Melbourne Law School - Theses

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    Political dissent, law and legitimacy in China's Hong Kong
    Clift, Brendan David ( 2023-11)
    Hong Kong’s mass protest movements of the 2010s triggered clampdowns on fundamental rights, the closure of the political system, the denunciation of politically incorrect ideas, and the retreat of regional autonomy in favour of sovereign state power. This research challenges mainstream claims that Hong Kong’s rule of law was in good health during this period. It argues that by 2020 Hong Kong’s once-trusted legal institutions had reached a crisis of legitimacy due to sustained pressure from authoritarian politics. It substantiates the argument via an examination of law’s interactions with, and responses to, political dissent. Legitimacy, the extent to which an entity rightfully exercises its power, is central to the thesis. Drawing on literature on political legitimacy, democracy and authoritarianism, and the rule of law, I propose an original, multifaceted model for political and legal legitimacy. It comprises two main categories, intrinsic legitimacy and consequential legitimacy—or legitimacy drivers and effects—the presence or absence of which is indicative of an entity’s legitimacy. I posit that democratic systems have greater intrinsic legitimacy, largely derived from consent, and consequential legitimacy, with benefits including stability and liberty, compared with authoritarian systems where dissent and its suppression indicate illegitimacy. Legal legitimacy rests on comparable bases, with adherence to rule of law principles being a particularly important component of intrinsic legitimacy, and consequential legitimacy including rights protection and moderation of executive authority. Chapter 1 introduces the research and provides background on Hong Kong. Chapter 2 explains and justifies the analytical framework and outlines the legitimacy models of China and Hong Kong. The next four chapters are case studies of conflict, whereby political dissent triggering a politico-legal state response with legitimacy implications. Chapter 3 examines the use of national symbols to express dissent. It argues that contrary legislation protected an ideocratic authoritarian aesthetic lacking legitimacy in Hong Kong. The courts upheld that legislation in deference to political power, facilitating further repression and diminishing their rights-protection and independent institutional credentials. Chapter 4 considers protests before and during the 2014 protests, then before and during the 2019 protests. It argues that public order legislation, police conduct and political intransigence were contrary to norms and expectations shared by Hongkongers and the international community. The courts’ inconsistent record upholding protest freedoms and regulating contentious politics diminished their authority. Chapter 5 charts the state’s efforts to close down political opposition, demonstrating a retreat from democratic to authoritarian political ideals. In the face of executive power, the courts were unable to maintain their independent authority, and their rationalisation efforts rendered them agents of state authority. Chapter 6 completes the picture of a judiciary powerless to limit the state’s deployment of exceptional measures despite the excessive nature and popular rejection of those measures. The thesis concludes that Hong Kong’s legal apparatus, under pressure from authoritarian politics, wavered in its commitment to upholding rights and regulating power, detracting from its legitimacy, while fidelity to law’s technical requirements in furtherance of a repressive, undemocratic political agenda was also damaging to legal legitimacy.
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    Legalist Reasoning and its Limits: Legal Professional Culture and Constitutional Development in Australia and Germany
    Hicks, Elizabeth ( 2023-05)
    In this thesis I demonstrate the value of ‘legal professional culture’ as a contextual ‘layer’ that can assist in understanding constitutional development and disagreements about constitutional method. I describe legal professional culture as an infrastructure for socialising legal actors in an experience of ‘constraint of choice’: the experience that some forms of reasoning, but not others, are open to a legal decision-maker. I explore legal professional culture as a bundle of institutionalised practices that work to produce that experience of constraint of choice. These institutionalised practices can include legal education and training, scholarship and knowledge production, and the organisation of courts. I argue that culturally embedded beliefs, narratives and values are reproduced through those institutionalised practices and ensure the workability and stability of method when applied at scale. To explore my description of legal professional culture I compare Australian and German constitutional histories. I explore how German and Australian legal professional cultures have influenced practices of constitutional development and disagreements regarding method. Both jurisdictions share a high degree of professional cultural cohesion, despite differences in constitutional text, methodological tradition and court organisation. I explore the relationship between that cohesion and ‘legalist’ approaches to reasoning, which I both employ as a device to explore the significance of legal professional culture and explore as a constitutional problem in its own right. ‘Legalist’ reasoning — an umbrella term that I use to encompass ‘formalist’ and ‘positivist’ reasoning — tends to assume the determinacy of legal materials, deny the role of judicial choice between multiple plausible interpretations, and insist on a hard distinction between legal and extra-legal considerations in constitutional reasoning. I argue that legalist, formalist and positivist styles of reasoning tend to emerge in professional cultures when there is a high degree of stability in cultural beliefs and narratives regarding method. Exploring how legalist arguments first emerge and then lose credibility over time sheds light on the interplay between professional culture and an experience of constraint of choice in legal actors. I rely on analysis of what I describe as ‘stability seeking’ decisions to demonstrate my arguments regarding legal professional culture and legalist reasoning. In case studies drawn from the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) and Australian High Court (HCA), I demonstrate how the stability of professional beliefs and narratives, and the emergence of legalist or positivist reasoning, flowed from key decisions made by each court during a period of instability in their early history. During those periods the HCA and FCC attempted to introduce ideas or narratives that could reintroduce an experience of constraint of choice. I demonstrate how ‘stability seeking’ decisions introduced later in each court’s history were less successful at establishing new, or shoring up existing, beliefs and narratives that could be accepted by the professional community and produce an experience of constraint in legal actors. In comparing how ‘stability seeking’ decisions emerged and were received, I demonstrate the relevance of professional cultural conditions to constitutional development and its stability over time.
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    Constitutionally guaranteeing information flow
    Van Wyk, Cornelia Toerien Laura ( 2023-06)
    The thesis outlines the potential and limits of the constitutional recognition of a right to information. Relying on doctrinal and comparative methodology, it draws insights from the South African experience. The research suggests that, while there are theoretically solid justifications for recognising the right, constitutional recognition does not necessarily achieve the goals envisaged for it in practice. To achieve its potential, such a right needs continued acknowledgement and active support from all the branches of government of the state as a whole.
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    Constitutionally protective statutory interpretation
    Murphy, Julian Redmond ( 2022)
    What does the Australian Constitution have to say about statutory interpretation? Is it irrelevant? Is the only constitutional norm that matters in statutory interpretation that which separates judicial and legislative power? Does the rule of law have any work to do? Might constitutional conceptions of sovereignty influence the way judges interpret statutes? What about federalism? These are the questions with which this thesis is concerned. The answers it gives reveal that the principles and practices of statutory interpretation are informed and constrained by systemic norms of the Australian legal system, the most important of which are traceable to our written Constitution. This thesis develops significantly the presently nascent suggestions that the separation of powers informs the practice of statutory interpretation. It shows a constitutional commitment to the rule of law that has bite, in contrast to the suggestions in more recent ‘pure’ constitutional law cases and commentary that the rule of law has no doctrinal force beyond the extent to which it is inscribed in the constitutional text and structure. Less flatteringly, but no less importantly, this view of Australian constitutional law reveals a number of points at which our constitutional culture remains retarded by its monarchical roots and colonial history. Finally, this thesis’ novel perspective allows us to see that federalism is alive and well in statutory interpretation, albeit that there are aspects of the federal principle that remain underenforced. The original contribution of this thesis is, then, to chart the relationship between the Constitution and the principles and practice of statutory interpretation – two fields of study that have to date rarely overlapped. While the thesis is intended primarily for a domestic audience, it also constitutes the first Australian contribution to the recent trend in international scholarship exploring the realm of ‘quasi-constitutional law’ at the penumbra of written constitutions.
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    Proportionality and the proof of facts in Australian constitutional adjudication
    Carter, Anne Clare ( 2018)
    This thesis examines the relationship between proportionality and facts in constitutional adjudication. The Australian High Court has developed various tests of constitutional validity that incorporate elements of the tripartite proportionality formula of suitability, necessity and balancing. Yet the scope and content of these tests, including the role of facts, remains uncertain. In addition, while the global spread of proportionality has attracted considerable academic attention, there has been little sustained analysis of the role of facts. In light of this, the thesis seeks to understand the extent to which factual inquiry matters in proportionality reasoning in Australia, both conceptually and in practice. Following this primary research question, the thesis considers how courts currently deal with facts in proportionality reasoning and, second, how an understanding of the nature and significance of facts might assist in the processes of fact-finding. The thesis answers these questions by analysing the conceptual structure of proportionality and the relevance of facts within each of the three stages. To understand the nature of these facts, it evaluates various taxonomies of fact that have been developed and considers how these might apply to proportionality reasoning. Building on this conceptual foundation, the thesis examines how proportionality has been applied by courts in practice. While the primary focus is on Australian constitutional adjudication, the thesis also draws on the experiences of Germany, Canada and South Africa. These comparative perspectives demonstrate how the link between proportionality and facts has been understood in practice, and potentially inform the application and development of proportionality reasoning in Australia. The thesis argues that facts are relevant to all three stages of proportionality reasoning but are likely to be most prominent at the necessity stage. The Australian and comparative jurisprudence illustrates, however, that there is variation in the extent to which questions of fact have been recognised in practice; courts do not always openly acknowledge the factual underpinnings of proportionality and there has been considerable judicial disagreement about whether evidence is necessary or appropriate to inform assessments of proportionality. It is argued, further, that in order to understand the significance of facts there is a need to distinguish more clearly between the types of empirical claims that arise at the different stages of proportionality analysis. While it is possible to draw on existing categorisations of fact that have been developed, such as legislative or constitutional facts, proportionality contains its own distinctive set of questions. It is therefore instructive to consider the facts that arise at each stage separately. The thesis concludes by considering the procedural implications that result from this contextual approach to facts.
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    Keeping courts judicial: chapter III of the Australian Constitution, the creation/determination distinction and preventative control order regimes
    The meaning of the "judicial power of the Commonwealth" under Ch III of the Australian Constitution is both fiercely contested and constitutionally vital. The two limbed separation of judicial power under Ch III requires that only Ch III courts may exercise such power (the first limb of the separation), and that those courts may only exercise Commonwealth judicial power (the second limb). This thesis argues that one aspect of the definition of Commonwealth judicial power should be strengthened. Moreover, it argues that this strengthened approach will provide a means of challenging preventative control orders. In the first Part of the thesis, I argue that—as a matter of authority and principle—Ch III courts may only be empowered to determine and apply legal rules and norms; they cannot be empowered to create new legal standards. This principle is longstanding, but has come under attack in more recent times; its strength has also been said to have been eroded by various "exceptions" to the separation of judicial power. This thesis shows that creation/determination distinction retains much of its force. In doing so, I adopt a moderate approach to the question of determinacy, which emphasises that laws need only be sufficiently determinate for judicial application. The idea that there is a "spectrum of determinacy" also permits a more flexible approach to the application of the exceptions. In the second Part, I apply this reasoning to preventative control order laws. I show that the prohibition upon courts exercising non-judicial powers, taken together with the creation/determination distinction, may provide the best means of delimiting the validity of such laws. I use the cases of Thomas v Mowbray (2007) 233 CLR 307 and South Australia v Totani (2010) 238 CLR 1 to buttress my claims about the second limb in general, and the continued force and effect of the creation/determination distinction in particular. I then apply this reasoning to control order laws more generally, arguing for greater emphasis to be placed upon their second limb invalidity.
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    Judicial review in Indonesia: between civil law and accountability?: a study of constitutional court decisions 2003-2005
    Butt, Simon Andrew ( 2006)
    This thesis assesses Indonesia's new Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi, MK) through an analysis of the decisions it handed down in 2003-2005. Established in 2003, the MK has jurisdiction to resolve jurisdictional disputes between state institutions; to rule on disputed electoral returns and motions to impeach the President or VicePresident; and to review statutes. It is the first Indonesian court to have jurisdiction over these matters. In some of its decisions, the Court has exercised its judicial review powers vigorously. It has struck down unconstitutional statutes, discovered and enforced implied rights and government obligations, and assessed government policy. Its decision-writing style, however, reflects traditional French civil law influence, providing little transparency in its decision-making process. This raises questions about the level of accountability to which the Court exposes itself. Its accountability is brought further into question by some of its institutional characteristics, such as its lack of external supervision, the dearth of judicial training for its judges and the absence of performance-based career incentives. I show that the government is prepared to ignore, or circumvent, decisions of the Court. I argue that to command more respect, the Court could increase the transparency and accountability it provides, by writing decisions that are better reasoned. Alternatively or additionally, it could reduce its activism so as to reduce the level of accountability it should provide. The Court has already begun doing this - notably by declaring that its decisions operate only prospectively and by allowing unconstitutional statutes to stand in the 2005 and 2006 Budget cases. This thesis argues that, although these cases are a good start, the Court could further improve the level of accountability it provides. Unless the Court issues better reasoned decisions, or less political dramatic decisions, or both, the Indonesian government might not comply with the Court's decisions. The government might claim that it does not understand the Court's decisions or the rationale for them, or might be unwilling or unable to comply. Unless the Court succeeds in achieving compliance with its decisions, it may end up being counted in the long list of failed attempts at Indonesian judicial reform.
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    Indonesian constitutional reform 1999-2002: an evaluation of constitution-making in transition
    INDRAYANA, DENNY ( 2005)
    In 1999, the MPR (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, the People's Consultative Assembly) enacted the First Amendment to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia. Over each of the next three years, it passed a further amendment. Despite their important contribution to Indonesia's transition from Soeharto's authoritarian regime, no comprehensive study has been made of these four amendments, and the process by which they were produced. This thesis is an attempt to fill this gap, by critically evaluating the process and outcomes of these amendments, in the context of constitutional theory and the experience of other countries, in particular, South Africa and Thailand. This thesis argues that the 1999-2002 constitutional amendments lacked what have widely been accepted as key features of a democratic constitution-making process: (i) there was no clear plan for determining the key elements of the process, such as when the amendment would occur, how it would be conducted, and what the outcomes would be; (ii) the MPR failed to win the people's trust in its capacity as a constitution-making body; and (iii) public participation was limited and badly organized. Many of these problems with the reform process, however, related to fundamental issues within the Constitution itself. It contained two aspects seen as crucial to the identity and survival of the country by most nationalists, including the military: the rejection of an Islamic state and the imposition in its place of a nationalist state ideology, the Pancasila, contained in the preamble to the Constitution. Many nationalists feared that opening the Constitution to real change would jeopardize these positions, which they saw, and still see, as non-negotiable. The result was a slow, patchy and tentative process marked by constant negotiation and deal-making as most stakeholders sought a way to dismantle Soeharto's dictatorship without disturbing these twin nationalist principles. Despite these problems, at the end of the process, the Constitution was more democratic in form. In particular, the amendments established a clearer separation of powers between the executive, legislature and judiciary; and more impressive human rights protections. This is because the euphoric transitional period provided a setting that encouraged open constitutional debates in the MPR and allowed public participation in these debates, despite the flaws in the MPR's system for public engagement. The amended Constitution remains, however, far from perfect. This thesis recommends further amendments to, first, strengthen the system of checks and balances introduced between 1999 - 2002; and, second, to entrench the preamble and guarantee the difficult relationship between Islam and state in their current form.