Melbourne Law School - Theses

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    Governing from Above: A History of Aerial Bombing and International Law
    Bogliolo Piancastelli de Siqueira, Luis Paulo ( 2020)
    The advent of aircraft in the early twentieth century brought significant changes to human society, from transportation and infrastructure to surveillance and warfare. This technology provided a new way of seeing the world from above – an aerial perspective – with its assumptions and frames of understanding space, peoples and objects. In armed conflict, airplanes facilitated interventions in foreign places and attacks directed at cities and civilians, leading to significant changes to military strategy and to legal and political discourses on how wars should be pursued. This thesis studies how the rise of aerial bombing transformed the central concepts of international law of armed conflict. The focus is on the concepts of aerial territory, civilian population, military objectives, and the principle of proportionality. I argue that these core concepts of the laws of war emerged from or were substantially transformed by the emergence of aerial warfare. The thesis covers the period of 1899 to 1977. It begins with the first considerations by international lawyers of how international law should respond to the introduction airplanes in war and ends with the conclusion of the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions, where the concepts and ideas that had emerged in the preceding decades were codified. I argue that the central debates and paradoxes of the contemporary laws of war can be traced back to the ideological, material and institutional transformations that took place as a result of aerial bombing in the period between 1899-1977. This thesis aims to shed light on the early history of aerial bombing and international law, a period often forgotten or ignored in scholarship on the laws of war. It uncovers the politics and assumptions behind international humanitarian law in its relation to aerial bombing. I challenge the universality and assimilation of the core concepts of international humanitarian law, exposing how legal discourse has played a central role in the legitimation of aerial violence. The thesis explores what alternative views have been articulated in the past and what could be gained from grasping the possibilities and arguments put forward by international lawyers throughout the rise of air power. This historical inquiry has substantial repercussions for current debates on drone warfare, autonomous weapons and new military technologies, which it claims are the culmination of a much longer history of international humanitarian law embracing a view from above.
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    'I will fight for freedom until I die': international humanitarian law, international human rights law and the grey zone of regulating violence in cities
    Bradley, Samantha Frances ( 2020)
    This thesis argues that international human rights law and international humanitarian law do not adequately govern the conduct of violence in cities, including violent protests, riots and civil unrest. Specifically, it is theorised that situations of violence in cities fall into a "grey zone" of international law insofar as neither international humanitarian law nor international human rights law provide clear and specific rules governing the conduct of violence in these contexts. While international humanitarian law is the field of public international law best equipped to govern the use of force, including the use of certain kinds of weapons and the protection of civilians from violence, modern situations of urban violence often fall below international humanitarian law’s threshold of application for non-international armed conflicts. Consequently, it falls to the international law of human rights to govern these types of violence. However, international human rights law’s ability to be derogated from, lack of specificity regarding permissible and prohibited means of use of force, and general lack of applicability to non-state armed actors, often means that it has limited utility in regulating such situations and effectively protecting victims. Consequently, there is a clear impetus for a policy-oriented approach based on norms found in both international humanitarian law and international human rights law to protect those affected by urban violence. Specifically, this thesis proposes the development of a “Basic Principles” style document to seek to set standards for the use of force, by both state and non-state parties to violence in cities.
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    Organized armed groups under international humanitarian law conflict characterization, targeting & detention
    Radin, Sasha ( 2016)
    The thesis examines the concept of an “organized armed group” under international humanitarian law, focusing on its meaning for the purposes of conflict characterization, targeting and detention. The analysis demonstrates that the concept has different meanings depending on its context. It concludes that as the law develops, a lack of precision in the use of the phrase risks unintended consequences and further fragmentation of the law.
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    Sexual exploitation and abuse by UN military contingents: moving beyond the current status quo and responsibility under international law
    Burke, Róisín Sarah ( 2012)
    Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) continues to be a problem on UN peacekeeping operations, despite relatively expansive efforts that have been taken to tackle it at UN level. Such conduct is particularly grave given that these peacekeepers have been sent to protect the civilian populations of host states. Sexual crimes by UN troops breach the relationship of trust between these personnel and the host population. Such conduct undermines the credibility of UN missions and international peace and security. Moreover, SEA also may have insidious effects on victims, in particular children. There are several categories of UN peacekeeping personnel, each with a different legal status. This thesis is solely concerned with the largest component of UN operations, namely UN military contingent (UMC) personnel. These personnel are rarely held to account for even serious incidents of SEA, given that they are granted immunity from criminal prosecution in the host State by a plethora of legal instruments, in addition to the reluctance of some troop contributing countries (TCCs) to prosecute, which lends to a culture of impunity. The thesis aims to identify current legal, conceptual and practical impediments to tackling SEA by UMC personnel, through an appraisal of the responsibility framework as it currently stands and UN reforms and initiatives aimed at tackling it to date. In concluding that the current system for holding UMC personnel alleged to have perpetrated SEA to account remains inadequate, the thesis questions what might be the alternatives to current practice. SEA it is argued may give rise to the responsibility of individuals, TCCs and/or the UN. The thesis considers whether such conduct can be considered a violation of international humanitarian law, human rights law and/or international criminal law, and what this might mean in terms of state, UN and/or individual responsibility. It explores some of the difficulties with applying these legal regimes in the context of SEA by UMC personnel. The thesis considers whether international or internationalized courts might play a role in holding UMC personnel to account for serious incidents of SEA, or whether some other mechanism might be more effective. In doing it reflects on the possible value of internationalized prosecutions of UMC personnel perpetrating such offences. This thesis, however, takes the position that states or TCCs are as much a part of the problem in addressing SEA by UMC personnel as the individuals themselves. All too often they have proven reluctant to effectively investigate criminal offences perpetrated by their soldiers on UN operations, despite obligations to do so. Moreover, states remain a barrier to putting a more effective system in place and are likely to oppose any external interference with their exclusive criminal jurisdiction over their military personnel. Therefore, this thesis argues that there may be a need to look beyond individual criminal responsibility, to the possible responsibility of TCCs, and perhaps to a lesser extent the UN, for acts or omissions in relation to SEA by UMC personnel. It considers the possible scope of TCC and/or UN international obligations towards victims of SEA, in particular where there is a failure to take reasonable measures to prevent SEA by UMC personnel and to hold perpetrators to account. The possibility of TCCs been held responsible for the extraterritorial conduct of soldiers deployed on UN peacekeeping operations may put increased pressure on states to take their obligations to prevent and respond to SEA by UMC personnel more seriously, and possibly open some avenues for victims to claim some form of redress.