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    Widyati, Member of the Creative Mothers' Women Homeworker Union, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta
    Rahayu, M. ; Ulfa, N. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. ; Beech Jones, B.A. ; Diprose, R. ; Savirani, A. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Widyati's story is part of a peer-reviewed edited volume of women's life stories that draws on detailed ethnographic research of village women's lived experiences and how they, individually and collectively, have taken action to influence village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of women's empowerment, their involvement in grassroots women's collective action, engagement with civil society organisations, and how women influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities. Widyati is a homeworker and handicraft business owner in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Widyati is an active and recognised contributor to her local community. She manages the early childhood education centre, is a Posyandu cadre for the elderly, and a member of a working group for the village PKK. Widyati joined the Creative Mothers' Women Homeworker Union in 2016, and through its courses, supported by Yasanti, has developed her leadership capacities, self-belief, and business management skills. Widyati was chosen as a women's representative for the formulation of the village's Medium Term Development Plan and the 2020 Development Work Plan. The inclusion of the perspectives and needs of the union and women homeworkers in village meetings and development plans is one way in which Widyati has put her leadership into action.
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    Widyati, Anggota SPPR Kreatif Bunda, Bantul, D.I. Yogyakarta
    Rahayu, M. ; Ulfa, N. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. ; Beech Jones, B.A. ; Diprose, R. ; Savirani, A. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Kisah Widyati merupakan bagian dari volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan, sebagai salah satu hasil dari penelitian etnografis terperinci yang diterbitkan melalui proses penelaahan sejawat (atau peer review). Volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan ini mengacu pada pengalaman hidup perempuan desa dan bagaimana mereka beraksi secara individu dan kolektif untuk memengaruhi pembangunan desa, dalam struktur pemerintahan Indonesia yang multi tingkat, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Desa. Analisa dalam volume ini mengidentifikasi proses pemberdayaan perempuan, keterlibatan perempuan dalam aksi kolektif perempuan akar rumput dan dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil (OMS), serta bagaimana perempuan memengaruhi lembaga dan kebijakan desa, pengeluaran dan penetapan prioritas pembangunan, proyek-proyek baru serta norma sosial di masyarakat mereka. Widyati adalah perempuan pekerja rumahan dan pemilik usaha kerajinan menjahit di Bantul, Yogyakarta. Widyati juga merupakan sosok perempuan yang aktif dan patut diperhitungkan di desanya. Dia turut mengurus kegiatan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), merupakan kader lansia di Posyandu, dan juga adalah anggota dari kelompok kerja (Pokja) PKK di desanya. Widyati bergabung dengan Serikat Perempuan Pekerja Rumahan (SPPR) Kreatif Bunda pada 2016 dan melalui pelatihan yang digagas Yasanti, Widyati menumbuhkan kapasitas kepemimpinan, kepercayaan diri, serta keterampilan bisnisnya. Widyati dipilih sebagai wakil perempuan untuk tim penyusun RPJMDesa dan Rancangan Kegiatan Pemerintah (RKP) 2020. Menyuarakan pendapat dan kebutuhan serikat dan perempuan pekerja rumahan di musyawarah desa dan musrenbang merupakan satu wujud dari penerapan kepemimpinan Widyati.
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    Perempuan Pekerja Rumahan: Advokasi untuk Menuntut Perlindungan Hak Pekerja dan Meruntuhkan Norma Lokal = Women Homeworkers: Advocating for the Recognition and the Protection of Workers Rights and Shifting Local Norms
    Rahayu, M. ; Ulfa, N. ; Savirani, A. ; Diprose, R. ; Hartoto, A.S. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Case study from "Membuka Jalan untuk Pembangunan Inklusif Gender di Daerah Perdesaan Indonesia: Bunga Rampai Kajian Aksi Kolektif Perempuan dan Pengaruhnya pada Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Desa", a peer-reviewed volume of case studies drawing on detailed ethnographic research of how village women have influenced village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. This case study illustrates the changes for homeworkers in the research village in the district of Bantul, Yogyakarta after the formation of women's groups by the Annisa Swasti Foundation (Yasanti). Yasanti helped in advocacy work, lobbied for regulations to protect homeworkers and successfully encouraged and supported women workers to create a union, called the Creative Mothers Homeworkers Union, which was recognised by the Bantul Department of Manpower in 2017.