Melbourne Law School - Theses

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    Protective measures applicable to child complainants of sexual offences in the South African criminal justice system
    Nel, Eloise ( 2008)
    Testifying in a courtroom is a stressful experience for any witness. This stress is heightened where the witness is a child complainant of a sexual offence. Not only will this child have to testify about the intimate details of the offence, but he or she will also have to do so in the presence of the alleged perpetrator in the formal environment of the courtroom surrounded by unfamiliar people dressed in black robes. The South African legislature has taken some cognizance of the difficulties that these vulnerable witnesses may face whilst giving evidence in the courtroom and has enacted various provisions which make protective measures available to them. Such protective measures include closing the court to the public during the testimony of the complainant, permitting the complainant to give evidence through closed-circuit television thereby avoiding confrontation with the accused and the formal courtroom environment, as well as permitting the child to give evidence through an intermediary who conveys the questions of counsel to the child in a language and form the child can understand. This study is based on a review of the relevant authority, judicial pronouncements thereon, academic literature on the subject, and to a limited extent empirical research of the practical application of these provisions in the South African courts. The aim of this study is to determine whether these provisions are achieving the purpose behind their enactment and therefore effectively providing protection to child complainants of sexual offences. The conclusion is reached that these provisions, are riddled with deficiencies and are further erratically applied. The provision which makes it mandatory to close the courts to the public during . the testimony of the complainant is completely ignored and prosecutors are still bringing applications for the closure of the courts, leaving presiding judicial officers with a discretion as to whether or not the public should be excluded from the trial during the testimony of the complainant. Furthermore, witnesses are often not aware of the provision which permits them to bring an application to give evidence via closed-circuit television. It has been argued that child complainants of sexual offences will always meet the requirements set out in that provision and that they should therefore be given an automatic right to give their evidence via closed-circuit television. On the other hand, witnesses have no standing to bring an application for the appointment of an intermediary and such an application can only be brought by the prosecution. Once the prosecution has decided whether or not to bring such an application, it is further subject to the discretion of the presiding judicial officer who may refuse to grant the application: This discretion has resulted in the inconsistent application of the section and an arbitrary application of the law which fails to uphold the values enshrined in the South African Constitution. It has been recommended that a more uniform and objective approach to invoking this protective measure is required. This study. recommends in closing that legislative reform is indeed necessary in order to provide more -effective and uniform protection to child complainants of sexual offences within the South African criminal justice system.
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    Simple in theory, not so in proof : how antitrust markets are established by evidence in federal court proceedings in Australia
    Beaton-Wells, Caron ( 2002)
    Definition of a relevant market is the first and an essential step involved in determining whether or not there has been a contravention of certain of the substantive prohibitions under Part IV of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth). The concept of a `market' for this purpose is based on settled, essentially economic, principles. However, proving the existence of a market, as a matter of evidence, in legal proceedings has been and remains a complex and uncertain exercise. The objectives of this thesis are to examine and critically evaluate the way in which the proof of markets under the Act has been handled in litigation before the Federal Court over the last 28 years. The primary sources for the research are the judgements that have been handed down by the Federal Court over this period in cases in which market definition has been a contested issue. While there is an abundance of literature on the relevant principles and their application in major cases, there has been no in-depth or systematic consideration of the issues of evidence and proof raised by this issue. For the purposes of examining the approach taken to the proof of a market, four principal categories of evidence are identified in the thesis - industry evidence, consumer evidence, quantitative evidence and expert opinion evidence. Issues of both form and substance that have arisen and the use that has been made of each category of evidence are explored in detail. For the purposes of evaluating the approach that has been taken to the proof of a market, a test of purposiveness is applied in the thesis. The question is posed, in other words, whether proof of the market has been approached with a view to identifying the existence (or otherwise) of close constraints on the commercial conduct of the firm(s) in question in the proceeding. It is concluded that, of the four categories of evidence examined, industry evidence has been the most effective in the sense that it has had the greatest impact on findings made concerning the relevant market. Consumer evidence has been bedevilled by concerns as to admissibility and weight and has been regarded as being of limited relevance in any event. Quantitative evidence has generally been unavailable and when available has proven unpersuasive. Overcoming initial reservations, there have been efforts to maximise the value derived from expert opinion evidence, particularly that of economists. Nevertheless, as some of these efforts themselves attest, such evidence has taken the form of submission more than it has of evidence and accordingly its role has been limited. The emphasis that has been placed on industry evidence is consistent with a purposive approach to market definition. It is this evidence that best enables a court to identify the sources and the extent of the constraints operating on the firm(s) in question. However, as is argued in this thesis, there are several important respects in which the analysis of industry evidence could and, indeed, should be more rigorously undertaken. Such rigour is required to ensure that markets are defined in a manner that reflects commercial realities and ultimately therefore to ensure that the substantive prohibitions under the Act are properly enforced.
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    Probabilistic models of juridical proof
    Hamer, David Acton ( 2002)
    In the process of resolving disputes, courts are required to make findings of fact on the basis of incomplete evidence; courts have to reason with factual uncertainty. In this dissertation I argue that the uncertainty of juridical fact-finders has a probabilistic nature, and that probability theory is a useful tool for understanding and improving factual accuracy in juridical proof. I support this thesis by providing probabilistic analyses of the law governing criminal and civil standards and burdens of proof. Particular issues that I examine include: the difference between the civil and the criminal standards of proof; the variability of the civil and criminal standards; probabilistic considerations governing the allocation of burdens of proof; the role of the burden in resolving the fact-finder's higher-order uncertainty about the exact probabilistic strength of the evidence; modifications to the law of standards and burdens of proof in response to the difficulties of predictive proof; mechanisms by which the accumulation of doubt is managed where there is factual uncertainty with regard to more than one legal element; and the supposed legal requirement that evidence not only satisfy a probabilistic standard of proof, but also be of sufficient weight, completeness or detail. In my examination of these areas of evidence law, I find that, to a large extent, current principles of proof already comply with the requirements of probability theory. At only a few points does existing practice appear to depart from probabilistic principles. At these points, the question arises whether the law requires reform. I recognise two qualifications to the normative use of probability theory in juridical proof. First, the guidance that probability theory offers is limited to factual accuracy, whereas juridical proof has other concerns, such as due process. In prescribing reforms, it must be considered whether other goals are threatened. Secondly, in order for the reforms to be capable of implementation, they should not involve too radical a change from current practice; the prescriptive should be not be too distant from the descriptive. Despite these constraints, in this dissertation I draw a number of prescriptions from probability theory. These appear quite capable of implementation as they involve only incremental change from current practice, and can readily be expressed in natural language. I reject arguments that current differences between juridical proof and probability theory can be explained in terms of other goals of juridical proof. Factual accuracy is a major concern of juridical proof, and is not sacrificed lightly.