School of Social and Political Sciences - Research Publications

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    The IAEA's Role in Nuclear Security Since 2016
    Findlay, T (Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2019-02)
    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the key multilateral global nuclear governance body, describes itself as the “global platform” for nuclear security efforts, with a “central role” in facilitating international cooperation in the field. Long concerned with the physical protection of nuclear materials and facilities, the Agency began to ramp up its involvement in the broader issue of nuclear security after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The series of Nuclear Security Summits, which ran from 2010 to 2016, drew high-level political attention to the threat of nuclear terrorism for the first time and boosted support for the IAEA’s nuclear security mission. The final summit, held in Washington, DC, in March 2016, lauded the Agency as “crucial for the continuing delivery of outcomes and actions from the nuclear security summits.” Participating governments agreed to a seven-page “Action Plan in Support of the International Atomic Energy Agency.”1 Three years after the final summit seems an opportune time to assess how the Agency’s nuclear security work has fared since then. Given the complexity of the Agency’s nuclear security activities, this paper cannot provide a comprehensive assessment, but will highlight the most important nuclear security activities and the constraints and challenges the IAEA faces in fulfilling its nuclear security role.
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    Perjalanan Perempuan dalam Menggerakkan Perubahan: Aksi Kolektif Perempuan dan Pelaksanaan Undang-undang Desa di Indonesia.
    Setiawan, K ; Beech Jones, BA ; Diprose, R ; Savirani, A ; Setiawan, K ; Beech Jones, B ; Diprose, R ; Savirani, A (The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (MAMPU), The University of Melbourne and Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2020-12-23)
    This peer-reviewed edited volume of women's life stories draws on detailed ethnographic research of village women's lived experiences and how they, individually and collectively, have taken action to influence village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of women's empowerment, their involvement in grassroots women’s collective action, engagement with civil society organisations, and how women influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities. The analysis draws from detailed qualitative research, including in-depth interviews with women, conducted during long stays in a variety of villages in Indonesia. The individual stories reflect a feminist research approach in foregrounding women’s voices and draws out the complex processes that women go through and the barriers that they have to overcome to exercise voice and influence in village development. These life stories show how women navigate the constraints on gender inclusion and women’s empowerment. Through the analysis we see how change can happen in Indonesia, despite entrenched patriarchal norms and limited women’s representation in governance institutions and other structures of power and decision making. The volume is available in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
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    Women’s Journeys in Driving Change: Women’s Collective Action and Village Law Implementation in Indonesia
    Setiawan, K ; Beech Jones, B ; Diprose, R ; Savirani, A ; Setiawan, K ; Beech Jones, B ; Diprose, R ; Savirani, A (The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (MAMPU), The University of Melbourne and Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2020)
    This peer-reviewed edited volume of women's life stories draws on detailed ethnographic research of village women's lived experiences and how they, individually and collectively, have taken action to influence village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of women's empowerment, their involvement in grassroots women’s collective action, engagement with civil society organisations, and how women influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities. The analysis draws from detailed qualitative research, including in-depth interviews with women, conducted during long stays in a variety of villages in Indonesia. The individual stories reflect a feminist research approach in foregrounding women’s voices and draws out the complex processes that women go through and the barriers that they have to overcome to exercise voice and influence in village development. These life stories show how women navigate the constraints on gender inclusion and women’s empowerment. Through the analysis we see how change can happen in Indonesia, despite entrenched patriarchal norms and limited women’s representation in governance institutions and other structures of power and decision making. The volume is available both in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
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    Membuka Jalan untuk Pembangunan Inklusif Gender di Daerah Perdesaan Indonesia: Bunga Rampai Kajian Aksi Kolektif Perempuan dan Pengaruhnya pada Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Desa [Forging Pathways for Gender-inclusive Development in Rural Indonesia: Case Studies of Women’s Collective Action and Influence on Village Law Implementation]
    Savirani, A ; Diprose, R ; Hartoto, AS ; Setiawan, K ; Savirani, A ; Diprose, R ; Hartoto, AS ; Setiawan, KMP (The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (MAMPU), The University of Melbourne and Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2020-01-30)
    This peer-reviewed edited volume of case studies draws on detailed ethnographic research of how village women have influenced village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of grassroots women’s collective action, civil society organisation support for village women and wider advocacy influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities. The analysis draws from detailed qualitative research, including in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, observations, and long village stays in a variety of villages in Indonesia. Each case study foregrounds women’s voices and draws out the complex processes by which women exercise voice and influence in village development and how they navigate the constraints on gender inclusion and women’s empowerment. Through the analysis we see how change can happen in Indonesia, despite patriarchal norms and limited women’s representation in governance institutions and other structures of power and decision making.
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    Women’s Collective Action and the Village Law: How Women are Driving Change and Shaping Pathways for Gender-inclusive Development in Rural Indonesia.
    Diprose, R ; Savirani, A ; Setiawan, K ; Naomi, F (The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (MAMPU), The University of Melbourne, and Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2020)
    In 2014, Indonesia embarked on an ambitious agenda to devolve some authority for local development to village authorities through the Village Law, with budgets directly channelled to nearly 75,000 villages across the archipelago to implement local-level initiatives. The changes introduced under the Village Law provide a significant opportunity for women to increasingly influence village governance and development decisions so as to improve their wellbeing. Covering a range of sectors, places and contexts throughout Indonesia, this original peer-reviewed comparative research draws on multiple qualitative research methods and interviews with more than 600 people to explore if and how women’s collective action in different forms—both at the grassroots level and in more structured advocacy and support for village women from civil society organisations concerned with gender equity—has facilitated changes in the ways power is exercised and decision making operates in rural villages and districts to be more inclusive of women. These are types of change that can have profound impacts on the everyday lives of rural women in Indonesia. The research was conducted across a diverse range of regions from Sumatra, to Java, to Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and East and West Nusa Tenggara in nine provinces, 12 districts and 14 villages and the support of 15 civil society organisation partners in Indonesia focused on gender inclusion and women’s empowerment nationally and subnationally. The research has tended to capture in ethnographic detail and comparatively the voices and experiences of more vulnerable rural village women, women who have often experienced multiple-dimensions of poverty. The research shows how in different contexts and through different causal pathways, women have influenced structures of power and decision making, particularly those concerned with village development in Indonesia. The comparative analysis in this paper is also available in Bahasa Indonesia.
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    The corporatisation of Pine Gap
    Ball, D ; Robinson, B ; Dorling, P ; TANTER, R (Nautilus Institute, 2015-06-24)
    The Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap, located just outside the town of Alice Springs in Central Australia and managed by the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), is one of the largest U.S. technical intelligence collection facilities in the world. The corporate presence at Pine Gap has expanded substantially in terms of both the number of companies involved and the total number of civilian contract personnel, and has changed significantly in functional terms, since the 1990s. It includes some of the major US aerospace and defence companies, such as Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics, as well as major computer companies, such as IBM and Hewlett-Packard. It also includes an increasing number of ‘pure play’ companies, who focus almost entirely on contracts from the National Reconnaissance Office, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency (NSA), such as Scitor Corporation, SAIC and Leidos.
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    The Militarisation of Pine Gap: Organisations and Personnel
    Ball, D ; Robinson, B ; TANTER, R (Nautilus Institute, 2015-08-13)
    Many Australians associate Pine Gap with the Central Intelligence Agency, and it probably remains the CIA’s most important technical intelligence collection station in the world. Yet Pine Gap is much more thoroughly militarised than in the past, with units of all four branches of the US armed forces now present, with close involvement in operations of the US military worldwide, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US military personnel now comprise about 66 per cent of the US Government employees (not counting contractor personnel) at Pine Gap. US military Service elements form a Combined Support Group (CSG). Through the 1990s, the growing Service presence supported Pine Gap’s primary (and during that period its sole) role, that of controlling and processing and analysing SIGINT collected by the NRO/CIA geosynchronous SIGINT satellites. Since then, the larger proportion of the CSG personnel have evidently been engaged in FORNSAT/COMSAT (Foreign Satellite/Communications Satellite) collection. Officially, they are engaged in Information Operations, Cyber Warfare and the achievement of Information Dominance. In practice, this involves monitoring Internet activities being transmitted via communications satellites, scouring e-mails, Web-sites and Chat Rooms for intelligence to support military operations, and particularly those involving Special Operations Forces, in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are undoubtedly key participants in NSA’s X-Keyscore program at Pine Gap.
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    The SIGINT Satellites of Pine Gap: Conception, Development and in Orbit
    Ball, D ; Robinson, B ; TANTER, R (Nautilus Institute, 2015-10-15)
    Pine Gap’s initial and still principal importance to the United States lies in its role as a ground control and processing station for geosynchronous signals intelligence satellites. Nine geosynchronous SIGINT (signals intelligence) satellites have been operated by Pine Gap over the past 45 years. That role has grown as the satellites and their associated ground systems have developed in size, capacity and range of applications far beyond what was envisaged half a century ago – or understood by the host government that accepted the base at that time. During the ground station site selection process in 1966, one of the main criteria was that the horizon angle from the floor of the selected location and over the surrounding hills ‘should not exceed six degrees’. From Pine Gap’s latitude of 23.80° S and longitude of 133.74° E, this would allow connectivity (for both command and control and for data reception) with satellites stationed as far west as 60° E (or as far east as 153° W if ever required). The stations of the current three Orion SIGINT satellites controlled by Pine Gap make possible the collection of a wide range of signals across more than half the surface of the planet outside the polar regions – every continent except the Americas and Antarctica, and every significant region of contemporary US military concern. There is now just one US highly integrated geosynchronous signals intelligence satellite system, with comparable satellites operated by Pine Gap and Menwith Hill, with much greater capacities and much more focussed military roles than their Cold War equivalents.
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    The Higher Management of Pine Gap
    Ball, D ; Robinson, B ; TANTER, R (Nautilus Institute, 2015-08-17)
    The higher management of Pine Gap is and has always been an entirely American affair. To understand Pine Gap today, it is necessary to understand the organisations of the US intelligence community and military concerned with the acquisition of technical intelligence, and their politics over the past five decades. For the first two decades, responsibility for operation of the ground control station at Pine Gap resided with the Ground Systems Division of the Office of ELINT within the CIA’s Directorate for Science and Technology. However, by the early 1990s control passed to the Systems Acquisition and Operations Directorate of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). In the mid-2000s the NRO itself underwent a profound change towards new organisational structures for integrating the imagery and SIGINT operations and making the whole system more responsive to users. The latest phase of these changes in the NRO stresses the role of ground systems, including Pine Gap, in creating ‘a single networked information collection and distribution system’ worldwide. The fundamental transformation of the higher management structure is more than an organisational matter. Along with the militarisation of the facility, it has important implications for Australia's involvement in the project. It warrants serious public discussion, which requires, in turn, greater transparency by the Australian authorities. As a 'joint' facility, its management structures are just as much of interest to Australians as to the US contractors to whom the NRO largely speaks.