition of the various facets of equifinality, which can lead to ambiguity but also methodological fallacies. Therefore, in this study we first characterise the term equifinality within the context of hydrological modelling by reviewing the genesis of the concept of equifinality and then presenting a theoretical framework. During past decades, equifinality has mainly been studied as a subset of aleatory (arising due to randomness) uncertainty and for the assessment of model parameter uncertainty. Although the connection between parameter uncertainty and equifinality is undeniable, we argue there is more to equifinality than just aleatory parameter uncertainty. That is, the importance of equifinality and epistemic uncertainty (arising due to lack of knowledge) and their implications is overlooked in our current practice of model evaluation. Equifinality and epistemic uncertainty in studying, modelling, and evaluating hydrologic processes are treated as if they can be simply discussed in (or often reduced to) probabilistic terms (as for aleatory uncertainty). The deficiencies of this approach to conceptual rainfall-runoff modelling are demonstrated for selected Australian catchments by examination of parameter and internal flux distributions and interactions within SIMHYD. On this basis, we present a new approach that expands equifinality concept beyond model parameters to inform epistemic uncertainty. The new approach potentially facilitates the identification and development of more physically plausible models and model evaluation schemes particularly within the multiple working hypotheses framework, and is generalisable to other fields of environmental modelling as well.