Computing and Information Systems - Research Publications

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    Lightweight Nontermination Inference with CHCs
    Kafle, B ; Gange, G ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Calinescu, R ; Pasareanu, CS (SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2021)
    Non-termination is an unwanted program property (considered a bug) for some software systems, and a safety property for other systems. In either case, automated discovery of preconditions for non-termination is of interest. We introduce NtHorn, a fast lightweight non-termination analyser, able to deduce non-trivial sufficient conditions for non-termination. Using Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs) as a vehicle, we show how established techniques for CHC program transformation and abstract interpretation can be exploited for the purpose of non-termination analysis. NtHorn is comparable in power to the state-of-the-art non-termination analysis tools, as measured on standard competition benchmark suites (consisting of integer manipulating programs), while typically solving problems an order of magnitude faster.
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    Disjunctive Interval Analysis
    Gange, G ; Navas, JA ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Dragoi, C ; Mukherjee, S ; Namjoshi, K (SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2021)
    We revisit disjunctive interval analysis based on the Boxes abstract domain. We propose the use of what we call range decision diagrams (RDDs) to implement Boxes, and we provide algorithms for the necessary RDD operations. RDDs tend to be more compact than the linear decision diagrams (LDDs) that have traditionally been used for Boxes. Representing information more directly, RDDs also allow for the implementation of more accurate abstract operations. This comes at no cost in terms of analysis efficiency, whether LDDs utilise dynamic variable ordering or not. RDD and LDD implementations are available in the Crab analyzer, and our experiments confirm that RDDs are well suited for disjunctive interval analysis.
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    Abstract Interpretation over Non-Lattice Abstract Domains
    Gange, G ; Navas, JA ; Schachte, P ; Søndergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Logozzo, F ; Fahndrich, M (Springer, 2013)
    The classical theoretical framework for static analysis of programs is abstract interpretation. Much of the power and elegance of that framework rests on the assumption that an abstract domain is a lattice. Nonetheless, and for good reason, the literature on program analysis provides many examples of non-lattice domains, including non-convex numeric domains. The lack of domain structure, however, has negative consequences, both for the precision of program analysis and for the termination of standard Kleene iteration. In this paper we explore these consequences and present general remedies.
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    Abstract interpretation, symbolic execution and constraints
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, P ; de Boer, F ; Mauro, J (Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2020)
    Abstract interpretation is a static analysis framework for sound over-approximation of all possible runtime states of a program. Symbolic execution is a framework for reachability analysis which tries to explore all possible execution paths of a program. A shared feature between abstract interpretation and symbolic execution is that each – implicitly or explicitly – maintains constraints during execution, in the form of invariants or path conditions. We investigate the relations between the worlds of abstract interpretation, symbolic execution and constraint solving, to expose potential synergies.
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    A complete refinement procedure for regular separability of context-free languages
    Gange, G ; Navas, JA ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016-04-25)
    Often, when analyzing the behaviour of systems modelled as context-free languages, we wish to know if two languages overlap. To this end, we present a class of semi-decision procedures for regular separability of context-free languages, based on counter-example guided abstraction refinement. We propose two effective instances of this approach, one that is complete but relatively expensive, and one that is inexpensive and sound, but for which we do not have a completeness proof. The complete method will prove disjointness whenever the input languages are regularly separable. Both methods will terminate whenever the input languages overlap. We provide an experimental evaluation of these procedures, and demonstrate their practicality on a range of verification and language-theoretic instances.
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    Optimal Bounds for Floating-Point Addition in Constant Time
    Andrlon, M ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Takagi, N ; Boldo, S ; Langhammer, M (IEEE, 2019-06)
    Reasoning about floating-point numbers is notoriously difficult, owing to the lack of convenient algebraic properties such as associativity. This poses a substantial challenge for program analysis and verification tools which rely on precise floating-point constraint solving. Currently, interval methods in this domain often exhibit slow convergence even on simple examples. We present a new theorem supporting efficient computation of exact bounds of the intersection of a rectangle with the preimage of an interval under floating-point addition, in any radix or rounding mode. We thus give an efficient method of deducing optimal bounds on the components of an addition, solving the convergence problem.
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    Constraint Programming for Dynamic Symbolic Execution of JavaScript
    Amadini, R ; Andrlon, M ; Gange, G ; Schachte, P ; Søndergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Rousseau, LM ; Stergiou, K (Springer, 2019-01-01)
    Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) combines concrete and symbolic execution, usually for the purpose of generating good test suites automatically. It relies on constraint solvers to solve path conditions and to generate new inputs to explore. DSE tools usually make use of SMT solvers for constraint solving. In this paper, we show that constraint programming (CP) is a powerful alternative or complementary technique for DSE. Specifically, we apply CP techniques for DSE of JavaScript, the de facto standard for web programming. We capture the JavaScript semantics with MiniZinc and integrate this approach into a tool we call Aratha. We use G-Strings, a CP solver equipped with string variables, for solving path conditions, and we compare the performance of this approach against state-of-the-art SMT solvers. Experimental results, in terms of both speed and coverage, show the benefits of our approach, thus opening new research vistas for using CP techniques in the service of program analysis.
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    Reference Abstract Domains and Applications to String Analysis
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Gauthier, F ; Jordan, A ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Zhang, C (IOS Press, 2018-02-09)
    Abstract interpretation is a well established theory that supports reasoning about the run-time behaviour of programs. It achieves tractable reasoning by considering abstractions of run-time states, rather than the states themselves. The chosen set of abstractions is referred to as the abstract domain. We develop a novel framework for combining (a possibly large number of) abstract domains. It achieves the effect of the so-called reduced product without requiring a quadratic number of functions to translate information among abstract domains. A central notion is a reference domain, a medium for information exchange. Our approach suggests a novel and simpler way to manage the integration of large numbers of abstract domains. We instantiate our framework in the context of string analysis. Browser-embedded dynamic programming languages such as JavaScript and PHP encourage the use of strings as a universal data type for both code and data values. The ensuing vulnerabilities have made string analysis a focus of much recent research. String analysis tends to combine many elementary string abstract domains, each designed to capture a specific aspect of strings. For this instance the set of regular languages, while too expensive to use directly for analysis, provides an attractive reference domain, enabling the efficient simulation of reduced products of multiple string abstract domains.
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    Combining String Abstract Domains for JavaScript Analysis: An Evaluation
    Amadini, R ; Jordan, A ; Gange, G ; Gauthier, F ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; Zhang, C ; Legay, A ; Margaria, T (SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2017-01-01)
    Strings play a central role in JavaScript and similar scripting languages. Owing to dynamic features such as the eval function and dynamic property access, precise string analysis is a prerequisite for automated reasoning about practically any kind of runtime property. Although the literature presents a considerable number of abstract domains for capturing and representing specific aspects of strings, we are not aware of tools that allow flexible combination of string abstract domains. Indeed, support for string analysis is often confined to a single, dedicated string domain. In this paper we describe a framework that allows us to combine multiple string abstract domains for the analysis of JavaScript programs. It is implemented as an extension of SAFE, an open-source static analysis tool. We investigate different combinations of abstract domains that capture various aspects of strings. Our evaluation suggests that a combination of a few, simple abstract domains suffice to outperform the precision of state-of-the-art static analysis tools for JavaScript.
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    String constraint solving: past, present and future
    Amadini, R ; Gange, G ; Schachte, P ; Sondergaard, H ; Stuckey, PJ ; DeGiacomo, G ; Catala, A ; Dilkina, B ; Milano, M ; Barro, S ; Bugarin, A ; Lang, J (University of Santiago de Compostela, 2020-01-01)
    String constraint solving is an important emerging field, given the ubiquity of strings over different fields such as formal analysis, automated testing, database query processing, and cybersecurity. This paper highlights the current state-of-the-art for string constraint solving, and identifies future challenges in this field.