Melbourne Law School - Theses

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    A conceptual history of recognition in international law
    Clark, Martin ( 2015)
    This thesis presents a conceptual history of recognition. It examines the development of ideas about the nature and meaning of recognition in the writings of British jurists from 1800–1950. After introducing recognition as a recurring metaphysical and ontological problem of international law and ordering, and explaining the focus on British juristic writings (Introduction), this thesis outlines a methodology for writing the history of concepts in international law (Chapter Two). While recent work in international legal history demonstrates a new attentiveness to the problems of historiography, efforts to grapple with these problems have rarely involved direct engagement with historical theory. In urging just such an engagement, this thesis adapts the themes, insights, and methods of conceptual history to the examination of concepts in international law. Conceptual history investigates the development of ‘basic concepts’: essentially contested ideas that are indispensable for political and thought and action throughout a period of time, within a national-linguistic society. This thesis adapts this methodology to guide a focus on juristic texts and their contexts. This forms the thesis’s first contribution to the field, specifically methodological debates in international legal history. It shows that historical theory is of real use in understanding and improving our attempts to grapple with the historiographical problems of international law. The thesis’s second contribution takes the form of a conceptual history of recognition (Chapter 3). In examining how recognition became a foundational idea in international law, as reflected in one important national tradition of juristic thought, this history shows how recognition was used to establish hierarchies of political communities and control entry into international society. Nowhere is this plainer than in the writings of British jurists in the context of the rise and fall of the British Empire. This development proceeded in four strands. In the first strand (1800–1880), generalised accounts of the criteria of recognition that are fixated almost solely on intra-European diplomatic disagreements gradually emerge. During the second strand (1871–85) recognition begins to incorporate ideas of Christianity, civilisation and progress to exclude non-European political communities from entry into the international community. The third strand (1885–1914) furthers this progress-orientation into the period of late colonialism and the ‘scramble for Africa’, shifting the focus of recognition to the technicalities of government and territorial control and, eventually, to a state-centric account that normalises civilisational inferiority into ‘difference’. With the fourth and final strand emerges (1915–50), recognition becomes a basic concept in international law, reflected in intense debates over its meaning and its use to advance or undermine a range of political projects within the League of Nations, including the universalisation of international law, changing modes of imperialism, and the constraint of state action through law. The thesis concludes with brief reflections on why British thinking turns away from recognition in the 1950s. With the collapse of the British Empire, the establishment of the United Nations, recognition is no longer a useful frame for exclusion and marginalisation, as the decolonising world turns to a new international law and self-determination.
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    Reconsidering REDD+: law, life, limits and growth in crisis
    Dehm, Julia ( 2015)
    This thesis examines the legal and social implications of an emerging carbon sequestration scheme under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), called Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), in order to investigate contemporary reconfigurations of control by the global North over land and resources in the global South. It critically examines the rise of carbon markets as a dominant climate mitigation strategy and their distributive consequences. This thesis argues that this marketisation of climate governance operates to foreclose possibilities for climate justice. This thesis makes an original contribution by asking novel questions in relation to the REDD+ scheme and its legal framework. Its primary concerns lie with interrogating the new form of authority, new modalities of power and the reconfiguration of social and legal relations this scheme produces. In particular, the thesis is concerned with the social implications of REDD+, given the 1.6 billion people globally living in and around forest areas and dependent in some way on forests for their livelihoods. There is now an extensive body of academic literature that examines the social impacts of REDD+ that primarily focuses on how to avoid doing harm or realise rights or co-benefit through REDD+ implementation. This thesis offers a unique contribution to this literature by focusing not only on the question of formal title rights, but also their underlying basis of authorisation and the broader political economy of the carbon economy. It therefore provide a complex account of appropriation of forested land through the reconfiguration of legal authority over land, that occurs alongside, and is perhaps even facilitated by, greater tenure formalisation.
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    The Security Council's legislative phase and the rise of emergency international law-making
    HOOD, ANNA ( 2014)
    In this thesis I look at the phenomenon of Security Council legislation and argue that it can be understood as a form of emergency international law-making that is analogous to forms of executive emergency law-making that are found in domestic jurisdictions in times of crisis. Flowing from this central argument are three subsidiary arguments. The first is that, when understood as a form of emergency law-making, it is possible to see that the Council’s legislative practice conforms, in many respects, to Carl Schmitt’s theory on the state of exception. The second is that there are a number of normative ideas embedded in emergency law theories that can be applied to the Council’s legislative activity to lessen its Schmittian tendencies, at least to a certain extent. The final subsidiary argument is that understanding Security Council legislation as a form of emergency international law-making facilitates an examination of the conditions that give rise to emergencies and emergency law-making and this examination reveals assumptions that are made about speed, risk and universal threats in the construction of international emergencies and the development of emergency international law-making.
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    Hannah Arendt and the turn to life in international law
    Whitehall, Deborah Maree ( 2013)
    My dissertation investigates the idea of natality in Hannah Arendt’s writing for the purpose of rereading the biopolitical currents of contemporary international law. By referring to biopolitics, I mean the normalising or regularising techniques by which liberal governmentalities manage the physical conditions of life; and the critical perspective that observes, diagnoses and sometimes resists these techniques. International human rights law is a prominent expression of biopolitics in the first sense and provides a key context in which to observe the patterns and hazards of normalising power. More and more frequently, the liberal politics of life draws strength from different modalities (such as institutional activity and civil society movements) that expand what is recognisable as law or which influence its articulation, directs international agendas that affect the physical security and health of populations, makes clear the service of law to politics (particularly state politics), and significantly, leaves human remainders. My interest in biopolitics encompasses each of these effects but focusses upon the last. The humanitarian call of biopolitics sometimes, if not frequently, belies its real political function. Humanitarian practice also points to historical formations of biopolitics in which life mattered according to an assumed scale of human-ness, leaving some persons superfluous to the idea of life itself, and in due course, vulnerable to radical strategies of exclusion, including disenfranchisement, deportation and genocide. For theorists of biopolitics and international law, the ‘aporias of humanitarianism’ are not new even where exclusion takes less exaggerated forms. Regulatory initiatives relating to communicable disease, sex trafficking and enforced disappearance are present-day examples of the more subtle consequences of delineating or framing certain lives for protection, including the production or re-production of the state. The dilemma produced by biopolitics also relates to the limitations of normative critique. Here, biopolitics is a diagnostic tool that reveals the uneven effects of normalising power globally but fails to imagine normative pathways beyond them. The wager of the dissertation is that a refashioned account of natality offers an alternative resource for rereading the negative patterns of biopolitics in international law today. Like many theorists of biopolitics, Arendt was alert to the dangers of normalising power through her contact with its extreme expression in mid-twentieth century German politics. Nazism presented the fatal flaw of organising power around physical life. Arendt’s concept of natality takes its cue from themes familiar to biopolitics but re-envisages biological processes as a metaphor for politics. Natality literally describes physical birth or human reproduction as a counterpoint for the idea’s further meaning, as a reference for the birth or appearance of each human being as a political subject, and the birth of the body politic as a space for democratic action. In each sense, the metaphor notes an innovation, a beginning, an arrival, a rupture, a founding, a revolution, a re-configuration, a spontaneous and surprising event, an initiative, an origin, a configuration, a coming together, the moment of empowerment, and a reminder that life must be the answer for the delicts of biopolitics. Arendt’s imaginative offering supports a new form of normative critique that observes the implications and possibilities of the body’s unrelenting presence in the regulatory practices of contemporary international law. Her vision beyond biopolitics arguably fulfils, for different ends, the ambition of normalising power to make life (and not death) the subject of global governance.
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    Food security as social provisioning: insights from the international approach and the Indonesian
    Dirou, Peter Thomas ( 2013)
    The thesis argues that the international community’s struggle to effectively deal with and take responsibility for food crises is rooted in both the structure of international law and the economic thinking that was wired into the early UN organisations. It presents a heterodox conception of economics — institutionalism — as an alternative way of thinking about problems of food and hunger. Building on the institutionalist emphasis on social provisioning, the thesis locates the legal dimension of institutionalist thought within a public law framework that emphasises authority and duty. This approach links economics and jurisprudence and conceptualises economic policy as a duty to provide.
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    Local space, global life: the everyday operation of international law and development
    ESLAVA, LUIS ( 2012)
    This thesis engages with the expansive and ground-level operation of international law and the development project by discussing the current international attention to local jurisdictions. In the last three decades, local jurisdictions have become the preferred spaces to promote global ideals of human, economic and environmental development. Through an ethnographic study of Bogotá’s recent development experience, in particular the city’s changing relation to its illegal neighbourhoods, this thesis interrogates the rationale and exposes some of the contradictions involved in the emergence of localities in development discussions and the international normative scene. The thesis pays particular attention to how the current attention to local jurisdictions – a process that has been largely articulated through the idea of decentralization – has involved a global re-accommodation of the exercise of authority over territory and population once assigned primarily to national administrations. However, the process of decentralization has not involved the abandonment of the nation-state but instead a multiplication of levels of governance upon local jurisdictions, a move that has made local administrations more concerned about calibrating their territories and populations in terms of their development aspirations, their fiscal capacities and their internal and external frontiers. This situation has particularly affected the relation between local administrations and their most peripheral subjects. In its evaluation of the multiple ways in which international law and development are shaping local realities, the thesis argues for closer critical attention to how these intimately related projects are constantly operationalized through the actions of national and local administrations, and through a multiplicity of laws, administrative technologies and artefacts of governance, that are rarely considered part of the economy of international law or the development project.
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    Enemies of mankind: the doctrine of international law enforcement in Vattel's Droit des gens
    RECH, WALTER ( 2012)
    This thesis investigates the ‘enemy of mankind’ concept in early-modern international law. It argues that the concept played a pivotal role in the collective security theory of Swiss jurist Emer de Vattel. This historical analysis also throws light on current debates concerning the legal status of terrorists, pirates and irregular combatants.