School of Social and Political Sciences - Research Publications

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    Women, pigs, god and evolution: Social and economic change among Kubo people of Papua New Guinea
    Minnegal, M ; Dwyer, PD (Oceania Publications, 1997-09-01)
    ABSTRACT This paper depicts connections and interactions between several apparently disparate themes of change observed in recent years at a village in the interior lowlands of Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Changes in patterns of association between men and women can be traced, in the first instance, to altered management practices necessitated by intensified pig production. That intensification, in turn, reflects the growing importance of money in the local economy, a shift which, through its predication on recognising the commensurability of differences, has ramifications far beyond the economics of pig production. An earlier emphasis on equivalence in exchanges has been replaced by a recognition of substitutability, with a consequent reification of categories at the expense of individuality. This trend has been reinforced by the influence of a new Christian cult that, in emphasising the distinction between men and women, has reified gender categories as a basis for structuring social action. The declining association between men and women which emerged as an adaptive response to changing economic realities has thus become incorporated as a structural transformation in Kubo social life.
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    Fire, flood, fish and the uncertainty paradox
    MINNEGAL, M ; DWYER, P (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008)
    When the planet was created, the areas of the greatest biodiversity also happened to be the areas where mankind wants to reap the best reward of resources. It is not actually that complicated when you think about it, because where there is biodiversity happens to be where the resources are and it is where we happen to want to get them from. As it happened, the uranium was put in the middle of Kakadu and gold is in places where it is hard to get out. I think the creator of the universe decided to make things very interesting for environment ministers down the track. That is the reality… It is only a natural thing. (Senator Ian Campbell, Federal Minister for the Environment; Hansard 2006: 68–69)
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    Social change and agency among Kubo of Papua New Guinea
    DWYER, P ; MINNEGAL, M (Wiley Blackwell, 2007)
    An account of the history and actions of one man is used to show how agency was central to processes of social change among Kubo people of the interior lowlands of Papua New Guinea. Through a thirteen‐year period, a growing awareness of, but little exposure to, ‘Western’ modes of living challenged earlier certainties, created desires, and suggested alternatives. Modernity thus provided the context for change. But modernity is not itself a process of change. By drawing from ambiguities inherent in pre‐existing structures (or discourses) or createdde novothrough encounters with previously unimagined possibilities, and by favouring one or another of the multiple trajectories legitimized by those ambiguities, people were causally implicated in changing the conditions of their own existence. Those changes entailed a shift from a predominantly relational epistemology to an increasingly categorical epistemology. Résumé Dans cet article, le récit de la vie et des actes d'un homme servent à montrer comment l'intentionnalité (agency) a été essentielle dans les processus de changement social chez les Kubos des basses terres intérieures de la Papouasie‐Nouvelle‐Guinée. Sur une période de treize ans, la connaissance accrue qu'ils ont eue des modes de vie « occidentaux »– tout en y étant peu exposés – a remis en question des certitudes antérieures, créé des désirs, et suggéré des alternatives. La modernité a ainsi créé le contexte du changement, sans être en elle‐même un processus de changement. À partir des ambiguïtés inhérentes aux structures (ou discours) préexistantes ou crééesde novopar la découverte de possibilités jusqu'alors inimaginables, et en privilégiant l'une ou l'autre des multiples trajectoires légitimées par ces ambiguïtés, les Kubos ont été impliqués dans une relation causale de changement des conditions de leur propre existence. Ces changements ont entraîné le passage d'une épistémologie principalement relationnelle à une épistémologie de plus en plus catégorielle.
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    Managing risk, resisting management: Stability and diversity in a southern Australian fishing fleet
    MINNEGAL, M ; DWYER, P (Society for Applied Anthropology, 2008)