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    Multi-scale investigation of factors influencing moisture thresholds for litter bed flammability
    Burton, JE ; Penman, TD ; Filkov, AI ; Cawson, JG (ELSEVIER, 2023-06-15)
    Fuel moisture is important to flammability. Vegetation communities vary in their moisture thresholds for ignition and fire spread. Different factors, operating at distinct spatial scales (litter vs. vegetation community) may be responsible for these variations in moisture thresholds. The relative importance of these factors at each scale remains unquantified. Our study sought to examine what factors influence moisture thresholds for flammability across two spatial scales (point vs. plot). Litter samples were collected repeatedly over one fire season (2020–21) from selected sites within temperate eucalypt forest along an aridity gradient in south-eastern Australia. Samples were reconstructed then burnt under controlled conditions. At the point-scale (0.05 m²), we quantified flammability as the probability of sustained ignition, flame spread rate and flaming duration. At the plot-scale (400 m²), we quantified flammability as the proportion of sustained ignitions. At the point-scale, moisture thresholds varied with leaf cover on the surface of the litter bed for ignition and leaf size for flame spread rate. At the plot-scale, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) was the best predictor of ignitability and moisture thresholds varied with aridity. Wetter parts of the landscape had a higher VPD threshold for ignition than more arid parts, meaning they were available to burn less often. The relationship between leaf cover and ignitability observed at the point-scale was overwhelmed by the effect of moisture at the plot-scale. Variations in ignitability between vegetation communities were driven by aridity-induced changes in canopy cover and its effect on litter moisture. Ignitability models based on VPD and aridity could be used to predict ignitability now and into the future, given anticipated increases in VPD under climate change.
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    Long-Term Response of Fuel to Mechanical Mastication in South-Eastern Australia
    Pickering, BJ ; Burton, JE ; Penman, TD ; Grant, MA ; Cawson, JG (MDPI, 2022-06)
    Mechanical mastication is a fuel management strategy that modifies vegetation structure to reduce the impact of wildfire. Although past research has quantified immediate changes to fuel post-mastication, few studies consider longer-term fuel trajectories and climatic drivers of this change. Our study sought to quantify changes to fuel loads and structure over time following mastication and as a function of landscape aridity. Measurements were made at 63 sites in Victoria, Australia. All sites had been masticated within the previous 9 years to remove over-abundant shrubs and small trees. We used generalised additive models to explore trends over time and along an aridity gradient. Surface fuel loads were highest immediately post-mastication and in the most arid sites. The surface fine fuel load declined over time, whereas the surface coarse fuel load remained high; these trends occurred irrespective of landscape aridity. Standing fuel (understorey and midstorey vegetation) regenerated consistently, but shrub cover was still substantially low at 9 years post-mastication. Fire managers need to consider the trade-off between a persistently higher surface coarse fuel load and reduced shrub cover to evaluate the efficacy of mastication for fuel management. Coarse fuel may increase soil heating and smoke emissions, but less shrub cover will likely moderate fire behaviour.
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    Independent effects of drought and shade on growth, biomass allocation and leaf morphology of a flammable perennial grass Tetrarrhena juncea R.Br
    Cadiz, GO ; Cawson, JG ; Duff, TJ ; Penman, TD ; York, A ; Farrell, C (SPRINGER, 2021-08)
    Knowing the abundance of different plant species provides insights into the properties of vegetation communities, such as flammability. Therefore, a fundamental goal in ecology is identifying environmental conditions affecting the abundance of plant species across landscapes. Water and light are important environmental moderators of plant growth, and by extension, abundance. In the context of understanding forest flammability, the abundance of a flammable plant species in terms of its cover or biomass can shape the flammability of the whole vegetation community. We conducted a glasshouse experiment to determine the impact of drought and shade on growth, biomass allocation and leaf morphology of forest wiregrass Tetrarrhena juncea R.Br., a rhizomatous perennial grass. When it is abundant, this species is known to contribute substantially to the flammability of eucalypt forest understories (via both ignitability and combustibility). Contrasting hypotheses in the literature predict that drought can have a weaker, stronger, or independent (uncoupled) impact on plant growth when light is limiting. We used a randomized complete block design with ten treatments from the combination of two water levels (drought, well-watered) and five light levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%). Drought and shade were found to have independent effects on wiregrass growth, biomass allocation, and leaf morphology, supporting the uncoupled hypothesis. Growth showed greater plasticity in response to drought, while biomass allocation and leaf morphology showed greater plasticity in response to shade. Our results suggest that wiregrass is more likely to be abundant in terms of its cover and biomass when water is not limiting. Under these conditions, the increased wiregrass abundance could create a window of increased flammability for the forest ecosystem.
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    Mechanical Mastication Reduces Fuel Structure and Modelled Fire Behaviour in Australian Shrub Encroached Ecosystems
    Grant, MA ; Duff, TJ ; Penman, TD ; Pickering, BJ ; Cawson, JG (MDPI, 2021-06)
    Shrub encroachment of grassland and woodland ecosystems can alter wildfire behaviour and threaten ecological values. Australian fire managers are using mechanical mastication to reduce the fire risk in encroached ecosystems but are yet to evaluate its effectiveness or ecological impact. We asked: (1) How does fuel load and structure change following mastication?; (2) Is mastication likely to affect wildfire rates of spread and flame heights?; and (3) What is the impact of mastication on flora species richness and diversity? At thirteen paired sites (masticated versus control; n = 26), located in Victoria, Australia, we measured fuel properties (structure, load and hazard) and floristic diversity (richness and Shannon’s H) in 400 mP2 plots. To quantify the effects of mastication, data were analysed using parametric and non-parametric paired sample techniques. Masticated sites were grouped into two categories, 0–2 and 3–4 years post treatment. Fire behaviour was predicted using the Dry Eucalypt Forest Fire Model. Mastication with follow-up herbicide reduced the density of taller shrubs, greater than 50 cm in height, for at least 4 years. The most recently masticated sites (0–2 years) had an almost 3-fold increase in dead fine fuel loads and an 11-fold increase in dead coarse fuel loads on the forest floor compared with the controls. Higher dead coarse fuel loads were still evident after 3–4 years. Changes to fuel properties produced a reduction in predicted flame heights from 22 m to 5–6 m under severe fire weather conditions, but no change in the predicted fire rate of spread. Reductions in flame height would be beneficial for wildfire suppression and could reduce the damage to property from wildfires. Mastication did not have a meaningful effect on native species diversity, but promoted the abundance of some exotic species.
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    Leaf traits predict global patterns in the structure and flammability of forest litter beds
    Burton, JE ; Cawson, JG ; Filkov, A ; Penman, TD ; Cornelissen, H (WILEY, 2021-03)
    Fallen plant material such as leaves, needles and branches form litter beds which strongly influence fire ignition and spread. Traits of the dominant species influence litter flammability directly by determining how individual leaves burn and indirectly through the structure of the litter bed. However, we are yet to determine the relative importance of these different drivers across a range of plant species from different biomes. We undertook a meta‐analysis, combining leaf trait, litter structure and flammability data for 106 species from North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The dataset encompassed broad‐leaved and coniferous species from seven different experimental studies. Relationships between leaf traits, litter structure and key flammability metrics—sustainability, combustibility and consumability—were analysed using bivariate and piecewise structural equation modelling (SEM). Traits which characterise the three‐dimensional nature of the leaf and how much space a leaf occupies showed much stronger associations to litter structure and flammability than other morphological traits. Leaf curl, surface area to volume ratio (SAV) and SLA predominately influence litter flammability indirectly via litter structure with SLA being the only leaf trait which had a negative direct effect on flame duration. Packing ratio and bulk density were influenced by different combinations of leaf traits and, in turn, they aligned with different flammability metrics. Bulk density predicted flame spread rate and flame duration whereas packing ratio predicted consumption. Synthesis. We identified key leaf and litter traits which influence different components of litter bed flammability. Importantly, we show that the effects of these leaf and litter traits are consistent across a wide range of taxa and biomes. Our study represents a significant step towards developing trait‐based models for predicting surface wildfire behaviour. Such models will more flexibly accommodate future shifts in the composition of plant species triggered by altered fire regimes and climate change.
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    Darker, cooler, wetter: forest understories influence surface fuel moisture
    Pickering, BJ ; Duff, TJ ; Baillie, C ; Cawson, JG (Elsevier Masson, 2021-04-15)
    The moisture content of dead leaves, twigs and bark on the forest floor is a key determinant of fire behaviour. The microclimate inside forests, which drive the moisture content of these dead fuel components, is typically measured at screen height (150 cm). However, in some forest types, the surface fuel at ground level may be subject to additional sheltering from low shrubs, ferns and grasses, which could alter the microclimate near the surface (hereafter near-surface). In such cases, screen height measurements may not adequately represent the near-surface conditions that determine dead fuel moisture contents. We sought to quantify the effect of understorey vegetation on near-surface microclimate. We measured in-forest temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation in eucalypt forests over two fire seasons at both screen height and the near-surface using weather stations at 25 sites. The sites encompassed wet eucalypt forest (n=18) with a dense, mesic understorey and dry eucalypt forest (n=7) with a sparser, scleromorphic understorey. Wet forests with dense understorey vegetation had near-surface air temperatures that averaged 1.3°C lower, relative humidities that averaged 13.1% higher and total solar radiation that was 0.84 MJ less per day compared with those measured at screen height. These microclimate differences led to predicted fuel moistures which averaged 4.7% higher at the near-surface compared with screen height – this was statistically significant. In contrast, dry forests with less understorey vegetation, had near-surface air temperatures that averaged 4.2°C higher, and relative humidities that averaged 3.1% lower compared to screen height. These differences were not large enough to translate into statistically significant differences in predicted fine fuel moisture between heights. Overall, these findings show that understorey vegetation plays an important role in moderating near-surface microclimate in some forest types and this needs to be taken into consideration when predicting fuel moisture.