Infrastructure Engineering - Research Publications

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    On the computation of the quasi-dynamic wetness index with multiple-flow-direction algorithms
    Chirico, GB ; Grayson, RB ; Western, AW (AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2003-05-06)
    The quasi‐dynamic wetness index, in its original development, was computed by calculating the travel time along all the possible upslope flow paths on a contour‐based terrain network. In more recent applications the same approach has been extended to gridded digital elevation models with single‐flow‐direction algorithms. Multiple‐flow‐direction algorithms, although more effective in representing flow paths, have not been used because they are not practicable with the established methodology. We propose an alternative method for computing the quasi‐dynamic wetness index based on the numerical integration of the linear‐kinematic wave equation. This method can be applied to any of the terrain‐based flow‐direction algorithms currently published. The method is robust and efficient.
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    Characteristic space scales and timescales in hydrology -: art. no. 1304
    Skoien, JO ; Blöschl, G ; Western, AW (AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2003-10-30)
    We analyzed spatial and temporal variograms of precipitation, runoff, and groundwater levels in Austria to examine whether characteristic scales exist and, if so, how big they are. In time, precipitation and runoff are stationary with characteristic scales on the order of a day and a month, respectively, while groundwater levels are nonstationary. In space, precipitation is almost fractal, so no characteristic scales exist. Runoff is nonstationary but not a fractal as it exhibits a break in the variograms. An analysis of the variograms of catchment precipitation indicates that this break is due to aggregation effects imposed by the catchment area. A spatial variogram of hypothetical point runoff back calculated from runoff variograms of three catchment size classes using aggregation statistics (regularization) is almost stationary and exhibits shorter characteristic space scales than catchment runoff. Groundwater levels are nonstationary in space, exhibiting shorter‐scale variability than precipitation and runoff, but are also not fractal as there is a break in the variogram. We suggest that the decrease of spatial characteristic scales from catchment precipitation to runoff and to groundwater is the result of a superposition of small‐scale variability of catchment and aquifer properties on the rainfall forcing. For comparison, TDR soil moisture data from a comprehensive Australian data set were examined. These data suggest that in time, soil moisture is close to stationary with characteristic scales of the order of 2 weeks while in space soil moisture is nonstationary and close to fractal over the extent sampled. Space‐time traces of characteristic scales fit well into a conceptual diagram of Blöschl and Sivapalan [1995]. The scaling exponents z in T ∼ Lz (where T is time and L is space) are of the order of 0.5 for precipitation, 0.8 for runoff from small catchments, 1.2 for runoff from large catchments, 0.8 for groundwater levels, and 0.5 for soil moisture.
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    A rational function approach for estimating mean annual evapotranspiration
    Zhang, L ; Hickel, K ; Dawes, WR ; Chiew, FHS ; Western, AW ; Briggs, PR (AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2004-02-05)
    Mean annual evapotranspiration from a catchment is determined largely by precipitation and potential evapotranspiration; characteristics of the catchment (e.g., soil, topography, etc.) play only a secondary role. It has been shown that the ratio of mean annual potential evapotranspiration to precipitation (referred as the index of dryness) can be used to estimate mean annual evapotranspiration by using one additional parameter. This study evaluates the effects of climatic and catchment characteristics on the partitioning of mean annual precipitation into evapotranspiration using a rational function approach, which was developed based on phenomenological considerations. Over 470 catchments worldwide with long‐term records of precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and runoff were considered, and results show that model estimates of mean annual evapotranspiration agree well with observed evapotranspiration taken as the difference between precipitation and runoff. The mean absolute error between modeled and observed evapotranspiration was 54 mm, and the model was able to explain 89% of the variance with a slope of 1.00 through the origin. This indicates that the index of dryness is the most significant variable in determining mean annual evapotranspiration. Results also suggest that forested catchments tend to show higher evapotranspiration than grassed catchments and their evapotranspiration ratio (evapotranspiration divided by precipitation) is most sensitive to changes in catchment characteristics for regions with the index of dryness around 1.0. Additionally, a stepwise regression analysis was performed for over 270 Australian catchments where detailed information of vegetation cover, precipitation characteristics, catchment slopes, and plant available water capacity was available. It is shown that apart from the index of dryness, average storm depth, plant available water capacity, and storm arrival rate are also significant.
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    Identifying and quantifying sources of variability in temporal and spatial soil moisture observations
    Wilson, DJ ; Western, AW ; Grayson, RB (American Geophysical Union, 2004-02-20)
    Soil moisture is an important component of the hydrological cycle. It is a control in the partitioning of energy and water related to evapotranspiration and runoff and thereby influences the hydrological response of an area. Characterizing the temporal and spatial distribution of soil moisture has important hydrologic applications, yet soil moisture varies in response to many processes acting over a variety of scales; the relative importance of different temporal and spatial controls on soil moisture is still poorly understood. In this paper we analyze both temporal and spatial soil moisture data empirically for two catchments in Australia and a further three in New Zealand. Hydrological conditions at these field sites covered a wide range over a 2 year period. The ground-based soil moisture data set is unique in its temporal and, in particular, its spatial coverage. Analyses attempt to isolate and quantify different deterministic sources of variability, measurement error, and a remaining unexplained component of variability. Because of limited data (especially relating to soils) we take a pragmatic approach of removing patterns that we can define in time and space (namely, seasonality and terrain) and then analyzing the unexplained variation. We then look for consistent patterns in this unexplained variability and argue that these are related to meteorological conditions, especially precipitation events, in the temporal case, and a combination of soils and vegetation in the spatial case. We were able to explain most of the observed variance in time and space, and the temporal variance was typically 5 times larger than spatial variance. Seasonality is the dominant source of temporal variability at our sites, although this conclusion obviously depends on climate and does not hold where soil water storage is limited. Most importantly, in controlling the distribution of soil moisture in space, the spatial distribution of soils and vegetation seems to be of similar importance to that of topography, a fact often ignored in hydrological modeling, or else surrogate soils patterns are used, but these are often not well correlated to the actual patterns [Grayson and Blöschl, 2000]. Better methods for defining the spatial properties of soils and vegetation as they affect soil moisture patterns are a key challenge.
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    Scaling from process timescales to daily time steps: A distribution function approach
    Kandel, DD ; Western, AW ; Grayson, RB (American Geophysical Union, 2005-02)
    A new temporal scaling method applicable to many rainfall-runoff-erosion models is presented. The method is based on the probability distribution approach used in a number of spatial hydrological models, and it uses statistical distributions of rainfall intensity to represent subdaily intensity variations in a daily time step model. This allows the effect of short timescale nonlinear processes to be captured while modeling at a daily time step, which is often attractive due to the wide availability of total daily rainfall data. The approach relies on characterizing the rainfall intensity variation within a day using a probability distribution function (pdf). This pdf is then modified by various linear and nonlinear processes typically represented in hydrological and erosion models. The statistical description of subdaily variability is thus propagated through the model, allowing the effects of variability to be captured in the simulations. This results in pdfs of various fluxes, the integration of which over a day gives respective daily totals. The method is tested using 42 plot years of daily runoff and erosion plot data from field studies in different environments from Australia and Nepal. Significant improvements in the simulation of surface runoff and erosion are achieved, compared with a similar model using average daily rainfall intensities. The probability-based model compares well with a subhourly (2 and 6 min) model using similar process descriptions. This suggests that the probability-based approach captures the important effects of sub–time step variability while utilizing commonly available information. It is also found that the model parameters are more robustly defined using the probability-based approach compared with the daily effective parameter model. This suggests that the probability-based approach may offer improved model transferability spatially (to other areas) and temporally (to other periods).
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    Hydropedology: Synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology
    Lin, H ; Bouma, J ; Pachepsky, Y ; Western, A ; Thompson, J ; van Genuchten, R ; Vogel, H-J ; Lilly, A (American Geophysical Union, 2006-05-09)
    This paper presents a vision that advocates hydropedology as an advantageous integration of pedology and hydrology for studying the intimate relationships between soil, landscape, and hydrology. Landscape water flux is suggested as a unifying precept for hydropedology, through which pedologic and hydrologic expertise can be better integrated. Landscape water flux here encompasses the source, storage, flux, pathway, residence time, availability, and spatiotemporal distribution of water in the root and deep vadose zones within the landscape. After illustrating multiple knowledge gaps that can be addressed by the synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology, we suggest five scientific hypotheses that are critical to advancing hydropedology and enhancing the prediction of landscape water flux. We then present interlinked strategies for achieving the stated vision. It is our hope that by working together, hydrologists and pedologists, along with scientists in related disciplines, can better guide data acquisition, knowledge integration, and model-based prediction so as to advance the hydrologic sciences in the next decade and beyond.
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    Stochastic modelling of annual rainfall data
    Srikanthan, R ; Peel, MC ; Pegram, GGS ; McMahon, TA (Conference Design, 2006-01-01)
    Rainfall data are generally required in computer simulations of rainfall-runoff processes, crop growth and water supply systems. The length of historical climate data is usually not long enough to describe the complete range of variability that might be experienced during the life of a water resources or agricultural project. Using the statistical characteristics of historical data, it is possible to generate many sequences of data that better represent the climatic variability. In developing the stochastic models, the data are generally assumed stationary in the broad sense and any long-term fluctuations in the data are ignored. Typically, only in monthly, daily and sub-daily models, is the seasonal variation within a year considered explicitly in stochastic models. However, there is a growing interest and concern about the role of interdecadal variability in climate and its influence on rainfall. One approach is to identify any long-term fluctuations in the observed rainfall and model them explicitly. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) was used to identify any low frequency fluctuations in annual rainfall data from 44 sites in Australia. The results did not allow easy identification of low frequency fluctuations in the data. As a means of aiding interpretation of the EMD results, the following ploy was adopted. The AR1 model, the most widely used model for the generation of annual rainfall data, was used to generate stochastic data based on the statistics of the observed sequences and the EMD analysis was performed on the stochastic data sets. The results of the analysis comparing both the historical and generated data showed that, in general, both the data sets have similar low frequency characteristics except for Perth.
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    Detection of a soil moisture and groundwater signal in ground-based gravity observations
    Smith, AB ; Walker, JP ; Western, AW (Conference Organising Committee for the 40th Australian Conference of Economists, 2006)
    Gravity observations have the potential to provide an exciting new source of remotely sensed data to constrain the water balance in land surface models. This would result in more accurate soil moisture and flux predictions and correspondingly improved numerical weather prediction and global climate forecasts. However before existing or future (GRACE or GOCE) dedicated gravity satellites can be utilised in an operational setting it must be shown that a soil moisture signal is detectable in gravity observations. This is extremely difficult to show directly for the satellite observations due to the massive spatial scale involved (1000 km2or larger depending on accuracy requirements), so a ground-based field study of soil moisture, groundwater and gravity changes is essential in verifying the magnitude of the hydrological signal in gravity observations. This paper presents results from two field sites in the Kyeamba Creek catchment in NSW where soil moisture, groundwater and gravity have been monitored for one year. One is a hillslope site with no groundwater whereas the other is a valley site with a shallow water table. After correcting for earth tides and gravity meter drift, a gravity network adjustment is performed for two time periods chosen to capture the full range of subsurface water storage (autumn and spring). The adjustment improves the precision of the gravity estimates at each site relative to a hydrologically stable bedrock reference site. A t-test is performed on the gravity changes at the two sites and the valley site is found to have a significant change in gravity that corresponds extremely well to the predicted hydrologically induced gravity change. There are many complicating factors in a ground-based study, but nevertheless a hydrological signal (predominantly soil moisture) has been detected in the gravity observations of a valley site with a shallow groundwater table.
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    Recharge mechanisms in an Arid Zone River: Effects of channelisation
    Costelloe, JF ; Western, AW ; Irvine, EC (Conference Organising Committee, 2006)
    Arid zone, ephemeral rivers typically experience very high transmission losses. Most international studies have identified infiltration into stream sediments and subsequent percolation to the unconfined alluvial aquifer as the major cause of transmission losses. There is relatively little data regarding mechanisms and stores controlling transmission loss processes in Australian arid zone streams, particularly in regards recharge to the unconfined aquifer. This study reports on a field study of recharge mechanisms occurring in the Neales River of the Lake Eyre Basin (northern South Australia). Piezometric monitoring, numerical and analytical modelling were used to identify and quantify recharge to the unconfined aquifer during streamflow events in 2004-2005. Significant recharge only occurred in channelised reaches and rates of recharge did not show a clear relationship with stage but tended to be higher for flow events occurring after longer periods of no flow. Reaches lacking a single, well-defined channel are common in the anastomosing rivers of the Lake Eyre Basin. Piezometers monitoring the alluvial sediments at two locations lacking well-defined channels did not measure any development of a saturated zone in the alluvial aquifer following flow events. The data suggests that most percolation and recharge occurs through the bank, rather than the floodplain and this needs to be taken into account when estimating transmission losses for these river systems.
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    Riparian tree water use by eucalyptus coolabah in the Lake Eyre Basin
    Payne, EGI ; Costelloe, JF ; Woodrow, IE ; Irvine, EC ; Western, AW ; Herczeg, AL (Conference Organising Committee, 2006)
    The Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) is characterised by enormous stream flow variability, low rainfall, saline groundwater and at times saline surface water; conditions that demand flexible tree water use strategies in the riparian zone. In the lower reaches of the Diamantina River, the water sources and extraction patterns of Eucalyptus coolabah were examined using isotope data from xylem, soil water, groundwater and surface water. Additionally, soil chloride and matric potential data were used to infer zones of water availability for root uptake. It was found that despite their elevated salinity, groundwater and soil water formed a large proportion of the transpiration flux, with little contribution from standing pools of surface water. At two sites located on the dry floodplain, the data indicated E. coolabah relied substantially on groundwater with a salinity exceeding 30,000 mgL-1Cl. However, some dilution with fresher soil water was evident at most sites, highlighting the importance of flooding in replenishing soil water. Water extraction primarily occurred in the unsaturated zone where a compromise between salinity and source reliability was required. However, E. coolabah was found to have higher salinity tolerances than previously reported for Eucalyptus species.