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    The Impact of Judgment Variability on the Consistency of Offline Effectiveness Measures
    Rashidi, L ; Zobel, J ; Moffat, A (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2024-01)
    Measurement of the effectiveness of search engines is often based on use of relevance judgments. It is well known that judgments can be inconsistent between judges, leading to discrepancies that potentially affect not only scores but also system relativities and confidence in the experimental outcomes. We take the perspective that the relevance judgments are an amalgam of perfect relevance assessments plus errors; making use of a model of systematic errors in binary relevance judgments that can be tuned to reflect the kind of judge that is being used, we explore the behavior of measures of effectiveness as error is introduced. Using a novel methodology in which we examine the distribution of “true” effectiveness measurements that could be underlying measurements based on sets of judgments that include error, we find that even moderate amounts of error can lead to conclusions such as orderings of systems that statistical tests report as significant but are nonetheless incorrect. Further, in these results the widely used recall-based measures AP and NDCG are notably more fragile in the presence of judgment error than is the utility-based measure RBP, but all the measures failed under even moderate error rates. We conclude that knowledge of likely error rates in judgments is critical to interpretation of experimental outcomes.
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    Can machine translation systems be evaluated by the crowd alone
    Graham, Y ; Baldwin, T ; Moffat, A ; Zobel, J (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 2017-01)
    Abstract Crowd-sourced assessments of machine translation quality allow evaluations to be carried out cheaply and on a large scale. It is essential, however, that the crowd's work be filtered to avoid contamination of results through the inclusion of false assessments. One method is to filter via agreement with experts, but even amongst experts agreement levels may not be high. In this paper, we present a new methodology for crowd-sourcing human assessments of translation quality, which allows individual workers to develop their own individual assessment strategy. Agreement with experts is no longer required, and a worker is deemed reliable if they are consistent relative to their own previous work. Individual translations are assessed in isolation from all others in the form of direct estimates of translation quality. This allows more meaningful statistics to be computed for systems and enables significance to be determined on smaller sets of assessments. We demonstrate the methodology's feasibility in large-scale human evaluation through replication of the human evaluation component of Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation shared translation task for two language pairs, Spanish-to-English and English-to-Spanish. Results for measurement based solely on crowd-sourced assessments show system rankings in line with those of the original evaluation. Comparison of results produced by the relative preference approach and the direct estimate method described here demonstrate that the direct estimate method has a substantially increased ability to identify significant differences between translation systems.
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    Efficient Extended Boolean Retrieval
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    Inverted files for text search engines
    Zobel, J ; Moffat, A (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2006)
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    A pipelined architecture for distributed text query evaluation
    Moffat, A ; Webber, W ; Zobel, J ; Baeza-Yates, R (SPRINGER, 2007-06)
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    A Similarity Measure for Indefinite Rankings
    Webber, W ; Moffat, A ; Zobel, J (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2010-11)
    Ranked lists are encountered in research and daily life and it is often of interest to compare these lists even when they are incomplete or have only some members in common. An example is document rankings returned for the same query by different search engines. A measure of the similarity between incomplete rankings should handle nonconjointness, weight high ranks more heavily than low, and be monotonic with increasing depth of evaluation; but no measure satisfying all these criteria currently exists. In this article, we propose a new measure having these qualities, namely rank-biased overlap (RBO). The RBO measure is based on a simple probabilistic user model. It provides monotonicity by calculating, at a given depth of evaluation, a base score that is non-decreasing with additional evaluation, and a maximum score that is nonincreasing. An extrapolated score can be calculated between these bounds if a point estimate is required. RBO has a parameter which determines the strength of the weighting to top ranks. We extend RBO to handle tied ranks and rankings of different lengths. Finally, we give examples of the use of the measure in comparing the results produced by public search engines and in assessing retrieval systems in the laboratory.
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    Rank-Biased Precision for Measurement of Retrieval Effectiveness
    Moffat, A ; Zobel, J (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2009)
    A range of methods for measuring the effectiveness of information retrieval systems has been proposed. These are typically intended to provide a quantitative single-value summary of a document ranking relative to a query. However, many of these measures have failings. For example, recall is not well founded as a measure of satisfaction, since the user of an actual system cannot judge recall. Average precision is derived from recall, and suffers from the same problem. In addition, average precision lacks key stability properties that are needed for robust experiments. In this article, we introduce a new effectiveness metric, rank-biased precision , that avoids these problems. Rank-biased pre-cision is derived from a simple model of user behavior, is robust if answer rankings are extended to greater depths, and allows accurate quantification of experimental uncertainty, even when only partial relevance judgments are available.
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    Efficient online index construction for text databases
    Lester, N ; Moffat, A ; Zobel, J (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2008-08)
    Inverted index structures are a core element of current text retrieval systems. They can be constructed quickly using offline approaches, in which one or more passes are made over a static set of input data, and, at the completion of the process, an index is available for querying. However, there are search environments in which even a small delay in timeliness cannot be tolerated, and the index must always be queryable and up to date. Here we describe and analyze a geometric partitioning mechanism for online index construction that provides a range of tradeoffs between costs, and can be adapted to different balances of insertion and querying operations. Detailed experimental results are provided that show the extent of these tradeoffs, and that these new methods can yield substantial savings in online indexing costs.