Melbourne Conservatorium of Music - Research Publications

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    High levels of synaesthetic endorsement in a study on music listening styles
    Glasser, S ; Osborne, MS ; Krause, AK (UK Synaesthesia Association and American Synesthesia Association, 2024)
    This presentation focuses on the discussion of a surprising result in a study investigating the association between endorsed synaesthetic experiences and music engagement and cognitive styles, in response to music listening: namely, the unusually high level of synaesthetic endorsement in a population of young adults. The sample comprised of 310 individuals aged 18-34 (M = 20.03, Mdn = 19, SD = 3.06), with 237 identifying their gender as female (76.50%). Participants were asked to complete an online questionnaire that included demographics, the musicianship module of the MUSEBAQ, the Music Engagement Test (MET), the short version of the MusicEmpathizing-Music-Systemizing Inventory (MEMS Inventory), and items from the Synesthesia Battery. Only complete responses were considered. In total, when asked directly about whether they had synaesthesia (n = 302), 196 participants said no (64.90%), 89 (29.50%) said they were not sure, and 17 (5.50%) said they were completely confident that they had synaesthesia. However, 61 of the people who were 'not sure' and a further 31 of the people who said 'no', did select 'yes' to at least one of the synaesthesia type questions. Therefore, for subsequent analyses, a binary classification based on whether the participants had endorsed none (n= 193) or at least one of the synaesthesia types (n= 109) was created. This unusually high endorsement of at least one type when presented with a full list of currently known types of synaesthesia suggests that one explicit question may not best capture individuals' experiences of synaesthesia or synaesthesia-like experiences in self-report measures. This finding also compels reflection on both population awareness of synaesthesia and how we, as researchers, classify synaesthetic experiences.
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    The MT-VR Solution: A Novel Telehealth Approach to Delivering Online Group Singing Therapy for People with Quadriplegia
    Tamplin, J ; Loveridge, B ; Li, Y ; Clarke, K ; Berlowitz, D (World Federation of Music Therapy, 2020)
    People living with quadriplegia are disproportionately rurally and regionally located, at high risk for social isolation, and face numerous barriers to accessing music therapy (MT). They also face significant risk of illness due to paralysis of the primary breathing muscles. Face-to-face group singing therapy can improve breathing, voice, mood, and social connectedness for people with quadriplegia (Tamplin et al 2013). Online delivery of group singing interventions may be a viable solution to improve access, however latency is a significant barrier to synchronous music performance over the Internet. Our research group has been working to find an acceptable solution to this issue, with implications for MT practise more widely due to the current high demand for telehealth MT solutions due to COVID-19.
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    Fields of resonance from group therapeutic songwriting for people living with dementia and their family caregivers
    Clark, I ; Stretton-Smith, P ; Baker, F ; Tamplin, J (European Music Therapy Confederation, 2019)
    People living with dementia (PwD) and their family caregivers (FCG) often experience relationship stressors, social isolation and stigma. Therapeutic group songwriting (TGS) has been used to address these issues for groups involving either FCG or PwD, but not with groups of PwD/FCG dyads participating together. TGS for PwD/FCG dyads may encourage united expression with others in similar situations, leading to mental stimulation and achievement for individuals, meaningful shared experiences for dyads, and positive social opportunities. A randomised controlled trial is being conducted to compare social connectedness, relationship quality, quality of life, depression, and caregiver burden for 60 PwD/FCG dyads randomised to either 6 x 1-hour weekly TGS sessions (experimental) or waitlist control (University Ethics Approval: 1851252.2). Outcome measures will be collected at weeks 0, 7 and 13 following recruitment and the experimental group will also contribute video, interview, and song lyric data. The project is currently in the data collection phase. However, we anticipate several potential fields of resonance from this research, including feelings of personal success and confidence for both PwD and FCG, relationship satisfaction and togetherness for dyads, and empathic friendships. In addition, we anticipate songs portraying the lived experience of dementia may increase public awareness and understanding. This presentation will describe how theories and songwriting approaches were adapted to meet the unique needs of PwD and FCGs attending sessions together. We will also explore tensions arising from the outcome-based research design and expectations of research funding bodies with the values of community music therapy underpinning the research.
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    Music therapy responds to societal challenges – Music therapy for geriatric care
    Wosch, T ; Blauth, L ; Clark, I ; Eickholt, J ; Fachner, J ; Grandjean, D ; Mühling, T ; Thurn, T ; Warnke, S (University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, 2021)
    Music Therapy in the care of older adults, in dementia care and for families with people with special needs is located in the comprehensive field of music-therapy- and interdisciplinary research. Conference proceedings present and discuss current developments and evaluations of music therapy interventions in PhD-research projects, furthermore outcomes on quality of relationship of caregivers, relevant brain research on music and emotion, musical entrainment and social brain in music therapy and for people living with dementia, relevant health technology assessment models in Germany and UK, and sociological research on homebased family caregivers of researchers and research centers of FHWS, Germany, Australia, Switzerland and UK.
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    Video Feedback to Support Student Assessment when Teaching Music Online
    Blackburn, A ; Johnson, C (The Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, 2021)
    The use of video when teaching music online is not a new endeavour. However, the implementation of consistent use of video as a feedback mechanism in music performance studies has yet to be fully researched. In tertiary music performance classes, students are subject to formative assessment to advance their musical artistry. These feedback mechanisms for music are more than text-based commentary. Often, they are visual and aural exchanges between a master performer (i.e., teacher) and student to support the essential development of musical artistry and artistic performance of the student’s voice or instrument through social construction. The question of how music teachers can provide online feedback that supports the authenticity of music assessment is now key for technology-enhanced music learning in tertiary music classes. This presentation will outline the challenges and opportunities of embedding video feedback in music classes to support students in developing music performance skills.
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    The Online Music Teaching Toolkit
    Johnson, C (Piano Inspires, 2021-07-28)
    Invited PEdX Speaker for NCKP 2021: The Piano Conference
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    Post-secondary online music course offerings prior to COVID-19: An Australian context
    Johnson, C (Australian Society for Music Education, 2021-09-30)
    The landscape of post-secondary music performance teaching and music education entered a pedagogical shift towards teaching music online prior to COVID-19. In post-secondary music courses, research indicates that over 40% of post-secondary American music schools within the National Association of Schools of Music offered at least one online music course at the bachelor level (Johnson, 2017). This strongly suggests that prior to COVID-19, American music programs were already shifting away from the traditional music pedagogy of face-to-face teaching to begin embracing the opportunities provided by teaching music online. However, the extent to which this was occurring outside of North America was not yet identified. To evidence further shifts in the global landscape towards post-secondary online music course availability, this research study explored the following research questions within the Australian context: 1) What online music courses are currently being offered at higher education institutions across Australia? 2) What, if any, are the significant changes happening in these Australian offerings over time? Data were examined using a historical methodology of documentation analyses of public-facing websites from all universities (n=43) within Australia. Findings specific to universities, course offerings, and changes over time will be highlighted in the presentation. Implications from this study suggest that differing rates of adoption in online teaching may have provided insight for decisions made during the COVID-19 transitions to online music teaching regarding effective leadership models and professional development models. Future recommendations on further research will also be highlighted. Acknowledgement: The author would like to thank SEMPRE for the funding of this research study.
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    Experience of Virtual Writing Groups: Going Beyond Geographic Boundaries
    Johnson, C ; Lock, JV (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2018)
    There are greater expectations on academics, including career professors, to publish. How and where within their graduate programs did they develop the knowledge and capacity to be competent scholarly writers? Using a self-study research approach, we investigated strategies as part of a pilot designed to assess the impact of virtual writing groups on early career researchers’ publication output and the transition process from doctoral student to full-time academic. This pilot study informed the launch of a larger virtual writing group. The virtual writing group, includes early career academic, along with former doctoral supervisor supporting their transition as academics around their scholarly writing. The study explores the following research questions: 1) To what extent does a virtual writing group assist publication output through the transition of PhD student to early career researcher; and 2) What factors are integral for the effectiveness of a virtual writing group for early career researchers? Directions for future research are shared.
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    Making Multimedia Meaningful: Outcomes of Student Assessment in Online Learning
    Johnson, C ; Lock, JV ; Langran, E ; Borup, J (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2018)
    With the advancement of multimedia in learning management systems, online learning environments are no longer bound by text-based learning. Students and instructors need to work in an environment where there is intentional integration of multimedia that supports learning, teaching, and assessment. This case study investigated the intentional instructor use of multimedia and the impact on student learning tasks and assessment practice. From the findings, three themes were identified: the perception of multimedia as novel for students; student awareness of multimedia feedback as assistive in learning; and the integration of scaffolded learning through reflective activities. The following implications for practice address areas for creating effective online learning experiences when using multimedia: 1) students need support in using multimedia; 2) instructors need to unpack assumptions about student use of technology for learning; and 3) multimedia tools and supports need to be available in fostering robust learning experiences.