School of Social and Political Sciences - Research Publications

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    Advokasi Perempuan Akar Rumput dalam Pemenuhan Hak Kesehatan Seksual dan Reproduksi (HKSR) Perempuan = Grassroots Women's Advocacy for the Fulfilment of Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
    Astrina, A. R. ; Ulfa, N. ; Savirani, A. ; Diprose, R. ; Hartoto, A.S. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Case study from "Membuka Jalan untuk Pembangunan Inklusif Gender di Daerah Perdesaan Indonesia: Bunga Rampai Kajian Aksi Kolektif Perempuan dan Pengaruhnya pada Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Desa", a peer-reviewed volume of case studies drawing on detailed ethnographic research of how village women have influenced village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. This case study from the Tanggamus research village examines the advocacy efforts of village women for women's sexual and reproductive health rights. These advocacy efforts were supported by the DAMAR Women's Advocacy Institute and its local partner FAKTA-DAMAR. DAMAR is a part of the PERMAMPU consortium of eight CSOs in Sumatra, working on issues of sexual and reproductive health rights.