School of Geography - Theses

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    Students welfare co-ordinators' responses to homeless students in the south eastern educational region
    Davis, Nicole ( 1997)
    School is an institution with which all members of society have contact at some stage in their lives. Next to the family, school is an important institution which has the opportunity to communicate with and support young Victorians. When young people can no longer rely upon their family for support, the school has the potential to act as a surrogate family. Student Welfare Co-ordinators are the people in Victorian schools who are more likely to deal with students who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless than anyone else in the school. There is little known about their attitudes and responses towards homeless young people, or their perceptions of their role. An understanding about the response students receive from their school's Student Welfare Co-ordinator is a necessary first step in gaining an insight into the role and the relationship schools have with homeless students and those at risk of becoming homeless. This thesis explores Student Welfare Co-ordinators' responses when dealing with students in their schools who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It examines their responses in the context of how they define homelessness and their overall perceptions of homeless young people. Ten Student Welfare Co-ordinators in the South Eastern educational region were interviewed, along with six homeless students living in supported accommodation in the region. The responses of Student Welfare Co-ordinators to homeless students, and those at risk were grouped into four broad categories: the referral; the mental health; the locksmith; and the mediation group. Each category of response was examined in relation to Student Welfare Co-ordinators' assumptions about their particular training and their definition of homelessness. The overall finding was that Student Welfare Co-ordinators were not guided by the individual needs and circumstances of homeless students or those at risk of becoming homeless, but by their particular ideologies and training.
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    The regulation of dolphin tourism in Port Phillip Bay
    Saunders, Fred ( 1997)
    This report investigates whether there is a need to take a more regulated approach to the conduct of dolphin tourism in Port Phillip Bay. This was achieved by seeking the views of interest groups and through an assessment of dolphin management experience in Australia and overseas. Views from respondents were received on the adequacy of the current voluntary Code of Practice for Dolphin Tour Operators in Port Phillip Bay, whether they believe dolphins suffered disturbance as a result of current tourism practices and whether there should be compulsory licensing of dolphin tour operators. The findings of this investigation were used to assess whether a more regulated approach to dolphin tour management is required to limit disturbance to the Port Phillip Bay dolphin population. The report reviews recent research which indicates that dolphins can become disturbed by unfettered and continued unwanted human interaction. It is believed that such disturbance can flow onto the dolphin population as a whole, however, the long-term effects are not clearly known, and because of this many of the respondents advocated that a precautionary approach be adopted in the management of dolphin tours. The vast majority of interest groups surveyed were of the view that some dolphin tourism practices adversely affect dolphins, particularly when coupled with the affects of harassment by the general public. To minimise such disturbance interest groups overwhelmingly supported a more regulated approach to govern dolphin tours. This approach included the incorporation of dolphin tour regulations into legislation and the introduction of a licensing system for dolphin tour operators. The main elements of the proposed dolphin regulations advocated by respondents would, at a minimum, include a consistent approach to the development of quality interpretive material, limitations on the type and number interactions and the adoption of general environmental management guidelines. To limit disturbance to the Port Phillip Bay dolphins from tour boats and the general public (particularly during peak Summer periods), it is proposed that Ticonderoga Bay at Point Nepean be proclaimed a 'no go' area (which would be an extension in protection to its current status) and that there be a limit to the number of dolphin tour operator licences. A national approach, in cooperation with states and territories, to the development of dolphin legislation is also advocated to ensure a consistency and transparency of the management of dolphin-based tourism throughout Australia.
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    A comparative analysis of litter generated at shopping centres, roadsides and riverside-foothpaths within the Plenty River catchment and the extent to which litter from these sources is reflected in the composition of bank litter along the Plenty River
    Muthike, Joseph M. ( 1996)
    Litter studies often face the problem of category overlaps when attempts are made to classify litter items. This study proposes a classification that is aimed at minimising the problem of category overlaps. It then employs this classification in comparing litter characteristics at various generation points within the Plenty River catchment and the extent to which the litter found entangled on banks of the river relates to that at the various source sites. In addition, the local litter policies and management strategies are reviewed against experiences from other parts of the world. The litter classification employed in this study describes litter items on the basis of their use-origin and material-type. Litter generation areas at which survey was undertaken were Greensborough, Montmorency and Lower Plenty shopping centres; roadsides adjacent to bridge sites and riverside footpaths along the Plenty River. Riverbank litter sampling was undertaken at points near roadside and riversidefootpath survey sites. A comparative review of litter policies and management strategies from various parts of the world revealed some desirable aspects that could benefit litter management in Australia. The `Systems Approach' as the guide to litter policy and management strategy formulation in Victoria was found to have inherent weaknesses that partly account for the persistence of litter pollution. Using data from litter survey at shopping centres, roadsides and riverside footpaths, it was found that: (a) Litter generated within different shopping centres was not significantly different but smoking-related litter pose the most serious cause of concern owing to its dominant frequency, (b) litter at roadsides next to bridge-sites within the catchment had significant differences leading to a conclusion that roadside litter is mostly a function of factors specific to a site. At the same time, a higher relative incidence of litter was observed at roadside points nearer bridges than further up the road; (c) significant differences exist in material-type frequency composition of litter between riverside footpath sites and this was viewed as indicative of a higher likelihood among individuals to improperly dispose of certain litter items than others. On the basis of data from riverbank litter survey, this study found that: (a) the distribution of litter by type of material on different types and extent of riverbank vegetation cover is random; (b) riverbank morphology does not to influence the distribution of total litter items entangled on a riverbank; (c) litter generated at riverside footpaths has a higher relative likelihood of polluting the river banks than that generated at more remote locations (shopping centres and roadsides).
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    Telework and child-care : life stage factors and preference for telework
    Fiori, Robert ( 1996)
    Telework is a type of work practice that is claimed will provide many employees the opportunity to more satisfactorily balance their work and family commitments, whilst also providing benefits to employers and society. Past research indicates that telework has so far been mostly taken up by women (Huws et al 1990 p.96; Schneider De Villegas 1990, p.425), and suggests that telework, as practiced overseas has been of particular interest to women with young children (Kraut 1989 Fig.2; DuBrin 1991 p. 1230; Yap & Tng 1990 p.234; Dawson & Turner 1989 pi8; Korte 1988 p.168). The reasons which are proposed by this previous research for the interest which mothers of pre-school children have in teleworking, centre on their need or desire to combine employment with the care of their young children (eg. Huws et al 1990 p.145). It is surprising therefore, that none of these studies have considered the impact of telework on the conventional strategies employed by individuals to accommodate child-care responsibilities. The impetus for this thesis was the passing of the Australian Public Service Home Based Work Interim Award in February 1994, for federal public service employees. The award is Australia's, and possibly the world's, first. Much of the media fanfare surrounding this award has concentrated on the notion that telework provides a good opportunity for women to combine work and child-care (quotes from press articles are provided in Appendix 1). However, the research literature which addresses women and telework is inconclusive as to whether women with young children in Australia will view telework as a superior alternative to their existing child-care options. This gap in the research literature was reflected in a 1989 report by the Department of Employment, Education and Training in Australia (Dawson & Turner 1989 p.64), which recommended that research was required to answer the questions:- "Is increasingly 'flexible' employment protecting and encouraging full and equitable participation by women in the [Australian] workforce? Are there other employment options which should be encouraged?" Given that no empirical research had emerged with which to answer these questions, it seemed appropriate for the present study to review the current situation, and contribute in a practical way to the discourse on telework in Australia. This study therefore aims to explore women's attitudes to telework across life cycle stages (expanding from Huws et al 1990); it explores key factors which are likely to influence demand for telework among women; and it compares preference for telework with preference for other work/no work options (updating Vandenheuval 1991). The sample for the study is restricted to computer professionals (programmers, systems analysts, and data processing managers). This study therefore, does not consider 'clerical teleworking' by clerical/secretarial and data entry staff, but only 'professional teleworking' by higher paid staff. This is a significant point, as the two forms exhibit different characteristics (Tomaskovic-Devey & Risman 1993; DiMartino & Wirth 1990 p.537; Weijers, et al. 1992 p.1049; Huws et al , 1990 p. 176; and Bailyn 1988 p.144). Bailyn (ibid) posits that "some of the confusion in the discussion of working from home has resulted from not clearly differentiating these two types of employees". In respect to this point therefore, the focused approach of this study provides some needed specificity.
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    A formative evaluation of the Gippsland psychogeriatric assessment and treatment team, Community Psychiatric Services for the Elderly: a study of consumer experience
    O'Neal, Paul Douglas ( 1995)
    This study critically examines consumer response to the Gippsland psychogeriatric assessment and treatment team. This service operates under the title, Community Psychiatric Services for the Elderly (C.P.S.E.) and has been operational since 1992. The primary focus of this evaluation is formative: It is envisaged that, as a result of this research, highly practical recommendations will be generated which may contribute towards the overall improvement in service-delivery. This implies that stakeholders will be the recipients of any improvements achieved, particularly the direct consumer groups (clients and families) towards whom such benefits are ultimately directed. The critical dimension to the evaluation design is the perception of consumer groups and the manner in which the quality of service is individually assessed. How appropriately are 'grass-roots needs, expectations, and day to day issues addressed by the service? Are the perceived needs of consumers effectively met, or does there exist an incongruity between the focus of the various stakeholders? The corollary to this is the level of consumer satisfaction with the service. If it is apparent that consumer expectations are not being effectively met, what changes are required to redress this problem? Is a wholesale realignment of the service required or will minor, incremental 'finetuning' suffice? This latter point will be taken up by a working party following the publication of the research results.
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    The contribution of possible selves to an explanation of the psychological well-being of unemployed males
    Reynolds, Pam ( 1995)
    The present study investigated the contribution of the concept of possible selves to an understanding of the psychological well-being of unemployed males. Psychological well-being was measured by depression and anxiety. A questionnaire was administered to sixty-seven unemployed males to obtain demographic information, a variety of psychological measures and measures of possible selves. A second questionnaire was administered ten months later to fifty of the original sixty-seven, some of whom remained unemployed and some of whom had experienced a change in employment status. The attempt to partially replicate a previous study which used the concept of possible selves was only partly successful. However the results suggested that the concept makes a useful contribution to the study of unemployment. In conjunction with measures of age, activity level, self-esteem, length of unemployment and work involvement, the measures of possible selves were able to account for 65 % of interpersonal variation in depression and 73 % of the variation in anxiety. These results are discussed with reference to implications for interventions with unemployed people.
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    The participation of people of non-English speaking backgrounds in SkillShare
    Sicari, Maria ( 1994)
    Targeting is the practice of according disadvantaged groups, including people of non-English Speaking Backgrounds, priority access to government services and programs. In 1992, SkillShare, a community based labour market program for long term unemployed people and other disadvantaged groups, withdrew its obligation to target people of non-English Speaking Backgrounds. This thesis investigates the effects of this decision on the participation rates of people of non-English Speaking Backgrounds in SkillShare and explores the implications of denying them priority access. Data collected from the Department of Employment Education and Training, from SkillShare Project Manager interviews, and from SkillShare participant surveys, suggest that participation rates have decreased, while barriers to access have increased. The results of these findings conflict with the Department of Employment Education and Training's renewed statements of commitment towards securing better access to labour market programs for people of non-English Speaking Backgrounds in view of the disproportionately high rate of unemployment experienced by this group.
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    Women in SkillShare
    Kelly, Michele ( 1994)
    No abstract available
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    The sexual division of sport and female subjectivity
    Hassall, Genevieve ( 1992)
    Regular participation in sport has come to be associated with the development of confidence both personally and physically. However empirical research on this topic has virtually ignored the way sport types are divided by sex and gender, into female sports and male sports. This thesis investigates the impact that the sexual division of sport has on the self-concepts of women who partake in sports that mainstream culture deem appropriate or inappropriate for females. Women who partake in the male sports, Australian rules football and soccer, are compared against women who partake in the female sports, aerobics and netball. Comparisons on physical self-concepts, self-identification with stereotypes of masculinity and femininity, and levels and types of motivation, were made. A total of 102 women partook in the survey. While there were some significant differences between the women who partook in the male sports and the women who partook in the female sports, the outstanding pattern that emerged from the findings was on differences between the women who partook in aerobics and the women who partook in the team sports. The latter group had greater confidence in themselves both physically and personally, and their motivation to partake in their sport was higher and more varied. The women in the team sports were more likely to resist popular notions of femininity than the women involved in aerobics. Overall the team sports came across as sites for feminist transformations of power, sites to build up confidence, sites where cultural definitions of the female body can be redefined.