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    Benchmarks for measurement of duplicate detection methods in nucleotide databases
    Chen, Q ; Zobel, J ; Verspoor, K (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2023-12-18)
    UNLABELLED: Duplication of information in databases is a major data quality challenge. The presence of duplicates, implying either redundancy or inconsistency, can have a range of impacts on the quality of analyses that use the data. To provide a sound basis for research on this issue in databases of nucleotide sequences, we have developed new, large-scale validated collections of duplicates, which can be used to test the effectiveness of duplicate detection methods. Previous collections were either designed primarily to test efficiency, or contained only a limited number of duplicates of limited kinds. To date, duplicate detection methods have been evaluated on separate, inconsistent benchmarks, leading to results that cannot be compared and, due to limitations of the benchmarks, of questionable generality. In this study, we present three nucleotide sequence database benchmarks, based on information drawn from a range of resources, including information derived from mapping to two data sections within the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB), UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot and UniProtKB/TrEMBL. Each benchmark has distinct characteristics. We quantify these characteristics and argue for their complementary value in evaluation. The benchmarks collectively contain a vast number of validated biological duplicates; the largest has nearly half a billion duplicate pairs (although this is probably only a tiny fraction of the total that is present). They are also the first benchmarks targeting the primary nucleotide databases. The records include the 21 most heavily studied organisms in molecular biology research. Our quantitative analysis shows that duplicates in the different benchmarks, and in different organisms, have different characteristics. It is thus unreliable to evaluate duplicate detection methods against any single benchmark. For example, the benchmark derived from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot mappings identifies more diverse types of duplicates, showing the importance of expert curation, but is limited to coding sequences. Overall, these benchmarks form a resource that we believe will be of great value for development and evaluation of the duplicate detection or record linkage methods that are required to help maintain these essential resources. DATABASE URL: :
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    Propagation, detection and correction of errors using the sequence database network
    Goudey, B ; Geard, N ; Verspoor, K ; Zobel, J (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2022-11)
    Nucleotide and protein sequences stored in public databases are the cornerstone of many bioinformatics analyses. The records containing these sequences are prone to a wide range of errors, including incorrect functional annotation, sequence contamination and taxonomic misclassification. One source of information that can help to detect errors are the strong interdependency between records. Novel sequences in one database draw their annotations from existing records, may generate new records in multiple other locations and will have varying degrees of similarity with existing records across a range of attributes. A network perspective of these relationships between sequence records, within and across databases, offers new opportunities to detect-or even correct-erroneous entries and more broadly to make inferences about record quality. Here, we describe this novel perspective of sequence database records as a rich network, which we call the sequence database network, and illustrate the opportunities this perspective offers for quantification of database quality and detection of spurious entries. We provide an overview of the relevant databases and describe how the interdependencies between sequence records across these databases can be exploited by network analyses. We review the process of sequence annotation and provide a classification of sources of error, highlighting propagation as a major source. We illustrate the value of a network perspective through three case studies that use network analysis to detect errors, and explore the quality and quantity of critical relationships that would inform such network analyses. This systematic description of a network perspective of sequence database records provides a novel direction to combat the proliferation of errors within these critical bioinformatics resources.
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    Exploring automatic inconsistency detection for literature-based gene ontology annotation
    Chen, J ; Goudey, B ; Zobel, J ; Geard, N ; Verspoor, K (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2022-06-24)
    MOTIVATION: Literature-based gene ontology annotations (GOA) are biological database records that use controlled vocabulary to uniformly represent gene function information that is described in the primary literature. Assurance of the quality of GOA is crucial for supporting biological research. However, a range of different kinds of inconsistencies in between literature as evidence and annotated GO terms can be identified; these have not been systematically studied at record level. The existing manual-curation approach to GOA consistency assurance is inefficient and is unable to keep pace with the rate of updates to gene function knowledge. Automatic tools are therefore needed to assist with GOA consistency assurance. This article presents an exploration of different GOA inconsistencies and an early feasibility study of automatic inconsistency detection. RESULTS: We have created a reliable synthetic dataset to simulate four realistic types of GOA inconsistency in biological databases. Three automatic approaches are proposed. They provide reasonable performance on the task of distinguishing the four types of inconsistency and are directly applicable to detect inconsistencies in real-world GOA database records. Major challenges resulting from such inconsistencies in the context of several specific application settings are reported. This is the first study to introduce automatic approaches that are designed to address the challenges in current GOA quality assurance workflows. The data underlying this article are available in Github at
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    Automatic consistency assurance for literature-based gene ontology annotation
    Chen, J ; Geard, N ; Zobel, J ; Verspoor, K (BMC, 2021-11-25)
    BACKGROUND: Literature-based gene ontology (GO) annotation is a process where expert curators use uniform expressions to describe gene functions reported in research papers, creating computable representations of information about biological systems. Manual assurance of consistency between GO annotations and the associated evidence texts identified by expert curators is reliable but time-consuming, and is infeasible in the context of rapidly growing biological literature. A key challenge is maintaining consistency of existing GO annotations as new studies are published and the GO vocabulary is updated. RESULTS: In this work, we introduce a formalisation of biological database annotation inconsistencies, identifying four distinct types of inconsistency. We propose a novel and efficient method using state-of-the-art text mining models to automatically distinguish between consistent GO annotation and the different types of inconsistent GO annotation. We evaluate this method using a synthetic dataset generated by directed manipulation of instances in an existing corpus, BC4GO. We provide detailed error analysis for demonstrating that the method achieves high precision on more confident predictions. CONCLUSIONS: Two models built using our method for distinct annotation consistency identification tasks achieved high precision and were robust to updates in the GO vocabulary. Our approach demonstrates clear value for human-in-the-loop curation scenarios.
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    Literature consistency of bioinformatics sequence databases is effective for assessing record quality
    Bouadjenek, MR ; Verspoor, K ; Zobel, J (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2017-03-18)
    UNLABELLED: Bioinformatics sequence databases such as Genbank or UniProt contain hundreds of millions of records of genomic data. These records are derived from direct submissions from individual laboratories, as well as from bulk submissions from large-scale sequencing centres; their diversity and scale means that they suffer from a range of data quality issues including errors, discrepancies, redundancies, ambiguities, incompleteness and inconsistencies with the published literature. In this work, we seek to investigate and analyze the data quality of sequence databases from the perspective of a curator, who must detect anomalous and suspicious records. Specifically, we emphasize the detection of inconsistent records with respect to the literature. Focusing on GenBank, we propose a set of 24 quality indicators, which are based on treating a record as a query into the published literature, and then use query quality predictors. We then carry out an analysis that shows that the proposed quality indicators and the quality of the records have a mutual relationship, in which one depends on the other. We propose to represent record-literature consistency as a vector of these quality indicators. By reducing the dimensionality of this representation for visualization purposes using principal component analysis, we show that records which have been reported as inconsistent with the literature fall roughly in the same area, and therefore share similar characteristics. By manually analyzing records not previously known to be erroneous that fall in the same area than records know to be inconsistent, we show that one record out of four is inconsistent with respect to the literature. This high density of inconsistent record opens the way towards the development of automatic methods for the detection of faulty records. We conclude that literature inconsistency is a meaningful strategy for identifying suspicious records. DATABASE URL:
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    Duplicates, redundancies and inconsistencies in the primary nucleotide databases: a descriptive study
    Chen, Q ; Zobel, J ; Verspoor, K (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2017-01-10)
    GenBank, the EMBL European Nucleotide Archive and the DNA DataBank of Japan, known collectively as the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration or INSDC, are the three most significant nucleotide sequence databases. Their records are derived from laboratory work undertaken by different individuals, by different teams, with a range of technologies and assumptions and over a period of decades. As a consequence, they contain a great many duplicates, redundancies and inconsistencies, but neither the prevalence nor the characteristics of various types of duplicates have been rigorously assessed. Existing duplicate detection methods in bioinformatics only address specific duplicate types, with inconsistent assumptions; and the impact of duplicates in bioinformatics databases has not been carefully assessed, making it difficult to judge the value of such methods. Our goal is to assess the scale, kinds and impact of duplicates in bioinformatics databases, through a retrospective analysis of merged groups in INSDC databases. Our outcomes are threefold: (1) We analyse a benchmark dataset consisting of duplicates manually identified in INSDC-a dataset of 67 888 merged groups with 111 823 duplicate pairs across 21 organisms from INSDC databases - in terms of the prevalence, types and impacts of duplicates. (2) We categorize duplicates at both sequence and annotation level, with supporting quantitative statistics, showing that different organisms have different prevalence of distinct kinds of duplicate. (3) We show that the presence of duplicates has practical impact via a simple case study on duplicates, in terms of GC content and melting temperature. We demonstrate that duplicates not only introduce redundancy, but can lead to inconsistent results for certain tasks. Our findings lead to a better understanding of the problem of duplication in biological databases.Database URL: the merged records are available at
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    Quality Matters: Biocuration Experts on the Impact of Duplication and Other Data Quality Issues in Biological Databases.
    Chen, Q ; Britto, R ; Erill, I ; Jeffery, CJ ; Liberzon, A ; Magrane, M ; Onami, J-I ; Robinson-Rechavi, M ; Sponarova, J ; Zobel, J ; Verspoor, K (Elsevier, 2020-04)
    Biological databases represent an extraordinary collective volume of work. Diligently built up over decades and comprising many millions of contributions from the biomedical research community, biological databases provide worldwide access to a massive number of records (also known as entries) [1]. Starting from individual laboratories, genomes are sequenced, assembled, annotated, and ultimately submitted to primary nucleotide databases such as GenBank [2], European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) [3], and DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) [4] (collectively known as the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration, INSDC). Protein records, which are the translations of these nucleotide records, are deposited into central protein databases such as the UniProt KnowledgeBase (UniProtKB) [5] and the Protein Data Bank (PDB) [6]. Sequence records are further accumulated into different databases for more specialized purposes: RFam [7] and PFam [8] for RNA and protein families, respectively; DictyBase [9] and PomBase [10] for model organisms; as well as ArrayExpress [11] and Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) [12] for gene expression profiles. These databases are selected as examples; the list is not intended to be exhaustive. However, they are representative of biological databases that have been named in the “golden set” of the 24th Nucleic Acids Research database issue (in 2016). The introduction of that issue highlights the databases that “consistently served as authoritative, comprehensive, and convenient data resources widely used by the entire community and offer some lessons on what makes a successful database” [13]. In addition, the associated information about sequences is also propagated into non-sequence databases, such as PubMed ( for scientific literature or Gene Ontology (GO) [14] for function annotations. These databases in turn benefit individual studies, many of which use these publicly available records as the basis for their own research.
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    Automated assessment of biological database assertions using the scientific literature
    Bouadjenek, MR ; Zobel, J ; Verspoor, K (BMC, 2019-04-29)
    Background The large biological databases such as GenBank contain vast numbers of records, the content of which is substantively based on external resources, including published literature. Manual curation is used to establish whether the literature and the records are indeed consistent. We explore in this paper an automated method for assessing the consistency of biological assertions, to assist biocurators, which we call BARC, Biocuration tool for Assessment of Relation Consistency. In this method a biological assertion is represented as a relation between two objects (for example, a gene and a disease); we then use our novel set-based relevance algorithm SaBRA to retrieve pertinent literature, and apply a classifier to estimate the likelihood that this relation (assertion) is correct. Results Our experiments on assessing gene–disease relations and protein–protein interactions using the PubMed Central collection show that BARC can be effective at assisting curators to perform data cleansing. Specifically, the results obtained showed that BARC substantially outperforms the best baselines, with an improvement of F-measure of 3.5% and 13%, respectively, on gene-disease relations and protein-protein interactions. We have additionally carried out a feature analysis that showed that all feature types are informative, as are all fields of the documents. Conclusions BARC provides a clear benefit for the biocuration community, as there are no prior automated tools for identifying inconsistent assertions in large-scale biological databases.
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    Exploring effective approaches for haplotype block phasing
    Al Bkhetan, Z ; Zobel, J ; Kowalczyk, A ; Verspoor, K ; Goudey, B (BMC, 2019-10-30)
    BACKGROUND: Knowledge of phase, the specific allele sequence on each copy of homologous chromosomes, is increasingly recognized as critical for detecting certain classes of disease-associated mutations. One approach for detecting such mutations is through phased haplotype association analysis. While the accuracy of methods for phasing genotype data has been widely explored, there has been little attention given to phasing accuracy at haplotype block scale. Understanding the combined impact of the accuracy of phasing tool and the method used to determine haplotype blocks on the error rate within the determined blocks is essential to conduct accurate haplotype analyses. RESULTS: We present a systematic study exploring the relationship between seven widely used phasing methods and two common methods for determining haplotype blocks. The evaluation focuses on the number of haplotype blocks that are incorrectly phased. Insights from these results are used to develop a haplotype estimator based on a consensus of three tools. The consensus estimator achieved the most accurate phasing in all applied tests. Individually, EAGLE2, BEAGLE and SHAPEIT2 alternate in being the best performing tool in different scenarios. Determining haplotype blocks based on linkage disequilibrium leads to more correctly phased blocks compared to a sliding window approach. We find that there is little difference between phasing sections of a genome (e.g. a gene) compared to phasing entire chromosomes. Finally, we show that the location of phasing error varies when the tools are applied to the same data several times, a finding that could be important for downstream analyses. CONCLUSIONS: The choice of phasing and block determination algorithms and their interaction impacts the accuracy of phased haplotype blocks. This work provides guidance and evidence for the different design choices needed for analyses using haplotype blocks. The study highlights a number of issues that may have limited the replicability of previous haplotype analysis.