School of Earth Sciences - Theses

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    The thermotectonic evolution of the northern precambrian shield, Western Australia
    Weber, Ursula D. ( 2002)
    Reconnaissance 40Ar/39Ar dating of K-feldspars and muscovites, and fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry on apatites has been applied to ~1 X 106 km2 of the northern Western Australian Shield. The study area includes the Archaean northern Yilgarn Craton and Pilbara Craton, and the intervening Proterozoic basins. The geomorphology of the study area also reveals a subdued relief, which is characteristic for Australian cratonic landscapes. The fact that the shield consists entirely of Precambrian rocks with low topographic relief has led to the widely held view that the West Australian Shield has been tectonically stable for a long period of time. (From Abstract)