School of Languages and Linguistics - Research Publications

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    On the end of translation studies as we know it
    Pym, A (Humanities Commons, 2024)
    Despite recent debates about the origins of translation studies, it is far more important and indeed urgent to consider how the discipline might fade away and eventually disappear. Here I consider a scenario of demise, some possible causes, and actions to take.
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    Nyingarn: Supporting Australian Indigenous languages from textual sources1
    Thieberger, N ; Lewincamp, S ; Rosa, ML (IEEE, 2023-01-01)
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    Fatal flaws? Investigating the effects of machine translation errors on audience reception in the audiovisual context
    Qiu, J ; Pym, A (Taylor & Francis, 2024-03-13)
    This study reports on an experiment where machine translation errors in subtitling are evaluated from the perspective of nine viewers who did not know the source language and seven viewers who were studying the source language. Screen recordings, think-aloud protocols, comprehension tests, and interviews were employed to explore participants’ responses and reactions to erroneous subtitles and to investigate how specific errors impacted comprehension and immersion in the viewing experience. The analysis identifies which errors were most noticed and to what extent those errors affected viewers’ trust in the subtitles. Errors causing significant misunderstanding and distrust are initially considered ‘fatal’, as they may halt viewer immersion and prompt disengagement from the audiovisual product. However, the findings highlight a remarkable tolerance of the uncertainty that results from errors, as viewers filter out misinformation or draw on other sources of information to construe and rectify their interpretations. This tolerance is explained in terms of a general trade-off with the enjoyment of the viewing experience, which varies in accordance with the viewer’s knowledge of the source language.
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    Explorations des théories de la traduction
    Pym, A (Intercultural Studies Group, 2024)
    Traduction par Hélène Jaccomard de la troisième édition du livre Exploring Translation Theories (2023) portant sur les paradigmes contemporains de la théorie occidentale de la traduction. Cette vue d'ensemble couvre les principales théories d'équivalence, de types de solution, d'objectifs, d'approches scientifiques, d'incertitude, d'automatisation et de traduction culturelle. Entièrement révisée, cette troisième édition ajoute la couverture des théories russes et ukrainiennes, des avancées en matière de traduction automatique et de la recherche sur les processus cognitifs des traducteurs.
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    Abel Posse y Miguel Serrano: dos visiones desde América Latina sobre los orígenes del nazismo
    Holas Allimant, I ; Esposto, R ; Magras, R (Editorial Biblos, 2023)
    Tras la huella estelar dejada por la obra de Roberto Bolaño (2666, La literatura nazi en América), la temática nazi ha cobrado nueva importancia en la literatura latinoamericana de las últimas décadas. La violencia y el terror han acompañado a la narrativa latinoamericana durante siglos y el interés popular por la temática nazi en la narrativa latinoamericana parece conformar un eje relativamente nuevo en la exploración de estos temas. Sin embargo, las novelas Los demonios ocultos (1987) y El viajero de Agartha (1989) de Abel Posse se adelantan a este fenómeno, que se ha visto acompañado por un creciente interés crítico por la relación entre el nazismo y la cultura argentina , por varias décadas. Como si se tratase de una sincronicidad junguiana , durante el mismo período en el que Posse escribe estas novelas, en el país colindante, en el Chile del otro lado de la cordillera, Miguel Serrano está creando una obra extensa, una nueva mitología para la empresa nazi, enunciada desde el más profundo sur andino. Este escrito explora las sincronicidades latentes entre la búsqueda novelada de Abel Posse en Los demonios ocultos y El viajero de Agartha y la obra de Miguel Serrano, quien fue uno de los arquitectos del nuevo hitlerismo esotérico y del paganismo nazi internacional que, curiosamente, se ha extendido desde América del Sur al mundo. Esta ponencia defenderá la tesis de que, en lugar de destacar una mirada fetichista y pseudo-orientalista sobre el tema (desde la crítica externa esta ha sido la mirada habitual al tema del nazismo en América Latina), al indagar en las corrientes ocultas del esoterismo nazi y al explorar la presencia nazi en América Latina, las novelas de Posse buscan revelar los fundamentos religiosos, filosóficos y existenciales del nazismo y, de paso, explorar temas relacionados con la modernidad y la identidad latinoamericana.
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    Plegados: Bolaño, la contracultura y "la sombra de Lovecraft dormitando en un rincón" y sobre la operación de la poesía o poema arrugado. Superponga uno sobre otro y vea qué pasa: ¿Qué ve?
    Holas, I ; Holas, S ; Alfaro, C ; Acero, N (Universidad de Playa Ancha; Editorial Puntángeles; Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2023)
    Con una propuesta fresca y arriesgada, ¿Qué hay detrás de la ventana? Letra/Imagen/Música/Arte x Roberto Bolaño apela a los sentidos con escritos, fotografías, melodías, ilustraciones y visualidades interactivas (pop up, códigos QR) que desafían al lector con una estética dinámica. Un concierto de escritores, artistas, músicos, guionistas, editores y académicos se reúnen como lectores entusiastas y homenajean la obra de Roberto Bolaño, festejando los setenta años de su nacimiento, veinticinco años de la publicación de su libro clave, Los detectives salvajes, y conmemorando los veinte años de su muerte. Una mixtura de formas se vinculan como nunca antes, distintas expresiones artísticas a base de su obra. El conjunto de voces de todo el orbe es variado y disímil en formato y perspectiva, con fraternidad y admiración, también con parodias y discusiones que posicionan a Roberto Bolaño como un escritor de talla mundial.
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    Gender and its metaphors in Bigas Luna's posthumous film Segon origin
    Martinez-Exposito, A (ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2023-04-03)
    The classic of children’s literature in Catalan has been translated into several languages and has been adapted for radio, television and cinema. The prematurely deceased director Bigas Luna showed interest in adapting it to the cinema in the eighties, but the project did not succeed until two decades later. The relationship established between Alba and Dídac, both in Pedrolo’s novel and in the film by Bigas, has usually been interpreted as a sexual awakening with multiple metaphorical resonances. This article re-examines the metaphorical configurations of gender dynamics in the film, an aspect in which Bigas Luna’s authorial voice is not limited to adapting Pedrolo’s story, but also manages to rewrite important facets of the characters. While most of these facets can be traced back to Bigas Luna’s previous films, Second Origin can be read as an attempt to recalibrate gender identity as an epiphenomenon of cultural, territorial, and national identities.
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    Preaspiration in Italian voiceless geminate and singleton stops
    Dian, A ; Hajek, J ; Fletcher, J ; Skarnitzl, R ; Volín, J (Guarant, 2023-08-07)
    This study is the first to explore from a cross-regional perspective acoustic phonetic features of preaspiration in both voiceless geminate and singleton stops in Italian, a language for which preaspiration is most typically associated with voiceless geminate stops. Frequency of preaspiration occurrence and duration are investigated in a controlled production experiment involving twelve speakers from two regional areas with different dialect substrata. Results reveal that preaspiration occurs for both geminates and singletons in both regions, with area-specific differences in frequency possibly linked to regional differences in phonetic voicing patterns of intervocalic singletons. We conclude that preaspiration in Italian stops may be best associated with phonetic voicing status, not phonological length.
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    LFG and Australian languages
    Nordlinger, R ; Dalrymple, M (Language Science Press, 2023)
    Australian languages exhibit many interesting grammatical properties and have featured in LFG-related research since the earliest days of the framework. In this chapter I survey the features of Australian languages that have featured most prominently in work within LFG, and show how they argue strongly for the parallel architecture of LFG and in particular the separation of functional relations at f-structure from phrasal constituency and linearity at c-structure. These morphosyntactic features include non-configurationality and flexible word order, the role of morphology in encoding grammatical relations, case stacking, valence-changing phenomena and complex predicates. I show how the flexibility afforded by LFG’s parallel architecture, which separates c-structure from f-structure with a many-to-many mapping between them, allows for a natural and explanatory account of these properties of Australian languages. In return, the empirical questions prompted by these theoretical analyses and their predictions have led to a more detailed understanding of the intricate grammatical structures of various Australian languages, and explain the appeal of the LFG formalism for fieldworkers engaged in Australian language documentation.
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    First and second language speakers’ sensitivity to the distributional properties of wh-clauses: Effects of proficiency, acquisitional context, and language experience
    Domazetoska, I ; Zhao, H (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023)
    The present study investigates L1 and L2 English speakers’ knowledge of the wh-clausal construction along the parameters of (a) conventionality, distinguishing between high-frequency conventional and low-frequency unconventional formulations (I asked him why they agreed/why did they agree), and (b) proposition type, differentiating between interrogative versus non-interrogative proposition types (I asked / told him why they agreed). We also consider the extent to which L2 speakers’ constructional knowledge is influenced by learners’ target language experience, such as L2 proficiency, context of L2 learning (ESL or EFL), and target language exposure. Results from a judgment task revealed nuances in L1-L2 discriminatory capacities, and more importantly, differences in sensitivity to proposition type between the ESL and EFL group, but no L2 differences in sensitivity to conventionality. L2 proficiency, speakers’ length of target immersion experience, and classroom exposure were shown to also impact linguistic sensitivity, highlighting a moderating effect of target language exposure and an important role for classroom instruction.