Infrastructure Engineering - Research Publications

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    Assessment of error in digital vector data using fractal geometry
    DUCKHAM, MATT ; Drummond, Jane (Taylor & Francis, 2000)
    This paper presents a new method for assessment of error in digital vector geographic data, where the features represented can be modelled closely by fractal geometry. Using example hydrological data from Ordnance Survey of Great Britain maps at a range of scales, a resolution smaller than which the digital representation of the feature does not exhibit fractal characteristics can be calculated. It is proposed that this resolution reflects the minimum ground resolution of the map, which in turn can be related to the source map scale.
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    Spatial data quality capture through inductive learning
    DUCKHAM, MATT ; Drummond, Jane ; Forrest, David (Springer Verlag (Germany), 2000)
    The relatively weak uptake of spatial error handling capabilities by commercial GIS companies and users can in part be attributed to the relatively low availability and high costs of spatial data quality information. Based on the well established artificial intelligence technique of induction, this paper charts the development of an automated quality capture tool. By learning from example, the tool makes very efficient use of scarce spatial data quality information, so helping to minimise the cost and maximise availability of data quality. The example application of the tool to a telecommunications legacy data capture project indicates the practicality and potential value of the approach.
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    A formal approach to imperfection in geographic information
    DUCKHAM, MATT ; MASON, KEITH ; Stell, John ; Worboys, Mike (Elsevier, 2001)
    Traditional computational models of geographic phenomena offer no room for imperfection. Underlying this tradition is the simplifying assumption that reality is certain, crisp, unambiguous, independent of context, and capable of quantitative representation. This paper reports on initial work which explicitly recognises that most geographic information is intrinsically imperfect. Based on an ontology of imperfection the paper explores a formal model of imperfect geographic information using multi-valued logic. The development of Java software able to assist with a geodemographic retail site assessment application is used to illustrate the utility of a formal approach.
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    Hierarchical spatial reasoning applied to spatial data infrastructures
    RAJABIFARD, ABBAS ; ESCOBAR, FRANCISCO ; Williamson, Ian P. ( 2000)
    Many countries throughout the world believe they can benefit both economically and environmentallyfrom better management of their spatial data assets, enabling them to access and retrieve complete andconsistent datasets in an easy and secure way. This has resulted in the development of the Spatial DataInfrastructure (SDI) concept at various political and/or administrative levels. The SDI concept has beenrepresented by different descriptions of its nature, however, currently these demonstrate an overlysimplisticunderstanding of the concept.The simplicity in existing definitions has been slow to incorporate the concept of an integrated, multilevelledSDI formed from a hierarchy of inter-connected SDIs at corporate, local, state/provincial,national, regional (multi-national) and global (GSDI) levels. Failure to incorporate this multidimensionality,and the dynamic mechanistic and functional roles of the SDI, have rendered manydescriptions of SDI inadequate to describe the complexity and the dynamics of SDI as it develops, andthus ultimately constrain SDI achieving developmental potential in the future.As a result, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate the fitness and applicability of HierarchicalSpatial Reasoning (HSR) as a theoretical framework to demonstrate the multi-dimensional nature ofSDIs. It is argued that by better understanding and demonstrating the nature of an SDI hierarchy, anySDI development can gain support from a wider community of both government and non-governmentdata users and providers. The findings presented in this paper build on the authors' experiences inRegional SDI (multi-national) development and HSR.
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    Long term management of a corporate GIS
    Chan, Tai O. ; Williamson, Ian P. (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2000)
    The GIS literature abounds with strategies to guide the development of a corporate GIS as a single project but lacks discussion on the long term management of the GIS. This paper documents a recent study into GIS development in a state department over an 18-year period. It applies the productional perspective of GIS to model long term GIS development diagrammatically and identifies five patterns of GIS development. The outcomes reveal some long term characteristics of a corporate GIS, based on which a three-stage approach is developed to guide the long term development of an ideal corporate GIS.
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    A new course producing professional surveyors and engineers for the land development industry
    In 2000 a new combined course commenced at The University of Melbourne known as the Bachelor of Geomatics Engineering/Bachelor of Planning and Design (Property and Construction). The course, to be offered jointly between the Department of Geomatics in the Faculty of Engineering, and the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, has been designed specifically to provide a comprehensive and integrated educational program that delivers professional engineers and surveyors to meet the future needs of the land development industry. In addition to taking geomatics subjects in the areas of measurement science, geographic information science and land administration, students enrolled in the BGeomE/BPD course will also take subjects in property development (including shopping and retailing), construction technology, construction management, construction law, accounting and development management.
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    Incremental update and upgrade of Spatial Data
    Scheu, Martin ; Effenberg, Wolfgang ; Williamson, Ian P. ( 2000)
    This paper examines issues relating to the update and upgrade of the digital cadastral map. Of central interest is the transfer of incremental update and upgrade data from the custodian to the user and possible solutions for the associativity problem. The paper clearly differentiates between spatial update and upgrade and categorises three different methods for the transfer of incremental upgrade information. The impact on both the users and the custodian of the cadastral map are discussed in view of providing the most efficient and timely incremental upgrade information. A strategy that provides the maximum information to the users about the shift in the digital cadastral map and additional serves as input information for any adjustment procedures the user utilise to minimise the associativity problem. While this paper draws on the authors’ experience of maintenance of cadastral maps in the Australian states of Victoria and New South Wales and the German state of Berlin, the efficient delivery of updates and especially upgrades of the spatial cadastral data to users is of interest to users of spatial data.
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    The dynamic nature of spatial data infrastructures: a method of descriptive classification
    Chan, Tai On ; Feeney, Mary-Ellen ; RAJABIFARD, ABBAS ; Williamson, Ian P. ( 2001)
    Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is understood and described differently by stakeholders from different disciplines and different administrative/political levels. However, current SD Idefinitions are individually insufficient to describe the dynamic and multi-dimensional nature of SDI. Despite the international interest and activities toward SDI development, SDI remains very much an innovation even among practitioners. There are still doubts regarding the nature and identities of SDI, particularly in connection with how it evolves over time to meet user needs. Asa starting point a means to describe SDI’s multi-dimensional capacity as an inter- and intra- jurisdictional spatial information framework is required. The aim of this paper is to better understand and describe the nature of SDI and its components. A method to classify the perceived roles of SDI is identified. The method is extrapolated from a technique to describe different perspectives of Geographical Information System (GIS) diffusion, based on identified parallels between GIS and SDIs. The methodology may facilitate description and understanding of the SDI technological and user environment, by promoting insight into the dynamic roles of SDI.
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    Digital lodgement of cadastral survey data in Australia - user needs
    Falzon, Katie ; Williamson, Ian P. ( 2001)
    Survey plan lodgement is an essential part of the land development and land registration systems in all Australian jurisdictions. Lodgement is still carried out using paper based processes, however it is suggested that digital techniques are inevitable in the near future. This paper discusses the advances being made in this area in several Australian jurisdictions.
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    Land administration and cadastral trends: a framework for re-engineering
    Williamson, Ian P. ; TING, LISA ( 2001)
    This paper reviews the need for a new land administration vision that takes a more integrated approach rather than the historic fragmented approach and examines change management of land administration and cadastral systems in the context of global drivers of change. This results in the development of a framework for re-engineering land administration systems. After discussing a land administration vision the paper reviews trends and issues in the context of this framework. While the paper discusses global issues and trends, the paper concentrates on the experiences and ongoing land administration research of the authors’ and their colleagues with a focus on Australia.