Melbourne Law School - Theses

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    Morality and the nation: law, pornography and Indonesia's Islamic Defenders Front
    PAUSACKER, HELEN ( 2013)
    This thesis examines how largely symbolic law reforms can be used to establish and enforce societal norms. In 2005-6, Indonesia’s Islamic Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam, FPI) campaigned for the controversial Anti-Pornography Bill. It reported three alleged violations of Criminal Code (KUHP) provisions prohibiting pornography to the police: an artwork (Pinkswing Park), Indonesian Playboy (which had no nudes) and Indonesian Princess (Puteri Indonesia) 2005, a Miss Universe entrant. Between them, these cases represent three contentious areas regulated in Indonesia’s controversial Pornography Bill (the arts, the media and display of the human body). This Bill caused heated debate across Indonesia between two opposing groups. On the one hand, conservative Muslims argued that the state should legislate to ensure the upholding of the nation’s morality, according to Islamic values. On the other, progressive Muslims and others opposed the Bill, including ethnic and religious minorities and artists. This latter group argued that religion and morality should be personal issues and responsibilities. Despite their objections, the Bill was passed as Law No 44 on Pornography in 2008. Of the three cases reported by FPI, only Playboy proceeded to court, progressing through appeals, until the prosecutors reached the Supreme Court on cassation (kasasi). Here the editor of Playboy was found guilty on charges of violating the prohibition of pornography in the KUHP and was imprisoned. This decision, however, was overturned in a Reconsideration (Peninjauan Kembali or final appeal) judgment in the Supreme Court. Although this may seem like a set-back for FPI, this thesis argues that, in fact, these cases may have been reported more as publicity for the Pornography Bill than to punish the individuals involved. This relates to the wider question of how law is used to effect change in Indonesian society and whether the chief purpose for passing the Pornography Law was largely symbolic, given that there have long been Articles in the KUHP which prohibited pornography. Drawing on the theories of Islamic legal concepts as a type of legal transplant, the symbolic nature of law, and law as a field in the struggle for power, this thesis investigates each case, to develop insights into the nature of Islamisation in contemporary Indonesia. It concludes that while some conservative Islamist groups are pushing for their form of Islam to be enforced through legislation, the struggle for Islamisation is one that is in progress rather than concluded, and it remains contested.
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    Triggering institutional change in an environment of endemic corruption: the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission
    Schütte, Sofie Arjon ( 2012)
    KKN, an Indonesian acronym denoting corruption, collusion and nepotism (korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme), encapsulated popular resentment against the authoritarian Soeharto regime during the financial and political crisis of 1998. Public demands to control widespread corruption were transformed into a set of legislation enacted between 1998 and 2002. Because corruption was endemic in existing law enforcement agencies, the centrepiece of the new legislation was the establishment of a new and independent agency to enforce them. Since 2004, this new entity, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), equipped with a broad mandate in both prevention and enforcement, has spearheaded the government’s efforts against corruption. It has done so more effectively than any previous attempts in Indonesia and more successfully than comparative studies of specialized agencies in other developing countries would predict. This thesis examines the factors contributing to the KPK’s initial success. My research applies a theoretical framework derived from new institutional economics with reference to the growing body of literature on anti-corruption agencies. The analysis is based on a detailed review of legislation and associated policy documents. Application of the new laws by the KPK and its impact on formal and informal institutions is examined by drawing on semi-structured interviews during 2009 with more than sixty decision-makers and observers including academics, NGOs and donor agency representatives. These data are supported by content analysis of selected Indonesian media. This study finds that effective anti-corruption reform can be achieved in a highly corrupt environment if the third-party enforcement agencies maintain their political independence and integrity and in turn retain public support, so that the incentives that lead to corruption can be changed through consistent preventive measures and law enforcement. In Indonesia, the economic crisis, regime change and popular pressure led to a political consensus on the establishment of new formal anti-corruption institutions including new third-party agencies. The design of these anti-corruption institutions was influenced but not predetermined by international precedents and donor intervention. Precautions were put in place to maintain the integrity and political independence of the KPK, most notably the sequential selection recruitment of its leadership, thereby diluting loyalties of the nominees to particular groups. The KPK’s human resource management system has avoided the weaknesses of the Indonesian civil service system through higher, more transparent remuneration that aligns individual performance with organisational objectives. The KPK has increased the risks of engaging in corruption but, impeded by its organisational design, has as yet failed to reduce the opportunities and systemic weaknesses that lead to endemic corruption. The KPK’s law enforcement has generated public support but also resistance from vested interests. Resistance to the KPK has mostly taken legal form, allowing for examination by the courts and public pressure that have in turn consolidated the KPK and the Anti-Corruption Court. The long-term sustainability of the KPK and other formal anti-corruption institutions is dependent on consistent law enforcement, more preventive measures at national level and on maintaining public trust in their integrity.
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    Opposition to Christian proselytisation in democratic Indonesia: legal disputes between Muslims and Christians in West Java (1998-2009)
    Crouch, Melissa Amy ( 2011)
    Indonesia has a history of conflict between Muslims and Christians. Between 1998 and 2001, violence between these two communities increased across the archipelago. Some radical Islamists continue to wage sporadic campaigns against Christian religious activities. These campaigns are centred on the allegation that Christians are attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity, referred to as ‘Christianisation’. This thesis examines how and why Muslim opposition to Christian proselytisation, real and perceived, has intensified since 1998, and to what extent this has affected the resolution of disputes between Muslims and Christians through legal processes. This thesis argues that Muslims are opposing Christian efforts at proselytisation by using democratic state institutions and processes to legitimise violence, to establish laws that are based on Islam with little concern for religious minorities, and to publically condemn and punish converts from Islam to Christianity and those accused of insulting Islam. This opposition has increased since 1998 because of greater opportunities and freedom for all religious groups to practise and express their religion and beliefs. Free and fair elections, and the decentralisation of power to local governments, has created a more competitive political environment and contributed to the politicisation of religion at the local level. Radical Islamists have had a disproportionate voice in public debates on religion and law reform because of government ambivalence towards vigilante actions against minorities. This has affected the extent to which legal disputes between Muslims and Christians have been resolved, with local courts under pressure to issue decisions favourable to the religious majority. In response, Christians have exercised their democratic rights by appealing to independent human rights bodies and participating in the political process through debates, advocacy and political parties. Some churches have initiated judicial review of administrative decisions cancelling their building permits, while others have sought judicial review of laws and regulations that are perceived to discriminate against religious minorities. Through three case studies of litigation relating to religious education, church permits and blasphemy, this thesis demonstrates that Islamists are increasingly pressuring legislatures to pass laws, and the judiciary to make decisions, that discriminate against religious minorities, particularly Christians. This contest over Christian activities, intensified in an atmosphere of greater democratic freedoms, has placed increasing demands on the legal system and the courts to resolve disputes concerning religion. This is particularly problematic at the local level in an era of decentralisation, where the district courts remain weak, corrupt and easily intimidated by radical Islamic groups. This thesis argues that hostility towards Christian proselytisation, real or perceived, is partly responsible for many of the emerging legal disputes between Muslims and Christians in democratic Indonesia. It concludes that Muslim opposition to Christian proselytisation remains a key to understanding and addressing the escalation of legal disputes between Muslims and Christians in Indonesia.
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    Tuan Guru, community and conflict in Lombok, Indonesia
    Violence is an ongoing issue of concern in Indonesia. Recent periods of political, social and economic instability have seen outbreaks of violence across the archipelago, often between rival religious or ethnic groups. This has also been the case on the eastern Indonesian island of Lombok, which has both an ethnically and religiously diverse population. Lombok’s capital, Mataram, and the surrounding area of West Lombok form the focus of the field research for this thesis. Both have a Muslim majority and large Christian and Hindu minority communities. This religious and cultural diversity has at times been a source of tension. This thesis explores two local communities in Mataram and West Lombok, as well as looking more broadly at Mataram during provincial elections. The research examines not only communal and political tensions that arose in these communities, but also how conflict was successfully avoided or resolved. This thesis argues that partnerships between state and non-state actors and institutions are integral to conflict management. This cooperation is of particular importance given the relative weakness of state institutions in Lombok, including the police and courts. Therefore, the value of local communities and non-state actors in conflict avoidance and resolution cannot be underestimated. Local religious leaders, Tuan Guru, are key non-state actors who are essential to conflict management processes in Lombok. Tuan Guru have a high degree of influence in pious Lombok society. This means that they are able to act as social stabilisers and mediators during periods of tension in local communities. This thesis also points to the localised nature of dispute resolution, as highlighted in case studies of conflict avoidance during the 2008 NTB gubernatorial elections and dispute resolution in the West Lombok village that I have named ‘Bok’. These cases demonstrate that social relationships both within and between communities, adat (customary practices) and local leadership all play vital roles in resolving tensions and protecting citizens from the effects of violence. Of particular importance are good social relations, the absence of which can lead ethnic minorities to become marginalised and alienated from the rest of the community. Without strong social relationships, minorities are vulnerable to violence should tensions arise. This thesis demonstrates that conflict management in Mataram and West Lombok, whether it be during local provincial elections or within a local community, is an intricate process. Rather than creating ‘one-size fits all’ solutions, conflict management in the highly localised context of Lombok draws upon local legal culture(s) that offer a range of social and legal tools. These include drawing upon sources of locally relevant authority, both state and non-state, such as religious leaders, public servants and the police. Working together, these groups can assist in facilitating community solutions to avoid or resolve conflict. The actors involved and approaches used will differ from community-to-community and depend upon the circumstance, but in most cases Tuan Guru are key to the outcome.