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    sunny-as2: Enhancing sunny for algorithm selection
    Liu, T ; Amadini, R ; Gabbrielli, M ; Mauro, J (AI Access Foundation, 2021-01-01)
    SUNNY is an Algorithm Selection (AS) technique originally tailored for Constraint Programming (CP). SUNNY is based on the k-nearest neighbors algorithm and enables one to schedule, from a portfolio of solvers, a subset of solvers to be run on a given CP problem. This approach has proved to be effective for CP problems. In 2015, the ASlib benchmarks were released for comparing AS systems coming from disparate fields (e.g., ASP, QBF, and SAT) and SUNNY was extended to deal with generic AS problems. This led to the development of sunny-as, a prototypical algorithm selector based on SUNNY for ASlib scenarios. A major improvement of sunny-as, called sunny-as2, was then submitted to the Open Algorithm Selection Challenge (OASC) in 2017, where it turned out to be the best approach for the runtime minimization of decision problems. In this work we present the technical advancements of sunny-as2, by detailing through several empirical evaluations and by providing new insights. Its current version, built on the top of the preliminary version submitted to OASC, is able to outperform sunny-as and other state-of-the-art AS methods, including those who did not attend the challenge.
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    Survival prediction of trauma patients: a study on US National Trauma Data Bank
    Sefrioui, I ; Amadini, R ; Mauro, J ; El Fallahi, A ; Gabbrielli, M (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2017-12)
    BACKGROUND: Exceptional circumstances like major incidents or natural disasters may cause a huge number of victims that might not be immediately and simultaneously saved. In these cases it is important to define priorities avoiding to waste time and resources for not savable victims. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) methodology is the well-known and standard system usually used by practitioners to predict the survival probability of trauma patients. However, practitioners have noted that the accuracy of TRISS predictions is unacceptable especially for severely injured patients. Thus, alternative methods should be proposed. METHODS: In this work we evaluate different approaches for predicting whether a patient will survive or not according to simple and easily measurable observations. We conducted a rigorous, comparative study based on the most important prediction techniques using real clinical data of the US National Trauma Data Bank. RESULTS: Empirical results show that well-known Machine Learning classifiers can outperform the TRISS methodology. Based on our findings, we can say that the best approach we evaluated is Random Forest: it has the best accuracy, the best area under the curve, and k-statistic, as well as the second-best sensitivity and specificity. It has also a good calibration curve. Furthermore, its performance monotonically increases as the dataset size grows, meaning that it can be very effective to exploit incoming knowledge. Considering the whole dataset, it is always better than TRISS. Finally, we implemented a new tool to compute the survival of victims. This will help medical practitioners to obtain a better accuracy than the TRISS tools. CONCLUSION: Random Forests may be a good candidate solution for improving the predictions on survival upon the standard TRISS methodology.
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    Abstract interpretation, symbolic execution and constraints
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, P ; de Boer, F ; Mauro, J (Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2020)
    Abstract interpretation is a static analysis framework for sound over-approximation of all possible runtime states of a program. Symbolic execution is a framework for reachability analysis which tries to explore all possible execution paths of a program. A shared feature between abstract interpretation and symbolic execution is that each – implicitly or explicitly – maintains constraints during execution, in the form of invariants or path conditions. We investigate the relations between the worlds of abstract interpretation, symbolic execution and constraint solving, to expose potential synergies.
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    Dashed Strings and the Replace(-all) Constraint
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ (Springer International Publishing, 2020)
    Dashed strings are a formalism for modelling the domain of string variables when solving combinatorial problems with string constraints. In this work we focus on (variants of) the Replace constraint, which aims to find the first occurrence of a query string in a target string, and (possibly) replaces it with a new string. We define a Replace propagator which can also handle Replace-Last (for replacing the last occurrence) and Replace-All (for replacing all the occurrences). Empirical results clearly show that string constraint solving can draw great benefit from this approach.
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    Dashed strings for string constraint solving
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ (Elsevier, 2020-12-01)
    String processing is ubiquitous across computer science, and arguably more so in web programming — where it is also a critical part of security issues such as injection attacks. In recent years, a number of string solvers have been developed to solve combinatorial problems involving string variables and constraints. We examine the dashed string approach to string constraint solving, which represents an unknown string as a sequence of blocks of characters with bounds on their cardinalities. The solving approach relies on propagation of information about the blocks of characters that arise from reasoning about the constraints in which they occur. This approach shows promising performance on many benchmarks involving constraints like string length, equality, concatenation, and regular expression membership. In this paper, we formally review the definition, the properties and the use of dashed strings for string constraint solving, and we provide an empirical validation that confirms the effectiveness of this approach.
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    A novel approach to string constraint solving
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ ; Tack, G ; Beck, JC (Springer, 2017-01-01)
    String processing is ubiquitous across computer science, and arguably more so in web programming. In order to reason about programs manipulating strings we need to solve constraints over strings. In Constraint Programming, the only approaches we are aware for representing string variables—having bounded yet possibly unknown size—degrade when the maximum possible string length becomes too large. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach that decouples the size of the string representation from its maximum length. The domain of a string variable is dynamically represented by a simplified regular expression that we called a dashed string, and the constraint solving relies on propagation of information based on equations between dashed strings. We implemented this approach in G-Strings, a new string solver—built on top of Gecode solver—that already shows some promising results.
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    Sweep-based propagation for string constraint solving
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2018-01-01)
    Solving constraints over strings is an emerging important field. Recently, a Constraint Programming approach based on dashed strings has been proposed to enable a compact domain representation for potentially large bounded-length string variables. In this paper, we present a more efficient algorithm for propagating equality (and related constraints) over dashed strings. We call this propagation sweep-based. Experimental evidences show that sweep-based propagation is able to significantly outperform state-of-the-art approaches for string constraint solving.
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    Propagating lex, find and replace with dashed strings
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ ; van Hoeve, W-J (Springer International Publishing, 2018-01-01)
    Dashed strings have been recently proposed in Constraint Programming to represent the domain of string variables when solving combinatorial problems over strings. This approach showed promising performance on some classes of string problems, involving constraints like string equality and concatenation. However, there are a number of string constraints for which no propagator has yet been defined. In this paper, we show how to propagate lexicographic ordering (lex), find and replace with dashed strings. All of these are fundamental string operations: lex is the natural total order over strings, while find and replace are frequently used in string manipulation. We show that these propagators, that we implemented in G-Strings solver, allows us to be competitive with state-of-the-art approaches.
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    Propagating Regular membership with dashed strings
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ ; Hooker, J (Springer Nature, 2018-01-01)
    Using dashed strings is an approach recently introduced in Constraint Programming (CP) to represent the domain of string variables, when solving combinatorial problems with string constraints. One of the most important string constraints is that of regular membership: regular (x, R) imposes string x to be a member of the regular language defined by automaton R. The regular constraint is useful for specifying complex constraints on fixed length finite sequences, and regularly appears in CP models. Dealing with regular is also desirable in software testing and verification, because regular expressions are often used in modern programming languages for pattern matching. In this paper, we define a regular propagator for dashed string solvers. We show that this propagator, implemented in the G-Strings solver, is substantially better than the current state-of-the-art. We also demonstrate that many regular constraints appearing in string solving benchmarks can actually be tackled by dashed strings solvers without explicitly using REGULAR.
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    MiniZinc with Strings
    Amadini, R ; Flener, P ; Pearson, J ; Scott, JD ; Stuckey, PJ ; Tack, G ; Hermenegildo, MV ; LopezGarcia, P (SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2017-01-01)
    Strings are extensively used in modern programming languages and constraints over strings of unknown length occur in a wide range of real-world applications such as software analysis and verification, testing, model checking, and web security. Nevertheless, practically no constraint programming solver natively supports string constraints. We introduce string variables and a suitable set of string constraints as builtin features of the MiniZinc modelling language. Furthermore, we define an interpreter for converting a MiniZinc model with strings into a FlatZinc instance relying only on integer variables. This conversion is obtained via rewrite rules, and does not require any extension of the existing FlatZinc specification. This provides a user-friendly interface for modelling combinatorial problems with strings, and enables both string and non-string solvers to actually solve such problems.