Mechanical Engineering - Theses

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    Design of a prosthetic anterior cruciate ligament
    Hume, Barnaby Grant ( 1999)
    Injury to the knee can have a dramatic effect on a person's lifestyle. Participation in sports and exercise, general mobility, and even commonplace activities like walking up stairs can all be restricted or prevented completely if knee joint function is impaired. A common form of knee injury, estimated to affect roughly one in three thousand people per year, involves damage to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL passes through the centre of the knee, connecting the femur ('thigh bone') and tibia ('shin bone'). Rupture of the ACL can lead to instability of the knee, potentially resulting in knee pain, limitation of mobility and long term joint damage.This thesis describes the design and preliminary testing of a prototype prosthetic ACL intended to restore natural knee motion after ligament injury. The functional characteristics of the human ACL are established, and the major failure modes of previous prosthetic ligaments are identified as fatigue, abrasion, creep and joint inflammation due to particulate wear debris.
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    The influence of gold-mining on the development of engineering manufacturing in Victoria during the 19th century
    Churchward, Matthew Spencer ( 1988)
    This thesis is a study of how gold-mining contributed to the growth of Victoria's engineering industry prior to 1900. It examines how the demand for the repair and manufacture of mining machinery encouraged local engineering firms to improve their expertise and reputation and to increase their productive capacity. It is argued that the demand for gold-mining machinery provided not only the main initial stimulus for the establishment of the industry during the 1850's and 1860's, but also that it was an important ongoing influence in the later decades of the 19th century, particularly in the non-metropolitan region of Victoria. In the course of this study, extensive use was made of several statistical sources, principally the Statistical Registers of Victoria (for a record of manufacturing establishments and import and export trade), and the Mining Surveyors & Registrars' Statistics (for a record of the quantity of mining machinery employed on the various goldfields). The picture gained from these statistical sources is extended and filled in with descriptive information from newspapers and mining reports which provide a better indication of the effect of technological developments, personal enterprise, and the associations which developed between gold-mining companies and local engineering firms. Ballarat, Castlemaine and Bendigo are identified as the three most important centres in Victoria for the manufacture of mining machinery prior to 1900. However, it is also recognised that a number of important manufacturers existed in Melbourne, and in some smaller country towns such as Clunes, Stawell, Maryborough and Geelong. It is argued that the success of firms in Ballarat, Castlemaine and Bendigo can be largely explained by two factors: the size and continuity of local demand; and the central location of these towns, which minimised the cost of railway freight but still provided convenient access to most of the Victorian goldfields. A discussion of factors such as cost competitiveness, technical innovation, and specialisation of reputation, helps to explain why Victorian firms, both in these towns and elsewhere, came to dominate the supply of mining machinery throughout Victoria by 1900. In the later sections of the thesis, an examination of diversification and the development of export markets explains how the Victorian heavy engineering industry was able to cope with a gradual decline in the demand for mining machinery on many Victorian goldfields after 1875.
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    Charles Ruwolt: a history to 1927
    Hayes, Geoffrey David ( 1981)
    This study is primarily concerned with the working career of Charles Ernest Ruwolt (1873-1946) and with his contributions to windmill and bucket dredge manufacture in Victoria. It continues a programme begun by staff at the University of Melbourne Archives in recording the impressions and recollections of former employees. The aim has been to establish a framework within which these contributions may be placed and from which a company history, freed from error and fiction, may be written. Charles Ruwolt established a foundry and general engineering works at Wangaratta in 1902. What preparation he had for this by way of practical training has been reviewed and shown to be comprehensive both with respect to the products and the processes of manufacture. The various reasons which have been given for his first choice of site are examined and the most probable of these selected. The claims for his windmill, which was the mainstay of his business at first, have also been examined against the background of Victorian and American windmill development up until that time. Although he seems to have sold many of them, there was nothing particularly novel in their construction; his success depending more upon the local nature of his business and the quality of his workmanship. He began manufacturing dredges in 1907 largely as the result of his associations with both Tewkesbury and Stevenson. The partnership arrangements with Stevenson have been described and an examination made of the extent to which Ruwolt’s dredges depended upon New Zealand technology. The number of complete dredges built and the sequence of construction have also been determined. The last complete dredge was ordered in 1921. Ruwolt transferred the business to Richmond in 1913 in order to facilitate the export of tin dredges to Malaya and the diversification of his company's activities from that date has been briefly described.
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    A preliminary feasibility study of using salt gradient solar ponds for desalination and other low temperature applications in north eastern Thailand
    Direcksataporn, Boonsrang ( 1987)
    A computer model of salt gradient solar ponds has been developed and subsequently used as a tool to investigate the feasibility of using solar pond thermal energy for low temperature applications in North-eastern Thailand. The simulation results obtained indicate that, at 15 % heat extracted yearly, mean temperatures of an unlined uninsulated pond and a lined insulated pond are 67.5 °C and 77 °C respectively. This means that it is practically possible to use solar ponds as a heat source for all normal low temperature applications. Power generation applications are at present likely to prove uneconomic due to the low overall system efficiency estimated at less than 1 %. Modelling has also been evolved for prospective solar desalination systems and used to investigate whether the conventional solar still or a hybrid desalination system(HDS) is the more effective device for desalination applications in the area under consideration. Using these computer models optimum design parameters have been determined for both desalination systems. According to the results obtained from the models, using optimum design parameters as simulation inputs, it was found that the distillation rate of the HDS when supplemented by 15 % heat extracted from the solar pond is in the range of 9 to 11 litres/sq.m day for the unlined uninsulated pond and 12.5 to 15 lltres/sq.m day for the lined insulated pond. These are approximately about 3 or 4.5 times higher than the distillation rate obtained from a conventional solar still. No attempt was made to evaluate the economical feasibility of hybrid desalination systems as compared with conventional solar stills. This was mainly due to the lack of information available on economic considerations for this type of plant in Thailand. Further economic analyses are considered necessary before any firm conclusion can be drawn on which options are the most suitable for desalinating degraded water sources in rural area of Thailand.
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    Machine scheduling problems with setup times
    Williams, David Niranjan ( 1993)
    In this thesis the problem of scheduling a single stage flowshop with setup times is analysed. All the jobs are assumed to be divided into several mutually exclusive classes and a setup task is required when processing switches from jobs of one class to jobs of another class and the setup time is sequence independent. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the flowshop scheduling problem and discusses the issue of NP-completeness. The second chapter is a review of the literature in this field. In the third chapter a new heuristic is presented for scheduling a single machine with setup times. Its performance is compared with the other known heuristics. The next chapter extends the analysis to parallel machines and some new heuristics for scheduling parallel machines with setups are compared. This section of the research is driven by a problem found in a printing factory in Melbourne. The final chapter presents the conclusions and explores possible future extensions of this research.
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    Induction and exhaust system optimisation for the Scotch-Yoke engine
    Zhang, Yingqiang ( 1996)
    A mathematical model for flow and combustion has been modified, including basic revision, and applied for the power output optimisation of valve timing and intake pipe length of the Scotch-Yoke engine which has a sinusoidal. piston motion. Comparison of the predicted engine brake torque and power in agreement with the experimental results for a normal 4 cylinder Subaru boxer engine yields helpful information for the engine design and further experiment. First, the adaptation of the simulation models for spark ignition engines is introduced to enable the further application to engine simulations. Secondly, a 2.2 litre conventional S.I. engine was tested to obtain some basic engine input data and demonstrate its behaviour under the normal range of speed. Then the computer program was modified to enhance the correlation of prediction with the experiment, and the performance at four different intake pipe lengths was predicted. Next the computer program was modified to take into account the special configuration of the Scotch-Yoke engine, and optimisation has been done for the parameters of intake pipe lengths and the valve timing. It was concluded that longer inlet manifold pipes could be employed increasing the engine torque over most of the speed range.