Architecture, Building and Planning - Theses

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    Victorian architectural ornament
    Errey, Elva L. ( 1972)
    Summary. Part One Is concerned with a technical and historical account of the chief materials employed in architectural ornament in the period indicated; cement and plaster, terracotta and brick, wood and metal. Part Two is a catalogue of the ornamental types and forms produced in these materials based on an analysis of over two thousand buildings and illustrated by just over one thousand drawings, encompassing the following categories : cement and plaster - acroteria, parapet treatments (chiefly pediments), scrolls, finials, balustrades, window surrounds, shells, keystones, swags and festoons, studs, friezes, consoles or brackets, capitals and chimneys (rendered); clay products - ridge cresting, finials, chimney pots, brickwork patterns and chimneys (exposed brick); wood - gable end fillers, bargeboards, struts or brackets, verandah woodwork; cast-iron - balustrades, friezes, brackets, ridge cresting and window guards; pressed metal - wall and ceiling lining, centre roses, cornices, roofing finishes and finials. Part Three deals with the buildings as a whole, considering stylistic changes and the typology of distinct groups of structures under the headings: offices, warehouses, factories and banks; shops - major and minor; hotels; town and shire halls; court houses; hospitals; schools; railway buildings; theatres and halls; miscellaneous public buildings; houses employing bricks in contrast colours; houses employing red brick with cream dressings; "Italianate" houses ; "Italianate" terraces; Queen Anne style houses; sub-Queen Anne and bungalow houses. The stylistic changes in general may be summarized broadly as proceeding from a mixture of details derived from Gothic and Classical sources applied to buildings of non-historical (nineteenth century) character via another pseudo-historical revival (Queen Anne in two major forms), followed by an admixture of fairly superficial Art Nouveau influence to a welter of historically oriented revivals and abstractions and simplifications of preceding forms. These developments overlap considerably and appear with variable force and diversity according to the type of buildings. Part Four is a brief account of the work of one hundred and seventy-five leading architects or builders of the period arranged alphabetically under the name of the architect or firm. The emphasis throughout is on dealing with as broad a range of examples as possible, rather than concentrating only on large scale and/or progressive projects.
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    Relating and designing : modelling the human-environment nexus
    Downton, Peter James ( 1983)
    Nothing less than a paradigm shift will do. If architecture is to enrich human dwelling, if it is to be consistently practised as both art and science, then it must be profoundly grounded on a knowledge and understanding of the ways in which humans relate to their environments. Architects have rediscovered and reinterpreted this belief over many centuries. For some two decades now many have sought knowledge of their fellow humans from the Behavioural Sciences. There has been considerable inter-disciplinary co-operation, but it has been undertaken without attention to the prevailing disciplinary paradigms. And, while there have been modest successes, an increasing concern has been receiving expression at conferences and in journals: the nature of research disciplines and design disciplines is such that their relationship is dominantly 'producer-user' and the information produced is often of a different character to, or in a form different from, that which the users require. The solution to this dilemma cannot be effected through superficial surface change. A revision and restructuring of the way both discipline-areas conceive of their domains is necessary. Their joint areas of concern provide the most fertile starting point for this endeavour. Nothing less than a paradigm shift will do. This thesis proposes models that could form the core of a revised paradigm. There is no claim made that they are the only models possible or necessary to generate paradigmatic revolution. They are held to be sufficient to the task, however. There are four levels at which the argument is presented within this work. First the title: it names the two major models presented - relating and designing, claims that there is a nexus between humans and environments and that it can be modelled. As a second level of elaboration the following brief summary of the chapters is given to outline the structure of the whole: Chapter 1 considers models and prescribes a model-concept appropriate to the field of human-environment relations and designing. The next three chapters examine humans, environments and relations and, loosely, propose models of each. These can then be employed subsequently. Chapter 5 develops a model of relating, a model of an agent intentionally acting to ensure that his relations to his environment are, he would judge, appropriate. A descriptive model of architectural designing is presented next. In the final chapter these two models are shown to have the same domain and to satisfy the model-concept prescriptions established in Chapter 1. Speculations about the nature and character of researching and designing in the alternative paradigm conclude the thesis. The third level of elaboration is provided by the seven chapter abstracts. Collectively they form the outline below. Each is repeated prior to the relevant chapter to form an argumentative skeleton. The discussions within the chapters form the fourth level of argument. They put flesh on the skeleton.