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    Humans in charge of trading robots: the first experiment
    Asparouhova, E ; Bossaerts, P ; Cai, X ; Rotaru, K ; Yadav, N ; Yang, W (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2024-07-01)
    Abstract We present results from an experiment where participants have access to automated trading algorithms, which they may deploy at will while still trading manually. Treatments differ in whether robots must not be halted, deployment is compulsory, or robots can be halted and replaced at will. We hypothesize that robot trading would reduce mispricing, and that the effect would be more pronounced as commitment degree increases. Yet, compared to manual trading only, we observe equally large and frequent mispricing and, in early trading, significantly higher bid–ask spreads and more frequent flash crashes/price surges. Participants earn more, provided they combine robot and manual trading. Compared to evidence from archival data, we find significantly higher use of liquidity-taking robots. We attribute this to the inability, in the field, to identify the presence of liquidity takers when they happen not to trade.
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    Resource allocation, computational complexity, and market design
    Bossaerts, P ; Bowman, E ; Fattinger, F ; Huang, H ; Lee, M ; Murawski, C ; Suthakar, A ; Tang, S ; Yadav, N (Elsevier, 2024-06)
    With three experiments, we study the design of financial markets to help spread knowledge about solutions to the 0-1 Knapsack Problem (KP), a combinatorial resource allocation problem. To solve the KP, substantial cognitive effort is required; random sampling is ineffective and humans rarely resort to it. The theory of computational complexity motivates our experiment designs. Complete markets generate noisy prices and knowledge spreads poorly. Instead, one carefully chosen security per problem instance causes accurate pricing and effective knowledge dissemination. This contrasts with information aggregation experiments. There, values depend on solutions to probabilistic problems, which can be solved by random drawing.
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    Emotional Engagement and Trading Performance
    Bossaerts, P ; Fattinger, F ; Rotaru, K ; Xu, K (INFORMS, 2020-04-27)
    Extensive research in neuroscience proves that rational decision-making depends on accurate anticipative emotions. We test this proposition in the context of financial markets. We replicate a multiperiod trading game that reliably generates bubbles, while tracking participants’ heart rate and skin conductance. We find that participants whose heart rate changes in anticipation of trading at inflated prices achieve higher earnings. In contrast, when such trades precede heart rate changes, earnings decrease. Higher (lower) earnings accrue to participants whose skin conductance responds to the market value of stock (cash) holdings. Our findings demonstrate that emotions are integral to sound financial decision-making.
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    Task-independent metrics of computational hardness predict human cognitive performance
    Franco, JP ; Doroc, K ; Yadav, N ; Bossaerts, P ; Murawski, C (NATURE PORTFOLIO, 2022-07-28)
    The survival of human organisms depends on our ability to solve complex tasks in the face of limited cognitive resources. However, little is known about the factors that drive the complexity of those tasks. Here, building on insights from computational complexity theory, we quantify the computational hardness of cognitive tasks using a set of task-independent metrics related to the computational resource requirements of individual instances of a task. We then examine the relation between those metrics and human behavior and find that they predict both time spent on a task as well as accuracy in three canonical cognitive tasks. Our findings demonstrate that performance in cognitive tasks can be predicted based on generic metrics of their inherent computational hardness.
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    Epilepsy and Ecstatic Experiences: The Role of the Insula
    Picard, F ; Bossaerts, P ; Bartolomei, F (MDPI, 2021-11)
    Ecstatic epilepsy is a rare form of focal epilepsy in which the aura (beginning of the seizures) consists of a blissful state of mental clarity/feeling of certainty. Such a state has also been described as a "religious" or mystical experience. While this form of epilepsy has long been recognized as a temporal lobe epilepsy, we have accumulated evidence converging toward the location of the symptomatogenic zone in the dorsal anterior insula during the 10 last years. The neurocognitive hypothesis for the genesis of a mental clarity is the suppression of the interoceptive prediction errors and of the unexpected surprise associated with any incoming internal or external signal, usually processed by the dorsal anterior insula. This mimics a perfect prediction of the world and induces a feeling of certainty. The ecstatic epilepsy is thus an amazing model for the role of anterior insula in uncertainty and surprise.
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    Transferring cognitive talent across domains to reduce the disposition effect in investment
    Rotaru, K ; Kalev, PS ; Yadav, N ; Bossaerts, P (NATURE PORTFOLIO, 2021-11-29)
    We consider Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to correctly predict the intentions of others. To an important degree, good ToM function requires abstraction from one's own particular circumstances. Here, we posit that such abstraction can be transferred successfully to other, non-social contexts. We consider the disposition effect, which is a pervasive cognitive bias whereby investors, including professionals, improperly take their personal trading history into account when deciding on investments. We design an intervention policy whereby we attempt to transfer good ToM function, subconsciously, to personal investment decisions. In a within-subject repeated-intervention laboratory experiment, we record how the disposition effect is reduced by a very significant 85%, but only for those with high scores on the social-cognitive dimension of ToM function. No such transfer is observed in subjects who score well only on the social-perceptual dimension of ToM function. Our findings open up a promising way to exploit cognitive talent in one domain in order to alleviate cognitive deficiencies elsewhere.
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    How Neurobiology Elucidates the Role of Emotions in Financial Decision-Making
    Bossaerts, P (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2021-07-19)
    Over the last 15 years, a revolution has been taking place in neuroscience, whereby models and methods of economics have led to deeper insights into the neurobiological foundations of human decision-making. These have revealed a number of widespread mis-conceptions, among others, about the role of emotions. Furthermore, the findings suggest that a purely behavior-based approach to studying decisions may miss crucial features of human choice long appreciated in biology, such as Pavlovian approach. The findings could help economists formalize elusive concepts such as intuition, as I show here for financial "trading intuition."
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    Exploiting Distributional Temporal Difference Learning to Deal with Tail Risk
    Bossaerts, P ; Huang, S ; Yadav, N (MDPI AG, 2020-12-01)
    In traditional Reinforcement Learning (RL), agents learn to optimize actions in a dynamic context based on recursive estimation of expected values. We show that this form of machine learning fails when rewards (returns) are affected by tail risk, i.e., leptokurtosis. Here, we adapt a recent extension of RL, called distributional RL (disRL), and introduce estimation efficiency, while properly adjusting for differential impact of outliers on the two terms of the RL prediction error in the updating equations. We show that the resulting “efficient distributional RL” (e-disRL) learns much faster, and is robust once it settles on a policy. Our paper also provides a brief, nontechnical overview of machine learning, focusing on RL.
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    Modeling the Evolution of Beliefs Using an Attentional Focus Mechanism
    Markovic, D ; Glaescher, J ; Bossaerts, P ; O'Doherty, J ; Kiebel, SJ ; Einhäuser, W (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2015-10)
    For making decisions in everyday life we often have first to infer the set of environmental features that are relevant for the current task. Here we investigated the computational mechanisms underlying the evolution of beliefs about the relevance of environmental features in a dynamical and noisy environment. For this purpose we designed a probabilistic Wisconsin card sorting task (WCST) with belief solicitation, in which subjects were presented with stimuli composed of multiple visual features. At each moment in time a particular feature was relevant for obtaining reward, and participants had to infer which feature was relevant and report their beliefs accordingly. To test the hypothesis that attentional focus modulates the belief update process, we derived and fitted several probabilistic and non-probabilistic behavioral models, which either incorporate a dynamical model of attentional focus, in the form of a hierarchical winner-take-all neuronal network, or a diffusive model, without attention-like features. We used Bayesian model selection to identify the most likely generative model of subjects' behavior and found that attention-like features in the behavioral model are essential for explaining subjects' responses. Furthermore, we demonstrate a method for integrating both connectionist and Bayesian models of decision making within a single framework that allowed us to infer hidden belief processes of human subjects.
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    The impact of disappointment in decision making: inter-individual differences and electrical neuroimaging
    Tzieropoulos, H ; de Peralta, RG ; Bossaerts, P ; Andino, SLG (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2011-01-06)
    Disappointment, the emotion experienced when faced to reward prediction errors (RPEs), considerably impacts decision making (DM). Individuals tend to modify their behavior in an often unpredictable way just to avoid experiencing negative emotions. Despite its importance, disappointment remains much less studied than regret and its impact on upcoming decisions largely unexplored. Here, we adapted the Trust Game to effectively elicit, quantify, and isolate disappointment by relying on the formal definition provided by Bell's in economics. We evaluated the effects of experienced disappointment and elation on future cooperation and trust as well as the rationality and utility of the different behavioral and neural mechanisms used to cope with disappointment. All participants in our game trusted less and particularly expected less from unknown opponents as a result of disappointing outcomes in the previous trial but not necessarily after elation indicating that behavioral consequences of positive and negative RPEs are not the same. A large variance in the tolerance to disappointment was observed across subjects, with some participants needing only a small disappointment to impulsively bias their subsequent decisions. As revealed by high-density EEG recordings the most tolerant individuals - who thought twice before making a decision and earned more money - relied on different neural generators to contend with neutral and unexpected outcomes. This study thus provides some support to the idea that different neural systems underlie reflexive and reflective decisions within the same individuals as predicted by the dual-system theory of social judgment and DM.