School of Languages and Linguistics - Research Publications

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    Abel Posse y Miguel Serrano: dos visiones desde América Latina sobre los orígenes del nazismo
    Holas Allimant, I ; Esposto, R ; Magras, R (Editorial Biblos, 2023)
    Tras la huella estelar dejada por la obra de Roberto Bolaño (2666, La literatura nazi en América), la temática nazi ha cobrado nueva importancia en la literatura latinoamericana de las últimas décadas. La violencia y el terror han acompañado a la narrativa latinoamericana durante siglos y el interés popular por la temática nazi en la narrativa latinoamericana parece conformar un eje relativamente nuevo en la exploración de estos temas. Sin embargo, las novelas Los demonios ocultos (1987) y El viajero de Agartha (1989) de Abel Posse se adelantan a este fenómeno, que se ha visto acompañado por un creciente interés crítico por la relación entre el nazismo y la cultura argentina , por varias décadas. Como si se tratase de una sincronicidad junguiana , durante el mismo período en el que Posse escribe estas novelas, en el país colindante, en el Chile del otro lado de la cordillera, Miguel Serrano está creando una obra extensa, una nueva mitología para la empresa nazi, enunciada desde el más profundo sur andino. Este escrito explora las sincronicidades latentes entre la búsqueda novelada de Abel Posse en Los demonios ocultos y El viajero de Agartha y la obra de Miguel Serrano, quien fue uno de los arquitectos del nuevo hitlerismo esotérico y del paganismo nazi internacional que, curiosamente, se ha extendido desde América del Sur al mundo. Esta ponencia defenderá la tesis de que, en lugar de destacar una mirada fetichista y pseudo-orientalista sobre el tema (desde la crítica externa esta ha sido la mirada habitual al tema del nazismo en América Latina), al indagar en las corrientes ocultas del esoterismo nazi y al explorar la presencia nazi en América Latina, las novelas de Posse buscan revelar los fundamentos religiosos, filosóficos y existenciales del nazismo y, de paso, explorar temas relacionados con la modernidad y la identidad latinoamericana.
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    Plegados: Bolaño, la contracultura y "la sombra de Lovecraft dormitando en un rincón" y sobre la operación de la poesía o poema arrugado. Superponga uno sobre otro y vea qué pasa: ¿Qué ve?
    Holas, I ; Holas, S ; Alfaro, C ; Acero, N (Universidad de Playa Ancha; Editorial Puntángeles; Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2023)
    Con una propuesta fresca y arriesgada, ¿Qué hay detrás de la ventana? Letra/Imagen/Música/Arte x Roberto Bolaño apela a los sentidos con escritos, fotografías, melodías, ilustraciones y visualidades interactivas (pop up, códigos QR) que desafían al lector con una estética dinámica. Un concierto de escritores, artistas, músicos, guionistas, editores y académicos se reúnen como lectores entusiastas y homenajean la obra de Roberto Bolaño, festejando los setenta años de su nacimiento, veinticinco años de la publicación de su libro clave, Los detectives salvajes, y conmemorando los veinte años de su muerte. Una mixtura de formas se vinculan como nunca antes, distintas expresiones artísticas a base de su obra. El conjunto de voces de todo el orbe es variado y disímil en formato y perspectiva, con fraternidad y admiración, también con parodias y discusiones que posicionan a Roberto Bolaño como un escritor de talla mundial.
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    LFG and Australian languages
    Nordlinger, R ; Dalrymple, M (Language Science Press, 2023)
    Australian languages exhibit many interesting grammatical properties and have featured in LFG-related research since the earliest days of the framework. In this chapter I survey the features of Australian languages that have featured most prominently in work within LFG, and show how they argue strongly for the parallel architecture of LFG and in particular the separation of functional relations at f-structure from phrasal constituency and linearity at c-structure. These morphosyntactic features include non-configurationality and flexible word order, the role of morphology in encoding grammatical relations, case stacking, valence-changing phenomena and complex predicates. I show how the flexibility afforded by LFG’s parallel architecture, which separates c-structure from f-structure with a many-to-many mapping between them, allows for a natural and explanatory account of these properties of Australian languages. In return, the empirical questions prompted by these theoretical analyses and their predictions have led to a more detailed understanding of the intricate grammatical structures of various Australian languages, and explain the appeal of the LFG formalism for fieldworkers engaged in Australian language documentation.
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    Transgressing Literary Norms in Véronique Tadjo’s En compagnie des hommes
    Wimbush, A ; Kačkutė, E ; Averis, K ; Mao, C (Brill, 2020-07-01)
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    Resistance and Rebellion in Gisèle Pineau’s Paroles de terre en larmes
    Wimbush, A ; Connell, L ; Gras, D (Lexington Books, 2022-10)
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    Bembo to Barbetta: Lutes, Lutenists and Luthiers in Cinquecento Padua
    Griffiths, J ; Cassia, C (Libreria Musicale Italiana, 2023)
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    Cifras y letras: el significado de las tablaturas
    Griffiths, J ; Esteve, E ; Griffiths, J ; Rodilla, F (Reichenberger, 2023)
    Until around 1750, more than 70,000 musical works are preserved in alternative notations to the conventional mensural. These tablatures preserve music for more than forty instruments, including the human voice. For the past almost ten years, we have conducted a research project on this alternative notation, in all its variants, from the widely accepted mainstream forms to the more idiosyncratic and little-used experiments. The extensive study has revealed what all these notations have in common. In this paper we explore the nature of tablature, the essence of its graphic system, the contemporary challenges to renewing the associated terminology, the marginalisation of tablature music from our cultural heritage, and the historiographical problems produced by the near-total exclusion of such a large repertoire from musicological thinking. What we have learned through this project is that tablature is much more than a simple notation for "playing by numbers," it is an alternative way of thinking about music and transmitting it. We have also learned the special functions of tablature, what could be written in tablature that was impossible in conventional notation, and the roles played by these tablatures in the social fabric of music, from their use as scores to facilitating the popular transmission of elite repertoires.
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    Griffiths, J ; Borghetti, V ; Shephard, T (Brepols, 2023-02-28)
    This book collates 100 exhibits with accompanying essays as an imaginary museum dedicated to the musical cultures of Renaissance Europe, at home and in its global horizons.
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    Hypothetically Speaking: Ethics in linguistic fieldwork, a provocation
    MUSGRAVE, S ; Thieberger, N ; Derhemi, E ; Moseley, C (Routledge, 2023-03-06)
    Ethical issues are not always easily resolved. In the case of language documentation work, such issues require careful thought to ensure that all parties to a research process are informed and are able to participate equally, or to the level that they want, in the research process. While there is a considerable literature on ethics and fieldwork, here we present some of the issues in the form of an entertaining hypothetical discussion, presented as part of the social program at a conference of the Australian Linguistic Society with a cast who were given an outline of their roles, but not the scenarios that they would have to address in the course of the event. At the request of cast members, and in keeping with the topic, we did not record the presentation, but do offer the script here in the hope that it provides a less didactic coverage of some ethical issues than may be found elsewhere. We are pleased to be able to offer this chapter in celebration of Nick Ostler’s career and of his support for many language projects around the world. We hope this chapter’s entertainment can live up to Nick’s entertaining conversation in conference presentations and dinners.