Melbourne Law School - Theses

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    The Law of Relatives: Ontological and Moral Foundations of a Chthonic Natural Law Theory
    Whiting, Sean Francis ( 2023-12)
    Motivated by the claims of Chthonic elders and scholars, this thesis seeks to construct a Chthonic moral philosophy that is at once faithful to Chthonic ontology and ethico-legal thought, while also being in genuine accord with the leading characteristics of the paradigm case of Western natural law theory (viz., Aquinas). I contend that (i) a faithful and genuine Chthonic natural law moral theory can be plausibly constructed; while, at the same time, (ii) such a Chthonic theory differs markedly and provocatively from its Western cousins. If correct, this argument is important because it (a) is the first attempt to cash out the pervasive claim that Chthonic Law is a species of natural law, (b) is a necessary first step in developing a complete Chthonic natural law theory, (c) brings Chthonic ethico-legal thought into closer dialogue with an important strain of Western ethico-legal thought, and (d) constitutes a fecund provocation to existing Western natural law scholarship.
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    Double Handmaid: Tales of Law and Literature
    Commins, Johanna Ruth ( 2023-12)
    This thesis is about representations of women in law and literature. It is also about relations between law and literature as practices of representation. I explore these ideas through a sustained, close reading of Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale. The trope of the double and the practice of doubling recur in Atwood’s work, beginning with her very first publication, Double Persephone. In The Handmaid’s Tale this doubling is both thematic and structural. Thematically, the Handmaid is twice doubled: she is the madonna/whore paradox given form and she is both a ‘made thing’ of the Gileadean regime, and its caustic, ironic observer. Atwood uses the doubling of the Handmaid to expose the paradox at the heart of patriarchal representations of women and to offer the possibility of resisting or transforming such representations. Structurally, The Handmaid’s Tale is a metanarrative that gives an account of one woman’s experiences under an imagined totalitarian state and self-reflexively comments on that account. Atwood uses doubling in this way to superimpose different narratives or types of narratives on each other, producing ironic effects which destabilise categories and hierarchies of knowledge production. Guided by my reading of Atwood together with the works of a range of feminist scholars, I read a series of legal texts. I demonstrate how the Handmaid as a protest figure embodies the doubling of law and literature through the regulation of women’s sexual agency and reproductive potential. My reading of the reception of the Handmaid’s tale within Atwood’s novel frames my reading of the reception of a postmodern feminist law review article at Harvard Law School in the early 1990s. By pairing two of the opinions in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization with the graphic novel adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale I exemplify my argument about the Handmaid as a double figure, demonstrating how the composition of the judicial texts make inevitable the Handmaid in her passive and critical forms. Across all of these readings I suggest that both representations of women and relations between law and literature as representational practices are given shape as forms of doubling. Despite its popularity, versatility, and treatment of pressing social, political, and legal themes, The Handmaid’s Tale has been understudied by law and literature scholars. This thesis seeks to address this oversight, remind law and literature scholars of the exciting potential of Atwood’s work for interdisciplinary scholarship and to insist, once again, that representations of women in law and literature matter.
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    Do the ‘matter provisions’ really matter? Analysing trends in statutory unconscionability cases which apply s 22 of the Australian Consumer Law or s 12CC of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth)
    De Bono, Adam ( 2023)
    This thesis considers and analyses trends in recent cases applying s 22 of the Australian Consumer Law1 (‘ACL’) or s 12CC of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth) (‘ASIC Act’) involving the statutory prohibitions on unconscionable conduct. It asks whether those trends reflect the form, structure and intended purpose of those provisions. It is fair to say that the concept of unconscionability wears many different hats under Australian law. Within the equitable jurisdiction alone it bears multiple layers of meaning, not to mention the various statutory adaptations to which the concept has been adopted by way of, among other provisions, s 21 of the ACL and s 12CB of the ASIC Act. In particular, these provisions are accompanied by what are referred to in this thesis as the ‘Matter Provisions’ (a more detailed definition of which appears at paragraph [15]), comprising s 22 of the ACL and s 12CC of the ASIC Act. Broadly speaking, these contain legislative guidance on various matters which inform the meaning of unconscionability for the respective provisions they regard. In light of these various uses of the term ‘unconscionable’, it is little wonder that commentators have expressed the view that ‘[a]bove all other concepts, unconscionability has emerged as an all-pervasive, yet persistently elusive, undercurrent in Australian contract law’. The premise of this thesis is to formulate a comprehensive overview of the practical application of cases concerning statutory unconscionability. This review is couched through the lens of applying the Matter Provisions, which, as this thesis will explain, are foundational to the proper application of statutory unconscionability. From this overview, various trends will be revealed that can be used to paint a portrait of how cases engaging with the Matter Provisions in statutory unconscionability claims are being applied, and the extent to which this application reflects substantive judicial engagement consistent with the structure and intended purpose of those provisions. This overview is founded on a comprehensive analysis of data collected from cases which have considered the Matter Provisions in recent years, enclosed at Appendix 1 to this paper (‘Case Review’). Lying at the heart of this paper, the Case Review is a systematic collation, review and coding of 252 cases which have considered the Matter Provisions from the period of 1 January 2010 to 6 September 2023. This data collection has been undertaken in accordance with the methodology outlined from paragraph [39]. While there may inevitably be some cases which were not captured, the vision for compiling the Case Review was that if a case grapples with the Matter Provisions, it was included, such that as exhaustive a list of cases as reasonably possible was considered. The Case Review takes the form of a spreadsheet with columns for various quantitative and qualitative data points extracted from an individual review of each case. That data is then applied to the statistical analyses outlined in this paper (including by way of graphs, charts and tables).
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    Political dissent, law and legitimacy in China's Hong Kong
    Clift, Brendan David ( 2023-11)
    Hong Kong’s mass protest movements of the 2010s triggered clampdowns on fundamental rights, the closure of the political system, the denunciation of politically incorrect ideas, and the retreat of regional autonomy in favour of sovereign state power. This research challenges mainstream claims that Hong Kong’s rule of law was in good health during this period. It argues that by 2020 Hong Kong’s once-trusted legal institutions had reached a crisis of legitimacy due to sustained pressure from authoritarian politics. It substantiates the argument via an examination of law’s interactions with, and responses to, political dissent. Legitimacy, the extent to which an entity rightfully exercises its power, is central to the thesis. Drawing on literature on political legitimacy, democracy and authoritarianism, and the rule of law, I propose an original, multifaceted model for political and legal legitimacy. It comprises two main categories, intrinsic legitimacy and consequential legitimacy—or legitimacy drivers and effects—the presence or absence of which is indicative of an entity’s legitimacy. I posit that democratic systems have greater intrinsic legitimacy, largely derived from consent, and consequential legitimacy, with benefits including stability and liberty, compared with authoritarian systems where dissent and its suppression indicate illegitimacy. Legal legitimacy rests on comparable bases, with adherence to rule of law principles being a particularly important component of intrinsic legitimacy, and consequential legitimacy including rights protection and moderation of executive authority. Chapter 1 introduces the research and provides background on Hong Kong. Chapter 2 explains and justifies the analytical framework and outlines the legitimacy models of China and Hong Kong. The next four chapters are case studies of conflict, whereby political dissent triggering a politico-legal state response with legitimacy implications. Chapter 3 examines the use of national symbols to express dissent. It argues that contrary legislation protected an ideocratic authoritarian aesthetic lacking legitimacy in Hong Kong. The courts upheld that legislation in deference to political power, facilitating further repression and diminishing their rights-protection and independent institutional credentials. Chapter 4 considers protests before and during the 2014 protests, then before and during the 2019 protests. It argues that public order legislation, police conduct and political intransigence were contrary to norms and expectations shared by Hongkongers and the international community. The courts’ inconsistent record upholding protest freedoms and regulating contentious politics diminished their authority. Chapter 5 charts the state’s efforts to close down political opposition, demonstrating a retreat from democratic to authoritarian political ideals. In the face of executive power, the courts were unable to maintain their independent authority, and their rationalisation efforts rendered them agents of state authority. Chapter 6 completes the picture of a judiciary powerless to limit the state’s deployment of exceptional measures despite the excessive nature and popular rejection of those measures. The thesis concludes that Hong Kong’s legal apparatus, under pressure from authoritarian politics, wavered in its commitment to upholding rights and regulating power, detracting from its legitimacy, while fidelity to law’s technical requirements in furtherance of a repressive, undemocratic political agenda was also damaging to legal legitimacy.
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    Patent Grip: The Marketplace Making of Patent Law's Subjects
    Hopper, Benjamin Robert ( 2023-09)
    This work demonstrates that the grip of patent laws has to do with the development of market relations. It contrasts the core of patent law, namely, the concept of “invention”, with that epistemological form often cast as the defining “other” of invention, namely, the concept of “traditional knowledge” (TK). It finds that patent law protects a specific form of “invention”, namely, a discrete unit of commodifiable knowledge with certain characteristics that developed in reciprocity with the development of capitalist markets for intellectual things. The corollary is that those more ensconced in capitalist markets will more likely share patent law’s epistemology. Taking this insight, the work develops a theoretical framework to explain patent grip. At this framework’s core is the thinking of Soviet legal scholar, Evgeny Pashukanis, that law is contingent in the sense that it expresses underlying social relations. The development of a market for a given intellectual thing is connected with the development of a commodifying attitude to that thing in which people more readily perceive it, or additions and modifications to it, as a propertisable “invention” rather than some other form of knowledge. Thus, it is hypothesised that more commodity-oriented people are more likely to use and obey patent law, i.e., to have higher patent grip. This work tests this hypothesis using a case study of the extent to which, in southwestern China’s Guizhou province, TK-knowers, namely, traditional medical knowledge (TMK) practitioners, use and obey patent laws in respect of TMK. The case study involves a social survey of 53 mostly ethnic minority TMK practitioners, capturing, inter alia, measures of individual commodity-orientation (also called marketisation) and patent grip. Case study analysis finds: (i) statistically significant correlations between a TMK practitioner’s commodity-orientation and their patent grip; and (ii) a TMK practitioner’s commodity-orientation affects their treatment of knowledge, such that the more commodity-oriented are more likely to view TMK as a patentable “invention”. The work concludes that patent law is a historically specific phenomenon. It thereby counters the idea, pervasive in the patent literature, that individuals will respond homogenously to patent laws. Rather, this work demonstrates that, whether or not the introduction of patent laws will lead to patenting in respect of intellectual things, depends on the extent to which people are patent-receptive, i.e., the extent to which they have become patent law’s subjects. This work also undoes the idea that patent laws determine the operation of markets. Rather, it demonstrates that markets have a hitherto under-recognised role in determining the operation of patent laws.
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    Reforms of the International Tax System in Kuwait to Deliver a More Sustainable Revenue Base
    Alsairafi, Jumanah ( 2023-08)
    Blessed with vast oil reserves, Kuwait has historically relied on oil production as its primary source of government revenue. However, the inevitable fluctuation of oil prices and eventual depletion of resources necessitates the exploration of alternative revenue sources. Amidst a dearth of other major industries that could match oil’s economic output, taxation emerges as the most reliable income source capable of meeting escalating government expenditure demands. This thesis critically investigates Kuwait’s current income tax system, particularly considering global shifts in taxation policies. As a rentier economy heavily reliant on oil exports, Kuwait does not impose personal tax or VAT. Instead, it primarily relies on corporate tax—an income tax levied on net profits, notably from foreign companies operating within the country. However, this system is marked by ad hoc arrangements, inconsistencies, and meagre tax rates. Legislative loopholes further complicate the landscape, creating uncertainty, inviting tax disputes, and providing opportunities for multinational companies to exploit intricate schemes to evade taxes. Given the country’s economic and political circumstances, the likelihood of significant alterations for these features is slim. Therefore, this thesis advocates addressing legislative deficiencies to bolster tax revenue and prevent exploitation. The thesis explores two primary challenges in determining tax liability and ensuring that multinational corporations pay an appropriate amount of income tax in Kuwait. The first challenge pertains to the tax nexus for foreign entities operating within Kuwait, where current regulations may inadequately capture the full range of business activities, leading to potential revenue leakage. The second challenge concerns the application of transfer pricing rules—a complex area of taxation prone to manipulation, resulting in reduced taxable profit and subsequent lower tax revenue. While Kuwait’s current tax system has historically served it to some extent, it cannot continue to do so amidst evolving economic changes. The thesis underlines the urgent need for fundamental tax reforms, emphasising the importance of a consistent, transparent, and equitable taxation system for the nation’s long-term economic stability and growth. The study proposes several measures to improve Kuwait’s tax system’s efficacy and efficiency, including policy reforms to combat tax base erosion caused by multinational entities’ avoidance schemes. As there is limited literature on implementing a new income tax nexus and transfer pricing system in Kuwait, this thesis analyses the potential of these proposed reforms to address the country’s dwindling revenue issue. The suggestions presented in the thesis intend to address the identified challenges and ensure a more equitable and robust taxation framework capable of facilitating sustainable revenue collection in Kuwait. By doing so, the thesis substantially contributes to the broader discourse on tax reform in oil-exporting countries, providing critical insights to inform policy decisions.
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    A Sword and a Shield": How Intersectionality in Federal Sexual Harassment Matters is Approached by Decision-Makers and Legal Practitioners
    Causbrook, Madeleine ( 2023)
    This thesis examines how intersectionality is approached in federal sexual harassment matters by decision-makers and legal practitioners. In particular, it explores the emergence and use of section 28A(1A) of the Sex Discrimination Act (1984) (Cth), which directs consideration of specific characteristics of applicants in determining whether a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated the possibility that an applicant would be offended, humiliated, or intimidated by unwelcome sexual conduct. The key question assessed is whether the section has assisted applicants with arguing that sexual harassment has occurred through a consideration of their intersectional attributes, including how these may have placed them at greater risk of harm from unwelcome sexual conduct. The thesis explores this issue through an analysis of five federal sexual harassment decisions and 18 interviews with legal practitioners across Australia. The author then suggests some potential reform options to ensure that section 28A(1A) is more consistently applied with a greater focus on intersectional disadvantage.
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    Behind La Bonne Administration de la Justice: Values in the Procedure of the International Court of Justice
    McIntyre, Juliette Marie ( 2023-11)
    Behind the principle of la bonne administration de la justice lie the values of the International Court of Justice. Values, and choices between values, are embedded in the procedural rules and practices of the Court. This thesis seeks to identify where such values arise in the Court’s procedures by studying particular procedures in order to observe the values that are in play, and the choices being made between them. This thesis offers a detailed account of three procedures – revision, intervention, and oral proceedings. It observes that the form and content of a procedure is neither neutral nor inevitable, but rather implicates values and choices between values such as accuracy, efficiency, party equality, and dignity. Values inform the Court’s procedures in respect of rule design, as justification for rule application or interpretation, and expressively. This thesis begins with the observation that the Court has a very broad power to govern its own procedures, and that values are integrated into every procedural choice. Rather than offering a top-down theory of procedural values, this thesis will undertake a close reading of the three selected procedures in order to observe where values arise. These three case studies suggest that values are likely to shape the form of final orders, the drafting of the Rules of Court, and other acts in respect of all of the Court’s procedures. This thesis adopts a posture of exploration rather than one of prescription – identifying what values are revealed and where, rather than making an instrumental or consequentialist argument that particular values should be adopted or are optimal. This thesis argues that presently the Court’s values are neither fully nor consistently articulated. While at times the Court’s values are clear and openly relied upon, in other instances they are buried and require excavation. Understanding the Court’s values has implications for the form that a procedure may take, and the manner in which the procedure may be implemented in practice. Appreciating the role of values in the Court’s procedure also enables contestation; it moves beyond a simple acceptance of the Court’s procedural practices as simply the way things have always been done.
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    Online Dispute Resolution and Consumer Disputes in Australia: Dispute System Design Analysis
    Tan, Vivi Julita ( 2023-11)
    Online dispute resolution (‘ODR’) first originated as a response to the e-commerce phenomenon and is now widely accepted and implemented in many jurisdictions. The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been a major catalyst in the wider adoption of ODR systems to resolve different types of disputes. Although ODR was initially more prominent in private dispute resolution, for example being used by PayPal or eBay for resolving disputes with customers and suppliers, it has now extended to public sector entities, including to judicial institutions. Courts and tribunals are increasingly using various types of ODR systems to provide more flexible and efficient dispute resolution processes. Given the uptake in such systems, there is a need to shift attention away from the analysis of whether or not to adopt ODR systems towards how best to design such systems. Additionally, much analysis of ODR has focused on commercial disputes, not differentiating consumer disputes, or dealing with this latter category only fleetingly. This thesis focuses squarely on the question of whether and how an ODR system might be designed to provide consumers with an avenue to resolve disputes and obtain redress in a fair and efficient manner. It moreover focuses on the use of ODR by courts and tribunals, as opposed to the use of such systems by suppliers or businesses. In this thesis, I argue that ODR does offer opportunities for resolving consumer disputes. However, more sustained attention needs to be given to the principles that should govern the design of ODR systems. Good design is essential to ensure that ODR is appropriate for the context of consumer disputes, fulfils its intended objectives in this unique context, provides a high-quality alternative for consumers to the traditional and offline court processes, and maintains its legitimacy among its consumer users. Such focus on system design necessitates a shift in attention from analysing whether or not courts and tribunals should adopt an ODR system towards how best to design such systems to ensure they are normatively compelling and contextually appropriate given their inevitable adoption. The system design approach is also consistent with the conceptualisation of access to justice as entailing both accessibility (access to courts) and fairness in the legal process itself. The approach, moreover, recognises and respects the unique demands of consumer dispute resolution. Consumer disputes are typically characterised by significant inequalities of bargaining power, information asymmetry and hurdles to access to courts. Yet importantly, under legislation, consumers are often provided with immutable rights that temper the traditional rigour of commercial contracting. Therefore, this thesis seeks to investigate how an ODR system designed for resolving consumer disputes in courts and tribunals fits with the structure and requirements of civil justice in the unique context of consumer protection, and the rule of law in a democratic society.
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    "News from Pan-Africa": Black Internationalism, Literature & International Law', 1900-1963
    Gevers, Christopher Carl ( 2023-07)
    This Thesis traces the collective worldmaking and unmaking project of Black Internationalists, from the 1900 Pan-African Conference to the formation of the Organization of African Unity by newly-independent states in 1963. It tells the story of how Black Internationalists – including Alice Kinloch, Pauline Hopkins, Anna Julia Cooper, WEB DuBois, George Padmore, Nnamdi Azikiwe, CLR James, Peter Abrahams and Kwame Nkrumah – attempted to re-imagine and re-make the world through their political, fictional and historical writings, and collective transnational activism, and how this worldmaking project borrowed from, contested and was ultimately defeated by International Law. The story of its defeat remains instructive for worldmaking projects today, including those of International Lawyers. In order to grasp the scope of this worldmaking project and the terms of its defeat, this study draws on ‘fictional worlds’ theory to better understand International Law and Literature as worldmaking projects and practices. It particular, it shows how the world(un)making project of Black Internationalists reveals modern International Law and Global White Supremacy to be co-constitutive; unsettles the discipline’s Eurocentric histories; and radically re-orients its ‘imaginative geographies’. It argues that, as co-fabrications, International Law and Literature are not just connected but inseparable – historically and theoretically – and illustrates how Black Internationalists’ alternative sociopolitical, historical and geographical imaginaries surface the sedimented worlds that International Law makes, and those it makes impossible.