Infrastructure Engineering - Research Publications

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    Appropriate cadastral systems
    WILLIAMSON, IAN ( 1996)
    Cadastral systems are not ends in themselves and support effective land markets, increased agricultural productivity, sustainable economic development, environmental management, political stability and social justice, although it is absolutely essential that each cadastral system is designed appropriately to serve the needs of the individual country.
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    Understanding cadastral maps
    Cadastral maps are generally regarded as an essential part of the land management infrastructure in most countries yet there is often misunderstanding about their characteristics and role. Due to the vast range of different cadastral systems and resulting cadastral maps, it is very difficult to describe a “typical” cadastral map. It is the authors’ view that it is also very difficult, if not impossible, to understand the characteristics and functions of a cadastral map without understanding the respective cadastral system. As a result this paper endeavours to examine the characteristics and functions of cadastral maps by examining the cadastral mapping systems in Denmark and Australia. The Danish system is a typical “old world” European system which had its history in land taxation. The Australian systems could be considered “new world” systems which have been more heavily influenced by land market considerations. Even though the Australian and Danish cadastral systems are very similar, understanding the characteristics and functions of cadastral maps in the two systems remains difficult. This study discusses the different characteristics of cadastral maps which have been designed for different users or functions. In particular the paper concentrates on the issues concerned with developing digital multi-purpose cadastral maps. The major conclusions from the paper are that the creation and maintenance of multi-purpose digital cadastral maps is a difficult and complex task. This complexity arises to a large degree because the characteristics of a cadastral map designed to serve traditional land markets or land registration purposes are quite different from the characteristics of a modern multi-purpose cadastral map.
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    The justification of cadastral systems in developing countries
    Williamson, I. P. ( 1997)
    This paper provides a justification for cadastral systems in developing countries. The paper commences with a brief overview of cadastral systems and argues that the debate about such systems should move from whether cadastral systems are important or appropriate for developing countries, to what constitutes an appropriate cadastre for such countries. The paper reviews the reasons for the dramatic increase in interest in cadastral systems over the last decade and highlights some of the lessons and current challenges facing policy makers in the design of appropriate cadastral systems. The role of cadastral systems in both urban and rural situations is considered. In rural areas the paper argues that a secure title is important: in promoting increased investment in agriculture; for more effective husbandry of the land; for improved sustainable development; to support an increase in GNP through an increase in agricultural productivity; and providing significant social and political benefits leading to a more stable society, especially where land is scarce. In densely populated rural areas or areas of high value a cadastral system also permits an effective land market to operate and allows an equitable land taxation system to operate. In urban areas it argues that a cadastral system is essential to support an active land market by permitting land to be bought, sold, mortgaged and leased efficiently, effectively, quickly and at low cost. In addition it argues that a parcel based land information system (not necessarily computerised), based on the cadastre, is essential for the efficient management of cities. Cadastral systems permit land taxes to be raised thereby supporting a wide range of urban services, and allowing the efficient management and delivery of local government services. In promoting the importance of cadastral systems in developing countries, the paper draws heavily on the experiences of the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) and several recognised authorities. The paper also argues that an effective cadastral system is important for the support of sustainable economic development and environmental management within the context of Agenda 21 as agreed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Brazil in 1992. The paper then reviews the trend for cadastral and land information systems to be increasingly justified on rigorous economic grounds, both in the developed and developing worlds. Finally, the paper emphasises that cadastral systems must be appropriate to the circumstances and needs of the individual country, otherwise the cadastral system can do more harm than good!
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    Using the case study methodology to review cadastral reform in Papua New Guinea
    Iatau, Mary D. ; Williamson, Ian P. ( 1997)
    Cadastral reform is generally considered to be complex, costly, high risk, time consuming and often difficult to introduce. This paper reviews the use of a case study methodology to assess its effectiveness in understanding such reforms. Current cadastral reform in Papua New Guinea is used in this paper as an example to evaluate the methodology. Case studies in two different provinces are described to highlight PNG's social, political, economic and cultural background and to assess the performance of recent cadastral reform initiatives, particularly with regard to the registration of customary land.
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    The future of the surveying profession: an Australian perspective
    Williamson, Ian P. ( 1997)
    The surveying profession is currently facing the biggest challenge in its modern history. Rapid technological change, micro-economic reform, de-regulation of the professions, and the Internet are placing pressures on traditional professional operations and structures never previously experienced. Yet issues of environmental degradation, sustainable development, the management of our cities and economic rationalism are presenting opportunities and challenges to our profession never thought possible. Issues central to our profession such as cadastral reform and spatial data infrastructures are grabbing the attention of policy makers as they realise their importance in economic development, environmental management and social stability. Can the surveying profession survive these changes and what does the future hold? This paper endeavours to seek answers to these questions by looking at the past, endeavouring to understand the present and trying to look into the future. The paper focuses on the Australian surveying profession while recognising that many of the issues discussed are relevant to other countries.
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    Adverse possession of Torrens land: Parliamentary inquiry strays out of bounds
    Current Australasian (including Victorian and NSW) schemes regarding adverse possession of land are reviewed in light of a Victorian Parliamentary committee Fences Act inquiry report, due shortly, which may recommend adoption of NSW practice with respect to adverse possession.
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    Development of spatial data infrastructures: lessons learnt from the Australian digital cadastral databases
    Williamson, Ian P. ; Chan, Tai On ; Effenberg, Wolfgang ( 1998)
    Over the last few years governments at state and national levels have given much attention to spatial data infrastructures (SDIs). The development of SDIs is driven by the business needs of and technological developments to support both the government and the rapidly expanding spatial information industry amid myriads of political decisions. The growth in SDIs in many developed countries worldwide is paralleled by a move to economic rationalism and micro-economic reform, both of which have had a major impact on the role of spatial data infrastructures. This paper uses the State of Victoria as a typical case to analyse the interaction of the forces that have shaped the development of SDIs in Australia, particularly the critical digital cadastral databases (DCDB), and to highlight some generic trends and lessons learnt in managing SDIs in the context of economic rationalism.
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    Spatial data infrastructure concepts
    PHILLIPS, ANDREW ; WILLIAMSON, IAN ; Ezigbalike, Chukwudozie ( 1999)
    Several new concepts have recently been introduced in the areas of information management in general, and spatial data handling in particular. Concepts such as data warehouses, data marts, clearinghouses, data mining, interoperability, and spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) have emerged as potentially powerful tools to handle our spatial data. Some of these concepts are so closely-related that there are bound to be some confusion regarding differences between them, along with their potential applications. The purpose of this paper is to describe the concepts of data warehouses, data marts, clearinghouses, data mining, interoperability, and SDIs. The paper also explains the similarities and relationships between these concepts, where similarities or relationships exist.
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    Understanding the evolution of land administration systems in some common law countries
    TING, LISA ; Williamson, Ian P. ; Grant, D. ; Parker, J. R. (Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE), 1999)
    This paper will outline the evolution of western concept s of land and property, from the tribal period through feudalism, the industrial revolution, capitalism/socialism and the current Kenyesianism/Privatisation phase which leads into globalisation and other trends. Examples will be given of the interrelationship between socio-economic changes, the dynamics of the humankind to land relationship and the legal/administrative infrastructure. Such an understanding is considered essential as a basis for cadastral reform. The paper identifies some lessons on the development of land administration systems: 1. The relationship between humankind and land will always be dynamic and changes at different rates across countries and regions as a result of varying economic, social and environmental pressures. 2. The direction which that dynamism takes is dependent on the society’s priorities. The current western trend towards tempering economic imperatives and planning decisions with more community-based concerns such as the environment and native title, is likely to lead to a new direction for land administration. 3. Appropriate legal and administrative infrastructures are crucial to the process of delivering the changes demanded by society. These infrastructures include the social, legal, economic and political processes. 4. The extent to which a society can successfully achieve its objectives depends in part on the tools available to achieve those aims. “We have the technology” does not mean anything until our society determines its preferred relationship with land into the future.
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    Cadastral trends: a synthesis
    TING, LISA ; Williamson, Ian P. ( 1999)
    An understanding of the human history behind cadastral systems is essential to understanding the dynamism of the humankind to land relationship and how this has driven and will drive cadastral reforms. The cadastral concept has developed significantly over the past few decades. During this time these systems, whether developed from a land market or land taxation perspective, have increasingly played a multi-purpose role. Since the time humankind learned to settle on land, cadastres have developed and evolved to suit society’s needs. Changes in the relationship of humankind to land have invoked matching evolutionary changes in the function of cadastres. The most recent examples are current world concerns of environmental management, sustainable development and social justice. Due to this, multi-purpose role cadastres are increasingly seen as fundamental to economic development, environmental management and social stability in both the developed and developing worlds. This paper reviews the trends in the humankind/land relationship and how these have affected the development and applications of cadastres.