Computing and Information Systems - Research Publications

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    Abstract Interpretation over Non-Lattice Abstract Domains
    Gange, G ; Navas, JA ; Schachte, P ; Søndergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Logozzo, F ; Fahndrich, M (Springer, 2013)
    The classical theoretical framework for static analysis of programs is abstract interpretation. Much of the power and elegance of that framework rests on the assumption that an abstract domain is a lattice. Nonetheless, and for good reason, the literature on program analysis provides many examples of non-lattice domains, including non-convex numeric domains. The lack of domain structure, however, has negative consequences, both for the precision of program analysis and for the termination of standard Kleene iteration. In this paper we explore these consequences and present general remedies.
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    Synthesizing Optimal Switching Lattices
    Gange, G ; Søndergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ (Association for Computing Machinery, 2014-11)
    The use of nanoscale technologies to create electronic devices has revived interest in the use of regular structures for defining complex logic functions. One such structure is the switching lattice, a two-dimensional lattice of four-terminal switches. We show how to directly construct switching lattices of polynomial size from arbitrary logic functions; we also show how to synthesize minimal-sized lattices by translating the problem to the satisfiability problem for a restricted class of quantified Boolean formulas. The synthesis method is an anytime algorithm that uses modern SAT solving technology and dichotomic search. It improves considerably on an earlier proposal for creating switching lattices for arbitrary logic functions.
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    BetaSearch: a new method for querying β-residue motifs.
    Ho, HK ; Gange, G ; Kuiper, MJ ; Ramamohanarao, K (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2012-07-30)
    BACKGROUND: Searching for structural motifs across known protein structures can be useful for identifying unrelated proteins with similar function and characterising secondary structures such as β-sheets. This is infeasible using conventional sequence alignment because linear protein sequences do not contain spatial information. β-residue motifs are β-sheet substructures that can be represented as graphs and queried using existing graph indexing methods, however, these approaches are designed for general graphs that do not incorporate the inherent structural constraints of β-sheets and require computationally-expensive filtering and verification procedures. 3D substructure search methods, on the other hand, allow β-residue motifs to be queried in a three-dimensional context but at significant computational costs. FINDINGS: We developed a new method for querying β-residue motifs, called BetaSearch, which leverages the natural planar constraints of β-sheets by indexing them as 2D matrices, thus avoiding much of the computational complexities involved with structural and graph querying. BetaSearch exhibits faster filtering, verification, and overall query time than existing graph indexing approaches whilst producing comparable index sizes. Compared to 3D substructure search methods, BetaSearch achieves 33 and 240 times speedups over index-based and pairwise alignment-based approaches, respectively. Furthermore, we have presented case-studies to demonstrate its capability of motif matching in sequentially dissimilar proteins and described a method for using BetaSearch to predict β-strand pairing. CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated that BetaSearch is a fast method for querying substructure motifs. The improvements in speed over existing approaches make it useful for efficiently performing high-volume exploratory querying of possible protein substructural motifs or conformations. BetaSearch was used to identify a nearly identical β-residue motif between an entirely synthetic (Top7) and a naturally-occurring protein (Charcot-Leyden crystal protein), as well as identifying structural similarities between biotin-binding domains of avidin, streptavidin and the lipocalin gamma subunit of human C8.
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    A complete refinement procedure for regular separability of context-free languages
    Gange, G ; Navas, JA ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016-04-25)
    Often, when analyzing the behaviour of systems modelled as context-free languages, we wish to know if two languages overlap. To this end, we present a class of semi-decision procedures for regular separability of context-free languages, based on counter-example guided abstraction refinement. We propose two effective instances of this approach, one that is complete but relatively expensive, and one that is inexpensive and sound, but for which we do not have a completeness proof. The complete method will prove disjointness whenever the input languages are regularly separable. Both methods will terminate whenever the input languages overlap. We provide an experimental evaluation of these procedures, and demonstrate their practicality on a range of verification and language-theoretic instances.
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    A novel approach to string constraint solving
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ ; Tack, G ; Beck, JC (Springer, 2017-01-01)
    String processing is ubiquitous across computer science, and arguably more so in web programming. In order to reason about programs manipulating strings we need to solve constraints over strings. In Constraint Programming, the only approaches we are aware for representing string variables—having bounded yet possibly unknown size—degrade when the maximum possible string length becomes too large. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach that decouples the size of the string representation from its maximum length. The domain of a string variable is dynamically represented by a simplified regular expression that we called a dashed string, and the constraint solving relies on propagation of information based on equations between dashed strings. We implemented this approach in G-Strings, a new string solver—built on top of Gecode solver—that already shows some promising results.
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    Sweep-based propagation for string constraint solving
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2018-01-01)
    Solving constraints over strings is an emerging important field. Recently, a Constraint Programming approach based on dashed strings has been proposed to enable a compact domain representation for potentially large bounded-length string variables. In this paper, we present a more efficient algorithm for propagating equality (and related constraints) over dashed strings. We call this propagation sweep-based. Experimental evidences show that sweep-based propagation is able to significantly outperform state-of-the-art approaches for string constraint solving.
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    Propagating lex, find and replace with dashed strings
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ ; van Hoeve, W-J (Springer International Publishing, 2018-01-01)
    Dashed strings have been recently proposed in Constraint Programming to represent the domain of string variables when solving combinatorial problems over strings. This approach showed promising performance on some classes of string problems, involving constraints like string equality and concatenation. However, there are a number of string constraints for which no propagator has yet been defined. In this paper, we show how to propagate lexicographic ordering (lex), find and replace with dashed strings. All of these are fundamental string operations: lex is the natural total order over strings, while find and replace are frequently used in string manipulation. We show that these propagators, that we implemented in G-Strings solver, allows us to be competitive with state-of-the-art approaches.
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    Propagating Regular membership with dashed strings
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Stuckey, PJ ; Hooker, J (Springer Nature, 2018-01-01)
    Using dashed strings is an approach recently introduced in Constraint Programming (CP) to represent the domain of string variables, when solving combinatorial problems with string constraints. One of the most important string constraints is that of regular membership: regular (x, R) imposes string x to be a member of the regular language defined by automaton R. The regular constraint is useful for specifying complex constraints on fixed length finite sequences, and regularly appears in CP models. Dealing with regular is also desirable in software testing and verification, because regular expressions are often used in modern programming languages for pattern matching. In this paper, we define a regular propagator for dashed string solvers. We show that this propagator, implemented in the G-Strings solver, is substantially better than the current state-of-the-art. We also demonstrate that many regular constraints appearing in string solving benchmarks can actually be tackled by dashed strings solvers without explicitly using REGULAR.
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    Constraint Programming for Dynamic Symbolic Execution of JavaScript
    Amadini, R ; Andrlon, M ; Gange, G ; Schachte, P ; Søndergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Rousseau, LM ; Stergiou, K (Springer, 2019-01-01)
    Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) combines concrete and symbolic execution, usually for the purpose of generating good test suites automatically. It relies on constraint solvers to solve path conditions and to generate new inputs to explore. DSE tools usually make use of SMT solvers for constraint solving. In this paper, we show that constraint programming (CP) is a powerful alternative or complementary technique for DSE. Specifically, we apply CP techniques for DSE of JavaScript, the de facto standard for web programming. We capture the JavaScript semantics with MiniZinc and integrate this approach into a tool we call Aratha. We use G-Strings, a CP solver equipped with string variables, for solving path conditions, and we compare the performance of this approach against state-of-the-art SMT solvers. Experimental results, in terms of both speed and coverage, show the benefits of our approach, thus opening new research vistas for using CP techniques in the service of program analysis.
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    Reference Abstract Domains and Applications to String Analysis
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Gauthier, F ; Jordan, A ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Zhang, C (IOS Press, 2018-02-09)
    Abstract interpretation is a well established theory that supports reasoning about the run-time behaviour of programs. It achieves tractable reasoning by considering abstractions of run-time states, rather than the states themselves. The chosen set of abstractions is referred to as the abstract domain. We develop a novel framework for combining (a possibly large number of) abstract domains. It achieves the effect of the so-called reduced product without requiring a quadratic number of functions to translate information among abstract domains. A central notion is a reference domain, a medium for information exchange. Our approach suggests a novel and simpler way to manage the integration of large numbers of abstract domains. We instantiate our framework in the context of string analysis. Browser-embedded dynamic programming languages such as JavaScript and PHP encourage the use of strings as a universal data type for both code and data values. The ensuing vulnerabilities have made string analysis a focus of much recent research. String analysis tends to combine many elementary string abstract domains, each designed to capture a specific aspect of strings. For this instance the set of regular languages, while too expensive to use directly for analysis, provides an attractive reference domain, enabling the efficient simulation of reduced products of multiple string abstract domains.