Infrastructure Engineering - Research Publications

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    Adverse possession of Torrens land: Parliamentary inquiry strays out of bounds
    Current Australasian (including Victorian and NSW) schemes regarding adverse possession of land are reviewed in light of a Victorian Parliamentary committee Fences Act inquiry report, due shortly, which may recommend adoption of NSW practice with respect to adverse possession.
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    Development of spatial data infrastructures: lessons learnt from the Australian digital cadastral databases
    Williamson, Ian P. ; Chan, Tai On ; Effenberg, Wolfgang ( 1998)
    Over the last few years governments at state and national levels have given much attention to spatial data infrastructures (SDIs). The development of SDIs is driven by the business needs of and technological developments to support both the government and the rapidly expanding spatial information industry amid myriads of political decisions. The growth in SDIs in many developed countries worldwide is paralleled by a move to economic rationalism and micro-economic reform, both of which have had a major impact on the role of spatial data infrastructures. This paper uses the State of Victoria as a typical case to analyse the interaction of the forces that have shaped the development of SDIs in Australia, particularly the critical digital cadastral databases (DCDB), and to highlight some generic trends and lessons learnt in managing SDIs in the context of economic rationalism.