School of Languages and Linguistics - Research Publications

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    From collection to engagement: Indigenous language research at the University of Melbourne
    Nordlinger, R ; Thieberger, N ; Jones, RL ; Waghorne, J ; Langton, M (Melbourne University Press, 2024)
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    The New Protectionism: Risk Aversion and Access to Indigenous Heritage Records
    Thieberger, N ; Aird, M ; Bracknell, C ; Gibson, J ; Harris, A ; Langton, M ; Sculthorpe, G ; Simpson, J (Australian Society of Archivists, 2024)
    This article discusses the problems encountered in accessing archival Indigenous language records, both by Indigenous people looking for information on their own languages and by non-Indigenous researchers supporting language work. It is motivated by Indigenous people not being able to access materials in archives, libraries, and museums that they need for heritage reasons, for personal reasons, or for revitalisation of language or cultural performance. For some of the authors, the experience of using Nyingarn, which aims to make manuscript language material available for re-use today, has been dispiriting, with what we term the ‘new protectionism’ preventing use of these materials.
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    Nyingarn: Supporting Australian Indigenous languages from textual sources1
    Thieberger, N ; Lewincamp, S ; Rosa, ML (IEEE, 2023-01-01)
    For many Indigenous languages there are few records, and the earliest written sources are witnesses of the language as spoken before major changes that were typically brought about by colonial expansion. In Australia, as a result of settler aggression, removal of Indigenous children, and displacement of the original inhabitants from their land, many Indigenous languages are no longer spoken. In this situation, the earliest sources that record aspects of these languages become all the more valuable as resources for relearning the languages. However, as paper documents in a single repository, they can be difficult to access and to use. We report on our project to take such manuscripts, convert them to text, and to create a platform in which they can be found and used. We have written a new platform taking advantage of current technology as we found nothing that was suitable in existing systems. We allow for various input formats for the text and store it and images as Research Object Crates (RO-Crates). We use Amazon Textract for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of text in images and accept pre-existing transcriptions in CSV and TEI formats (and Word documents converted to TEI). We successfully use an existing crowdsourcing platform to have documents transcribed. Initial preparation is done in a workspace, with TEI as the encoding system. Finalised documents are pushed to a repository for exploration via geographic maps or text searching, and can then be downloaded in various formats for re-use. Once texts are prepared in this way, we can submit them to an algorithm to detect non-English items and tag that text as being in the Indigenous languages. The platform is live and currently has 400 manuscripts submitted to it:
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    Doing it for Ourselves: The New Archive Built by and Responsive to the Researcher
    Thieberger, N (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2023)
    In this paper I address the following research questions in the context of having built a research data repository to safeguard cultural research data. How can the PARADISEC team ensure the records we create in the course of our research will exist into the future and remain citable? How can our research data be made available for a wider public, most importantly for the people recorded and their descendants? How can we prepare our students for this new approach to curation of primary research data so that they can build good methodology into their normal research practice, with much more productive outcomes?
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    LD Tools and Methods Summit Report
    Thieberger, N ( 2016)
    This document provides an overview of the main points arising from discussion at the Language Documentation Tools and Methods Summit ( held at the University of Melbourne on 1-3 June 2016 and convened by Nick Thieberger and Simon Musgrave for the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, funded by the Australian Research Council. Invited participants were asked to consider key issues that were pre-circulated and then prepare discussion points for the meeting. Each theme leader took notes and they are summarised below, with links to the original notes also provided below. There is necessarily some overlap between the reports on group discussions.
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    ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language: Indigenous Linguistic & Cultural Heritage Ethics Document
    Thieberger, N ; Jones, C (ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, 2017)
    A significant part of the Centre’s research is reliant on the participation of indigenous communities in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, and actively contributes to the transmission and safeguarding of important cultural, linguistic and historical information. The Centre recognises the right of indigenous communities and individuals to maintain, control, protect and develop their traditional knowledge and cultural expressions, and the inherent ownership they have over this intellectual property. The Centre also recognises that communities and individuals within the region hold different views as to what these rights entail. Research conducted by Centre staff and students at the collaborating institutions is subject to approval by the respective institutional human research ethics committees. These statutory committees review and approve research involving Indigenous people with specific reference to Values and Ethics: Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research (NHMRC 2003), and AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research (AIATSIS 2021), plus the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (NHMRC, ARC, AVCC 2007) and ask researchers to consider expectations in Keeping Research on Track (NHMRC 2006). However, the CoE acknowledges that simply adhering to institutional requirements does not entail an ethical outcome, and we endorse the NHMRC’s statement that it “is possible for researchers to ‘meet’ rule-based requirements without engaging fully with the implications of difference and values relevant to their research. The approach advanced in these guidelines is more demanding of researchers as it seeks to move from compliance to trust.” (NHMRC 2003: 4)
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    Customary song in Christian clothing
    Thieberger, N ; Barwick, L (Presses universitaires de la Nouvelle‐Calédonie, 2023)
    In this paper, we illustrate the maintenance of archaic forms of Nafsan (a language spoken in Efate, Vanuatu) in song, and take one particular song as an example. Nafsan is known for having lost medial and final vowels in everyday language, but these can be, as in many languages, retained in song. One of the very few books written in Nafsan by Nafsan speakers was produced in 1983 in Port Vila (Wai et al.). It contains twelve stories, and ends with a cryptic inscription, M‐dd‐M‐dd‐ddl‐S‐dl‐s‐dd. All the stories were transcribed and translated as part of Thieberger’s research, but he was not sure what to do with this collection of letters. By chance, a copy of a hymnal on Lelepa island had the same cryptic letters that were evidently a form of musical notation known as solfa, Tonic Sol‐fa, or Solfege. Translations of Christian hymns into Nafsan were first made in the 1840s, but none of these hymnals includes solfa notation. As Stevens (2005) notes, solfa “often resulted in the emergence of a school of indigenous composers writing in Tonic Sol-fa notation and using the tonal harmonic style”. That is clearly the case in this Nafsan story. In this paper, we will look in more detail at the Ririal song, noting its archaic content. Early translations of hymns often maintain vowels that are now lost in Nafsan, and the same appears to be the case with the Ririal song. It is indicative of the syncretism with which Christianity has been received in Efate that a method of transcription originally intended to make Christian hymns more accessible has been adapted in a monolingual set of kastom stories to present a traditional song.
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    Hypothetically Speaking: Ethics in linguistic fieldwork, a provocation
    MUSGRAVE, S ; Thieberger, N ; Derhemi, E ; Moseley, C (Routledge, 2023-03-06)
    Ethical issues are not always easily resolved. In the case of language documentation work, such issues require careful thought to ensure that all parties to a research process are informed and are able to participate equally, or to the level that they want, in the research process. While there is a considerable literature on ethics and fieldwork, here we present some of the issues in the form of an entertaining hypothetical discussion, presented as part of the social program at a conference of the Australian Linguistic Society with a cast who were given an outline of their roles, but not the scenarios that they would have to address in the course of the event. At the request of cast members, and in keeping with the topic, we did not record the presentation, but do offer the script here in the hope that it provides a less didactic coverage of some ethical issues than may be found elsewhere. We are pleased to be able to offer this chapter in celebration of Nick Ostler’s career and of his support for many language projects around the world. We hope this chapter’s entertainment can live up to Nick’s entertaining conversation in conference presentations and dinners.
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    It's a word isn't it? Language affection as an outcome of language programmes.
    Thieberger, N (School of Languages and Linguistics, 2000)
    Structural linguistics has a particular view of the integrity of language which may be detrimental to the construction of appropriate language maintenance programmes for small indigenous languages. In this paper I outline ways in which ‘affective’ use of language may be the most useful target of language programmes in some situations, based on my experience with Australian indigenous languages. Fluency in a language may not be the achievable outcome of a language course for a number of reasons, not least among them being the enormity of the task perceived by learners of the language. For languages with few or no speakers we should be able to construct language programmes in which the use of a small number of terms in the target language, for purposes of identity, is a sufficient and realistic outcome.
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