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    Community-led Total Sanitation in Manufahi, Timor-Leste
    Francis, Naomi ( 2019)
    Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are important for health and wellbeing. In Timor-Leste, the rates of access to WASH are some of the lowest in the world, particularly in remote areas. The national government’s response to improving sanitation in remote areas is a community-based approach called ‘PAKSI’ (Planu Aksaun Komunidade, Saneamentu no Ijiene) which is also implemented by non-governmental organisations. The research documented in this thesis sought to understand the implementation and outcomes of the PAKSI component of the WaterAid program in Manufahi Municipality, Timor-Leste from 2013 to 2014 as part of the ‘WASH for Worms’ cluster-randomised control trial. PAKSI is based on Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS): an approach which aims to inspire rural communities to lead themselves to become open defecation free (ODF) through triggering collective feelings of disgust and shame about open defecation. CLTS is popular; however, there are few rigorous studies about the approach, especially in the context of Timor-Leste. Three studies were conducted as part of this research to better understand PAKSI: the Timor-Leste adaptation of CLTS. The first study compared the official descriptions of PAKSI (and CLTS) to the way it was implemented and described by 19 representatives of the government, WaterAid and intervention communities as well as Dr Kamal Kar and Dr Robert Chambers. The findings suggested that, officially, PAKSI and CLTS are quite similar; however, the implementation of PAKSI in the research sites diverged from these official descriptions in that the approach was more facilitator-led than community-led. The second study used quantitative methods with 65 households to measure the changes in sanitation-related knowledge, attitudes and practices after the WaterAid program. Whilst toilet coverage increased over the course of the study, and open defecation decreased, the proportion of participants who reported feeling disgusted at the sight of faeces in the open did not change. This suggests that a) the WaterAid PAKSI intervention did not trigger feelings of disgust (which is what PAKSI and CLTS are officially purported to do) and b) whilst disgust might be a necessary motivator for becoming ODF, on its own it is insufficient. The third study explored the possible factors influencing whether households become or continue to be ODF, through interviews with 21 participants including community leaders, household representatives and implementing staff. The experiences of participants who had a disability, an age-related impairment or were from female-headed households were sought to be included. Several factors were identified, including competing priorities for finances and other resources, and participants feeling like they were doing what they had been ‘told to do’. The 17 behavioural factors in the RANAS model of behaviour change provided a framework for analysing what motivates people in remote parts of Timor-Leste to change their sanitation behaviour. The findings suggest that motivators other than disgust and embarrassment, such as affordability of toilets and ‘being told what to do’, are relevant. Further research should investigate whether other approaches such as government regulation and strengthened sanitation markets are effective for bringing about ODF communities in Manufahi Municipality, Timor-Leste.
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    Validating the UNICEF/Washington Group Child Functioning Module as a method for disaggregating Fiji’s Education Management Information System
    Sprunt, Beth ( 2019)
    Disability disaggregation of education management information systems (EMIS) is vital to inform policies and resourcing for disability-inclusive education and evaluate progress towards targets. The approach to disaggregation must use a valid and reliable method for identifying children with disabilities. The UNICEF/Washington Group Child Functioning Module (CFM) is recommended by the United Nations for identifying children with disabilities and has been recommended for disaggregating education program data by disability. In the context of an education sector support program in Fiji, this research aimed to validate a method for disaggregating Fiji’s EMIS by disability. A cross-sectional diagnostic accuracy study was undertaken in which teacher and parent CFM responses for 472 primary-aged students were compared to reference standard clinical assessments in five domains: vision, hearing, musculoskeletal, speech and cognition. Receiver operating characteristic curves (depicting the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity) were constructed and optimal cut-off points and inter-rater reliability were assessed. Nested survey data on learning and support needs were analysed to explore whether combining CFM data on activity and participation data with data on environmental factors related to LSN (educational adjustments, assistive technology and personal assistance requirements) more accurately identifies children with disabilities. The study produced a range of novel findings. Diagnostic accuracy of parent observations related to seeing, walking and speaking was stronger than that of teachers, however teacher accuracy was very acceptable. Conversely, for cognitive domains teacher accuracy was far stronger than parents. The CFM domains seeing, hearing, walking and speaking showed “good” to “excellent” accuracy, however remembering and focusing attention showed only “fair” to “poor” accuracy. The domain learning was “good” with teachers as respondents, but only “fair” with parent respondents. As a whole, the CFM had “fair” accuracy (area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve: 0.763 parent responses, 0.786 teacher responses). Severe impairments were reported relatively evenly across CFM response categories “some difficulty”, “a lot of difficulty” and “cannot do at all”. If the cut-off level for identifying children with disabilities were “a lot of difficulty”, nearly 40% of children with moderate clinical impairments and 28% of children with severe impairments would miss out on services as they were reported as having “some difficulty”. On the other hand, the rates of false positives would be very high if the cut-off “some difficulty” were used. Combining data from the CFM with LSN data shows potential to increase the accuracy of domain-specific disability identification and, crucially, identification of children with disabilities amongst those reported as having “some difficulty” on the CFM. The CFM alone is not accurate enough for the purpose of disaggregating Fiji’s EMIS by disability. The choice of cut-off level and the mixture of severity of impairments reported across response categories are particular challenges for the CFM. Combining CFM data with data on educational adjustments, assistive technology and personal assistance requirements could improve disability identification accuracy. Follow-up verification visits are required to confirm funding eligibility due to inherent risks of tools based on self-report.
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    And they lived happily ever after: middle class women’s reproductive experiences and decisions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    Spagnoletti, Belinda Rina Marie ( 2018)
    For Indonesian women and men from all social strata, the milestones of heterosexual marriage and parenthood are not only symbolic of the transition to adulthood, but also represent the path to an idealised, normative future, otherwise known as the ‘happily ever after’. This thesis explores the happily ever after trajectories of 20 predominantly middle class, Muslim women in urban Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with a focus on their reproductive experiences and decisions. Specifically, it explores women’s negotiations of family planning, infant feeding and work. The ethnographic research that informs this thesis involved in-depth interviews with 20 women; focus group discussions with seven primary health workers and seven breastfeeding counsellors; semi-structured interviews with five key community stakeholders; and participant observation. Fieldwork was undertaken over 18 months and employed a grounded theory approach to generate key themes for analysis. In exploring the themes that emerged as most important to my women informants, I deployed the concepts of reproductive agency, reproductive modernity and reproductive politics. Key findings highlight how women’s reproductive agency in relation to family planning, infant feeding and juggling reproductive work with paid work or study may be both supported and constrained in their everyday negotiations within their intimate circles and with health workers, employers and educational institutions. The thesis also theorises how reproductive modernity is intrinsic to women’s reproductive experiences and decisions, especially in relation to their preferences for non-hormonal and non-biomedical contraceptive methods. It also critiques the formal political agendas that intersect with women’s attainment of happily ever after, by informing their decisions to breastfeed, their balancing of reproductive and productive work or study, and their family planning negotiations. This thesis presents a new analytical framework for understanding women’s reproductive experiences and decisions at multiple levels, including their interpersonal relationships, societal norms and formal reproductive politics (the WRED framework). The application of the WRED framework demonstrates its utility in the development of multi-level, translational recommendations that take into account the complexity of factors influencing women’s reproductive health and reproductive agency. The thesis addresses a notable gap in research into the reproductive experiences and decisions of middle class women in Indonesia and extends prior research on family planning in the Indonesian context. It adds to recent scholarship challenging the biomedical categorisation of certain contraceptives as ‘modern’ and others as ‘traditional’. The thesis expands feminist critiques of breastfeeding promotion and unpacks the effects of discourses of morality in relation to women’s reproductive rights in Indonesia. It also expands the concept of reproductive agency by considering a form of collective agency for middle class women seeking to juggle their reproductive and productive roles. This thesis concludes that the path to happily ever after for the middle class Indonesian women in this study was only partially attained through marriage and parenthood. There were many other essential ingredients contributing to women’s happily ever afters, including post-secondary education and a career; more companionate, equal marriages; contraceptive choice and a preference for reproductive health over fertility control; and pragmatic religious piety.
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    How to improve the prevention and self-management of type 2 diabetes in real-world settings
    Aziz, Zahra ( 2018)
    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is recognised as one of the most challenging public health problems of the 21st century with the number of people with T2DM rapidly increasing worldwide. While the efficacy of interventions in preventing and improving T2DM outcomes has been well established, there has generally been quite poor uptake, implementation and translation in populations, particularly in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). This thesis aims to evaluate the implementation of behavioural interventions for the prevention and self-management of T2DM and to identify the key factors required to improve their uptake in real-world settings. This Ph.D. thesis includes a systematic review of real-world diabetes prevention programs implemented in the last 15 years as well as a comprehensive implementation evaluation of two cluster randomised controlled trials: 1) the Kerala Diabetes Prevention Program (K-DPP), India and 2) the Australasian Peers for Progress – Diabetes Project (AusPfP-DP), Australia. This thesis utilises two existing evaluation frameworks (RE-AIM and PIPE) and has developed a novel evaluation logic model to identify the provider-, participant- and community-level factors that are most relevant for the successful implementation of real-world diabetes programs. The provider-level factors are further investigated. The systematic review identified that program intensity plays a major role in weight loss outcomes. However, low-intensity interventions that have high uptake—both in terms of good coverage of invitees and their willingness to accept the invitation—can still have considerable impact in lowering diabetes risk in a population, even when effectiveness in weight loss is low or moderate. The findings from the implementation evaluation of K-DPP demonstrated that the intervention was feasible and acceptable in changing lifestyle behaviours in high-risk individuals. The intervention was delivered as per protocol and there was high adherence to the intended design and delivery of the intervention by peer leaders. The communities’ trust in the local partnering institute and the commitment of the local political leaders were important in facilitating the high uptake of the program. The findings of the implementation evaluation of AusPfP-DP show that peer support programs are feasible, acceptable and can be used to supplement treatment for patients motivated to improve behaviours related to diabetes. However, program planners need to focus on the participation component in designing future programs. Finally, the use of the two evaluation frameworks allowed a comprehensive evaluation of a diabetes prevention and self-management program, from the provider-, participant-, community- and public health- perspectives. The research contained in this Ph.D. thesis highlights several important findings required to improve the uptake and wider implementation of diabetes prevention and self-management lifestyle interventions in real-world settings. Future implementation research needs to identify effective recruitment and program implementation strategies for targeting both reach and program participation. Rigorous evaluation should be a central feature of the implementation of prevention and self-management programs. More rigorous reporting of program components is needed to evaluate programs to assess the practical value of the diabetes interventions.
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    The epidemiology of dyslipidaemia in the cardiovascular epidemic in China
    Zhang, Zongmuyu ( 2019)
    Background In recent decades, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) around the world has been increasing, and researchers have paid more attention to understand the epidemiology of CVDs to provide reference for healthcare professionals and policy makers. China is one of the countries where rapid development of economy occurs accompanied by changes in people’s socioeconomic status and lifestyle, and is also facing the challenge of increasing burden of CVDs. This challenge exists not only in the rising prevalence of CVDs and increasing deaths from CVDs, but also in the low awareness and treatment rates of some CVDs. This Master research will focus on one important risk condition of CVDs, abnormal blood lipid levels or called dyslipidaemia, as a window to help understand more about the cardiovascular epidemics in China in recent years, based on secondary data analysis of a representative cohort study called China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. (CHARLS). Objectives This Master research aims to provide a reliable estimation of the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control rates of dyslipidaemia in middle-aged and elderly population in China, and analyse their related influential factors. Methods This research includes two phases of analysis: Phase 1: A cross-sectional study of the CHARLS baseline survey to investigate the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control rates of dyslipidaemia, using the blood test data from CHARLS. Phase 2: A cohort study of the CHARLS baseline and follow-up surveys to estimate the changes in prevalence, awareness and treatment rates of dyslipidaemia and to investigate related influential factors for the development, awareness and treatment uptake of dyslipidaemia. Results In the cross-sectional study of the baseline data, the weighted prevalence, awareness, treatment and control rates of dyslipidaemia were 43.8% (95%CI: 42.8, 44.8%), 22.7% (95%CI: 20.9, 24.6%), 13.5% (95%CI: 11.7, 15.2%) and 5.1% (95%CI: 4.3, 5.8%), respectively. Urban residents had significantly higher prevalence, awareness and treatment rates of dyslipidaemia compared with rural residents, while the control rates did not differ significantly. In the cohort study of the baseline and two follow-up surveys, the estimated prevalence of dyslipidaemia did not increase much from 2011 to 2015, while the awareness and control rates in both urban and rural areas increased significantly. Waist circumference (cm, OR: 1.04, 95%CI: 1.02, 1.07) was identified as the most important predictors for the development of dyslipidaemia during the observation. Urban residence (OR: 1.50, 95%CI: 1.10, 2.05) and higher education (OR: 1.69/1.97/1.64 for primary/secondary/high school or higher compared with illiterate education level) were found to be significantly associated with awareness of dyslipidaemia, while awareness of dyslipidaemia (OR: 5.75, 95%CI: 3.95, 8.36) was directly associated with the treatment uptake of dyslipidaemia. Conclusions Dyslipidaemia was found to be widespread in China with high prevalence, but its awareness, treatment and control rates remained relatively low, indicating its poor detection and inadequate control. However, the awareness and treatment rates were gradually increasing over years, possibly showing the outcomes of China’s healthcare reform and public health promotion programs. Obesity was a crucial contributor of dyslipidemia, and therefore management of dyslipidemia could refer to obesity management for policy making. Urban residence and higher education were important for awareness of dyslipidemia, while awareness was important for treatment uptake, so public education programs of health promotion were needed to raise awareness of dyslipidemia and better manage dyslipidemia epidemic in China.