Melbourne Conservatorium of Music - Theses

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    Rediscovering Mirrie Hill (1889-1986): composer in her own right
    Pearce, Rowena ( 2002)
    Australian composer, pianist and educator Mirrie Hill (nee Solomon) was born in Sydney in 1889. She studied piano with Joseph Kretschmann and Laurence Godfrey-Smith, theory with Ernest Truman and composition with Alfred Hill. The outbreak of World War One in 1914 thwarted Mirrie Solomon's plans to study music in Europe and led to her entering the newly established New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music. In 1916, she was awarded a composition scholarship by the Director, Henri Verbrugghen. She later took on the role of Assistant Professor of Harmony, Counterpoint and Composition at the Conservatorium from 1918 until1944. Her teaching position and role as an examiner for the Australian Music Examinations Board served as complementary interests to her primary work as a composer. In 1921 Mirrie Solomon married the renowned Australian composer Alfred Hill. This marriage had a considerable impact on her ability to establish a reputation as a composer in her own right, and her contributions to Australian music have been largely overshadowed by Alfred Hill's more prominent status. Mirrie Hill composed over five hundred works across many genres. She wrote symphonic works, chamber music and film music and was a prolific writer of art songs, piano works and elementary works for children. Almost half of her compositions were published in Australia and many of her orchestral works were performed, broadcast and recorded during her lifetime. Mirrie Hill's reputation as a composer of 'miniatures' has lingered, despite her remarkable successes in other areas of music. To date, no in-depth study of Mirrie Hill has been attempted, and as such, her substantial creative output and contributions to Australian music have gone largely unrecognised. This thesis will explore both biographical and musical aspects of the composer and is intended as an overview of Mirrie Hill's contribution to many facets of Australian music throughout her lifetime.
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    Composer, wife and mother: Margaret Sutherland as conflicted subject
    GRAHAM, JILLIAN ( 2001)
    Margaret Sutherland (1897-1984) is regarded as one of the most innovative and influential Australian composers of the first half of the twentieth century. As early as the 1920s, she could be compared with contemporary composers in Europe who were reacting against aspects of the Romantic style of the nineteenth century. Sutherland was brought up in the midst of a liberal, intellectual, creative and artistic family, in which her principal role models were single women and intellectual men, and her musical aspirations were encouraged and fostered. Having studied for two years in Europe (1923-1925), she returned to Australia, where she expected to develop her vocation as a composer. In 1927 she married, and had two children, the first in 1929 and the second in 1931.During her troubled marriage she experienced conflict beyond her expectations in combining the pursuit of her musical aspirations with her domestic responsibilities as wife and mother. To date, an in-depth feminist biographical study of Sutherland has not been attempted, yet the challenges women face in successfully combining marriage, motherhood and career can only be revealed through closer inspection of this female experience. Using a methodology derived from contemporary feminist biographical theory, the basis for and manifestation of the conflict Sutherland experienced between her public, musical and her private, domestic roles will be explored. It will be shown that in spite of the difficulties faced as a woman composer and in her private life, she managed to achieve a considerable amount, making contributions which should be valued, both in the private, domestic sphere, and in her public life as composer and champion of the interests of Australian composers and Australian music in general. The nature of her achievements suggests that she had the tenacity to avoid being smothered by the unhappiness of her circumstances, or to allow her individuality and ambitions to be thwarted by domesticity.
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    Percy Grainger's promotion of early music to Australian audiences in 1934: a critical evaluation
    Wong, Maria Goretti ( 2003)
    This thesis examines the argument made by Roger Covell in his 1967 Australia's Music in which he stated that Grainger's promotion of unfamiliar music, including early music to the Australian audiences in his 1934 Australian tour had been ineffective. Covell's argument was that Australia, at that time, was a conservative musical society 'that had barely considered the possibility of merit in any music outside the standard European classics' (p. 99). This thesis argues that Grainger's promotion of early music had not been ineffective but had an impact on the Australian audiences. This conclusion is reached after examining the press reception of Grainger's inclusion of early music in his lecture-recitals and orchestral concerts.
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    Alice Ellen Charbonnet: a French musician in nineteenth-century Australia
    Bong, Jin Guan ( 2006)
    Alice Ellen Charbonnet (1860-1914) was one of the key French émigré artists of late nineteenth-century Australia. She was highly respected and sought after as a performer, teacher and composer. As little is known about her life and achievements, this thesis firstly provides an extended biographical outline of her life. It also studies the musical, social and cultural context of late nineteenth-century Australia with a focus on the French influence and presence. Charbonnet's role as a virtuoso performer is evaluated through her concert performances and reception. Her wide and varied solo piano and chamber music repertoire provides evidence of her outstanding technique. The programming of her concert series, recitals as well as her contributions at numerous charitable functions provides insight into the musical taste of nineteenth-century Australia. An investigation of her compositions sheds light on her writing style as well as the domestic consumption of music-making prevalent at the time. Charbonnet's contribution to music pedagogy is assessed through a close look at her French-inspired Conservatoire de Musique as well her Australian Musical Association examination board. The appendices include the complete programmes of her Sydney and Melbourne concert series in 1878-1881 and a comprehensive listing of her compositions. Charbonnet is arguably one of the foremost women musicians in late nineteenth-century Australia. Through an assessment of her life and accomplishments, this thesis recognises her important influence on Australian musical life.
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    Can copyright cope with music?
    Bunting, Susan Lynette ( 2001)
    The purpose of this dissertation is to consider whether the copyright regime that presently exists in Australia adequately protects different kinds of music. It reviews the history of music and copyright law with particular emphasis on English law as this forms the basis of Australian law. It examines how the courts have handled music under the copyright regime and considers the problems that the history of copyright law present for the protection of improvised and indigenous music. The dissertation concludes that although copyright has problems coping with some kinds of music such as jazz, aleatory music and indigenous music, these problems do not warrant wholesale changes in copyright law. Copyright, while trying to protect all forms of creative works is also trying to protect two mutually exclusive objects, the creator and the public. Nineteenth century developments in copyright gave much greater protection to the creator, but began to lose sight of the other important rationale for copyright, dissemination of information and creation of the public domain. Present day developments are going even further. The balance is changing and the public, and ultimately the creator, is the loser. The question that confronts today's legislators is, should the copyright regime, with its inherent philosophies based on eighteenth and nineteenth century ideas of property and creativity, be retained and simply amended as required, or should it be abandoned altogether. This thesis posits the view that wholesale alteration of copyright law to include improvised music and music which is orally transmitted and collectively composed will not benefit the public. It is not in the best interests of creators who have a right to reasonably freely available information. Nor would it be of benefit to indigenous societies since it would be imposing ideas that might conflict with the creative ideals of those societies.
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    Edward Goll: Melbourne pianist and teacher: the war years 1914-1918
    Yasumoto, Elina ( 2007)
    This thesis examines the foundational period and early contribution in the Australian career of the prominent concert pianist Edward Goll focussing on the years 1914--1918. The multifarious opposition that Goll faced during the war, mainly arising from contention regarding his nationality, forms the setting of this study which is then juxtaposed against a discussion of Goll’s contribution to music in Australia during that period. The educational value of Goll’s large and catholic repertoire, the benefits of listening to an artist of Goll’s high calibre and the impact and popularity of his concerts were recurrent themes in the press, and were qualities for which he was to be later acknowledged. These aspects of his contribution as a performer are followed by a discussion of Goll’s pedagogical contribution as one of the first pianists to introduce the concept of "weight-touch" to Australia.
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    Orchestral, chamber, electronic and visual compositions
    Burke, Brigid ( 1999)
    This folio of orchestral, chamber, electronic and visual compositions collectively document a research period based on experiences with performance, free and structured improvisations, technology and visual art practices. The technical and aesthetic diversity of the material arises from opportunities and resources afforded by the research program. Of the many ideas traversed in these works, the principle focus has been towards the use of extended techniques for wind instruments and experiences from live performances. In pursuing these objectives, this research charts multiple performance practices, and diverse compositional techniques through traditional acoustic music to studio electronic soundscapes. Although the ordering of the compositions in this folio suggest that the acoustic works were completed first, many of the electronic compositions were produced in between. Consequently, compositional processes tended to inform each other in complex and often subtle ways. The two orchestral works and the quintet represent instances where extended clarinet techniques have been reconceptulized and orchestrated for larger ensembles. These techniques have also found a place together with traditional styles and intuitive performance experience in the suite for clarinet and piano, the trio and the guitar solo work. The five remaining electroacoustic works represent a rethinking of acoustic sound and performance practices not found in the approaches taken with the traditional acoustic compositions. The studio enabled a focus on issues such as context and space that do not have pre-eminence in the composition phase of traditional instrumental music. This is evident in the fact that the sounds, existing as recordings, could be subject to processing and arrangements in ways that are physically impossible through traditional musical world. The sounds in the computer based context assert a need for a different compositional outlook to that presented in the previous compositions. Finally the inclusion of visual imagery is intended to convey another creative input into the process of each musical work.
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    Dreamtime wisdom, modern-time vision: tradition and innovation in the popular band movement of Arnhem Land, Australia
    Corn, Aaron David Samuel ( 2002)
    This thesis presents a detailed study of popular bands from Arnhem Land. It documents the history and scope of their creativity, and attests to the ingenuity and dedication of the musicians and communities who have fostered this regional movement of musical expression. Its specific aim is to establish how concepts and practices which are integral to the social and intellectual foundations of local cultures have influenced the creative approaches of these bands, and have guided the syncretic incorporation of traditional themes, aesthetics and musical materials to their repertoires. Research has been largely guided by direct consultations with musicians and other local commentators from Arnhem Land which have been conducted over a series of field trips to the region and other destinations. It was through these consultations that the regional development of the popular band as a new medium for celebrating and extending profound expressions of the ancestral and of the binding kin relationships between band members became a focal research interest. Popular bands from Arnhem Land have been at the forefront of stimulating and guiding social debate about balancing the continuity of tradition with socio-technological change in their communities since their inception in the mid 1960s. Their activities are predicated on technological and inter-cultural exchange, and the history of their development reveals much about the strategies deployed and challenges met by local peoples in this endeavour. Even so, their activities are still circumscribed by the endemic qualities of their traditional cultural heritage. Song analysis with a particular emphasis on lyrics and form is utilised in this thesis as a principal method for demonstrating traditional influences in their repertoires. Interpretive commentaries provided by musicians in the field and secondary references to relevant ethnographic studies also contribute to its development of a new framework for understanding and appreciating the creativity of these popular bands. Ultimately, this thesis demonstrates how musicians in popular bands from Arnhem Land have conducted their creative engagements with new musical media and technologies to intellectualise, advocate and effect the continuity of their own durable traditions.
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    Musical composition in Australia in the period 1960-1970: individual triumph or historical inevitability?
    O'Connell, Clive ( 2000)
    An examination of oral records casts a fresh and first-hand light on the sudden flowering of Australian musical composition in the 1960-70 decade. Accepted accounts concerning the musical activity of this time are few and the composers who were involved in the new music world are cited rarely. Building on the views and perceptions of Roger Covell, James Murdoch, Frank Callaway, David Tunley and Andrew McCredie, the impressions concerning this period from eight composers - those from the pre•-1960 generation and those who came to prominence in the designated decade - are investigated, with a view to determining what caused the abrupt adoption of contemporary compositional practice fro1n 1960 onwards; whether the surge in activity and the adoption of a new vocabulary resulted chiefly from individual efforts, or from the influence of individuals (administrators, bureaucrats, entrepreneurs), or through the pioneering work of certain organisations (International Society for Contemporary Music), or as the result of an inevitable if delayed historical process. The investigation begins with a survey of the relevant available material still extant on this period, which serves the purpose as a support or contrast with the core of the thesis. This is the gleaning from interviews conducted by the writer or tapes made by the Australian Broadcasting Commission and other bodies of what the decade 1960-1970 meant to the composers themselves, the intention being to come to a clearer understanding of the significance of the years in question.
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    The operas of G. W. L. Marshall-Hall
    Bebbington, Warren Arthur ( 1978)
    G. W. L. Marshall-Hall, 1862-1915, English-born musician who settled in Australia in 1891, is chiefly remembered as a pioneer teacher and conductor, founder of the Melbourne University Conservatorium and the Melba Memorial Conservatorium, Melbourne, propagator of the first orchestral subscription concerts in Melbourne, and founding Professor of Music at the University of Melbourne. An outspoken Bohemian, his book of poems Hymns ancient and modern (1898) was judged lewd and sacrilegious and led to his severance from the University in 1900. Marshall-Hall was also a composer of over 50 works, including operas, symphonies, overtures, string quartets, and numerous songs. The six extant operas are a representative sample of his creative work, exhibiting strong influence of Wagner and later Puccini, but flawed by the limits of a largely untutored technique. Most interesting is the effect on the composer's creative work of prolonged isolation from and occasional return-visits to Europe.