Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences - Research Publications

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    Decoding explicit and implicit representations of health and taste attributes of foods in the human brain
    Schubert, E ; Rosenblatt, D ; Eliby, D ; Kashima, Y ; Hogendoorn, H ; Bode, S ( 2021)
    Obesity has become a significant problem word-wide and is strongly linked to poor food choices. Even in healthy individuals, taste perceptions often drive dietary decisions more strongly than healthiness. This study tested whether health and taste representations can be directly decoded from brain activity, both when explicitly considered, and when implicitly processed for decision-making. We used multivariate support vector regression for event-related potentials (as measured by the electroencephalogram) occurring in the first second of food cue processing to predict ratings of tastiness and healthiness. In Experiment 1, 37 healthy participants viewed images of various foods and explicitly rated their tastiness and healthiness, whereas in Experiment 2, 89 healthy participants indicated their desire to consume snack foods, with no explicit instruction to consider tastiness or healthiness. In Experiment 1 both attributes could be decoded, with taste information being available earlier than health. In Experiment 2, both dimensions were also decodable, and their significant decoding preceded the decoding of decisions (i.e., desire to consume the food). However, in Experiment 2, health representations were decodable earlier than taste representations. These results suggest that health information is activated in the brain during the early stages of dietary decisions, which is promising for designing obesity interventions aimed at quickly activating health awareness.
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    The acceptability and uptake of smartphone tracking for COVID-19 in Australia
    Garrett, PM ; White, JP ; Lewandowsky, S ; Kashima, Y ; Perfors, A ; Little, D ; Geard, N ; Mitchell, L ; Tomko, M ; Dennis, S (Center for Open Science, 2020)

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Governments are instituting mobile tracking technologies to perform rapid contact tracing. However, these technologies are only effective if the public is willing to use them, implying that their perceived public health benefits must outweigh personal concerns over privacy and security. The Australian federal government recently launched the `COVIDSafe' app, designed to anonymously register nearby contacts. If a contact later identifies as infected with COVID-19, health department officials can rapidly followup with their registered contacts to stop the virus' spread. The current study assessed attitudes towards three tracking technologies (telecommunication network tracking, a government app, and Apple and Google's Bluetooth exposure notification system) in two representative samples of the Australian public prior to the launch of COVIDSafe. We compared these attitudes to usage of the COVIDSafe app after its launch in a further two representative samples of the Australian public. Using Bayesian methods, we find widespread acceptance for all tracking technologies, however, observe a large intention-behaviour gap between people’s stated attitudes and actual uptake of the COVIDSafe app. We consider the policy implications of these results for Australia and the world at large.