Infrastructure Engineering - Research Publications

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    Spatially Enabling Government – an International Challenge
    Williamson, I. P. ; Rajabifard, A. ; Wallace, J. ( 2007)
    The popular use of spatial technologies involves showing images and tracking assets and inventory in an increasing array of instruments, the most common being the ubiquitous mobile phone. These technologies penetrate into even low income poor countries, but their take-up and development concentrates in highly developed countries. This high-end use of these technologies will determine their future. Remarkable as these popular applications are, spatial technologies can also be used in even more dynamic, transformational ways. Transformational use of spatial technologies occurs when they are used to improve business processes of government, and assist delivery of policies for equitable taxation, conservation of natural resources and planning for rational growth. Use of this transformational capacity of spatial technologies in government creates a spatially enabled government (SEG). The major impediment to take-up of spatial information is counter-intuitive. We all use the new technology in our daily lives, but our capacity to understand the power of spatial information is remarkably small. In fact only about 1% of people in any society really understand spatial information with about 5% of people knowing something about the special technology. For 95% of people, spatial information and its supporting technologies is a mystery. Teaching people about spatial information and its technologies is therefore the first task in painting a vision of what is possible. The attractions of spatial technologies lie in how they present information, whether users rely on computers and the Internet, or on communications technologies. The adage of a “picture tells a thousand words” is now out of date. New digital pictures tell many stories, and, if the enabling platform is built, the pictures will become management tools of government. Spatial technologies are moving quickly. In Australia, since October 2006, Google Maps and Google Earth, combined with a geocoded national address
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    Spatial Data Integration Challenges: Australian Case Studies
    MOHAMMADI, H ; RAJABIFARD, A ; BINNS, A ; WILLIAMSON, I (Spatial Sciences Institute, 2007)
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    Seamless SDI Model to Facilitate Spatially Enabled Land-Sea Interface
    SHEIKHESLAMI VAEZ, S ; RAJABIFARD, A ; BINNS, A ; WILLIAMSON, I (Spatial Sciences Institute, 2007)
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    Developing marine SDI to facilitate marine administration - the spatial dimension
    Vaez, Sheelan ; RAJABIFARD, ABBAS ; WILLIAMSON, IAN ( 2007)
    The coastal zone is a unique geologic, ecological and biological domain of vital importance to a vast array of terrestrial and aquatic life forms - including humankind. Managing the plethora of rights, restrictions and responsibilities of resources within the marine environment and at the littoral zone has created one of the world’s most complex areas of management. Evidently effective administration and management of these areas to meet the economic, social and environmental objectives of sustainable development is required. Until recently spatial information management and administration tools have focussed on the terrestrial environment. Initiatives such as the 3rd United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) have bought to attention the importance of sustainable development of the coastal and marine environment. The concepts of marine spatial data infrastructure (SDI), marine cadastre and marine spatial planning have all emerged recently in response to a global realisation of the need to improve management and administration of the marine environment. The underlying theme of these initiatives is the importance of including a spatial dimension to marine administration. A more integrated and holistic approach to management of coastal and marine environments would be facilitated by the extension of the SDI on a seamless platform. This would promote data sharing and harmonisation between large numbers of diverse data holdings and an increasingly large number of initiatives in marine data thus facilitating better decision-making involving marine and coastal spatial information. A seamless SDI platform would enable the utilisation of common boundaries across the coastal zone to ensure no ambiguity exists and no areas are unaccounted for over the coastal interface. This paper discusses the potential for adding a marine dimension to an SDI in the context of seamless model to facilitate marine and coastal zone administration and highlights the need for access to and interoperability of data from marine, coastal and terrestrial environments resulting to the better and more integrated management of coastal zone. Ideally this framework would harmonise the stewardship of and access to marine data and information, thereby facilitating improved management of marine environment.
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    Developing a seamless SDI model across the land-sea interface
    Vaez, Sheelan Sheikheslami ; RAJABIFARD, ABBAS ; BINNS, ANDREW ; Williamson, Ian Philip ( 2007)
    A more integrated and holistic approach to management of spatial information relating to coastal and marine environments is needed and this can be facilitated by the creation of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) on a seamless platform. There is a growing and urgent need to create a seamless SDI model that bridges the gap between the terrestrial and marine environments, creating a spatially enabled land-sea interface to more effectively meet sustainable development objectives. This paper discusses the principles and concepts followed by introduction to issues and challenges that must be overcome in developing an overarching architecture for a seamless SDI that allows access to and interoperability of data from marine, coastal and terrestrial environments.
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    Building the spatial data infrastructure through data sharing: measuring progress within Australian local and state government jurisdictions
    MCDOUGALL, KEVIN ; RAJABIFARD, ABBAS ; Williamson, Ian Philip ( 2007)
    In the past decade efforts to develop spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) have migrated from the initial “top-down” national approaches to “bottom-up” and cross jurisdictional efforts at the sub-national level. Although national SDI developments are fundamental to building the SDI culture and policy, it is sub-national and local SDI development that will deliver the immediate benefits to citizens and the community. In countries which have highly decentralised federations of states such as Australia, United States and Canada, the challenge is how to co-ordinate the literally thousands of often small local government jurisdictions which are important contributors to state and local SDIs. In recent years, a number of co-operative spatial data sharing partnerships between local and state government have emerged in Australia. These partnerships are relatively new initiatives that have been established to facilitate more effective sharing of spatial data between organisations, but also as a mechanism to contribute to SDI development. To maximise the benefits from these partnerships it is essential to understand the factors that contribute to their successful operation and sustainability. This paper investigates these collaborative arrangements and examines the motivations, mechanisms and frameworks for data sharing between local and state governments.
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    SDI to Facilitate a Spatially Enabled Society
    RAJABIFARD, A ; BINNS, A ; WILLIAMSON, I (Spatial Sciences Institute, 2007)
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    An Initial Model Of The Computation Viewpoint For A SDI
    COOPER, ANTONY ; Moellering, Harold ; Delgado, Tatiana ; Duren, Ulrich ; Hjelmager, Jan ; Huet, Michel ; Rapant, Petr ; RAJABIFARD, ABBAS ; Laurent, Dominique ; Iwaniak, Adam ; Abad, Paloma ; Martynenko, Alexander ( 2007)
    The Commission on Spatial Data Standards of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) is working on defining formal models and technical characteristics of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). The Commission has already presented models of the Enterprise and Information Viewpoints from the ISO Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) standard (ISO/IEC 10746:1995). The Commission is now taking this further to model the Computation Viewpoint, which describes how the different services of an SDI fit together. The models should be seen as a continuing step towards the overall model of the SDI and its technical characteristics.The Commission has identified six broad groupings of services: Registry, Data, Processing, Portrayal, Application and Management. The interactions between these high-level services have been modelled using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Component Diagrams. The detailed services have been modelled using UML Class Diagrams (Object Management Group 2005).