Computing and Information Systems - Research Publications

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    Optimizing compilation of CHR with rule priorities
    De Koninck, L ; Stuckey, PJ ; Duck, GJ ; Garrigue, J ; Hermenegildo, M (Springer, 2008-05-14)
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    Telecommunications feature subscription as a partial order constraint problem
    CODISH, M. ; LAGOON, V. ; STUCKEY, P. (Springer Verlag, 2008)
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    Smooth Linear Approximation of Non-overlap Constraints
    Gange, G ; Marriott, K ; Stuckey, PJ ; Stapleton, G ; Howse, J ; Lee, J (SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2008)
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    Modelling for lazy clause generation
    Ohrimenko, O ; Stuckey, PJ (Australian Computer Society, 2008-12-01)
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    The core concept for 0/1 integer programming
    Huston, S ; Puchinger, J ; Stuckey, P (Australian Computer Society, 2008-12-01)
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    The Evolving World of MiniZinc
    STUCKEY, P ; BECKET, R ; BRAND, S ; BROWN, M ; FEYDY, T ; FISCHER, J ; Garcia de la Banda, ; Marriott, ; Wallace, (The Association for Constraint Programming, 2009)
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    Dynamic Analysis of Bounds Versus Domain Propagation
    Schulte, C ; Stuckey, PJ ; DelaBanda, MG ; Pontelli, E (Springer, 2008-12-01)
    Constraint propagation solvers interleave propagation (removing impossible values from variable domains) with search. Previously, Schulte and Stuckey introduced the use of static analysis to determine where in a constraint program domain propagators can be replaced by more efficient bounds propagators and still ensure that the same search space is traversed. This paper introduces a dynamic yet considerably simpler approach to uncover the same information. The information is obtained by a linear time traversal of an analysis graph that straightforwardly reflects the properties of propagators implementing constraints. Experiments confirm that the simple dynamic method is efficient and that it can be used interleaved with search, taking advantage of the simplification of the constraint graph that arises from search.
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    Demand-Driven Normalisation for ACD Term Rewriting
    De Koninck, L ; Duck, GJ ; Stuckey, PJ ; Hill, PM ; Warren, DS (Springer, 2009-09-14)
    ACD Term Rewriting (ACDTR) is term rewriting modulo associativity, commutativity, and a limited form of distributivity called conjunctive context. Previous work presented an implementation for ACDTR based on bottom-up eager normalisation, extended to support the conjunctive context. This paper investigates the possibility of using a demand-driven normalisation strategy for ACDTR. Again, dealing with the conjunctive context proves to be challenging. The alternative normalisation strategy is compared with the current form of eager normalisation and potential further improvements on the strategy are investigated.
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    A Declarative Encoding of Telecommunications Feature Subscription in SAT
    Codish, M ; Genaim, S ; Stuckey, PJ (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2009)
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    Maintaining State in Propagation Solvers
    Reischuk, RM ; Schulte, C ; Stuckey, PJ ; Tack, G ; Gent, IP (Springer, 2009-11-02)
    Constraint propagation solvers interleave propagation, removing impossible values from variable domains, with search. The solver state is modified during propagation. But search requires the solver to return to a previous state. Hence a propagation solver must determine how to maintain state during propagation and forward and backward search. This paper sets out the possible ways in which a propagation solver can choose to maintain state, and the restrictions that such choices place on the resulting system. Experiments illustrate the result of various choices for the three principle state components of a solver: variables, propagators, and dependencies between them. This paper also provides the first realistic comparison of trailing versus copying for state restoration.